At 7/31/04 02:38 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
Weird to say the least. A couple of my friends and I played around with it when we were younger and well... one night some strange things happened that freaked us out for the next several weeks.
I know what you mean; this can be a serious matter... Sometimes the mind works in odd ways, but are you suggesting the supernatural?
They didn't touch it after that but I continued to dabble in it for a few more years. I'm not sure if it's solely the power of thought (augmented through rituals) or if there's an entity behind the cause and effect, but I've had some interesting (and extreme) coincidences happen during incantations.
Very interesting and spooky, takes alot to scare you eh brother? I seriously don't mess with that shit I have enough problems as it is, lmao... If you know what I mean.
They say you can draw from three sources: yourself, nature or an entity. I still have my diamond willow staff I found back in 1985. It's been meticulously carved and the top looks like the flame from a torch. Topic for discussion next time 'eh? Gotta start packing up for the night.
An artifact? You remind me a lot like Gandalf, except you're not gay... So it's all good. Seriously though, I don't mess with that kind of stuff -- you can call me crazy, but... I don't believe in actual death, everything returns to the earth, not always that is and I know that you know what I'm babbling about -- I believe a man should be buried without a coffin, so the Earth can consume and heal itself -- create new life.... Know what I mean?
I swear, we have the most FUCKED UP of conversations sometimes, but I'm totally not saying I dislike them, they're fun, I mean no disrespect and by fucked up, I mean odd -- strange -- different? :)
Take care, I hope to see you tommorow.