At 8/2/04 10:11 AM, Dee_McC wrote: I will join, all hail the NG ARMY.
No, sorry, you can't join right now. We are only accepting memebers who are level 9 or above right now and are a bit more active than you seem to be.
At 8/2/04 09:55 AM, -Rocketman- wrote: so would that be good or low?
You would be a #13 Second Lieutenant and only .10 away from being a 1st lieutenant. Its pretty good starting out at. I think I started out at #10 Sergeant Major, or one rank above that, can't remember right now.
lol, but i'm perfectly fine starting at Private, whatever works
You never know, that might be whats going to happen later on.
At 8/2/04 10:21 AM, QuikFox wrote: You would be a #13 Second Lieutenant and only .10 away from being a 1st lieutenant. Its pretty good starting out at. I think I started out at #10 Sergeant Major, or one rank above that, can't remember right now.
Not to bad, i'm good for 2nd LT, it's pretty good considering i could be starting lower lol
You never know, that might be whats going to happen later on.
Well it's a good thing that i joined right now then eh?
Everyone who is in the Spec Ops please check out our devision forum at HQ, i've posted a important mission.
Next to that, if you ever wonder what would happen if you would just let your pancake lie in while baking it even though it's done, do not let it lie! it will catch fire like hell! pancakes=ultimate terrorist weapon of mass destruction!
Not that this happened to me : '(
This is libidinor posting on my brothers account
When i sign in, it says my password is incorrect.
It is possible my account has been hacked and my password has been changed- so it could be possible that "libidinor" starts saying all kinds of crazy stuff all over the bbs.
I've done the "I forgot my password" option when trying to sign in.
Libi, we are not being friends with wolf. We are in a club with him in case we need info for that game and because we like the game! Shwa!
Hey, QuikFox, when and if you get this I would appriciate it if you watched my account for tomorrowand just deposit for me tomorrow. I will not be home at all. Thanks. If I don't reach him, could someone tell him for me, please? Thanks.
At 8/2/04 03:43 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Libi, we are not being friends with wolf. We are in a club with him in case we need info for that game and because we like the game! Shwa!
thanks, I needed to hear that. Conspiracies were already storming though my head...Conspiracies suck. Unless I'm in it ; )
Bibby have you checked Spec Ops yet? you should.
At 8/2/04 03:20 PM, Libidinor wrote:
When gathering intel, I found out that there are amry members a member of Wolf-s KOL clan. Now, we are not axactly friends with Wolf-. So what does this mean?
I have no eProblems with Wolf, so it means nothing to me. You can't demote me for merely being in a clan made by someone the NGA seems to hate on a whole. Jeez :O
At 8/2/04 04:56 PM, CommunistLock wrote: I have no eProblems with Wolf, so it means nothing to me. You can't demote me for merely being in a clan made by someone the NGA seems to hate on a whole. Jeez :O
I had no intention to demote anyone. If I was planning to demote someone for that, I couldn't, because gen Enoll himself is in that club too; I cant demote gen Enoll...
But its still odd. I feel like that when you're in a club, you cant be playing with someone who has the intention to destroy that club.
At 8/3/04 08:32 AM, mrbadass666 wrote: Goood morning all.Ive restarting playing on kings of caos :p anyone else playing on it?if so my name is Erik-hunter :P
I've tryed playing that once...took me about a half an hour to figure out what to do lol
At 8/2/04 09:58 PM, Disastergrounds wrote: i just got verified, signed up for spec ops
yes...i just figured out how to sign up...i got my name into Intel
At 8/3/04 08:57 AM, -Rocketman- wrote: yes...i just figured out how to sign up...i got my name into Intel
when you're accepted please sign up for spec ops aswell, we need more members.
At 8/2/04 09:58 PM, Disastergrounds wrote: i just got verified, signed up for spec ops
good. We good also use you in the review crew
At 8/3/04 08:57 AM, -Rocketman- wrote:At 8/2/04 09:58 PM, Disastergrounds wrote: i just got verified, signed up for spec opsyes...i just figured out how to sign up...i got my name into Intel
What does intel do, exactly?
At 8/3/04 01:34 PM, NotYouZ wrote: What does intel do, exactly?
If I told you I'd have to kill you and everybody who isn't in intel and reads my post. It is not to be discussed by anybody outside of Intel and/or to anybody not in that branch. Its punishable by discharge.
Ohhh, and -Rocketman- you have to a Lieutenant Colonel to join intel.
Bibby I got your message and got everything done for you there. Got lucky too cause I wasn't even going to come on at all today. Just thought I check up on things here.
