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Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 18:01:01

At 7/21/04 05:42 PM, wazup190 wrote: O and welcome back, how was the trip?

Sucky and its not done yet. I'll still in damn seattle. I won't be posting much yet either and I still need people to watch my account just to make sure I don't miss some things. I'm just trying to check in every once in a while to keep up with things. Anything I might have missed over the past days I was gone?
Other than that I feel like some promotions should be given.
Bibby and Wazup, you both get a promotion to Captain.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 18:04:03

At 7/21/04 06:01 PM, QuikFox wrote:
At 7/21/04 05:42 PM, wazup190 wrote: O and welcome back, how was the trip?
Anything I might have missed over the past days I was gone?

No not really.

Other than that I feel like some promotions should be given.
Bibby and Wazup, you both get a promotion to Captain.

Sweet, I will put that in my sig:)
O and why is your trip going sucky?

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 18:07:08

At 7/21/04 06:01 PM, QuikFox wrote: Bibby and Wazup, you both get a promotion to Captain.

Shit, sorry Wazup, forgot that you are a 2nd Lieutenant. I can only give 1 rank promotions so you'd have to be a 1st Lieutenant. Sorry about the mess up. Anyway, its still one more rank under your belt.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 18:11:52

At 7/21/04 06:07 PM, QuikFox wrote: Shit, sorry Wazup, forgot that you are a 2nd Lieutenant. I can only give 1 rank promotions so you'd have to be a 1st Lieutenant. Sorry about the mess up. Anyway, its still one more rank under your belt.

damn you, you got my hopes up j/ks. well, I knew you were going to say that, because i went to check the ranks on newgrounds, to see what number captain was, and I saw that you were browsing the same page, so I dont care. I will be captain soon :)

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 18:14:47

Well thanks FOx. See that is why I like you. Nice, Cool, Smart, funny, and yo--wait, you are taking it back! jOO SuX0r! Oh...just him...lol, j/k.

Well, that is cool, now I can give small missons to one person and promotions! Sweet!:-)

And I have my new b/p rank! Here is the info, I rule!

Voting Power: 6.22 votes

Rank: Elite Guard Sergeant
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 2,524 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 476 quality entries.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 18:17:26

Hey, when are we going to have the next blam/save/review contest. It made me blam with a cause so i was wondering if we can do it again?
I'll keep score if we do.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 18:48:21

Hey guys. Here to see if there are any missions for me.
All this HA stuff is making my head spin. We had the same problem in the Late Night Lounge. Craziness...

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 19:35:48

Yes people it is all my fault! :( im sorry it turns out that was the real HeinousAnus wow I feel really stupid, how do I know this well I decided to check my email (which I do every 2 or 3 weeks) And there I found an email from HeinousAnus himself saying he just came back and etc..... So im really sorry HeinousAnus, hope something like this never happens again :(

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 19:45:19

this is one crunk ass club fo sho, son.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 19:49:45

At 7/21/04 07:45 PM, crunk wrote: this is one crunk ass club fo sho, son.

So are you planning to join? o_O

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 20:06:29

At 7/21/04 05:25 PM, KenshinRRK wrote:
dude i know this isent the real HeinousAnus but what ever dude I aint with this BULL SHIT!! so the faggit thats acting like he is HeinousAnus can log on to the real (HeinousAnus's account) with the password if you know it) so when the real one comes and he complaines its your falt!

ohh no, you arent getting off like that, you fucking coward. Just cause you give me back my account doesnt mean im gonna staple your god damn balls to the wall.

I will be taking some of Tim Sheiff's advice unless you openly appologize for even trying to impersonate me. If you dont i will assume you want to be contacted by the feds a few weeks from now stating that your ass is goin to juvie (invasion of privacy and breach of contract). What you did was obscenely malicious, hateful, disrespectful, and low. Did you actually think that you would get off scott free? Hell ive already contacted Wade and you will be lucky if your account isnt deleted

now that i am on my normal account i would also like to officially request that KenshinRRK be Dishonorably Discharged from the NGA

thank you


Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 20:10:42

Damn this seems like a soap oppra, LOL
this is some bad things that have happened, I guess it just goes to show, you can only trust certain people. (I also offered originally) so, HA welcome back, sorry i said those mildly wrong things to you, I think you wouldv'e done the same thing.
well, I finished that mission you gave me before you left, I posted the list up in the ngarmy forums.

