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Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 18:20:10

At 7/29/04 06:12 PM, HeinousAnus wrote: sorry for the double post but i would also like to point out that we no longer accept members below level nine, so he isnt even eligible to be a member yet, my guess is hes just someone who has something against the NGA and decided to spam in your thread because of it

Yes, it could very well just be wolf- or hice with a alt account. Or its just someone else from out numerous mortal enemies, lol.

At 7/29/04 04:28 PM, QuikFox wrote: I think it was even shorter than that. But I forgot his screen name already though. Seriously, I can't remember his name.

Mr. flame was his name

Wistmy (I think I spelled it right)

Whismty : )

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 18:36:35

At 7/29/04 06:20 PM, Libidinor wrote:
At 7/29/04 06:12 PM, HeinousAnus wrote: sorry for the double post but i would also like to point out that we no longer accept members below level nine, so he isnt even eligible to be a member yet, my guess is hes just someone who has something against the NGA and decided to spam in your thread because of it
Yes, it could very well just be wolf- or hice with a alt account. Or its just someone else from out numerous mortal enemies, lol.

At 7/29/04 04:28 PM, QuikFox wrote: I think it was even shorter than that. But I forgot his screen name already though. Seriously, I can't remember his name.
Mr. flame was his name
Wistmy (I think I spelled it right)
Whismty : )

Wrong. Wismty was correct. lol.

Well, I am just about ready for another one of those b/p and review competitions. If you agree post please!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 18:39:35

At 7/29/04 05:53 PM, HeinousAnus wrote:
At 7/29/04 05:47 PM, wazup190 wrote: no body sent o0evil0o into the anime club to insult you's. the ngarmy does not do things like that, it is not our nature.
We will look into this matter, and handle it accordingly. :)
i already have...actually i dont even think he is a member, hes not on our memberlist, and if he is a new recruit im sure because of that scene he made in your club hes on his way out.

Okay then. Sorry for bothering you. It's just his sig proclaimed him to be from the NG army and he said he was sent to the anime club.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 18:40:40

At 7/29/04 06:36 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Well, I am just about ready for another one of those b/p and review competitions. If you agree post please!

Yeah, that reminds me. I'm less than 200 b/p points away from my first gold badge. I think I'm going to be putting in some extra time to try and get that as soon as possible, it should boost my VP over 7. I just felt that it was post worthy, that and I wanted to tell SeeD419 that his sig is ready in the SSM since he doesn't really look there a lot.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 18:44:14

At 7/29/04 06:36 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Wrong. Wismty was correct. lol.

Omg, I've been thinking it was whismty for like 5 months and 3 days now.

Well, I am just about ready for another one of those b/p and review competitions. If you agree post please!

I'm ready for one. I finally have the time for one, I wont be going anywhere soon.

Next to that I'd like to notify to command about the folowing topic:
About a new Ranking System? its not really about a new ranking system, but also about the rank members get when joining, and about only lvl 9 members join. Some good points are being brought up, so I'd like to know what command thinks about them.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 18:46:48

At 7/29/04 06:39 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Okay then. Sorry for bothering you. It's just his sig proclaimed him to be from the NG army and he said he was sent to the anime club.

because i am a curtious person, I took it upon my self, to go over every single one of his posts. and not ONCE did he EVER post in the ngarmy, I gurantee you it is just someone spamming, and trying to get more heat on us.

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 19:05:24

At 7/29/04 06:46 PM, wazup190 wrote: because i am a curtious person, I took it upon my self, to go over every single one of his posts. and not ONCE did he EVER post in the ngarmy, I gurantee you it is just someone spamming, and trying to get more heat on us.

I also did some research. Its an alt account. This is the person who has control of that account. His screen name is xWaRgAsMx. Hes been mad at me for quite some time. Also, he could be banned since he used that o0evil0o account while he was banned. He even says that in number 45 of his recent posts and he posts a bunch of sigs that have the name xWaRgAsMx on them. Hes a pretty dumb ass spammer.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 19:26:56

using an alternate account to get around a ban eh? hes gonna be even more pissed if the mods get their hands on that tid bit of info, which they probably will...hell the way he spammed the anime club he might as well be standing under a 50 foot bilboard that says "I AM TEH BANZ0R!!!"


Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 19:27:00

At 7/29/04 07:05 PM, QuikFox wrote: I also did some research. Its an alt account. This is the person who has control of that account. His screen name is xWaRgAsMx. Hes been mad at me for quite some time. Also, he could be banned since he used that o0evil0o account while he was banned. He even says that in number 45 of his recent posts and he posts a bunch of sigs that have the name xWaRgAsMx on them. Hes a pretty dumb ass spammer.

banned eh? thats what you get when messing with us- good work quikfox. Now lets inform one of the mods.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 19:29:54

At 7/29/04 07:26 PM, HeinousAnus wrote: using an alternate account to get around a ban eh?

we had a guy do that in the mafia i think his account was delted or something big like that. oh well, some rules aren't made to be broken

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 19:51:31

At 7/29/04 07:29 PM, _Ghost_ wrote: we had a guy do that in the mafia i think his account was delted or something big like that. oh well, some rules aren't made to be broken

If this post is talking about 'BigLiLJackAss',then he was banned for 7 days,not deleted..Big difference.

You should do some more research before stating something.

I should know,me and my buddy Dark had a convo about Big.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 20:11:54

I'll be expecting that email Enoll about ranks, i just saw your message. I'll be on late tonight so i can talk to you about other matters. Other than that i shall ajourn for the afternoon.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 20:16:03

At 7/29/04 07:27 PM, Libidinor wrote: banned eh? thats what you get when messing with us- good work quikfox. Now lets inform one of the mods.

I am well ahead of all of you, I informed a mod like and hour and a half ago. And I am pretty sure he well be banned, if not deleted. It dosn't pay to be gay LOL

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 20:52:15

I was operating at about 20% efficiency yesterday and today I'm happy to say I'm peaking around 60%. Back from the grave would be an apt statement. Did I miss anything really interesting or just the occasional flaming we normally receive (it's nice to be loved).

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 21:31:05

At 7/29/04 08:52 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I Did I miss anything really interesting or just the occasional flaming we normally receive (it's nice to be loved).

no you didn't really miss anything, only o0evil0o aka wargasm tried to frame us, by spamming the anime club, then saying he was sent by the army. other then that you didn't miss anything.
so, recon how are you doing today? I'll be on the GYS all night and morning. :) but I am off for now to watch south park.

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-29 22:24:16

Well, I have one question and request then I am off.

Paulz_69: Excuse me, sir. But due to the fact that we don't have compatable Flash systems, I was unable to open my character. My question is:

When will you be on AIM?

My request is:

Could you just show it in full detail here, at the Forums, or on AIM. That would be great sir.

As I said, I am off!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-30 02:02:44

At 7/29/04 07:51 PM, StickyPenisGremlin wrote: If this post is talking about 'BigLiLJackAss',then he was banned for 7 days,not deleted..Big difference.:

naw, this was a long time ago around the flame war against the hot menz. i just don't get why people get all mad when they get banned they should know what the hell they did to deserve it. and this little punk wargasm, he's just a sad little boy who couldn't enlist in the Army.

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-30 09:10:43

lol, I just calculated I'm only 3 days away from having 7.00 VP, colonel rank. That is, if I dont get my next blam rank before that.
Next to that I've reached a new milestone. I've just burned my 100rd CD with music from kazaa, lol.
Next to that I've noticed the mods not paying us any visits anymore, did we just scare you away or are you still out there : )

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-30 09:50:47

Since the anti foamy people are getting a bit out of hand with there abusive reviews, i believe a special ops team should be formed (temperaraly) to seek out and flag these reviews, specificaly in the foamy movies. I saw a really bad one the other day, the reviewer who had oaround 3000 reviews i think it was, had said that all foamy fans should get aids for voting high. This kind of thing should be found, and eliminated

