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Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 15:51:13

I'm working on a web page for the club. I'll have somthing going by tonight. I'll post the pre-loader for the NG Army using Abyss_knight's flag. Thank's Abyss.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 16:06:09

Sorry, I didn't know that only a few people could let people join. I really need to read the rules! WHERE ARE THEY!!!! thx.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 17:21:42

General Atomicus, I am reporting in to say that I have raised my vote power enough to be eligible for the next rank in the Army, sir. I would appreciate it if you could look over my progress and give me a reply back. Thank you..

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 17:27:45

At 10/6/03 05:21 PM, Kid_Davis wrote: General Atomicus, I am reporting in to say that I have raised my vote power enough to be eligible for the next rank in the Army, sir. I would appreciate it if you could look over my progress and give me a reply back. Thank you..

I think... I'm going... to EXPLODE ON SOMEBODY!!! READ PREVIOUS POSTINGS!!! I'm gonna go kung-fu on somebody if it doesn't start happening RIGHT NOW!!!!

PLEASE! Please, read before you post, I would highly appreciate it if you would lurk before you blindly post like that! Or, I'm gonna start demoting people randomly until the picture gets across to you!!

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 17:32:00

Sup just thought i drop in and say HI

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 17:38:13

At 10/6/03 05:32 PM, aFiReInSidE25 wrote: Sup just thought i drop in and say HI

(stops ranting for quick second) ... hi... (back into rage mode)

I expect fully that all the members are capable of looking between their postings so that you catch up on what's going on. It's really not that hard, and it usually doesn't take too long if you've been posting semi-regularly. Start paying attention, or I'm coming to get you (demotion, demotion, demotion... and oh yes... Discharge)


It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 17:58:06

Hey check out this pic I made in 5 minutes! Its just a simple pic... was bored! =)


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 20:38:02

i have moved up in rancing now...

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 21:52:03

May I join?

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 21:54:45

i have returned! and yea you can join

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 22:23:35

At 10/6/03 at sometime Black_Mage_Lulu wrote

can I join?

Yes you may join. You are... a Lieutenant (1st Lieutenant) rank #14.

At 10/6/03 09:54 PM, MozzManson wrote: i have returned!

No, you're demoted!
Congradulations on being NG Army's first completely ignorant soldier. You are demoted from the rank of Command Sergeant Major (rank #11) to Sergeant Major (rank #10). I'm sorry, but if I have to make an example of somebody I will... My niceness has worn off for all you maggots. READ!!

Now that I've made my example, I'm going to go back through the rules as they stand right now. That and make all of them PERFECTLY CLEAR.

1) Unless you are given the duty to assign ranks, you CANNOT allow in new members.
2) Lurk before you post, to look for new rules that may have been set in place, so you don't get demoted or possibly discharged.
3) Until you are given explicit duties, you have none other than to be ready for action.
4) You WILL NOT ask for a promotion, someone with the task of keeping up with this (and has a higher rank) will keep track of this FOR YOU... at this current point in time, only Enoll, paulz, and myself can assign rankings and give promotions.
5) If you break a rule, you will generally be given a warning, if behavior continues, you WILL BE DEMOTED.
6) If you have been demoted several times, you will be considered for dishonorable discharge. You will be banned from ever rejoining Army.
7) Currently there are no rules for honorable discharge.
8) If you break a rule that has been given multiple explicit warnings, it's your own fault for not lurking to find new rules, and you will be demoted (see above example)
9) If an Army member goes above and beyond the call of duty or does some special deed (ie 1st post on hundredth page, first to do such action, etc), you may and probably will be given an honor. An honor will be to your favor if you are being considered for a demotion or discharge.
10) Any army member caught attempting to gain such honors by dishonorable means, will be demoted. (ie multiple posts in a row to make xth posting).

Ok, that's it FOR NOW. Any problems?


