At 5/12/07 02:07 PM, BritishMoose wrote:At 5/12/07 12:57 PM, Rudy wrote:Are you german? 'Ue' is the phonetic of ü... Sorry for asking - I noticed it and was intruiged :D
Too late, feel the fury of Sean Rüdiger beating your score....
Yeah, I'm German actually. I'm mostly German, and than Irish + Italian rolls in soon after. I'm a mut though. I'm French, German, Italian, Irish, Pennsylvanian Dutch, and Scottish. :/
My last name is pronounched "Roo-Dig-Er"
And if you don't know about how I got my nickname it's kinda obvious. "Rudy Ruediger" is a football player from Notre Dome, back in the day. Look up the movie "RUDY" you'll understand :D
There was also a professional boxer on some show that had the same last name as me. :]] It's weird because I have a rare last name that you don't hear often...Unlike "Smith" or "Thompson"