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-30 09:54:02

Hello do u like me :)

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-30 09:57:00

At 7/30/04 09:50 AM, robowing wrote: This kind of thing should be found, and eliminated

Are you even a memeber of the army? I guess your not otherwise you'd know that we already have a division dedicated to marking abusive reviews and looking for people who do that kinda stuff. There is even a club on NG that was founded by memebers of the army for marking abusive reviews. The ARC. Perhaps they could be better help to you.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-30 10:01:50

At 7/30/04 09:50 AM, robowing wrote: Since the anti foamy people are getting a bit out of hand with there abusive reviews, i believe a special ops team should be formed (temperaraly) to seek out and flag these reviews, specificaly in the foamy movies. I saw a really bad one the other day, the reviewer who had around 3000 reviews i think it was, had said that all foamy fans should get aids for voting high. This kind of thing should be found, and eliminated

we already have a review crew that takes care of abusive reviews, but rules restrict us normal review crew members to suggest movies made by hated artists (STB, Knox, IWP) for reviewal. If you've find a movie that contains a lot of abusive reviews and the movie is made by a hated artist, you can contact Onic51346 (I dont have the numbers right :? ) in a email. Otherwise if you've found such a movie you can simply contact me.
But you could also just join us and the review crew if you want to help yourself.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-30 10:58:48

and another thing to add on to what quikfox and libi said, to robowing. I am pretty sure that it's against the spec ops rules, to post about it, on the bbs.becuase not all members of the ngarmy, are in spec ops. so they dont need to know about the spec ops bussiness, until they join. So, dont post about any missions suggestions for spec ops here, if you are a member of the army. go to specops and suggest a mission.
O, and thanx quikfox for refering my club man :D

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-30 11:45:30

was not aware of all the rules as i have not been activated yet.
many apologies.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-30 11:53:32

At 7/30/04 11:45 AM, robowing wrote: was not aware of all the rules as i have not been activated yet.
many apologies.

its cool, I'd see you actively suggesting things and helping then just hanging around in the GBS&FYAD.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-30 11:59:18

Good moring. I was up to 4:00 AM playing gunbound. What addicting game. Any missions you want me to do? Also i reached 3000 post!


I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-30 15:01:11

At 7/30/04 11:59 AM, CrimsonRain wrote: Also i reached 3000 post!

good job on the 300 that is a big number...that sounded a little retarded. not until today i rea;ized how much i change my sig and that is a lot of times. i think at least once or twice.

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-30 17:08:13

Wow, things sure are slow tonight.
I've got some spare time on NG since my guitar broke down on me : '( crap, I'm spending 50 dollars per month on new strings!

If anyone is looking for a mission, I've updated some of the Spec Ops missions, you can do them.

I had a few laughs tonight about a MSN conversation I had with a fellow Dutchmen having a vacation in the US.
- So how is the US?
- Not so good....
-Damn, are the girls over there that fat?
- Yeah... : (
I couldn't help but laughing about the fat American girls ruining his vacation.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-30 17:20:55

At 7/30/04 11:59 AM, CrimsonRain wrote: Good moring. I was up to 4:00 AM playing gunbound. What addicting game. Any missions you want me to do? Also i reached 3000 post!

Well congrats to that. Nope nothing I want you to do. I am trying to get back in scheldule for school. yep thats right skool. damn that piece of shit. I am also trying to get post count 3000 looks like you made it before me. Also Wade updated a lot of sticker orders last night but not yours SPG. So I am ahead of you for the moment.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-30 17:28:04

At 7/30/04 05:08 PM, Libidinor wrote: I couldn't help but laughing about the fat American girls ruining his vacation.

he needs to get down to Arizona in the Tucson Area trust me, girls are phat not fat. we got some of those girls with fat asses but stomachs here are usually gone, all i gotta say is mini skirts and fine legs.

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

BBS Signature