It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 22:32:04

wow i will try not to get on your badside

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 22:35:21

yea, but you quoted me saying im back, and i see no rule i cant say that i cant tell people that im back formt he theripst and all that crap??? i was gone fer almost a week, and i honstly know that your gogin to deote me for this but pffft, learn what to woute next time

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 22:40:39

and how is it i WAS rank 12 when im only 10 pnts away form lvl 8 (wich is 1 lvl behinde the other guy) and i almost have 300 blams/saves and he got 2 ranks higher then i did when i joined??

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 22:43:42

At 10/6/03 10:35 PM, MozzManson wrote: yea, but you quoted me saying im back, and i see no rule i cant say that i cant tell people that im back formt he theripst and all that crap??? i was gone fer almost a week, and i honstly know that your gogin to deote me for this but pffft, learn what to woute next time

I'm sorry if you misunderstand... first show a little more respect when you've been demoted, I might just be willing to let you off... second, the rule you broke was allowing another member to join. I realize what I quoted, I'm no moron, or i wouldn't have the ranking of 4-star General would I now? I like you Mozz, don't get me wrong!! It's not me against you personally, I just want to make sure that everyone knows the rules.

For the sake of good peace... I remove the demotion. You're rank is restored to that of Command Sergeant Maojr... just don't let things like that slip again.

Lulu - don't worry, this doesn't affect you at all

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 22:44:26

At 10/6/03 09:54 PM, MozzManson wrote: i have returned! and yea you can join

This is why you were demoted. You cannot accept new members because:

1)You've not been delegated that responsiblity

2)The person you said could join was going to have a higher rank that you. You can't hire your boss in the real world, can you?

3)Atomicus just spent the last 3 or 4 pages of this topic saying not to do what you just did. Read the previous post before you post.


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 22:45:24

lol ok, besides im just beeing a smartass, as usual.... ill try to watch it, ehh that might be hard =)

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 22:49:03

Well I got a make shift NG Army Page that should explain the rules, command structure, and current member positions. I hope it's helpful.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 22:51:08

At 10/6/03 10:44 PM, paulz_69 wrote: 3)Atomicus just spent the last 3 or 4 pages of this topic saying not to do what you just did. Read the previous post before you post.

as i said before, i wasnt here for the last week... you do relize noone is goign to read the entire thread for new rules

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 22:56:44

At 10/6/03 10:51 PM, MozzManson wrote: as i said before, i wasnt here for the last week... you do relize noone is goign to read the entire thread for new rules

That's why I made the club page. I'll be keeping it as current as possible.

BTW, the preloader is now available on the page. Thanks again to Abyss_Knight for letting me use the pic you made. It's bacically a modified version of the preloader NG provides, but it looks cooler I think.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 23:18:49

At 10/6/03 10:47 PM, Hycran wrote: how come no one is finding my battle cruiser joke funny?
isnt it fun to just shoot zerglings or terran civilains with a whole shit load of bc's?
sure it is
sorry atomicus

I laughed Hycran... I always laugh at that one. I like it when the zergs would explode and leave green junk all over.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 00:00:04

shooting anything is fun

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 00:43:13

Ok. Now that I know you are listening i can explain a possible system better.
Does the menial work, strength in numbers
-Junior NCOs-
Lance Corperal (No promotion required, automatic after time)
Basically a more prestegious soldier
Liases between SNCO's and Soldiers
-Senior NCOs-
Supervisor of JNCOs
Staff Sergeant
In charge of a platoon each
Warrant Officer Class 2
Assists the W/O Cls 1
Warrant Officer Class 1
In charge of everything happening involving NCOs and troops, liases between officers and SNCOs
-Junior Officers-
Second Leiutanant
Leiutanant Colonel
Major General
Lieutanant General

The Officers do not have any designated taskes, they are deligated to them by those above but generally devise orders in a think tank situation.

To get things done efficiantly you would want 2 or 3 platoons which consist of an officer, a staff sergeant, two sergeants, 3 corperals, 4 lance corperals and about 20 troops.

