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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 00:01:57

At 8/4/04 11:46 PM, nr5714k wrote: i hope none of you mind but im starting the NG Army JR . Its for those who dont meet your requirments (please dont be mad).

No problems here nr5714k, but I don't think it's us you should be worried about. I'd be more concerned about the mods locking your topic. My guess is they don't want to see a second army bivouac in the clubs & crews section but stranger things have happened.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 00:32:04

I think it is cool. Kinda a nice compliment. But I hate to tell you, but TheJoe(A mod now known as MikeNelson) Hates the NGA. He or one of the other hating mods will shut you down. If they don't, then more power to you! I consider you our allies. Anyone agree with General Recon and Myself?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 00:57:10

Can I join? I signed up two couple weeks ago when I was at lv 7 and it took me a couple days to find out that I have to be atleast lv 9. So now Im lv 9 and just for my account to be activated.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 01:00:08

At 8/5/04 12:32 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote: I think it is cool. Kinda a nice compliment. But I hate to tell you, but TheJoe(A mod now known as MikeNelson) Hates the NGA. He or one of the other hating mods will shut you down. If they don't, then more power to you! I consider you our allies. Anyone agree with General Recon and Myself?

well they havnt locked it yet and mikenelson is monitering right now.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 01:31:15

At 8/5/04 12:57 AM, ScrawnyPaleGuy wrote: Can I join? I signed up two couple weeks ago when I was at lv 7 and it took me a couple days to find out that I have to be atleast lv 9. So now Im lv 9 and just for my account to be activated.

Sure Buddy! Just click my sig and register. Then just put all of your info in a new, personalized, topic under the New Members section. Welcome to the NGA. Your Commitment has payed off.

Well, in 3 days I will be up a new Level! Sweetness! 23 more points. So after thursday and friday I will need 5 exp points. Boo.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 02:15:16

At 8/5/04 01:31 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote:
At 8/5/04 12:57 AM, ScrawnyPaleGuy wrote: Can I join? I signed up two couple weeks ago when I was at lv 7 and it took me a couple days to find out that I have to be atleast lv 9. So now Im lv 9 and just for my account to be activated.
Sure Buddy! Just click my sig and register. Then just put all of your info in a new, personalized, topic under the New Members section. Welcome to the NGA. Your Commitment has payed off.

Well, in 3 days I will be up a new Level! Sweetness! 23 more points. So after thursday and friday I will need 5 exp points. Boo.

I already registered weeks ago but whenever I tried to post it asks me to log in and try to but it says my account isnt activated yet.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 02:24:25

At 8/5/04 12:32 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote: He or one of the other hating mods will shut you down.

Looks like Newgrounds' resident egomaniac just paid them a visit Bibby. I really didn't think that club would last out the night. At least nr5714k has some understanding that his club might be locked when he gets back tomorrow.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 03:00:48

two things, 1: I would like to join the NG army. I have 500+ reviews,very close to 300 blam/saves and have been feinding off of NG since I had activated my acount. 2: in response to the NG army jr., I think that would be cool for peopl not in the army untill LV8,9 the they graduate to the NG army... sort of like a boot camp

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 03:10:29

i think you spoke too soon, it was just locked...mainly because its been done several times in the past with very little success, best to let the new ppl learn through experience rather than make a club telling them what they should and shouldnt do to be a good member of the NGA. and besides, its common sense most of the stuff ppl pick up as they gain experience here, like no spamming, adding some thought to your posts (that would kind of go hand in hand with the spam rule), etc.


Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 03:45:00

At 8/4/04 11:46 PM, nr5714k wrote: i hope none of you mind but im starting the NG Army JR .
its for those who dont meet your requirments.
(please dont be mad)

They won't be mad, because its been locked. If you want to join a club join the NG Officers Mess. All you need to join there is to be an NG user.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 04:46:38

At 8/5/04 03:45 AM, Chefcoop wrote: They won't be mad, because its been locked. If you want to join a club join the NG Officers Mess. All you need to join there is to be an NG user.

ummm right. Dont try to steal away our recuits.
Next to that If things keep going like they are going now I will have a mass round of promotions for the people currently helping me in Spec Ops.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 04:52:35

At 8/5/04 04:46 AM, Libidinor wrote: ummm right. Dont try to steal away our recuits.

