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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 11:02:39

I think ur right

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 11:07:15

At 8/5/04 10:58 AM, Immortal_Flame wrote: Wise words

Wise words...good thinking.
You'll have wuite the carreer in the NGA if you're like this when you're with us : )

Next to that I just saw something weird...My cat usually keeps on sleeping, no matter how hard or loud my music is. But this new Dutch trash metal band I've found, Amon Amarth, scared him to death, lol.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 11:14:25

I'm back. It seems all it was the last few pages was level 1-8 trying to get in. Also a few arguments. And a new idea for a contest. Plus a sleeping cat! (o_O). I think there should be another b/s contest.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 11:56:10

At 8/5/04 11:14 AM, CrimsonRain wrote: I'm back. It seems all it was the last few pages was level 1-8 trying to get in. Also a few arguments. And a new idea for a contest. Plus a sleeping cat! (o_O). I think there should be another b/s contest.

Yea. No one has done anything about it yet. Nice to see you back man. These low level guys are cool...well the ones that support us...not the ones spamming and flaming. They should leave before bad things happen to them...if ya know whatb I mean. Oh, and that is no threat, that is a promise.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 13:51:39

sorry guys, but I need to talk to Quickfox, is he there?

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 13:52:59

At 8/5/04 01:51 PM, Dezkiller wrote: sorry guys, but I need to talk to Quickfox, is he there?

His AIM is NGQuikFox. Contact him there.

So what's the update on the NGARMY News 2 flash?

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 14:15:56

At 8/5/04 01:52 PM, CrimsonRain wrote: So what's the update on the NGARMY News 2 flash?

I dont know... paulz said he had stuff laying all around in a mess, so it seems like there has been some producing going on, but they haven't made a whole out of it, I think.

At 8/5/04 10:25 AM, Dezkiller wrote: guys I'm starting the NEHL crew, it's like a second NGAjr crew but with a different name, hope it will work!

as for now you're banned because you made a really dumb topic....not so smart

At 8/5/04 10:23 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Seems like I was right about the NGA JR being locked. TheJoe, my best Guess. Oh, and Libi, TheJoe is now MikeNelson(That dude from Mystery Science Theatre 3000).

He changed his name again. damn.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 14:18:30

At 8/5/04 10:28 AM, RedcoatFoamy wrote: make me bitch im gonna get ma foamy friends to haxx0r ur account

well theres a surprise you actualyl have friends

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 14:22:00

At 8/5/04 10:58 AM, Immortal_Flame wrote:
At 8/5/04 10:35 AM, RedcoatFoamy wrote: no why cudnt i join cuz im low level?
Hey man...ive got to wait too...one more level...

so wait does this mean for me to join this club ive got to be level 9 and you guys have to accept me???

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 14:31:10

At 8/5/04 02:22 PM, -Yoshi- wrote: so wait does this mean for me to join this club ive got to be level 9 and you guys have to accept me???

yes it does..but if you're a BBS regular with a lot of posts, we can also accept you when you're lvl8.
But for now, no. Especially since you spelled Audio Slave in your profile as Adio Slave....... >=(

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 14:33:57

yes it does..but if you're a BBS regular with a lot of posts, we can also accept you when you're lvl8.
But for now, no. Especially since you spelled Audio Slave in your profile as Adio Slave....... >=(

oh well thnx for telling me the mistake

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 14:39:09

At 8/5/04 02:15 PM, Libidinor wrote: as for now you're banned because you made a really dumb topic....not so smart

LOL, Yeah. I can't believe that she actually made a thread just to try and talk to me. I told her to either use AIM or write me an E-Mail, but no, had to make a thread. haha, God, thats just to funny. I wonder what she wanted to talk to me about.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 14:44:42

Hey can i join?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 14:47:11

At 8/5/04 02:44 PM, LockLock wrote: Hey can i join?

You know what? I'm getting tried of telling all these new users that we are not accepting member and all the details. They can learn to read the posts above them and see what kind of things are going on.

I wish them good luck. A lot of them need it.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 14:53:47

At 8/5/04 02:47 PM, QuikFox wrote:
At 8/5/04 02:44 PM, LockLock wrote: Hey can i join?
You know what? I'm getting tried of telling all these new users that we are not accepting member and all the details. They can learn to read the posts above them and see what kind of things are going on.

I wish them good luck. A lot of them need it.

ok than i'm not gonna join

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 14:55:30

At 8/5/04 02:53 PM, LockLock wrote: ok than i'm not gonna join

I never said you couldn't join. All I said was that you can look up a few posts and see what you need to do. I just didn't want to go thru the whole speel about how to join again. Geez, some people are so sensitive.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 14:57:43

oh :p
well i now what you guys are doing here
i have read some posts at the begining
of this crew

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 15:10:07

At 8/5/04 02:57 PM, LockLock wrote: oh :p
well i now what you guys are doing here
i have read some posts at the begining
of this crew

Well I did mean the posts right above your post but I'll go over it again. Follow the link in my sig to the NG Army sit and register at the forums there. It'll take a while for your account to get activated so just read the NGA rules and FAQ. Then join some usergroups. Then when your activated you need to make the mandatory "I'm New" thread in the new members forum. Then you should be in.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 15:15:49

ok, thanks for your time !