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 20:12:34

At 7/21/04 08:06 PM, HeinousAnus wrote: OMG TOUGH LOVE

that was fucking arnold shwartzenegger style, you kick ass.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 20:16:17

At 7/21/04 08:10 PM, wazup190 wrote: Damn this seems like a soap oppra, LOL
this is some bad things that have happened, I guess it just goes to show, you can only trust certain people. (I also offered originally) so, HA welcome back, sorry i said those mildly wrong things to you, I think you wouldv'e done the same thing.
well, I finished that mission you gave me before you left, I posted the list up in the ngarmy forums.

thanks for finishing it, you are rewarded a promotion of one rank

and dont worry about what you were saying to me, it mus be hard trying to figure out who is who just by going on what name they have, really you were very fair and logical in trying to find out who the real me was, and it is what i would have done in the same situation, so i thank you for not jumping the gun on your descisions earlier


Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 20:35:52

At 7/21/04 08:16 PM, HeinousAnus wrote: stuff -=HA-=

thank you for the promotion, I'm a captain now :)
and thanx for understanding what i said, I didn't jump to a flame, because i knew there was possibilities of someone hacking your account, so I ddin't want to be rude just incase it was you.
O, and i think that kenshin should be DD for his actions.

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 20:42:53

captain eh? looks like you and me both, and now you have the power to assign mission to lower members if you so wish to :)


Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 20:48:31

At 7/21/04 08:35 PM, wazup190 wrote:
At 7/21/04 08:16 PM, HeinousAnus wrote: stuff -=HA-=
thank you for the promotion, I'm a captain now :)
and thanx for understanding what i said, I didn't jump to a flame, because i knew there was possibilities of someone hacking your account, so I ddin't want to be rude just incase it was you.
O, and i think that kenshin should be DD for his actions.

Hey Wazup you said you would be a captain soon anyways when Fox realized he could only give you one! lol. Funny how right you were! XD.

HA, I bet you are pissed at me! But you must understand that both of you were not giving physical proof of your being the real Heinous and Kenshin Being a liar. Sorry about that man. Oh, and I realized it was you when 1) I saw you IM address being HeinousAnous and 2) when I saw a post of yours in the NGA Forums. by bad.:-( I feel stupid. sorry. Could you ever forgive me.

P.S:HAHAHA! That shit you said was funny. "You ain't getting out of this without me stapling your balls to the wall." lol.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 20:56:19

At 7/21/04 08:48 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote:


HA, I bet you are pissed at me! But you must understand that both of you were not giving physical proof of your being the real Heinous and Kenshin Being a liar. Sorry about that man. Oh, and I realized it was you when 1) I saw you IM address being HeinousAnous and 2) when I saw a post of yours in the NGA Forums. by bad.:-( I feel stupid. sorry. Could you ever forgive me.

hey man, its water under the bridge, i know it was probably hard to try to decide which one of us to believe but i hold no grudge against you, i only want swift punishment to Kenshin

all i ask is that he appologizes for his actions, if he does so, i wont be contacting the authorities, which is the least i could do for him right now


Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 20:59:49

Thanks Heinous. You are right. Water under the bridge. lol

Anyways, it seems we have 3 Captains here! Myself, Heinous, and the Newest addition Wazup. Sweet. Now we can assign missions Wazup! Sweet X~)

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 21:04:14

At 7/21/04 08:59 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Anyways, it seems we have 3 Captains here! Myself, Heinous, and the Newest addition Wazup. Sweet. Now we can assign missions Wazup! Sweet X~)

well, I knew I was going to become captain. even though quik didn't let me keep the double rank up. I knew HA would come and be like splaabam captain wazup190, that's why i didn't get mad about the quik thing :) but yes, I am a captain and happy to be one.
Now i can contribute more to the army, by giving out missions and promos :)

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 21:09:12

At 7/21/04 07:35 PM, KenshinRRK wrote: Yes people it is all my fault! :( im sorry it turns out that was the real HeinousAnus wow I feel really stupid, how do I know this well I decided to check my email (which I do every 2 or 3 weeks) And there I found an email from HeinousAnus himself saying he just came back and etc..... So im really sorry HeinousAnus, hope something like this never happens again :(

oh dont worry about that, i just never want to see the likes of you ever again.

