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Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-20 20:09:48

Also, one note here...Give me a mission please! Captains to colonels can give small one man missions to anyone of a lower rank. Just set me up man! thanks. Your welcome about that clearing of your name. If it were really Heinous he would have just gotten his Password via the I forgot my password thing after he enteed his name. Ha was smarter than that Guy was.

yea I guess, anyways it would help me allot if you told me what you want to do right now :) because I dont want to bored you to death LOL!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-20 20:13:49

Nothing too long. A mix of everything. Flagging(but not too much, give me a # of reviews to flag), Reviewing(Less than 7 more than 5 lol), and b/p points(Within a set time) ok? Sweet.

Speaking of b/p points, I am about 62 points away from the next level! lol. and to think a week or so ago I just got this one!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-20 20:18:45

At 7/20/04 08:13 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Nothing too long. A mix of everything. Flagging(but not too much, give me a # of reviews to flag), Reviewing(Less than 7 more than 5 lol), and b/p points(Within a set time) ok? Sweet.

Speaking of b/p points, I am about 62 points away from the next level! lol. and to think a week or so ago I just got this one!

wow, good job Bibby im proud! if I could give you a promotion right now I would :), well it seems like you want a very exact mission not long not short lol, well flag 5 reviews then write 2 reviews on the latest entries in the portal, and get 10 blam and save points! im sure that will take you a few :O when done post them here or in the NGA forums :)

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-20 20:33:57

I have the Flagging and reviews done. I will send you a PM when the portal decides to give me some movies to vote on! lol. Ok? Doesn't matter! I will no matter what send You a PM at the Forums! MUAHAHAHA! lol

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-20 22:45:56

when will you guys be accepting new members

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-20 22:48:46

At 7/20/04 10:45 PM, picopyro1 wrote: when will you guys be accepting new members

We are accepting, but level 9 and up. We may make an acception if we don't see anything bad on your stats that would make us worry. We shall deliberate over it.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-20 22:49:22

At 7/20/04 10:45 PM, picopyro1 wrote: when will you guys be accepting new members

Sorry man, we are only takeing members lvl 9 and up. Just gain about 3 levels, get some reviews, Posts(no spamming though) get blams/protect points, then we may recruit you. We do have acceptions to the lvl 9 rule. If you do all of that and come back here. If you have any questions instant message me.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-20 22:57:51

Beat you to it crimson. lol.

Holy shit! 1,000 posts! I didn't even realize that! Yay! Cool, now I need to Get my 3,000 b/p. I am about 55 points away! I can smell it!

Kenshin, finished the message, check your PM at The Forums. It will have the info you need!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-20 23:06:28

At 7/20/04 10:57 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Beat you to it crimson. lol.

Holy shit! 1,000 posts! I didn't even realize that! Yay! Cool, now I need to Get my 3,000 b/p. I am about 55 points away! I can smell it!

Kenshin, finished the message, check your PM at The Forums. It will have the info you need!

hey Bibby go check your NGA profile I sent you a message that is very important.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-20 23:44:20

Got it Kenshin.

Well, If anyone needsme, i will be here doing...things...Yea.

P.S: I almost have a 100 b/p day! wOOt! Need about 10 more.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 07:46:36

I know I seem like a slacko...being the top general
& hardly posting here or in the NGA forums...
but school is getting to that point where I can't
really do anything else either than school stuff.


Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 07:54:13

At 7/21/04 07:46 AM, Enoll wrote: I know I seem like a slacko...being the top general
& hardly posting here or in the NGA forums...
but school is getting to that point where I can't
really do anything else either than school stuff.

poor you

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 13:35:13

At 7/21/04 07:46 AM, Enoll wrote: I know I seem like a slacko...being the top general
& hardly posting here or in the NGA forums...
but school is getting to that point where I can't
really do anything else either than school stuff.

