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Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 19:04:14

Hey John you can stop depositing for him now. THe account i let you borrow for a little bit.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 19:07:15

At 8/1/04 07:04 PM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: Hey John you can stop depositing for him now. THe account i let you borrow for a little bit.

Yea,I kinda figured as much when I tried to deposit for him it was done already.

Ahhh,one account down,8 more to go.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 19:16:01

At 8/1/04 07:09 PM, Disastergrounds wrote: ide like to join.
whats the forum URL, web name, ect. ill register right away

www.ngarmy.com/forums make sure to post in the new members topic, and informs us that you are new. also make sure to read the rules, which are in the same topic.
BTW hi everyone, sorry I havn't posted in a while. been busy.

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 19:17:05

At 8/1/04 07:09 PM, Disastergrounds wrote: ide like to join.
whats the forum URL, web name, ect. ill register right away

You can follow the link in my signature to our forums. You'll have to wait for an admin to activate your account before you can post. But once it gets activated you'll have to read the Rules and the FAQ that are located in the New Members forum and follow all the rules and instructions listed in there. After that you should join some usergroups and be sure to post here and at the site forums regularly to keep from being discharged.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 19:18:44

At 8/1/04 04:42 PM, Hice wrote: I repeat:

Uh... Hice? I only want to point out that you spelled "probably" wrong when you vandalized Nick's work. Fear tactics might be more effective if you did a spell check before posting. However I do see you spelled "cock" correctly. Nice work.

At 8/1/04 04:49 PM, Fewel wrote: I want to see Recon_Rebel lose his account, so I can laugh at all the time he spent getting those blam/protection points just to lose them over stupid stuff like the NG Army.

Sooo... do you want me to accept you as you are or do you want me to actually like you? ** sigh ** One brain cell in your head and it's fighting for dominance.


Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 19:22:04

At 8/1/04 07:16 PM, wazup190 wrote: make sure to post in the new members topic, and informs us that you are new. also make sure to read the rules, which are in the same topic.

I'm pretty sure he won't be able to post until someone activates his account and stuff like that.

BTW hi everyone, sorry I havn't posted in a while. been busy.

Hey Wazup. Its nice to see you back at posting and everything. I was starting to wonder where you have been.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 19:25:27

At 8/1/04 07:22 PM, Disastergrounds wrote: ive registered. waiting for activation. : )
#12 Chief Sergeant Major woo

Yep, an admin will be around shortly to activate it for you. I also forgot to say in my last post welcome to the army.

At 8/1/04 07:18 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: ** sigh ** One brain cell in your head and it's fighting for dominance.

Bwahahaha. For some reason I just loved that. It was pretty damn funny to me.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 19:28:29

At 8/1/04 05:45 PM, QuikFox wrote: Haha, got to it before you did, there is a reason Quik is in my name. I thought there was anyway, haha.

well, I guess you are not that quik, since I beat you to the recruit:D ha

Hey Wazup. Its nice to see you back at posting and everything. I was starting to wonder where you have been.

yes, I kind of got caught up on things, like other clubs, and flash.
I will be more active today though, since I am bored as blah.

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 19:37:16

At 8/1/04 07:28 PM, wazup190 wrote: well, I guess you are not that quik, since I beat you to the recruit:D ha

Haha, yeah but only by a minute. Maybe I should stop writting a whole book with my posts to try and improve speed, lol.

yes, I kind of got caught up on things, like other clubs, and flash.
I will be more active today though, since I am bored as blah.

Yeah, I've been bored as shit today also and I've been sitting here for damn near an hour with less than 10 b/s points until my first gold badge. Its starting to really annoy me that I wasn't here ealier when Pinjijo (I know I spelled it wrong, I just don't care anymore.) flooded the portal with submissions. I would have been 3 badges up already.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 19:50:23

At 8/1/04 07:37 PM, QuikFox wrote: Haha, yeah but only by a minute. Maybe I should stop writting a whole book with my posts to try and improve speed, lol.

yes, only by a minute, thats what I'll say next time I lose at a race or something j/ks LOL

Yeah, I've been bored as shit today also and I've been sitting here for damn near an hour with less than 10 b/s points until my first gold badge.

yes I know what you are saying, when you are closest to your badge, it always seems like the portals going extra slow. I hate it.

Its starting to really annoy me that I wasn't here ealier when Pinjijo (I know I spelled it wrong, I just don't care anymore.) flooded the portal with submissions. I would have been 3 badges up already.

Yes, unfortunatly I missed the piconjo, bonanza too. :(
I heard there was something like 30 flashes for him, or something like that. O well. LOL

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 20:07:45

At 8/1/04 07:50 PM, wazup190 wrote: I heard there was something like 30 flashes for him, or something like that. O well. LOL

Yeah, there is a thread in the General section about it and DarkArchon took a screen shot of all the submissions. Almost the entire new submissions list was filled with them. Its also kinda sad that only about 2 or 3 got saved. Maybe he'll take a hint from that now, haha.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 20:09:47

At 8/1/04 08:07 PM, QuikFox wrote: Yeah, there is a thread in the General section about it and DarkArchon took a screen shot of all the submissions. Almost the entire new submissions list was filled with them. Its also kinda sad that only about 2 or 3 got saved. Maybe he'll take a hint from that now, haha.