the fact that you check you remail every 2 or 3 weeks still doesnt excuse your actions, just be glad im not going Legal on your sorry ass


Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 21:14:38

At 7/21/04 09:09 PM, HeinousAnus wrote:
At 7/21/04 07:35 PM, KenshinRRK wrote: Yes people it is all my fault! :( im sorry it turns out that was the real HeinousAnus wow I feel really stupid, how do I know this well I decided to check my email (which I do every 2 or 3 weeks) And there I found an email from HeinousAnus himself saying he just came back and etc..... So im really sorry HeinousAnus, hope something like this never happens again :(
oh dont worry about that, i just never want to see the likes of you ever again.

the fact that you check you remail every 2 or 3 weeks still doesnt excuse your actions, just be glad im not going Legal on your sorry ass


Ya ruined it HA! You could have saud "Oh don't worry. I'll make sure something like this NEVER happens...again." lol.

Well, now that I am a captain, I have no one to give me missions really and no one to give them to. lol.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 21:25:40

oh dont worry about that, i just never want to see the likes of you ever again.

the fact that you check you remail every 2 or 3 weeks still doesnt excuse your actions, just be glad im not going Legal on your sorry ass


To: HeinousAnus

Thank you sir, once again I will like to say im sorry for being a silly stupid gay ass kid :(, I realise I am DD from NGA and I deserve it and I also realise that there is a 90% chance my account will be deleted an I deserve it! Thanks for sparing my life HA even though I did all that stupid gay shit to you (once again I am sorry :( NONE OF THIS IS A JOKE!! SORRY SORRY SORRY -HA- -HA- -HA-! All I ask from you is to take that Very serious remark from your sig off PLEASE I KNOW you hate me, but I apologise anyways :( Good bye NGA! -NO JOKE- This is all serious!!

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 21:25:59

IM here to tell you that weapon master cannot come for a while because his parents dont want him on the site.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 21:32:51

At 7/21/04 09:25 PM, WeirdoKid wrote: IM here to tell you that weapon master cannot come for a while because his parents dont want him on the site.

Thanks man. I know what that is like. But then I got to 15 and now no one cares! ha! Thank you man.

Well, that was a very Heart filled apology by Kenshin. Good bye.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 21:36:40

At 7/21/04 09:25 PM, KenshinRRK wrote:
To: HeinousAnus

dont ever speak to me again


im done with you, and you are done with me, period.


Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 22:44:40

At 7/21/04 08:35 PM, wazup190 wrote:
At 7/21/04 08:16 PM, HeinousAnus wrote: stuff -=HA-=
thank you for the promotion, I'm a captain now :)

Sirs, I don't want to be hasty, but I wonder if this promotion is approved by higher rank members. HA is now a Captain (If I didn't read wrongly HA needs 0.02VP to be a Major) and he wants to promote wazup to a Captain either. If no higher rank members officially recognise this promotion, it would violate the ranking structure which said something like this:

Commanding Officers (Captain to Colonel) - Oversees all ranks below them. Can promote by one rank a worthy soldier from and to a rank lower than themselves.

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 22:49:47

At 7/21/04 10:44 PM, PSTWAH wrote: Commanding Officers (Captain to Colonel) - Oversees all ranks below them. Can promote by one rank a worthy soldier from and to a rank lower than themselves.

yes, that is true, I guess I do not get my promotion after all :(
But, I think the generals will not mind, beccause he promised me the promotion before he left, for the mission that I did for him.
Well, is there any gens that have something wrong with my promotion?

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 23:02:02

At 7/21/04 04:38 PM, HeinousAnous wrote: this is the real HeinousAnus, and i am officially resigning from the NGA because of the dumb fucks i have to deal with.
At 7/21/04 10:44 PM, PSTWAH wrote: HA is now a Captain (If I didn't read wrongly HA needs 0.02VP to be a Major) and he wants to promote wazup to a Captain.

I think the key word PSTWAH is he was a Captain. If HeinousAnous rejoined the NGA after the quoted post then I must have missed it, but until he officially requests to be returned to active duty (and is accepted) he has no authority here. Rules are rules. You people might also want to be more careful who you entrust your password with. This isn't the first time this crap has happened to fellow members.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2004-07-21 23:06:13

So, I do not get the promotion then recon?
Fine whatever

Retrogade Art

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