Sorry, but I'm not steal your recuits I'm stealing the one that you are turning down. If you don't want them they can join us instead.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 06:57:13

I wonder why both The joe and Dobio decided to change their names, The Joe is now Duckman and Dobio is Avril Lavigne. Something fishy is going around here.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 08:20:12

At 8/5/04 07:46 AM, fbipolux wrote: Hmmm yeah, you should put something in rules to prevent high-level to join the NGA jr, because this wont help us out.

Haha, you know your quite a few posts to late. That club got locked already and it wasn't really thought that it would last that long. Anyway, I think I'll be around here all day for quite a while.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:06:16

At 8/4/04 11:46 PM, nr5714k wrote: i hope none of you mind but im starting the NG Army JR .
its for those who dont meet your requirments.
(please dont be mad)

I'll be part of it!

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:16:01

At 8/5/04 10:06 AM, Dezkiller wrote: I'll be part of it!

Do you not read? It was locked already and that means that you can't join. I also think you were told that you can't join this one yet. So, I guess, in summary, no, no you cant be a part of it. No offence or anything.

At 8/5/04 10:12 AM, RedcoatFoamy wrote: lol can i join ill be a redcoat lol

No, sorry we are currently not accepting members that are not level 9 or above. Maybe if you had some more reviews and posts we would be able to evaluate you better. But you really gotta work on making better reviews and better posts. The bulk of them are pretty bad.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:18:12

At 8/5/04 10:06 AM, Dezkiller wrote:
At 8/4/04 11:46 PM, nr5714k wrote: i hope none of you mind but im starting the NG Army JR .
its for those who dont meet your requirments.
(please dont be mad)
I'll be part of it!

Its been locked join the NG Officers Mess instead.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:21:37

At 8/5/04 10:18 AM, Chefcoop wrote: Its been locked join the NG Officers Mess instead.

You were told to quit stealing our recruits. Do it one more time, hell, post in this thread one more time and I swear to god you'll get a week vaction from the BBS. There are plenty of people in here that have some pretty big connections and they, including I, will not think twice about asking their help.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:23:06

Seems like I was right about the NGA JR being locked. TheJoe, my best Guess. Oh, and Libi, TheJoe is now MikeNelson(That dude from Mystery Science Theatre 3000).

I like all of these lower level people. They seem urged to be in the NGA. Making their own club and all. It is very cool.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:25:06

guys I'm starting the NEHL crew, it's like a second NGAjr crew but with a different name, hope it will work!


BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:25:19

At 8/5/04 10:21 AM, QuikFox wrote: You were told to quit stealing our recruits. Do it one more time, hell, post in this thread one more time and I swear to god you'll get a week vaction from the BBS. There are plenty of people in here that have some pretty big connections and they, including I, will not think twice about asking their help.

Go quikfox! but be carefull about threatening, you should do it a little more subtitle- you might get a ban otherwise, which would be pretty fucked up.
Next to that I just realised that I have no food left in my house, no cash left either, and my bank card just quit working. I'm screwed! :'(

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:27:31

At 8/5/04 10:25 AM, RedcoatFoamy wrote: whut tha fuck? this club is fukin gay im gonna join another one

gay: happy, joyfull
thanks for the compliment!\
I'll give you a spelling lesson in return:

What the fuck (or, WTF)? This club is fucking gay, I'm going to join another one!

We don't even want you- GET OUT!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:34:20

At 8/5/04 10:25 AM, Dezkiller wrote: hope it will work!

Its doubtfull because making a thread to keep a locked thread going after it has been locked is a bannable offence. I suggest that you don't do it. You should just work on your level, reviews, and posts, then come back and ask to join.

