At 7/20/04 03:29 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote:
At 7/20/04 03:25 PM, H-E-I-N-O-U-S wrote:
and if I ever get my hands on YOU I will CUT YOUR HEAD OFF KenshinRRK! wow you faggit I cant believe I trusted YOU!
Hold on a Tic, you said you were not Heinous! How could you trust Kenshin with your account if you are not the real guy? And why do you have the other account? Man, you really want kenshin in trouble. Well, buddy, you post here one more time and It will be the Mods for you.
Other membrs: Please excuse me Talking to this guy. I really need to find the real HA. not cause I need him, cause this is confusing the shit out of me.
i assure you i am the real Heinous, the only reason my name was spelled different was because my real name was jacked,
but lets look at the facts for a moment, shall we?
i assigned a mission about a week ago to KenshinRRK to deposit while i was away, because i was going on vacation in Lake Havesu
whiloe i was on vacation you will see that any posts made by the "HeinousAnus" account werent even in the usual places where i would post...mostly in the general forum. Go ahead and look up text for the name "HeinousAnus" and you should see after 7/10/04 you see a dramatic change in posting habits, hell he didnt even use my personal signature, which, BTW is -=HA=-
i get back and find that my name had been changed to -VG- or something like that, but like a coward covering his tracks he has changed his name back to what it was before, only he cant remember all the information that was on my profile, go ahead and look if you can find the "HeinousAnus" account, you will see all of my favorite movies and music groups are nonexistent (hint to kenshinRRK, you might wanna fill in something really quick so they dont figure out you are a lying jackal)
i would also like to point out that my alternate account has the same password as my normal account, something that KenshinRRK noticed very quickly when i returned from vacation when i posted about what happened with my name
he then proceeded to steal my alternate account in hopes of stealing my identity completely
if that isnt enough, KenshinRRK comes to post RIGHT AFTER ALL THIS, to ensure that everyone sees that he couldnt possibly be the culprit
that is exactly how things went down, if you ppl still dont believe me then i dont know what to say, but KenshinRRK has stolen my account, my alternate account, and now he plans to cover it all up