Blah,I hate to prove people wrong,but the whole purpose of them doing so was a joke..They didn't care if their movies made it or not.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 20:09:49

At 8/1/04 08:04 PM, Disastergrounds wrote: 35 piconj flashes. 2 survived

You new, so you'll get a warning this time, next time you'll probally get a demotion, so be careful. Just try to post more than one line, thats what we all try to do here. Also, you shouldn't respond to flamers or spammers, that too will get you a demotion.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 20:13:23

At 8/1/04 08:09 PM, JohnJMangini wrote: Blah,I hate to prove people wrong,but the whole purpose of them doing so was a joke..They didn't care if their movies made it or not.

Haha, Yeah, I knew that. It was just something to try and fill out my post more. But anyway SPG, whats the situation on you possibly comming back? I remember you said something like that a while back.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 20:31:25

At 8/1/04 08:18 PM, Wolf- wrote:
At 8/1/04 04:42 PM, Hice wrote: I repeat:
No no, I repeat:

Unreal. Wolf-, would you or Hice at least correct the spelling error on that revamped pic? It really makes you two look like Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dumshit. I'm not sure who's who.


Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 21:16:10

At 8/1/04 08:34 PM, PsychoJester wrote: ok you have a forum AND this thread ?

becuase there are some things that do not need to be discused here on newgrounds. and we can find out each others likes and dislikes threw our forums, and gget to know each other better.
I dont see why you are asking, becuase most big clubs like this one, have there own forums. are you questioning them to ?

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 21:20:08

At 8/1/04 09:16 PM, wazup190 wrote: becuase there are some things that do not need to be discused here on newgrounds. and we can find out each others likes and dislikes threw our forums, and gget to know each other better.
I dont see why you are asking, becuase most big clubs like this one, have there own forums. are you questioning them to ?

Hmmm,stop,think and reread his question...

Maybe,just maybe you'll get what he's tryin to say...

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 21:31:51

At 8/1/04 09:20 PM, JohnJMangini wrote: Hmmm,stop,think and reread his question...
Maybe,just maybe you'll get what he's tryin to say...

ok, sorry phychojestar. I thought that was a pointless attempt to flame, or somethign sry.
and SPG, are you trying to make me look dumb... why?

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 21:40:45

At 8/1/04 09:20 PM, JohnJMangini wrote: Hmmm,stop,think and reread his question...

I did John... twice. If I read it a third time will it finally make sense to me?

Maybe, just maybe you'll get what he's tryin to say...

I know perfectly well what he's trying to say. He wants to see this club locked just like all the other resentful morons that come in here. It's funny but we seem to be taking the heat off of a lot of other clubs due to our current size (number of replies). Part and parcel to the whole supremacy thing. That won't last long though as two other clubs are gonna be challenging us for the top spot. That would be cool to see all three clubs blow that stupid Biggest Spam Topic out of the water. Wait for it.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 21:45:36

At 8/1/04 09:40 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: That won't last long though as two other clubs are gonna be challenging us for the top spot.

I think one of those clubs would be the ASM, but I bet people are going to start cracking down in there. A lot of people just post "this is my new sig" and then their sig in there instead of putting it into their sig and then asking what people think. That was something that really bothered me when I was part of the ASM.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 21:58:05

At 8/1/04 09:45 PM, QuikFox wrote:
At 8/1/04 09:40 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: That won't last long though as two other clubs are gonna be challenging us for the top spot.
I think one of those clubs would be the ASM, but I bet people are going to start cracking down in there. A lot of people just post "this is my new sig" and then their sig in there instead of putting it into their sig and then asking what people think. That was something that really bothered me when I was part of the ASM.

yes, well I dont think we should care if someone passes us.
I think we should be happy if they do. becuase if RR is right, and people are just harassing us becuase we are the best club ever and no one can compete*over exageration* LOL
then wouldn't we lose some of the hate if we are no longer the biggest? that could be good for us, becuase I am sick of the stupid people just coming into here to flame.

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-01 22:15:47

At 8/1/04 09:43 PM, Wolf- wrote:
At 8/1/04 08:31 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Unreal. Wolf-, would you or Hice at least correct the spelling error on that revamped pic?
Probally is more suiting for your wannabe "NIGGA WUTCHU GOINA DO" asses.

Haha! Awesome. Wolf-, did you misspell that word on purpose again? Whether you did or not I got a good laugh out of it. A witty reply at the right moment can counter the best insult.

At 8/1/04 09:58 PM, wazup190 wrote: I think we should be happy if they do. becuase if RR is right, and people are just harassing us becuase we are the best club ever and no one can compete*over exageration* LOL

There's a little more to it than that wazup190 but you're getting the right idea. I don't know if we're the best club ever (kind of a vain statement) but we're currently the biggest and that seems to have ruffled a few feathers.

then wouldn't we lose some of the hate if we are no longer the biggest?