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 15:16:17

At 8/5/04 06:57 AM, Libidinor wrote: I wonder why both The joe and Dobio decided to change their names, The Joe is now Duckman and Dobio is Avril Lavigne. Something fishy is going around here.

Hmmm,how stupid can you get?


What,they're not allowed to change their names every once in a while?

They are just like every other member who likes to switch their names up..

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 15:34:14

At 8/5/04 03:10 PM, QuikFox wrote: Well I did mean the posts right above your post but I'll go over it again. Follow the link in my sig to the NG Army sit and register at the forums there. It'll take a while for your account to get activated so just read the NGA rules and FAQ. Then join some usergroups. Then when your activated you need to make the mandatory "I'm New" thread in the new members forum. Then you should be in.

How long is the average wait for getting activated because Ive been waiting for about 2 weeks and still waiting.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 15:35:46

At 8/5/04 02:57 PM, LockLock wrote: oh :p
well i now what you guys are doing here
i have read some posts at the begining
of this crew

yeah, but were not the crew we used to be, we evolved and stuff. You'll learn what we're about in no-time.
and between us
Het werd verdomme tijd dat er weer een Nederlander bijkwam!
check our HQ at www.ngarmy.com/forums and register there...
Also there you can find the missions, devisions, our own chatterboxes and forum, etc...

next to that I updated the blam list in the GBS, and I added a VP list. There'd been a lot of changes. Curious? here's the link
You'll have to log in before clicking though.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 15:38:41

At 8/5/04 03:30 PM, AvrilLavigne wrote: But I'm not Dobio, thanks for caring.

Why is your email adress dobio@newgrounds.com, then?

At 8/5/04 03:16 PM, JohnJMangini wrote: Hmmm,how stupid can you get?

yes thank you for your sweet and sensible words SPG....

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 16:29:22

At 8/5/04 04:13 PM, fbipolux wrote: Hmm, I read all the topics from page 173 to now and I could not stop laughing... So much low-levels talking and people bitching peoples trying to join the army, I think this will be fun if a moderator (example AvrilLavigne) joins the army so he/she/it can make them stop... Just saying.

we used to have a mod amongst us....john tomson. But why shouldn't the mods be able to stop them when they're not a member? they could just ban em or something. The only reason why they dont is probably because they hate us.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 16:31:59

At 8/5/04 04:13 PM, fbipolux wrote: Hmm, I read all the topics from page 173 to now and I could not stop laughing... So much low-levels talking and people bitching peoples trying to join the army, I think this will be fun if a moderator (example AvrilLavigne) joins the army so he/she/it can make them stop... Just saying.

Hmmm,I'm just saying stop,read what you posted and tell me what is wrong with it...



BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 16:35:52

At 8/5/04 04:29 PM, Libidinor wrote: The only reason why they dont is probably because they hate us.

don't feel alone you got the mafia with you in the same situation. It seems like you have to do a lot of ass kissing or getting the mods mad at you to get attention around here. too bad we got the bad attention. but what it says in the end is publicity.

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 16:38:54

hey, im new here and would be interested in joining

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 16:56:46

At 8/5/04 02:57 PM, LockLock wrote: oh :p
well i now what you guys are doing here
i have read some posts at the begining
of this crew

Hello, my fellow Lock. I bestow upon the the rank of 2nd Lieutenant.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 16:57:53

I find members that make their first BBS post in the NGA very suspicious....probably lurkering accounts.

Next to that I just got scared. My mom called saying she's coming home for a few days. Thats not really what I anticipated on, the house is currently a huge mess with beer botlles and cans laying everywhere. Crap, I better get cleaning :'(

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 17:53:58

At 8/5/04 10:36 AM, -CommunistLock- wrote:
At 8/5/04 10:35 AM, RedcoatFoamy wrote: no why cudnt i join cuz im low level?
No, you couldn't join because you are a fag, thats why.

Score one for -CommunistLock-. Simple and to the point (I hope you didn't catch shit for that one).

At 8/5/04 02:15 PM, Libidinor wrote:
At 8/5/04 10:23 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Seems like I was right about the NGA JR being locked. TheJoe, my best Guess. Oh, and Libi, TheJoe is now MikeNelson (That dude from Mystery Science Theatre 3000).
He changed his name again. damn.

Haha! Libidnor aren't you one of the commanding officers in Special Ops? It was Dobio who locked that topic (I was on-line when the little red tank appeared). As for the name changing thing Joe has been doing it for ages. Dobio seems to be following his lead.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature