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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-03 21:11:02

Comic Con '08

I was driving home today

//in my sketchy, beat up, gang raping car

and I was thinking

//in spanish

how cool it would be to take a road trip from washington dc to san diego for the comic con next year. Maybe pick a few



//who I don't know that could be total dickfaces

up along the way in a

//beat up, Scooby-Doo, green


//We can eat tacos and wear sombreros all the way there.

That would be so awesome... im really tempted to do it.

Only you...

Luis and Pres Bet
So Luis and I have a bet, which is very weird. If I can get to Comic Con this year (well next) then I will "STEAL" Luis's modship and take his awesome place...on the other hand, if I can't go, then I will be forced to walk around school wearing a:



...badge all around during the day. It would be pretty fucking awesome either way, but I'd rather go there anyways.

Comic Con '08 AGAIN
So who's going...
El-Presidente (maybe)

Add you name to the list...

This better clear up the forums.
I've been so pissed about these like forty daily NEED AN ANIMATOR / ASer Threads, not because they break any rules, but they are like the collab time which clogged up the forums. So I decided that I would finally make a thread to all those people searching. It may very well fail like all the other threads tried but here it is...



...and this is my fag...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-03 21:27:59

At 12/3/07 09:09 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: Embarrassing fact about yourself

I never had chicken pox until last spring.

i dont even remember getting that shit it was so long ago.

As for myself....maybe that im 18 and ive never had a girlfriend before, nor have i gotten to first base. Turned down a few girls, but havn't had alot of luck with the ones i actually liked. Which most people see as unusual when they meet me because im not the repulsive type. : /

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-03 22:04:38

At 12/3/07 07:06 PM, Masterswordman wrote:

Daily Feature

I've yet to win an award, or even make the daily top 10 or weekly 20.

I've made 31 flashes this year and didn't get one either so I feel your pain.
Anyway they say hard work never goes unpunished and I'm a strong believer of that so I'm sure we'll both get 'em one day... wheither we get 'em honourable or not is the question though.

Embarrassing fact about yourself
I wear glasses... I have very crappy eyes sadly. I need 'em to drive and everything. :(
It may not be a big deal for some but the whole mullet + glasses combo is horrible I think. They make me feel all nerdy too...
Also: I often forget to change my clothes... sometimes for days.... up to 2+ weeks... yet I shower everyday. :/

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 08:28:03

Adobe AIR


Has anyone else had a look at this or tried it so far? Unfortunately im a good 7 hour drive away from being able to give this a bash. From what ive seen and read it looks like adobe are taking the right steps to make actionscript more than internet applications.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 08:48:28

At 12/3/07 06:40 PM, Luis wrote: Comic Con 08

I was driving home today and I was thinking how cool it would be to take a road trip from washington dc to san diego for the comic con next year. Maybe pick a few people up along the way in a minivan.

Yeah, pick up a few "people". Get out of the pedophile closet, Luis.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 10:29:33

At 12/4/07 08:48 AM, vonDark wrote:
Yeah, pick up a few "people". Get out of the pedophile closet, Luis.

Sweet! Luis can drive and I can lure them close with candy. :3

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 12:59:42

At 12/4/07 08:28 AM, BigBazz wrote: Adobe AIR

I gave it a go before, and made a nice looking transparent program thing. Unfortunately, I have no idea what program of any use to make out of it, so I haven't really progressed. :P

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 13:30:04

At 12/3/07 01:29 PM, sandypaw wrote: I.Q. Test:
Whats your I.Q.? Mine is around 160 :)

rofl, besides that obviously being untrue, since I have better things to do and don't feel like doing them, I went to the site to check it out. I got a 141 when I took it, but the test is in no way an accurate representation of your IQ, it's just silly. An IQ would need to be derived from more lengthy tests, and if they're trying to get you to purchase the results, and it's on the internet, you'd have to be weary of it being scamish, or at least unreliable. And, for icing on the cake, you can take it multiple times until you get all of the questions correct...or just take a long time on it and use pen and paper to help. If you'd still say your IQ is 160, then that's a good enough reason for it not to be true.

