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Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 13:19:25

At 10/5/03 01:18 PM, spin_me_around wrote: Sir thank you Sir!

Did you just deposit experience soldier?

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 13:23:58

No sir, i have desposited experience already today sir!

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 13:26:30

one more thing, can us NG army members join other clubs too?

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 13:47:16

i am no longer like the lowest guy here...

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 13:53:24

At 10/5/03 01:26 PM, spin_me_around wrote: one more thing, can us NG army members join other clubs too?

Two things
a) Because of your increase to lvl 3, I promote you to PFC rank #3...
b) well yeah, just look at my list

AlexMMM yep, as soon as you are lvl 4 (I'll know) I'm goin to promote you to corporal

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 13:55:47

At 10/5/03 12:25 PM, Brecklez wrote: Hey id like to join,,,i just whipped up a sig in 5mins just incase=) pleaaaaaaaaase,,ill be good*puppy dog eyes*

Yes Private 2nd class (rank #2)

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 15:35:19

hey i just leveled up to lv.5 and i have voting power of 3 now do i advance sir?

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 17:17:45

At 10/5/03 03:35 PM, aFiReInSidE25 wrote: hey i just leveled up to lv.5 and i have voting power of 3 now do i advance sir?

You should. You will have to ask one of the generals. Do you know what rank you will be advancing to?

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 19:42:17

At 10/5/03 03:35 PM, aFiReInSidE25 wrote: hey i just leveled up to lv.5 and i have voting power of 3 now do i advance sir?

You may now advance. Your current rankinging is now Staff Sergeant. Congradulations.

Remember, if current or future members wish to be offically ranked as a member of the NG Army, they must first ask the permission of our General of the Army Enoll, our 4-star General Atomicus or myself, the Advisor to the General. Posting your position new rank before offically being authorized can result in demotion. That is all.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 20:01:26

Glad to see so may flocking to our ranks. I currently began making a flash based on a book that i'm writting. It should be out in a couple weeks or so. Hopefully it's good enough to remain on NG. In any case, i'll post the time and day i'll be submitting it so the NG Army can have a shot at the blam\save point.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 20:12:19

cool thx man

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 20:12:41

At 10/5/03 08:01 PM, paulz_69 wrote: Glad to see so may flocking to our ranks. I currently began making a flash based on a book that i'm writting. It should be out in a couple weeks or so. Hopefully it's good enough to remain on NG. In any case, i'll post the time and day i'll be submitting it so the NG Army can have a shot at the blam\save point.

Greetings sir! O\ (salute sign)

I have the new complete list of soldiers with new rankings (up to now). This excludes current command. Total count (including command) is 27.

Major (#16)

Captain (#15)

(1st) Lieutenant (#14)

Second Lieutenant (#13)

Command Sergeant Major (#11)

Sergeant Major (#10)

First Sergeant (#9)

Master Sergeant (#8)

Staff Sergeant (#6)

Corporal (#4)

Private 1st Class/PFC (#3)

Private 2nd Class (#2)

This is good. Let's keep it up.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 20:14:44

so when is the next time i advance in rank is it when i hit lvl 7?

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 20:16:09

At 10/5/03 08:14 PM, aFiReInSidE25 wrote: so when is the next time i advance in rank is it when i hit lvl 7?

When one of us (ie command) tells you. Until then don't ask. That goes for everyone.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 20:42:26

Wow, 27 members already? Looking good. I'm interested in using the NG Army flag on a preloader. As soon as it's choosen, i'd like to start working on that. That way our club can get some exposure.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 20:50:14

At 10/5/03 08:42 PM, paulz_69 wrote: Wow, 27 members already? Looking good. I'm interested in using the NG Army flag on a preloader. As soon as it's choosen, i'd like to start working on that. That way our club can get some exposure.

I would recommend using Abyssal_Knight's flag pic... I'll go ask his permission.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 20:54:10

sirs i have just got to level 3 may i be promoted?

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 21:01:06

At 10/5/03 08:54 PM, stupid_me wrote: sirs i have just got to level 3 may i be promoted?

Ok, this is the last time I'm going to say this. The next person who violates this rule WILL BE DEMOTED. You DO NOT ask to be promoted, WE will determine when such a thing is deemed worthy. No more ASKING for promotions. It makes things easier rather than there being a lot of chaos having 15 people all coming at once to ask for promotions, don't worry just yet.

Yes, you are now PFC (rank #3) if you don't know what PFC stands for it's Private First Class.

Also, I'm looking for a soldier who knows how to build a website so we can more easily communicate with each other and keep track of rankings.

That is all.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 21:10:47

sorry sir i havent been here in a while i didnt know

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 21:24:53

At 10/5/03 09:10 PM, stupid_me wrote: sorry sir i havent been here in a while i didnt know

It's ok soldier, that's why I said last time. Don't worry about it.

paulz_69, sir. Abyssal_Knight has given his permission for you to use his pic as a preloader pic.

I also have the commanding rank limits.
Rank # Limit
23 1
22 4
21 8
20 8
19 16
18 32
1-17 No limit

That's a total of 36 generals, I think that's (a) plenty fair of a chance that (b) doesn't have the army going haywire. Also, once these ranks start to be filled, there will be a seniority system. In other words, the harder you work, the sooner you get to command rank... you get the picture.

