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Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 18:30:34

Sorry, I saw that rule after i posted.

So we don't tell you that we leveled up. That just means more work for you guys... having to basically check every person every day or whatever you do.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 19:41:07

At 10/7/03 06:30 PM, GrOuNdEd_DmX wrote: Sorry, I saw that rule after i posted.

So we don't tell you that we leveled up. That just means more work for you guys... having to basically check every person every day or whatever you do.

For now, until we have some more competent higher ranking officers that actually post. Paulz, thanks, but unless they check the website, they'll never know what the rules are... best to make examples (like I did to Mozz, sorry Mozz). 18 credits (units) huh? I'm taking 16... but back to the topic, I think we should grant Dmx authority to make another page... see what it looks like. Before we have you do this Dmx, I want to know the extent of your skills...
can you create an admin function... etc. Let us know asap. Thanks.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 19:56:12

The following are soldier are here by promoted to the following ranks:

Grounded_DMX.............First Lieutenant #14
Moz......................Cheif Sergent Major
aFireinSidE25............Sergent First Class
Thugor...................Sergent Major

If you've already been informed please disregard. If you believe you should be considered for promotion, discuss something on the board once in a while so we in Command know your not MIA.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 20:01:02

At 10/7/03 07:56 PM, paulz_69 wrote: NG-Lethal................Corporal

Correction, NG-Lethal is still a Captain, my bad.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 20:02:01

At 10/7/03 07:56 PM, paulz_69 wrote: The following are soldier are here by promoted to the following ranks:

Little mistake sir... NG-Lethal you are now a captain rank #16.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 20:03:34

At 10/7/03 08:01 PM, paulz_69 wrote:
At 10/7/03 07:56 PM, paulz_69 wrote: NG-Lethal................Corporal
Correction, NG-Lethal is still a Captain, my bad.

Whoops, you're quicker than I am, sir.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 20:26:41

At 10/7/03 08:03 PM, Atomicus wrote: Whoops, you're quicker than I am, sir.

Last time I write notes shorthand. ;)

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 20:31:16

At 10/7/03 08:26 PM, paulz_69 wrote:
At 10/7/03 08:03 PM, Atomicus wrote: Whoops, you're quicker than I am, sir.
Last time I write notes shorthand. ;)

I have EVERYONE on a spreadsheet that is actually VERY easy to keep track of. We now have 30 members, granted a good number are MIA, but if they don't post anymore, they don't get rank up. I think we should create a rule saying if they don't post for... 5 pages that we honorably discharge them. Just a thought.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 20:43:58

At 10/7/03 08:31 PM, Atomicus wrote:

I think we should create a rule saying if they don't post for... 5 pages that we honorably discharge them. Just a thought.

It's an idea, but should an honorably discharged soldier be allowed to rejoin at full status if they were on vacation or somethis preventing them from posting? Maybe we should factor in whether they were a contributing soldier before they went MIA to whether they can come back. Maybe Enoll can decide whether a rule like this should be applied at this point. I do see it's need in the future however, so we should consider a date to enforce it should it be deemed nessassary.

Just random thoughts going through my head as I work.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 20:46:24

At 10/7/03 08:43 PM, paulz_69 wrote:
At 10/7/03 08:31 PM, Atomicus wrote:
I think we should create a rule saying if they don't post for... 5 pages that we honorably discharge them. Just a thought.

what about the ppl who post alot like me and some of the other ppl if u are going to punish the ppl who dont post u have to reword the ppl who do post...

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 20:47:19

that might not be ther best idea, becuase i was banned for 3 days and whne i came back there was about 7 more pages since i was last here, they could be dishcarged if they dont post in 5, but if they have a reasonable excuuse like vacation(of course you could post that you were going on vac., but what if you were surprisingly banned for 7 days?

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 20:52:08

At 10/7/03 08:47 PM, MozzManson wrote: that might not be ther best idea, becuase i was banned for 3 days and whne i came back there was about 7 more pages since i was last here, they could be dishcarged if they dont post in 5, but if they have a reasonable excuuse like vacation(of course you could post that you were going on vac., but what if you were surprisingly banned for 7 days?

it should be enuf time for ppl to come back from a vacaotion 7 days i mean but if they say there are going away for longer and all the ppl know that that should be alowd...

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 20:52:34

At 10/7/03 08:47 PM, MozzManson wrote: that might not be ther best idea

That's why I think we should wait and consider how long does a person have to be gone before action can be taken. Five pages can go up pretty quickly.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 20:52:59

At 10/7/03 08:46 PM, AlexMMMM wrote:
At 10/7/03 08:43 PM, paulz_69 wrote:
At 10/7/03 08:31 PM, Atomicus wrote:
I think we should create a rule saying if they don't post for... 5 pages that we honorably discharge them. Just a thought.
what about the ppl who post alot like me and some of the other ppl if u are going to punish the ppl who dont post u have to reword the ppl who do post...

The reward for people who do post is going to given out less frequently, the example I gave before was an honor on your record if you get the 1st post on the 100th page. However, the real reward you get for posting frequently is that we notice you... just don't be an attention whore. There are too many members for there to be attention whores. When we notice you, we can check your profile to see if you are eligible for promotion.