You big ol slacko, that's 15 min cleaning the mess hall, lol. Don't worry about it Enoll, we've all gone through something that's infringed on our NG time. Well i may have a well paying job within the next 2 weeks so i'll try to reach asap. Finally we shall have our revenge on the Jedi...opps, random movie quote, :p

Well i off to hit the portal and then back to work on NGAN 2. I'll try to post up the updated scene Crimson did along with the scene i'm almost finished with. To those who need fla artwork, i'll have it ready soon, and to those who said they were going to do artwork, i'll need it soon.


Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 14:00:03

Hi, just dropping by. I had a nice 100b/p day yesterday and am close to my next level, 33 to be exact. So, if you need me, I most likely will not be in the NG or NGA forums. If you have AIM. Just get me there. Otherwise PM me. I will drop by to check that at the Forums.

!3/!V That is: B/N with other symbols. :D

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 14:00:29

Paulz can you get on AIM. I have a favor I would like you to do. Since you are one of the best in flash that I can think of and I want something done so please get on flash.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 14:04:10

Hey, hows everyone doing? I'm back and a I'll be on pretty much all day until sunday. So what happen well i was gone, and dont say nothing because there's 7 new pages since I left.:)

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 14:51:57

Small question, how long does it take to join the NG ARMY, i signed up a few days ago but i can't participate on NG under the NG ARMY flag until im all signed up

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 15:04:50

At 7/21/04 02:51 PM, robowing wrote: Small question, how long does it take to join the NG ARMY, i signed up a few days ago but i can't participate on NG under the NG ARMY flag until im all signed up

well, I think you are under evaluation. The reason for this is because we've been hacked in the past little while, and we want to make sure are members are good users of newgrounds. Sorry for the wait, I'll talk to one of the generals, and see what they have to say, until then, i guess you'll have to wait sorry :(

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 15:04:54

At 7/21/04 02:04 PM, wazup190 wrote: Hey, hows everyone doing? I'm back and a I'll be on pretty much all day until sunday. So what happen well i was gone, and dont say nothing because there's 7 new pages since I left.:)

Here is a recap:

Someone tried to pose as HeinousAnus and Get Kenshin in trouble by saying he stole his Profile.

I had a 100 b/p day yesterday and I am about 30 b/p away from my next level.

And people spammed and I said Get The Fuck out. They listened.

Nothing other than that really.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 15:13:47

Hey everyone, I just got done playing some kol until tonight and I decided to stop by here right after I stopped at the main forums. Everything appears to be in order. Hard to believe that I have to go back to college in september and thats right around the corner, where does the summer go. Well, I am working on the clutch on my truck so I will stop back in a little while and be on the GYS tonight.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 15:28:09

At 7/21/04 03:04 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Here is a recap:

Someone tried to pose as HeinousAnus and Get Kenshin in trouble by saying he stole his Profile.

I wonder why they tried to get kenshin in trouble.

I had a 100 b/p day yesterday and I am about 30 b/p away from my next level.

good job, 100 b/p days are hard to come across now:)

And people spammed and I said Get The Fuck out. They listened.

LOL, they know thier role

Nothing other than that really.

WOW, that's not alot LOL
O, and onic, you're going to be on the gys tonight, wow, it's been a while.

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 16:16:33

I am really hoping to get a Mission. That would be cool. Don't care what it is. Bordem has settled in.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 16:38:56

At 7/21/04 03:04 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote:
At 7/21/04 02:04 PM, wazup190 wrote: Hey, hows everyone doing? I'm back and a I'll be on pretty much all day until sunday. So what happen well i was gone, and dont say nothing because there's 7 new pages since I left.:)
Here is a recap:

Someone tried to pose as HeinousAnus and Get Kenshin in trouble by saying he stole his Profile.

man you have got to be the most gullable person in the world

i am fucking sick of this shit

this is the real HeinousAnus, and i am officially resigning from the NGA because of the dumb fucks i have to deal with

tell me how you would convince a person that you are you, when all your accounts are pretty much stolen, your email as well, and basically anything else that defines you as a person on the internet...its a little hard.

my only hope is that you all realize how stupid you were to actually believe Kenshin, because he played you all for fools, especially you bibby


Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 16:58:05

Didn't you say you were not the real HA? Well, ok. How about this buddy. We wait untill tuesday. If HA doesn't show up, then I will believe you. I can't just DD Kenshin on something non-conclusive! If you are the real HA. Go on your HeinousAnous...oh wait! This all makes sense now. Your AIM is HeinousAnous! Hmmm...I am suspicous of Kenshin now. HA, if that is you. I am sorry. I have to be Fair and ballanced in my descisions. You understand? Untill we find irrefutible proof that you are HA, I can't trust you or Kenshin. Wait untill friday. If HA doesn't post here and do something that would prove it is HA, and not kenshin, then I will know you are a fraud or vice versa. Untill then I am NTA. Not Trusting Anybody!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 17:00:55

At 7/21/04 04:38 PM, HeinousAnous wrote:
this is the real HeinousAnus, and i am officially resigning from the NGA because of the dumb fucks i have to deal with

tell me how you would convince a person that you are you, when all your accounts are pretty much stolen, your email as well, and basically anything else that defines you as a person on the internet...its a little hard.

my only hope is that you all realize how stupid you were to actually believe Kenshin, because he played you all for fools, especially you bibby


If you really had stuff stolen, especially email that you use for more than NG related stuff, File and ID Theft complaint. I woudl reccommend anyone who has their account/email stolen by someone to do the same. It doesn't matter if the person who stole it was a kid or "just fooling around". Get the government on their ass. Even if the person is just a kid, I'm sure their parents would just love a phone call from federal agents. File a complaint with a local police department to start a record of the theft, though if its all internet based they'll just refer it over. If you've used the same password many places, its worth doing.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 17:25:01

If you really had stuff stolen, especially email that you use for more than NG related stuff, File and ID Theft complaint. I woudl reccommend anyone who has their account/email stolen by someone to do the same. It doesn't matter if the person who stole it was a kid or "just fooling around". Get the government on their ass. Even if the person is just a kid, I'm sure their parents would just love a phone call from federal agents. File a complaint with a local police department to start a record of the theft, though if its all internet based they'll just refer it over. If you've used the same password many places, its worth doing.

dude i know this isent the real HeinousAnus but what ever dude I aint with this BULL SHIT!! so the faggit thats acting like he is HeinousAnus can log on to the real (HeinousAnus's account) with the password if you know it) so when the real one comes and he complaines its your falt!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 17:36:30

God I love checking up on things here and seeing members arguing with other members. I don't want to hear anybody say anything about HA's account again. There will be discharges delt if this is ignored. I know that HA wouldn't want to be discharged so if this hacked account or whatever posts after this I'll know it really isn't him. KenshinRRK, I don't want to hear you say anything about it not being you anymore either. One more reply to any of that will get a Discharge. Just follow Tim's advice and get the government on them.

lovely welcome back Fox.........

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 17:40:36

At 7/21/04 04:38 PM, HeinousAnous wrote:

if you're the real heinousanous tell me the mission you gave me before you left to go on vacation, tell me what it is, and I'll believe you? and also tell me whos idea it was, mine or yours for the mission? answer them, and I'll fully believe you.

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 17:42:52

Sorry about double posting, but right when I posted my last message, quik posted, so dont discharge me. I didn't see it because I posted at the same time. Sorry about that quik. O and welcome back, how was the trip?

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 17:49:13

At 7/21/04 05:36 PM, QuikFox wrote: God I love checking up on things here and seeing members arguing with other members. I don't want to hear anybody say anything about HA's account again. There will be discharges delt if this is ignored. I know that HA wouldn't want to be discharged so if this hacked account or whatever posts after this I'll know it really isn't him. KenshinRRK, I don't want to hear you say anything about it not being you anymore either. One more reply to any of that will get a Discharge. Just follow Tim's advice and get the government on them.

lovely welcome back Fox.........

Hey fox. See you got your shit back from me. lol. I got you some b/p points and I deposited for you on the days not here. Good to see you back.

Just 3 more b/p points and I am up to the Seargent level of the b/p ranks. wOOt for me.