At 8/5/04 10:25 AM, Dezkiller wrote:
hope it will work!
Its doubtfull because making a thread to keep a locked thread going after it has been locked is a bannable offence. I suggest that you don't do it. You should just work on your level, reviews, and posts, then come back and ask to join.
At 8/5/04 10:25 AM, RedcoatFoamy wrote:
whut tha fuck? this club is fukin gay im gonna join another one
Bye. Don't get flamed somewhere else. We wouldn't want that to happen.
At 8/5/04 10:25 AM, Libidinor wrote:
Go quikfox! but be carefull about threatening, you should do it a little more subtitle
Haha, Yeah, I guess I have tact with that kinda stuff or anything. I just thought the best approach was a direct approach. If I get banned, ehh, I'll be back after its over, I've been banned before, not that big a deal.
At 8/5/04 10:28 AM, RedcoatFoamy wrote:
make me bitch im gonna get ma foamy friends to haxx0r ur account
Bwaaahahahaha. Ohhh Noooes ph33r the phomy haxx0r. LMAO.
But seriously, you should leave before you get banned for spamming in here, which is exaclty what your doing with posts like that. Just take his advise.