Does anyone know where Chromius might be at? I haven't seen him since the 21st of May....
Next to that it seems like you've lost your advance in our comp gen enoll....
I've kept a little stat with the end of the day results.
day 1 : -62 day 2 : -54 day 3 : -47 day 4 : -9
your lead is melting like ice for the sun!
Hey everybody. I finally got my new badge a few days ago and it finally pushed my vp over 7.00. Its my first gold badge, I'm so proud, haha. I also joined the fan-net yesterday and QuikFox Design Stuidios is number 89. The NG Army fan net rank is number 83. Haha, looks like I might pass the site in hits. Anybody care to help me increase the rank, fell free to click it sometime.
Also, to help the NG Army site get higher up on the fan-net everybody should change the link in their sig from "" to "".
I push my own sig every day and it doesn't help one god damn thing :'(
anyway congrats on your new badge, praporschk is a very cool name. I suggest you stop blamming to ensure you keep this rank : )
anyways I'll hit your fan-net link daily too, just put it in your sig. atleast if you ahven't done so already, I cant check cause I'm busy writing...makes sense huh?
(sorry for the double post...)
wow I can surely recommend everyone to take a look a quikfox's site, you can see all of his sigs there and they all look very neat.
AMOF, I'll put it on the front page...
BTW quikfox I like your alias better then your real name, lol
At 8/3/04 03:47 PM, Libidinor wrote: BTW quikfox I like your alias better then your real name, lol
Haha, ouch, kinda harsh there Libi. I also have been clickin on the Fan-Net link for the NG Army. I always click that whenever I need to go there and don't have a window to there open. Haha, I'm also doing it for my own site. But thanks Libidinor for the compliment on my work at my site.
At 8/3/04 06:20 PM, fbipolux wrote: What's the Spec Ops?? Its a new thing in the army??
Haha, I don't think so. Its been around for as long as I've been part of the army. I've been around since about page 350ish to.
And I would like to see my rank increase... How can I do or what must I do for that?
You should get a rank increase by increasing you VP and you have a Vp of 5.53 which would make you a #12 Chief Sergeant Major. You can also do missions to get rank increases. You really haven't posted in a long time have you, you might have been discharged for not posting in here or at the site enough. But all the VP rank increases are there in the New Members forum.
At 8/3/04 06:22 PM, Dezkiller wrote: may I join
No, we are currently accepting memebers that are level 9 or above and have a bit more experience around here than you. Haha, no offence or anything. But you really should work on your reviews cause they are pretty damn adusive when you get to the negative ones, even some of the good ones are bad. Your posts aren't all bad but there are quite a few that are very short. We try to make our posts in here longer than 1 line.
At 8/3/04 06:30 PM, fbipolux wrote: Thank you Colonel Quikfox, and I would like to know if you can charge me for a mission, whatever it is because I would like to get my rank increase, and to help the Army.
You should go see if your account still works at the site and then if it does you need to sign-up for Spec-Ops. Then you should Re-sign-up for the Review Crew. I was going to tell you to do the Review Crew missions but your probally out of that divison for not posting.
Thank you sir for putting my rank at #12 Chief Sergeant Major and to do not discharge me ( I havent posted since 31 july ).
Haha, I just said that is what your rank would be, I can't change ranks. Also, if thats the last time you posted I'm pretty sure you were discharged for lack of posting, so you'll have to re-join and all that nice stuff. If you do re-join be sure to post here and at the site enough to not get discharged again.
I may be grounded so sorry for the short post but i just need to say i may not be around for a few weeks. I probably will be back sooner though.
I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.
I'll try to adjust rankings tonight for everyone. Bibby i got your message and adjusted your rank to Captain.
_Ghost_, you have been promoted by Bibby to the rank of 1st Lieutenant.
I'll go through the 15 new member requests and respond to those who are eligible and ineligible to join. I'll also try to update the member list.
At 8/3/04 10:00 PM, PsychoJester wrote: If you want to post just post their, it makes it pointless to post here.
Don't you think that a site that originated on Newgrounds should still have a presense here? That makes sense to me.
Infact itd be better at the forum, cause its easier carry a conversation, than having multiple going on at one thread.
We've gone this long doing it and there hasn't been any problems with it. We all adress each other and we all know whats going on most of the time.
That is the first time I have responded to a flamer/spammer/nuisance in this thread, I just had to get one point across. Now everybody who is in the army who reads this message follow it very closely as I will be from now on.
This will be a demoteable offence and I will carry thru with it, so far I haven't had to demot anybody and I would like to keep it that way but If need be I will.