General Enoll, sir. I hope you find all of these rules and regulations satisfactory, I think we're done with setting them. Although we may have to adjust things along the way.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-05 22:33:51

At 10/5/03 10:08 PM, Hycran wrote: some funny shit.

You're hilarious Hycran! I remember playing Starcraft... (places reminiscent/far off look on face)

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 00:12:41

i have gone up in power i am now lvll 4 and 2.55 voting power

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 00:33:33

At 10/6/03 12:12 AM, AlexMMMM wrote: i have gone up in power i am now lvll 4 and 2.55 voting power

Allow me expound upon what I said in my second posting on this page... do not post what would imply that you are asking for a rank up either. I'm perfectly capable of clicking on your profiles to figure out where you are in terms of voting power... that said...

You are now a Corporal

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 04:48:31

Hey, i have just browsed this post and, no offence but this army seems rather disorganized. Having been in the militarty myself i suggest you base this army on a regular force style. i.e. Soldier, Lance Cpl, Cpl, Sgt, SSgt, W/O then into the officers all with the same duties, i can explain them fully if you wish. get a website with a join page that has a full set of rules detailing operations and promotions etc. give each of the officers a directive (what thier responsibilities are) and set up a "mailer" for distributing orders. The reason i say this is if you want your army to hold together you need a rigerous chain of command. I see people asking the "President" if they can join your army, if it gets large he will be getting swamped, They should be asking a second lieutenant or something. Also don't let anyone join, either set up a system of referral or have an experience prerequisite, limit your numbers so it doesnt get out of hand, and respect those with a higher rank and do what they say by giving higher ranks higher privelages, (maybe having the power to freeze the account of those underneath them for a certain period of time). I am just saying this to let you know that how you are going at the moment it will never be able to hold it's own. This is just an observation, you can either listen to my advice or ignore it. Personally i can't see the point of an army unless it's officially affiliated with NG, and you could have the NG officers club or something but this has already been set up by NG. I will join if you feel my advice is worth taking onboard and advise the adjudant or whatever.


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 07:47:04

Can I join? I have over 5 voting power, whistle level silver, and I'm a police lieutenant. Can I join! I want to be in the army!

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 13:19:36

At 10/6/03 10:55 AM, -Sphere- wrote:
At 10/6/03 12:33 AM, Atomicus wrote:
You are now a Corporal
errrmmm..... sir atomicus, seeing my voting power (5.95) is so close to 6.00 don't you think i should be a major, seeing i do have a silver whistle which wasn't included when i was promoted to captain

You do know that asking for promotions isn't allowed, don't you?

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 13:25:15

NT, yeah, so, i can't beleive my mum put tis stupid thing on my pc! I can't raise my voting power! ahhh

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 15:03:40

At 10/6/03 10:55 AM, -Sphere- wrote: errrmmm..... sir atomicus, seeing my voting power (5.95) is so close to 6.00 don't you think i should be a major

Three things,

1)you already asked and was answered.

2)Atomicus just finished saying not to ask for promotion or their will will be a demotion

3)your voting power is only 5.94, which is 6 deposits away from being 6.00. If you started depositing experience when you first asked you'd be a major now.

4)A system, to my knowlege has not been established to factor in the whistle level to your ranking, so at this point, your whistle level is irrelavent.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 15:10:08

At 10/6/03 07:47 AM, sionofdarkness wrote: Can I join? I have over 5 voting power, whistle level silver, and I'm a police lieutenant. Can I join! I want to be in the army!

Welcome aboard, your rank will be Captain.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-06 15:15:54

Ok... looks like I've got my work cut out for me...

Darkn3ss... I will accept you as my personal advisor, if you do not want this position (i.e. you want a ranking postion let me know) We already have a ranking system, we really just need a better means of enforcing rules and a set system for when Army grows larger. I understand the chaos you see, and I've been frantically attempting to place and revise various rules that just don't seem to be working. I know that right now having a General doing all the work (in terms of promotions, etc) is a bit rediculous, but right now we have a short-hand supply of high ranking officers (myself, paulz (advisor to Enoll), and Enoll the club's creator. I'm willing to lend you my ear when it comes to delegating tasks. When it comes to a website, I've already been asking around, but no one yet has replied to that request... Check here (toward bottom) for the current member list. I also have a spreadsheet with the current memberlist. And there are various rules spread around currently within this topic. I like your NG Army website idea a lot. In conclusion: I would appreciate your thoughts on task delegation, your thoughts for a website, and your thoughts/questions for the current system (includes rules, promotion, etc). Thank you.

sionofdarkness - you are a Captain rank #15

Sphere, out of my very lenient and good nature I'm giving you a warning, the next time you step out of line you will be demoted.

spin_me_around - You WILL respect higher rank, I understand that you were merely regurgitating regulations to Sphere, but he is a Captain, and you are a PFC, I do believe he outranks you a great deal.
I have my eye on both of you.

paulz, sir, thank you for your assistance. You are correct that whistle level does not play a factor in determining rank...although we may reconsider the role it plays in terms of deciding whether or not someone levels (higher=more to advantage)

NG-Lethal - I have something for you in Atomic Crew when you have a spare minute.

That is all.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.