Those are the recent happenings in the Army. To visit the website, you can click the link in my sig that says "In the Army" or in Atomicus's sig that says "Homepage". That is all for now, sir.
At 10/12/03 02:11 AM, Enoll wrote:At 10/12/03 02:06 AM, Andy_Parker wrote: It does, thank you. And btw, you called me sir so am i to assume i am still VP?that depends.... will you be staying around more now?
Ofcourse i will, the only reasoni havent is because i didnt have a comp cause i was on a beach holiday.
WOW it's good to be back on NG, although I don't know what happened to it.
two new generals.. both
rank #21 3-Star Lieutenant Generals
We now have 41 members and 6 commanding officers (includes Colonel Hycran and Advisor paulz)
More news: those of you who have not received e-mails from the site. I'm going to have you go back and apply again.
More more news: I'm going to cut Darkn3ss as my advisor (make that 40 members) and am looking for an advisor for my self and for the two new Lieutenant Generals.
That is all.
At 10/12/03 05:14 PM, MozzManson wrote: holy shit dude, this got long.... i was away for 2 days, just FYI stuff
I promote you to rank #13 Second Lieutenant
At 10/12/03 05:01 PM, Atomicus wrote: More more news: I'm going to cut Darkn3ss as my advisor (make that 40 members) and am looking for an advisor for my self and for the two new Lieutenant Generals.
its good to be back.what happend to darkn3ss anyway.just mia.
At 10/12/03 05:26 PM, Niko1uk wrote: its good to be back.what happend to darkn3ss anyway.just mia.
Yeah, something like that... whoever I pick will have to give it back to him if he comes back saying: "I was on vacation" (etc...etc)... but who wants to "apply for these three advisor positions.
Also Wolfinity - Captain rank #15... the rules will be posted on the website... as soon as I/dmx gets a chance.
At 10/12/03 05:53 PM, MozzManson wrote: thanks sir!
You're welcome Lieutenant...
Ok ALL missions currently running are to be halted.
Our newest mission is going to be to find 3 new Advisors and one Secretary of the Army.
At 10/12/03 07:16 PM, Weaksauce wrote: what exactly does an advisor do?
It's like executive power without the executive part. You have a say... you give advice... you MUST be highly qualified. The most qualified people will be selected from who WANTS this position (these positions).
At 10/12/03 08:20 PM, Hycran wrote: i can be an advisor
as long as i dont have to do any real work
us southern colonels just enjoy our hot weather and wheat stalk thingys that we chew on and look like g's with our all white suits and 10 gallon hats
i have nothing important to say
I always listen Hycran! But if you want to be an advisor you lose any other rank title.
At 10/12/03 08:33 PM, Hycran wrote: isnt advisor higher than colonel?
because if it was it would be much of a loss right?
plz clarify plz sir
You will basically have almost as much power as the person you're advising... but you won't have the same enforcing power as that person. You don't get final say. But for you... if you were MY advisor you would technically have more power yes.
At 10/12/03 09:04 PM, Hycran wrote: Atomicus
i will formally hand in my application as your advisor
I of course realise that i wont have as much power as before but i didnt really know how much power i had anyways so its all good sir
sir yessir
I graciously accept your application. I figured you probably wouldn't want to be Secretary of the Army... it's a lot of WORK... but I've been handling it.... for now.
If no one else "applies" to be my advisor I'm going to take Hycran on... he's awesome.
At 10/12/03 09:26 PM, MozzManson wrote: I'm happy being on the battlefield sir! so i dont need a promotion up to advisor or anything liek that anytime soon.
Congrads. Two promotions in one day. You are now a Lieutenant (rank #15). This deserves an honor as well. First to receive two separate promotions in one day.
Which reminds me. I owe an honor to Kid_Davis. Multiple ranks moved up in one promotion. (3) Andy_Parker also: 7?
Oops. That's rank #14.
Hycran... I have MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AIM, and windows Messenger. Would you like to find a suitible one? Oh. I also signed the guestbook on your site.
At 10/12/03 09:49 PM, Hycran wrote: aim is for NG
Yes... ok I officially take on Hycran as my Advisor...which means he is promoted.
My AIM: AtomicustheRed
At 10/12/03 10:39 PM, Hycran wrote:
aight cool
that guy cant beat me up, IM INVINCLIBLE
Aren't we all?
I'll make sure to put it into my todo list.
and still respectful!! I like it!
At 10/12/03 11:14 PM, Hycran wrote: youre lucky youre older than me
or else i would never say sir
i have my pride
and stuff
go me
It's all about the pride and the ph33r my brother.
You know, I wouldn't mind being an advisor to someone. I think that I have lots of good ideas and that I could be a big help to anyone who needs it. I don't need a promotion or anything, that's not what I really need. But I do want to help out in anyway that I can.
At 10/12/03 11:52 PM, Kid_Davis wrote: I usually vote on about 50 of those movies a day. It's not like I have anything better to do. But I want to help out in other ways too. I don't just want to be another member that adds to the strength. I think that I have more to offer than that, sir.
I hereby promote you to Second Lieutenant