So for example there is some rather crap enteries in the portal somewhere found by a sergeant, they would tell the Staff sergeant, who would tell thier supervising officer. The officer would either give the go ahead order himself or pass it up to someone with enough rank to say go. And then off it goes. This is chain of command, it stops the high ranks getting lots of things to decide upon and filters out all the crap.

Promotion is something decided upon by the officers and reccommended to a major general or above to promote them.

The General decides all the privilages of the ranks etc.

If you are of a higer rank than someone, you can deligate tasks to them, if this task is inappropriate or the party involved may complain and skip a link in the chain of command.

You must enforce an effective system of discipline and attendance through either demotion or discharge. The general decides these conditions and is the only rank that can discharge.
I suggest that you must 'clock in' to the website once a week and if you are unable to do this, i.e. you are on holiday, you must apply for leave of absence. If you fail to 'clock in' twice in a row your account is put under review and a warning email sent out.
If you have had a complaint laid against you, you will appear infront of a panel of officers whom you defend yourself against.

The general has the last word, and rank is strictly obeyed. I suggest that your rank is clearly displayed so people know who you are.

-The website-
I suggest a website which has an intro page, discussing what we are about, and an application page, where you fill out an application form which is then reviewed by an officer. Once your application is accepted you can then access the members area, where there is an officer's message board for all to read, and a system of chat rooms. A VIP chat room (for special meetings, an officers chat room, an NCO chat room and a soldier's chat room. This can be easily set up through irc and use java to put it on the webpage. These can be made password protected. I also suggest a weekly newsletter written by an officer and reviewed by two others before they are sent, these contain news, orders and meeting times. There would be a newsletter for officers, one for NCOs and one for soldiers.

This should develop a strong army to be reconned with, we could even have wars with other clubs etc, and have spies and things like that. oh what fun.

If you want anymore info just email me (immortalsniper@hotmail.com) only email from those sorting out admin please or i will not reply.


PS I would like to accept your offer to be an advisor to you
PPS The rank of colonel would be nice too :P

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 03:50:08

morning gentelmen....
I see you have all been busy in my abscense...
welocme to new members

good work paulz
good make-shift page..
just 1 thing.. I think the link is broken going to the preloder.. or maybey the site it's on is down.. i dunno...

after reading all the previous pages I have also seen that Atomicus has been busy too... keeping things in order & laying down some rules...
good work....


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 11:40:27

Erm, yes we can say that, sir!

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 13:39:43

At 10/7/03 03:50 AM, Enoll wrote: just 1 thing.. I think the link is broken going to the preloder..

Morning General,

The file storage place I had the preloader at no longer allows file sharing. Email me at pdeltoro@bakersfieldcollege.edu and i'll send it to who ever wants it.

I can't really make much improvements to the page. A VIP chat room would probably take cash to setup. As far as applications into the Army are concerned, we'll probably wait till numbers are higher or Enoll deems it nessassary. Having a members only area is a cool idea but beyond my limited HTML knowlege.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 14:29:42

Here's the new Homepage for the NG Army. It has a quick mission statement and is easier for me to modify later. If you want something else listed on their, (i.e. reminders, pics, a theme song), let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 15:27:13

paulz.... NOT trying to be mean but... your a very poor webmaster.... your using a pre made teplate from geocities.

If thats the best you can do tell me... so I can make a real site...!

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 15:37:12

Enoll, Atomicus, or Paulz_69... I am now eligable for the next rank up. If you can review it and let me know if I can change that would be great. -Thx

~P.S.- If we need a good website... I would like to volenteer to be the webmaster. I'm pretty good.(in my profile is a current site of mine)~

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 15:55:38

At 10/7/03 03:27 PM, GrOuNdEd_DmX wrote: paulz.... NOT trying to be mean but... your a very poor webmaster.... your using a pre made teplate from geocities.

That's all I had time for, I'm a college student taking 18 units this semester and I have a job. HTML takes too long and it was that or have Atomicus have a heart attack from screaming at the troops that don't know where to look for the rules.

Your rank will be reviewed in due time. Maybe you should review the rules section since you didn't seem notice the rule you just broke about asking for your ranking to be reviewed.