At 10/7/03 08:47 PM, MozzManson wrote: that might not be ther best idea, becuase i was banned for 3 days and whne i came back there was about 7 more pages since i was last here, they could be dishcarged if they dont post in 5, but if they have a reasonable excuuse like vacation(of course you could post that you were going on vac., but what if you were surprisingly banned for 7 days?

No, because Honorable Discharge will give you the option to rejoin at full ranking (see paulz's post).

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 21:23:43

i'm getting my borther to look into getting us a better free space on the web to host our page than Geocities.....
I'll tell you tommorow if I can get us a better one..


Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 22:46:24

At 10/7/03 09:23 PM, Enoll wrote: i'm getting my borther to look into getting us a better free space on the web to host our page than Geocities.....
I'll tell you tommorow if I can get us a better one..

Hey I just got us one!
Cool Beans Huh?

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-07 22:49:05

unchain, you still havent registerd, but yea dot tk is a good site, VampiricKnights War3 pball clan (before tft came out) pwnz! sorry, good memeories from tk :)

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-08 00:06:15

General Atomicus, I am sorry about my last post. Considering that what I posted was what I did the first couple times, I just figured that is what I should be doing from now on, since no one told me that I shouldn't be doing it. I will try to be more careful about that next time. My apologies..

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-08 00:31:41

i wanna be in the army

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-08 00:33:41

At 10/7/03 10:46 PM, Unchain wrote: Hey I just got us one!
Cool Beans Huh?

Well, we didn't exactly give you the go-ahead, but I think it's fine, I'm not going to punish you for being helpful, but I'm not going to reward for not having followed order to wait for orders. You need to add to our mission statement that we also protect movies as well. We are protectors too.

I also asked to know what else you can do with the website. Like functions you can add. Or whatever.

At 10/7/03 10:49 PM, MozzManson wrote: unchain, you still havent registerd, but yea dot tk is a good site, VampiricKnights War3 pball clan (before tft came out) pwnz! sorry, good memeories from tk :)

Registered? Huh? Soldier, speak up so I can understand you, college is starting to take away some of my senses. I'm glad we have member approval of the website.

At 10/8/03 12:06 AM, Kid_Davis wrote: General Atomicus, I am sorry about my last post. Considering that what I posted was what I did the first couple times, I just figured that is what I should be doing from now on, since no one told me that I shouldn't be doing it. I will try to be more careful about that next time. My apologies..

I haven't said anything about it yet, so I won't say anything now. I was stating in that in the general direction of the members because so many were breaking the very rules that are being set...

That's the most important thing you can remember on NG: LURK before you post, that way you don't miss things that have been said, and you have a better idea of how maintain the context of what's going on.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-08 04:12:38

Ok listen up troops, I have our very first mission assignment. Please note, I am looking right now more for response than for results.

You should all find this portal entry very interesting.

Your mission:
To view this movie... and IF you feel it is good enough to vote a five for it to pull it up the ranks of flash animation. It doesn't currently make the top 50... my request is that we see how much we can effect it. At the time of this posting it's score was 4.07 let's see what we can do!! ROLL OUT!

Requirements: View movie
Mission end: Friday 0000 hours.

Honor available: Fast response, all troops take screenshot of # of votes after you vote. Once mission is complete, report back here with message: Mission complete - vote #x. I will ask the lowest vote # for a screenshot at which point I will assign an honor to that soldier.
Good luck.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-08 05:39:58

mission acomplished sir!

I don't take revenue from my profile.

TV Tropes Wiki

BBS Signature

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-08 11:13:48

mission completed!

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-08 11:18:09

You mean like this for example?
Mission accomplished,
Thanks for voting, NG-Lethal!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 5.12 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 10% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 5.63 votes!

The more experience points you have combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!

You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 4.10!
Your experience points have been deposited already today. Thanks for doing the overtime!

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-08 11:54:13

At 10/8/03 11:13 AM, spin_me_around wrote: mission completed!

oops, forgot to say "Sir!"

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-08 12:13:52

At 10/8/03 11:54 AM, spin_me_around wrote: oops, forgot to say "Sir!"

spin_me_around... I notice you are eligible for promotion, you are now rank #4 Corporal.

Hmmm... keep up the good work, but I don't think we're there yet. Good job, but we're not done for another 36 hours (which means you can vote on it again).

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-08 12:20:40

Woops, i fergot sir too!

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-08 12:22:58

At 10/8/03 12:13 PM, Atomicus wrote:
Hmmm... keep up the good work, but I don't think we're there yet. Good job, but we're not done for another 36 hours (which means you can vote on it again).

Thanks for the promotion sir! i'll vote on the movie again tomorrow,since i've voted on it today.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-08 12:23:45

At 10/8/03 12:20 PM, ARMAGEDDON_pig wrote: Woops, i fergot sir too!

That's ok soldier :-) *chuckles*

You were Lethal before?

and Experimental you were Sphere before? Why can't you guys stick to one good name (like me)?

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-10-08 12:30:42

Cos we are'nt smart as you sir! We can't find a good name as you sir!
I don't know, kinda was getting old!