World Of Warcraft
Speaking of which... has anyone seen the new advert?
featuring Mr T....

World Of Warcraft
Speaking of which... has anyone seen the new advert?
featuring Mr T....
At 12/4/07 10:31 PM, El-Presidente wrote: HAPPY HANUKKAH!
Hey, happy first night of Hanukkah.
Who else here is Jewish?
For the first night of Hanukkah my parents gave to me (hummed as Christmas 12 Nights Song):
One Asian Bell Type Thing.....?
What about you all...what'd you get?
lol i was going to ask you if you are juish becouse your name is michal
i am jewish to and i live in israel so starting today we have a one week holiday break
happy hanuka everyone
Am i the only one who hates it when people review you submission, and only say "this sucks," or " I LOL 'ed," and never offer any real critiques. it really grinds my gears.
At 12/5/07 03:34 PM, As-Soul wrote: Am i the only one who hates it when people review you submission, and only say "this sucks," or " I LOL 'ed," and never offer any real critiques. it really grinds my gears.
not that i submitted somthing but i think everyone thinks it is anoyind
At 12/5/07 03:34 PM, As-Soul wrote: Am i the only one who hates it when people review you submission, and only say "this sucks," or " I LOL 'ed," and never offer any real critiques. it really grinds my gears.
I Lol'd
At 12/4/07 10:31 PM, El-Presidente wrote: Who else here is Jewish?
I am!
Though I'm atheist...
At 12/5/07 03:46 PM, souled wrote:At 12/4/07 10:31 PM, El-Presidente wrote: Who else here is Jewish?I am!
Though I'm atheist...
raffle the mayo, I suppose you mean your parents are Jewish, because you can't be in a religion and be atheist............ at least if you're calling yourself atheist, you shouldn't call yourself Jewish as well...
At 12/5/07 03:46 PM, souled wrote:At 12/4/07 10:31 PM, El-Presidente wrote: Who else here is Jewish?I am!
Though I'm atheist...
I'm Buddist,
though I'm Hindu...
This sig is 100% effective protection from all hexes, curses, evil spirits and bad karma. Guaranteed.
At 12/5/07 03:46 PM, souled wrote:At 12/4/07 10:31 PM, El-Presidente wrote: Who else here is Jewish?I am!
Though I'm atheist...
So you were raised Jewish, but then became atheist?
You can't be both.
I was raised protestant, but am now atheist. I'm not atheist-protestant.
At 12/5/07 04:20 PM, Cheektoghetto wrote:At 12/5/07 03:46 PM, souled wrote:So you were raised Jewish, but then became atheist?At 12/4/07 10:31 PM, El-Presidente wrote: Who else here is Jewish?I am!
Though I'm atheist...
You can't be both.
I was raised protestant, but am now atheist. I'm not atheist-protestant.
That or he's hebrew, but is an athiest.
At 12/5/07 04:22 PM, S-Wall wrote:That or he's hebrew, but is an athiest.I am!You can't be both.
Though I'm atheist...
I am Luis.
see what I did there...
I like Christmas, because the Christian Union groups in my school give out free stuff to "share God's love". I got 3 free mince pies from them today.
Slightly related:
This site irks me. They've clearly been reading too much of the bible and not enough of reality. It sure is funny though. Part of me wants to believe it's a joke.
At 12/5/07 05:02 PM, edit-undo wrote: Part of me wants to believe it's a joke.
I honestly think it is, or it's VERY racist.
One of the things that sites can violate is:
"Beastiality or Interracial relationships"
I see no where in the bible where it says interracial is bad.
At 12/5/07 05:48 PM, dELtaluca wrote: pure legend
I'm glad they are finally out. i just bought a pair. I'm giving one to my nephew. I especially like the little precum drop at the tip of the horn
At 12/5/07 04:05 PM, Coaly wrote:At 12/5/07 03:46 PM, souled wrote:raffle the mayo, I suppose you mean your parents are Jewish, because you can't be in a religion and be atheist............ at least if you're calling yourself atheist, you shouldn't call yourself Jewish as well...At 12/4/07 10:31 PM, El-Presidente wrote: Who else here is Jewish?I am!
Though I'm atheist...
Some people consider the term "Jewish" to refer to both the nationality as well as the religion...but it's all semantics...or is it semitics?