Anywho I'll stop picking on you.


I suppose their guilt is arguable, but I think the response and the effect on the other advertisers removing their ads is pretty wild. Seems like everyone is pissed, and I guess a lot of people have canceled their subscriptions too.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 14:07:04

Idea: NG Year in Review 07

I am in the process of doing my progress reports for 2007 for work and i thought that it may be cool to make a portal entry that serves as the year in review for NG ... it would mostly be a hub of links in simple terms, but really give it an integrated feel to it.. i think it'd be fun to have something like that every year. Would anyone be interested in collaborating in putting that together?
Maybe its a dumb idea, but whatever im throwinggg it out there.
Things like notable flash movies for the month, or ng contests that ran... just a full 12 month insight at a glance type of app.

I'll probably make a thread for it if there is enough interest.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 15:18:13

At 12/3/07 09:09 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: I never had chicken pox until last spring.

I had it early this year, made me get way behind in school :/

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 15:24:11

At 12/4/07 02:07 PM, Luis wrote: just a full 12 month insight at a glance type of app.

Not to tread on people's toes, but isn't this what Tom does every year with the History of the Portal stuffs?

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 15:30:08

thats a great idea... there should be some type of end of the year Recap. It definitely would show what influenced newgrounds each year.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 15:38:06

At 12/3/07 06:32 PM, Luis wrote:
At 12/3/07 06:08 PM, The-Super-Flash-Bros wrote: Can someone explain to me what superlatives are?
Its like a popularity contest.. just like prom king and all that shit.. the only reason i was voted most talented is because i did everyones art projects. I loved art so much and was so hungry for friendship that i was willing to be used by others.. im not bitter about high school at alllllllllllllll

luis did it ever ocour to you thta if you charged for it like 2 dollars a progect they wuld still be happy and you wuld have a car ?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 15:40:04

At 12/4/07 03:24 PM, jmtb02 wrote:
At 12/4/07 02:07 PM, Luis wrote: just a full 12 month insight at a glance type of app.
Not to tread on people's toes, but isn't this what Tom does every year with the History of the Portal stuffs?

Doesnt cover shirt design contest.. the site redesign.. the mod meat.. the comic con ... the vending machine contest.. other stuff that is not necessarily the waterlollies...


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 17:45:56

At 12/4/07 03:40 PM, Luis wrote:
At 12/4/07 03:24 PM, jmtb02 wrote:
At 12/4/07 02:07 PM, Luis wrote: just a full 12 month insight at a glance type of app.
Not to tread on people's toes, but isn't this what Tom does every year with the History of the Portal stuffs?
Doesnt cover shirt design contest.. the site redesign.. the mod meat.. the comic con ... the vending machine contest.. other stuff that is not necessarily the waterlollies...

I always though it would be cool to do some kind of Flash collab reflecting on the whole year, not just in terms of Newgrounds, but major events around the world. I don't have the motivation to carry out a project that big though.

What you said sounds good though, but won't it be difficult to pick just, say, 10 events, out of the whole year?


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 18:03:50

At 12/3/07 09:27 PM, 23450 wrote:
At 12/3/07 09:09 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: Embarrassing fact about yourself
As for myself....maybe that im 18 and ive never had a girlfriend before, nor have i gotten to first base. Turned down a few girls, but havn't had alot of luck with the ones i actually liked. Which most people see as unusual when they meet me because im not the repulsive type. : /

Just say that you're a non-conformist to society's views on relationships and shizz. Artists have a whole lot more leeway when it comes to being lonely bastards :)

At 12/4/07 03:38 PM, patu1 wrote: luis did it ever ocour to you thta if you charged for it like 2 dollars a progect they wuld still be happy and you wuld have a car ?

