At 10/11/03 06:16 PM, Kid_Davis wrote: What the heck are you talking about? What is going on?
Hycran & Niko1uk... I have decided what when I or Atomicus are not here you two will be incharge....
Anf Guitar clock... settle down abit.. & stop telling people what to do & yelling at people ... go out & vote the crap out of the portal... but dont start fights with other army memebers..
Right now I'm busy making a flash for the Army to submit to the portal...
it's turning out pretty good too....
At 10/11/03 11:16 PM, Enoll wrote:
Anf Guitar clock... settle down abit.. & stop telling people what to do & yelling at people ... go out & vote the crap out of the portal... but dont start fights with other army memebers..
I did stop. You just need to pay more attention to the posts. Over.
At 10/11/03 11:38 PM, Guitar_clock wrote:At 10/11/03 11:37 PM, AliP wrote:Why is that good¿
Probably to promote the club? Why else?
Dude, isn't it obvious? Why else would you want to promote a club. To make members. Why have members in an army? To make the army stronger. You have to be smarter than that.
Greetings, General Enoll, Sir Paulz_69 and General Atomicus. I've been following this for a day or two, and I'm impressed with the great things that done by The Great Army. But it could be more better if The Army could spare some time in helping this. It could be the best way of helping NG. Thanks.
Hey guys, im back, although most of you probably dont know me. I helped set up the NG army a bit and became the Vice Pres but i went on a 2 week holiday (thats Australian for vacation).
If anyone wants to fill me in on whats happened for the last 20 pages it would be great.
well Andy.... we god a page up.. it's in atomicus's sig.. go there & sign up for the forums...
we tested out power in voting for movies.. which was a great sucess...
gotten lots of new meebers.....
actually it would be easir if you qucilky read though afew of the pages...
go & vote on th movies that do not yet have 200 votes.. it wolud hlp NG out in a HUGE way!
carry on with this order till somethingelse comes up..
good suggestion Skeletony... thanks for it
At 10/12/03 01:21 AM, Andy_Parker wrote: Hey guys, im back, although most of you probably dont know me.
A lot has happened actually:
-There is a new ranking system that has been created, which is on page 5. It shows you how to figure out your rank.
-We are not allowed to address a higher ranking officer without some form of politeness, such as sir or General.
-We have an official website for the NG Army, made by GrOuNdEd_DmX. All members are to report there and sign in on the site to help keep track of members, which is currently at somewhere around 37 total.
-The leading generals as of now are Enoll, Atomicus, and Paulz_69. When they are not present in the forum, commanding officers will be Niko1uk and Hycran.
-Our present purpose is to blam crap entries, protect and help entries that we feel deserve the recognition, and recently; to help NG by helping to raise movies up past 200 votes that are not there yet.
-Postings that are talking or complaining about a promotion will result in a demotion.
-Members will be considered MIA(Missing In Action) if they are not heard of for 5 days or more, unless they make it known ahead of time. Being MIA can result in a dishonorable discharge from the Army.
-A recent mission was to see how effective the Army was in voting power. The first attempt was a failure, with a bad entry to see how much we could affect it's score. This was done with few members at the time. Our recent mission was to vote on a movie called Legacy. We succeeded in getting it into the top 50 for a while and scoring it a spot on the front page.
At 10/12/03 01:44 AM, Enoll wrote: well Andy.... we god a page up.. it's in atomicus's sig.. go there & sign up for the forums...
Will do
we tested out power in voting for movies.. which was a great sucess...
thats good
that could be good, i dont speak mumble.
gotten lots of new meebers.....
thats also good.
actually it would be easir if you qucilky read though afew of the pages...
Anywhere specific (towards the end, at the start, around the middle) 20 pages is alot.