Bad Joke
At 12/5/07 06:07 PM, BoMToons wrote: Some people consider the term "Jewish" to refer to both the nationality as well as the religion...but it's all semantics...
Yea you have a point, and I had a feeling someone would say something to that effect, but I still think his little I'm Jewish but atheist line was funny. If I were going to label myself atheist but identify with a religious nationality, I'd say that. I suppose it also struck me as comical that a 14 year old is saying he's atheist...but maybe that's just me.
At 12/5/07 06:26 PM, Coaly wrote:At 12/5/07 06:07 PM, BoMToons wrote: Some people consider the term "Jewish" to refer to both the nationality as well as the religion...but it's all semantics...Yea you have a point, and I had a feeling someone would say something to that effect, but I still think his little I'm Jewish but atheist line was funny. If I were going to label myself atheist but identify with a religious nationality, I'd say that. I suppose it also struck me as comical that a 14 year old is saying he's atheist...but maybe that's just me.
I get what he's saying I'm pretty much the same way. My parents are both Jewish and my heritage and nationality is Jewish but I don't agree with the religion. Maybe it made sense a long time ago, but in the modern world I just don't think religion serves much of a purpose. I'm proud of my heritage, for sure, but the religious aspect is out of date and, in my opinion, is pointless.
At 12/5/07 07:02 PM, mynamewontfitin wrote: but the religious aspect is out of date and, in my opinion, is pointless.
I feel the same way about Christianity. It was created (if I have my facts straight) around 1700 years ago, and the morals and such have changed. Many things that have been attributed to god in the past have been explained by science in the past 2 centuries.
Which got me thinking. At it's very basic level, isn't religion just a way to explain the unexplainable and provide it's followers with a set of morals and a guide to life?
That's my thinking behind it. The main reason I left religion is the way it has a tendency to force itself on others. People in my classes find out I'm atheist and are always like "How can you be atheist? God loves you dude!"
Hehe religion... I never really considered myself religious.. at all.. Personally I don't believe in any god. When I hear people talking about god, and how he helped them I can't help but think 'ignorant'. Yes I know this makes me sound very 'I-am-right-you-are-wrong' .. but I really can't help it. The more I think about it the less sense religion makes. To me a god just can't exist. It just makes no sense :/ If you look at all the religions, most have a god.. but why? To explain the unexplainable. But we can explain the unexplainable. We know how old the earth is, and we can prove it. We know the earth cant have been made in 7 days.
And look at all the religions in the world. They [mostly] have a god (maybe more if they're polytheistic). So all these people each have a different god[s] that they believe in. But we they all deny every other god that everyone else believes in (unless of the same religion) To me that just seems idiotic.. So you believe in one god, I believe in another.. eh? But you're god doesn't exist. Only mine does. But you still believe in your god! But we know you're god isn't real. This book says it's not true. According to this book there's only my god yours is fake. So all these people each believe in a different god, which if you think about it makes you want to think that there is no god.. (this is very hard to explain :/)
Then there's the Bible (biblical books in general). What? A book? All these people believe that this book is true. It is right. We know it is. God says so. So it has to be right. This book is our life. But in the end its just another book. I don't see why people appreciate it so much. I haven't read the Bible, although I will someday.. sounds interesting (in an amusing way..). Then there's Jesus. To me, Jesus was either some drunken idiot, or a mastermind. He managed to make thousands of people think what he did. And he's done it for 2000 years (almost anyways). I mean really. Think about it.. To be able to 'brainwash' (can't think of a better term :/) so many people for so long.. it takes some kind of genius to do this. That, or someone who is as stupid as a rock and actually believes this (Now i really do sound like some guy who's attitude is 'I-am-right-you-are-wrong'...)
ugh... this is so hard to put into words... to me in my head it all makes sense but once I start to write it out it just doesn't seem to come out quite right... I do allot of thinking..
But just because I think that people who devote their lives to god are ignorant, doesn't mean I hate them. By all means do what you want. Just don't harm me or my family :/ I respect people who do this. They have all the patience in the world to be able to do these things. I would never be able to do this..