In my experience, making money gradually in little bits at a time is just a really good way to end up buying lots of useless stuff you end up never using.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 19:51:09

christmas etc..

whats everyone asking for? I don't know what I want.... give me some ideas

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 20:22:45

Frosted Muffins just launched his Defend Your Temple 2 game, I love the dual-year sequel.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 21:48:49

Oh, and you want a PS3... if you already have one, you still want it. :P

lol...for some reason i have no desire for ps3...i like my xbox 360 i got for my birthday and i'm pretty content with it. I don't even want any games for it because all I play is halo 3 :P

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 22:11:25

At 12/4/07 08:22 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Frosted Muffins just launched his Defend Your Temple 2 game, I love the dual-year sequel.

that was fun. thanxxxx


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 22:31:08


Hey, happy first night of Hanukkah.
Who else here is Jewish?
For the first night of Hanukkah my parents gave to me (hummed as Christmas 12 Nights Song):
One Asian Bell Type Thing.....?
What about you all...what'd you get?



...and this is my fag...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 22:35:58

At 12/4/07 10:31 PM, El-Presidente wrote: HAPPY HANUKKAH!

Hey, happy first night of Hanukkah.

JEW!!!!!!!!!!! :O
Give me your jew golds!!!!! XD

I'm sorry I couldn't resist.... :(
You should see what I do to my jewish lawyer. >:)

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 22:38:55

At 12/4/07 10:31 PM, El-Presidente wrote: HAPPY HANUKKAH!

Hey, happy first night of Hanukkah.
Who else here is Jewish?
For the first night of Hanukkah my parents gave to me (hummed as Christmas 12 Nights Song):
One Asian Bell Type Thing.....?
What about you all...what'd you get?

Happy Hanukkah!
I didn't get anything but I'm hoping to convince my parents to get me season passes for snowboarding this year. I bought some gifts for myself already.. 6 t-shirts from designbyhumans.com :)

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 22:41:24

At 12/4/07 10:38 PM, mynamewontfitin wrote:
Happy Hanukkah!

So much jew golds! @.@
I demand we play dradle! ^^
I'm sorry.... Oh man....

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 22:52:51


I'm Jewish too. I'm not celebrating Hanukkah tonight because I'm going to Virginia tomorrow to celebrate with my grandparents and other relatives.

Somebody once asked me about the Jew gold thing. Stupid television...


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 23:29:20

Christmas, Hana... however you spell it, and other holidays this time of year.
I've never really celibrating anything. :/ I get drunk with friends that's about it.
Once and a while though we all get into that there Yule spirit thing and get everyone some presents.
All I really want this year is one small thing....... my own series page on NG for my series. :*(
Also: Sorry if I offended anyone 'bout the Jew Gold thing. I blame South Park and my own stupidity.
Too bad their ain't any jewish girls here.... I could've asked her for Jewbs or GTFO.
'Kay I'm done, sorry sorry. >.<

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-04 23:49:19

At 12/4/07 11:05 PM, DarkMana wrote: RE: Christmas / Hanukkah

I don't celebrate it, but happy Hanukkah!

For Christmas I'm getting a subscription to PC Gamer, a buttondown from J!NX, and a copy of World of Warcraft (>_>). Yeah, I've played WoW many times on friends' accounts, never owned it. I've gotten the trial recently and I'm addicted.

Stay away from that accursed game, stay away.
I've had a hankering for an apache/wool bed topper and I hope I see that as my gift (hopefully a higher end one splitting the cost) if not I'm going to end up buying it myself. =D

I'm cool now... Right guys?... Guys?

Art Thread So I don't Lose It >:(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-05 08:53:29

The Flash CS3 Bible

I got it today. And it's pretty big.

This is the third book I bought on Flash. Anyone else has Flash related books? Any recommendations?

The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-05 10:29:07

Happy hanukkah!

At 12/4/07 11:49 PM, NextToNothing wrote: Stay away from that accursed game, stay away.

Agreed, don't ever consider buying that game unless you want to put an end to all forms of social life and limit your sport sessions to walking from your room to the kitchen.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-12-05 12:55:44

Merry Jewday!