That's just my personal assumption Major but I hope it draws away some of the parasites because I'm almost out of pesticide (actually I've got enough ammo stored here to outlast God if necessary).

that could be good for us, becuase I am sick of the stupid people just coming into here to flame.

Haha! That's funny. There's a few users who dislike me and called me repetitive (several times, go figure). Easy enough to fix. Just stop coming here and making redundant & degrading comments. For every action there's a reaction. Gonna check the portal and then start the list for the RPG Club. I hate this part.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-02 01:30:29

I figured the Anime Club would've been closer to passing us than they are, especially since we all slowed down in here. It doesn't really matter who passes who at this point. Since all that's left to compete with a spam topic (about 50 pages to go), what does it really matter.

Were still on task of making mediocre members the elite members of NG (as stats go). Me and cool were talking just the other day about how he was a Police Captain when he joined and in 3-4 months he'll be joining Recon at EGSC. Even i'm getting closer to my goal, just another 1050 b/s and i may very well retire from b/s for another year like in 2002 and most of 2003, lol.

Atomicus posted at HQ so we may have another hand for NGAN 2. I'm sorry i can't give a preview just yet, there is a great disarray of notes and scene material scattered across my desk and i've been in my room only to sleep this last week. I'll try to pick up the pace.

Well, burning cd's now so i'm calling it a day,

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-02 03:38:26

At 8/1/04 09:40 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: That would be cool to see all three clubs blow that stupid Biggest Spam Topic out of the water. Wait for it.

I think there'll be a change in which clubs are in the top 3. The Dutch ppl club is really growing fast, they've just passed 4000 replies. Though much of it is spam, I tried to change it but no-one listened. Oh well they might not get locked even if they spam another 4000 posts, cause there isn't a single mod that speaks Dutch : )

At 8/1/04 06:50 PM, JohnJMangini wrote: Anyway the manner that I am talking about was back when I was a member..Remember when you were bitching because of that demotion?

yes I remember that. Why?

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-02 04:07:07

At 8/2/04 04:02 AM, Disastergrounds wrote: i hope it gets locked :p
god knows what those dutchies are saying

ahahahahahaha libidinor's going to be pissed when he sees that... ahahaha, it's not nice to say stuff like that eh!
sorry for this dumb post, I am bored... but it's the truth he will be.:D

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-02 04:32:59

At 8/2/04 04:02 AM, Disastergrounds wrote: i hope it gets locked :p
god knows what those dutchies are saying

idd, who knows, we laugh at everyone passing by saying "WTF are you saying?"
but I dont like you saying we should get locked.
Want kijk, als ik inderdaad Nederlands zou gaan praten zou je er geen zak van snappen. Ik zou zelfs volkomen onzin kunnen gaan praten. Oliebol!

At 8/2/04 04:21 AM, Disastergrounds wrote: just and atempted comedic sentance.
sowwy : *(

you're lucky you made that post.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-02 04:34:59

At 8/2/04 04:21 AM, Disastergrounds wrote: just and atempted comedic sentance.
sowwy : *(

you did not offend me man, But I am sure libidinor is dutch. since he lives in amsterdam, which is in holland. where people speak dutch. But I could be wrong.
O, BTW, dont make 6 word posts, the gens dont like it. and you can get demoted for it.

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-02 09:14:12

Well, this is it, i guess i'm gonna have to break down and ask if i can join...i was going to along time ago...like 3 months ago, but i didn't lol. For what reason now, i can't remember. Anyway, Can i join the Army? Or is it full?

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-02 09:37:23

At 8/2/04 09:14 AM, -Rocketman- wrote: Well, this is it, i guess i'm gonna have to break down and ask if i can join...i was going to along time ago...like 3 months ago, but i didn't lol. For what reason now, i can't remember. Anyway, Can i join the Army? Or is it full?

Well sure you can. Just go to our forums by following the link in my sig and register. You'll have to wait until the account is activted before you can post on the site. But while your waiting you can read the FAQ and the rules, when your account is activated you'll have to follow the instructions in there and join some usergroups. Also, be sure sure to post here and at the site (when you can, of course) regularly so you don't get discharged for inactivity. And when you make a post here, try to make it longer than 1 one, its really frowned upon when someone doesn't and will more than likely result in a demotion.

Sorry for the book of a post, haha. Welcome to the army, have fun while your here.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-08-02 09:55:13

At 8/2/04 09:37 AM, QuikFox wrote: Well sure you can. (more to it, but i'm not putting it)

Ok cool, i'm all signed up and I checked out all the sites thats around (theres a shit load lol) But a very well done job on linking them together. Also i was wondering about the ranks, it says it goes by voting power, which mine is 5.90, so would that be good or low? lol, but i'm perfectly fine starting at Private, whatever works

At 8/2/04 09:48 AM, Disastergrounds wrote: it may be awhile to get your account activated, i registered about 12 hours ago and nothing : (

o well, i'll wait, im not im-patition(sp?)

BBS Signature