I must sound really self-centered... uugh... One interesting thing though.. it seems to me that for the most part people who roam the internet seem to be atheist more often than those who don't.. no, just because you get on the web doesn't mean that you automatically don't believe in god. But I guess that for the most part people on the web are more open to ideas than our society in general :/
So I guess I'll stop talking now.. I should finish my homework x\
PS: if you believe in god then that's fine by me, I don't care, it's your business. But don't hate me because I don't :/
I honestly think religion is one of the best things to EVER come around in this world.
I don't believe in it, but it truly is. It helps console people in their time of need and helps them become better people. The bible may be 90% BS, but at it's 10% core it's really just about good moral values and a good way for living life with ethics and virtues.
So don't get me wrong, I don't hate religion, I just don't believe in it.
At 12/5/07 09:17 PM, Wurmy1029 wrote: Religion
....blah lots of boring stuff
So I guess I'll stop talking now.. I should finish my homework x\
PS: if you believe in god then that's fine by me, I don't care, it's your business. But don't hate me because I don't :/
I can hate you because you're a judgmental ass. =]
There are plenty of brilliant people who believe in god(s). I respect people who do, as long as it stays a private thing and does not infringe on my rights and/or beliefs. I think our society is better the more secular it is. Keep your religion, agnosticism or atheism to yourself.
This sig is 100% effective protection from all hexes, curses, evil spirits and bad karma. Guaranteed.
hehe well I usually keep to myself.. most of the time I do.. I just had to get it out.. I wish I wasn't so judgmental.. I shall have to fix this.. yep...
Re: ...fuck I can't think of one...
see what I did there...
HAHA! I don't know why, but that was hilarious...
I like Christmas, because the Christian Union groups in my school give out free stuff to "share God's love". I got 3 free mince pies from them today.
Yeah the Christians are only good for their "Jesus Loves Me!" pencils...
The Only BBS Israeli!
lol i was going to ask you if you are juish becouse your name is michal
1) Jewish not Juish
2) Michael not Michal, but that's okay, wait do you speak Hebrew (...and yes it's Hebrew not do you speak "Jewish")
RE: Bible Sex?
"Beastiality or Interracial relationships"
What about Kiddie Porn...does the Bible mention Kiddie Porn in it?
Big Tits? I don't remember that...
RE: Hanukkah
Happy Day 2/Two/II of Hanukkah you douche nozzles!
It's Hanukkah, not Chanukah, not Chanukkah, not Hanukah, not Chanuka, but HANUKKAH!
El-PRE: sidente!
See what I did there? Heh...heh...see it...
...and this is my fag...
At 12/5/07 05:48 PM, dELtaluca wrote: pure legend
Speaking of penicorns, i find that subject to be very relevant of my latest
Has any one else noticed the slew of Bot user-pages being updated? They look great, I stumbled upon P-Bot's today and thought it looked unusually slick and I realized it had just been updated in the last few days. I went through and checked A-Bot and M-Bot's and saw that they had been too and did some more sleuthing and found G-Bot's, F-Bot's, and the mysterious I-Bot. They're all pretty hilarious and it's cool how they all have their own personality (I love G-bot's). I can only imagine how much fun Stamper or whoever had making those (or how much spare time they have haha). By the way, the only way I found I-Bot's was by going through the whole alphabet after I found F-Bot (yeah I'm a nerd I know).
always behind schedule.
G Bot
Definitely a combination between STAMPER and MINDCHAMBER!
F Bot
Fuck Bot! Definitely written by Wade Fulp...why?
1. Written Girlishly
2. Pedophile could have written
3. Emasculate
4. He/She's WADE!
5. It's like I'm Fuck BOT. Pretty weird...but kinda comment to it was WOW SHE HAS A NICE ASS! And by the way, just for retards out there, the Bots are definitely all transformers that turn into some shit, because F-Bot hsa like car shit and is decked out with huge tits.
I RE: Bot
This is Stamper! hor/I-Bot
That's all you have to look at. No one else has a sense of humor that Geey
...and this is my fag...
Ha, I love them. I keep on thinking F-Bot stood for "fabbot" from General; it's a nice play on words if that were the case (you know, Fab bot, fabbot?).
Anyways, they're awesome.
postcount +=1;
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somebody please help me i like defense games but there always seem to be too many bugs such as too easy not enough level so on and so forth..also i dont have extra cash to buy a game maker at that i wouldnt know where to start does anyone know how to get a free/downloadable flash game maker that could help me make the perfect flash game ..i need this please help me its much appreciated