At 8/5/04 10:25 AM, RedcoatFoamy wrote: whut tha fuck? this club is fukin gay im gonna join another one

Bye. Don't get flamed somewhere else. We wouldn't want that to happen.

At 8/5/04 10:25 AM, Libidinor wrote: Go quikfox! but be carefull about threatening, you should do it a little more subtitle

Haha, Yeah, I guess I have tact with that kinda stuff or anything. I just thought the best approach was a direct approach. If I get banned, ehh, I'll be back after its over, I've been banned before, not that big a deal.

At 8/5/04 10:28 AM, RedcoatFoamy wrote: make me bitch im gonna get ma foamy friends to haxx0r ur account

Bwaaahahahaha. Ohhh Noooes ph33r the phomy haxx0r. LMAO.
But seriously, you should leave before you get banned for spamming in here, which is exaclty what your doing with posts like that. Just take his advise.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:36:11

At 8/5/04 10:35 AM, RedcoatFoamy wrote: no why cudnt i join cuz im low level?

No, you couldn't join because you are a fag, thats why.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:39:03

At 8/5/04 10:34 AM, QuikFox wrote: Haha, Yeah, I guess I have tact with that kinda stuff or anything.

Haha, those god damn typing errors I've been making today are really starting to piss me off. I ment to say that I have NO tact with that kinda stuff. Anyway, I'll be around most of the day today and probally all night tonight, so if anybody needs me, I'll be on AIM or you can get me a PM, E-mail, or what have you.

At 8/5/04 10:36 AM, -CommunistLock- wrote:
At 8/5/04 10:35 AM, RedcoatFoamy wrote: no why cudnt i join cuz im low level?

Because thats our policy, either take it or leave it. You better just leave it cause we're not taking you now.

No, you couldn't join because you are a fag, thats why.

Haha, that libi is even more blunt that I was. I love how you, Commie, just say whatever is on your mind without any consideration for those idiots.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:42:44

At 8/5/04 10:16 AM, QuikFox wrote:
At 8/5/04 10:06 AM, Dezkiller wrote: I'll be part of it!
Do you not read? It was locked already and that means that you can't join. I also think you were told that you can't join this one yet. So, I guess, in summary, no, no you cant be a part of it. No offence or anything.

I know, I'm not trying to join this club, I'm just trying to create a clubs of NGA allies, we are the NEHL clan and we are at your commands, sir

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:48:39

At 8/5/04 10:42 AM, Dezkiller wrote: I know, I'm not trying to join this club, I'm just trying to create a clubs of NGA allies, we are the NEHL clan and we are at your commands, sir

hmm, ok. Atleast you're not using your 1337 haxor skills on us, lol

At 8/5/04 10:28 AM, RedcoatFoamy wrote: make me bitch im gonna get ma foamy friends to haxx0r ur account

whether you can hack me or not, I'm emailing Wade...brace for impact!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:52:32

At 8/5/04 10:42 AM, Dezkiller wrote: I know, I'm not trying to join this club, I'm just trying to create a clubs of NGA allies, we are the NEHL clan and we are at your commands, sir

i don't think we need your clubs from not longer than 2 pages and without forum, the less than 10 members clubs, no, we do not need to become allies with that. Nga jr is already locked so don't try anything stupid.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:54:00

i don't think we need your clubs from not longer than 2 pages and without forum, the less than 10 members clubs, no, we do not need to become allies with that. Nga jr is already locked so don't try anything stupid.

It' is not stupid! and.... We are ur allies, LIKE IT OR NOT!

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-05 10:58:34

At 8/5/04 10:35 AM, RedcoatFoamy wrote: no why cudnt i join cuz im low level?

Hey man...ive got to wait too...one more level...just show them that you arent a complete retard and they will think about it and perhaps keep a spot open for you so that when you get to the right level they will welcome you with open arms. The wat you have been acting though...well you may have a slim chance of getting in now. Sorry for posting in here again but i cant stand people who just flame because they dont get their way, and I want to help defend this place because I might be a future member!