I love when people argue. It is cool to see who has the best comebacks. lol.
Well, I have not been posting cause I have nothing to say. I am not mad or any of that shit, I just don't have anything to reply to.
At 7/31/04 09:10 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:At 7/31/04 08:57 PM, Hice wrote: Sorry I haven't worked up to the five forty foot poles you keep up yours.Haha! Awesome response. This stuff I can appreciate.
Yeah, it's nice some fresh material every once and awhile, rather than just "j00 iZ teH sux0rZ!1!!!11"
At 7/31/04 09:10 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I have no idea what Special Ops is up to Hice but I can assure you I'll check into it when I get back from my patrol. The last thing I want is someone stirring up shit from the inside.
Dont worry gen recon, we're not doing anything against Ng rules. As a matter of fact, we're not even doing anything that Hice and Wolf- wouldn't do. Or what we were planning to do. They have no right to speak. The reason I said "STFU" in short, was that I didn't want Hice to get his way and to start another way of flaming. Also Spec Ops stuff should be discussed inside Spec Ops or atleast outside forums accesible to the main public. So if you would find anything that you dont like, please contact either Jojube or me.
At 8/1/04 12:01 AM, Libidinor wrote: Dont worry gen recon, we're not doing anything against Ng rules. As a matter of fact, we're not even doing anything that Hice and Wolf- wouldn't do. Or what we were planning to do. They have no right to speak. The reason I said "STFU" in short, was that I didn't want Hice to get his way and to start another way of flaming. Also Spec Ops stuff should be discussed inside Spec Ops or atleast outside forums accesible to the main public. So if you would find anything that you dont like, please contact either Jojube or me.
Understood. I have a few questions that need answers and I'd appreciate your full co-operation Libidinor. Right now I have to get back to the portal. There's around 30 - 35 submissions that were just submitted and I want in on the spoils. Later dude!!
I believe our services are needed in the portal gentlemen...and ladies. The Piconjo fans have taken over. We have now experienced another form of spam. Portal Spam. 30+ movies, all spam, we shall do our jobs. Like our slogan says: Preserving the portal for future members. I believe Wade or Tom will jump on this shit really quickly...if they are around. I love when people spam.
Lib - Phhh..yeah....race to 6000 then..
it's on!
Hice - I didn't know this was gong on..
if I did I would have stoped it, i just
need to pay cloer attention to what
the other generals are up to...without my permission.
The little piconjo spam thing is over..I think..
the only two half decent ones passed...
the other movies by people like Chris Dill
suffered beacuse of some peoples 0's frenzies.
At 8/1/04 12:32 AM, darkshine- wrote: well. about 30 minutes into "Piconjo Day" and it looks like most of the shit was deleted.
So that's what caused the sudden deluge. darkshine-, how long has August 1st been known as Piconjo Day? I must have missed the last one because this is the first time I've ever heard about it.
At 8/1/04 12:32 AM, darkshine- wrote: well. about 30 minutes into "Piconjo Day" and it looks like most of the shit was deleted... wait. only shit is ever deleted. :_ i wonder who invented pinconjo. seems like no one i ask knows ):<
wait a sec- I thought piconjo was one person. hmmz, there must be some club. We ought to find out by visiting the http://www.newgrounds.com/fan_net/go.php3?id=661678Piconjo Loevs joo site
if there are multiple piconjos, then I know of one person that is very likely in that crew: Cool_pinguin_o. I saw him posing as -piconjo- in the BBS yesterday.
Stupid..I pop in, 23:50 eastern time, nothing in the portal
I come back next day 00:45 eastern time, nothing in the portal...in the mean time I missed 30 blams...crap!
At 8/1/04 01:18 AM, Shoithestealth wrote: well i guess its time for me to head in. so good night and see you guys tommaro afternoon probly.
You've got a small error in your sig. It says "almost a 1st lieutenant" but thats at 6.00 VP, and you have 5.73 VP, so you're "almost a 2nd lieutenant.
At 8/1/04 12:57 AM, Enoll wrote: I just persumed it was piconjo day... it's only (insert name) days where mass submissions like this happen.
No worries chief. Whatever the reason for the submission surge it gave me my second highest point total for the night since I started this account over two years ago. I can't really complain about that. I kinda feel sorry for some of the people (particularly the consummate voters) who only caught the tail end of the storm. I'm just glad I happened to be on-line at the time.
Hey. I am back. Just wondering through the portal. Might make some reviews today. So does anybody have any submissions I should check out?
hey check out this topic. some clocks/locks are complaining about Jojube's flash not getting to the front page even though it got daily feature.
link to topic
You've got a small error in your sig. It says "almost a 1st lieutenant" but thats at 6.00 VP, and you have 5.73 VP, so you're "almost a 2nd lieutenant.
what i meant was if you look at my profile ill be a first lieutenant if i get a few more blam or protection points.
At 8/1/04 04:24 PM, Shoithestealth wrote: what i meant was if you look at my profile ill be a first lieutenant if i get a few more blam or protection points.
uhmm, ok.
next to that we have a new member that has registered on the site. he says he is vicous from WTFnoob.com, and he might be a tad angry with us. so please somebody ban him from our site before he can do damage.
I pm'ed this as well to Nick maloney but I'm not sure if he's onlnie right now. if you want to know why he's angry with us, contact me via email.
At 8/1/04 04:47 PM, Shoithestealth wrote: excuse me gentelman, but does anybody have the list that shows the ranks and vp needed. i cant find it at the HQ. so plz send them to me.
There is a Announcement in the New Members section that is titled Ranking Structure. That should give you everything that you need to know about all the ranks.
At 8/1/04 04:54 PM, QuikFox wrote: There is a Announcement in the New Members section that is titled Ranking Structure. That should give you everything that you need to know about all the ranks.
damnit quikfox, I wanted to post that :p
looks like we've got a new spammer/flamer/1337 hax0r. Does anyone know this guy?
At 8/1/04 04:57 PM, Shoithestealth wrote: thank you quikfox for the info.
Sure, anytime you need something, I'll surely be around, so you can just ask.
At 8/1/04 05:08 PM, Libidinor wrote: damnit quikfox, I wanted to post that :p
Haha, got to it before you did, there is a reason Quik is in my name. I thought there was anyway, haha.
Ohh, by the way you should check your PMs, I think I sent something that might help you out a bit.
At 8/1/04 06:37 PM, StickyPenisGremlin wrote: Hey Lib,guess what?I still didn't forget...I will get back to this manner in a few hours.
Ahh,I posted on my alt account.
Anyway the manner that I am talking about was back when I was a member..Remember when you were bitching because of that demotion?