At 10/22/08 07:45 PM, liaaaam wrote: There will likely be a clause in the TOS saying that you must delete any high bandwith using files at their request.
Nah ixwebhosting doesn't do that. I hosted Chaos Faction for the development team because their site kept crashing. I think I was doing well over 200 gigs a month with that file alone. I've been with them for 4 years now. I've hosted 400+ meg files without problems. I'm very satisfied with them.
At 10/24/08 02:55 AM, jmtb02 wrote:
I went back to iPods. It was an overall terrible experience and it will take some act of God to get me to buy another one of these devices.
Guess the advertisers really did their job well to advertise a lousy product like this and make it come off as great.
At 10/24/08 02:55 AM, jmtb02 wrote: The Zune is the worst consumer electronic device I have ever purchased in my life. I WAS a zune lover. My love was lost, it was a tragic story.
Sounds terrible. Maybe I'm still in my honeymoon stage, but I haven't experienced any of the problems you mentioned, though you sound like a much more intense user than I. None of my software has crashed, I found conversion fairly easy once I got the right software, battery life seems great, no crashing, don't care about the "Social" crap. I do, however, wonder what the wi-fi does.
Maybe in a few months I'll be bitter too.
@ Duder, I love Megadeth also.
At 10/24/08 01:27 PM, ImpendingRiot wrote:I am convinced that his cheek is going to explode like Alien
He knows too much >:(.
At 10/24/08 09:59 AM, BoMToons wrote:
@ Duder, I love Megadeth also.
But does BoMToons have love for Buckethead and Primus too? :3
Primus - it's Hick Metal, what can I not love 'bout this wonderful form of music. It's like someone toke a bunch of hicks playing with wooden blocks, empty rum bottles, and sticks. Then gave 'em electric guitar, bass, and drums. It's brillant! :D
Also BoMie totally levels up for lovin' Megadeth also.
At 10/23/08 05:12 PM, Senti wrote: If The World Could Vote
That's brilliant, I just hope the actual voting reflects the worldwide-internet-users view :P
I'm sure McCain isn't as bad as he seems to be (from what I view online) but the simple fact is that Republicans have had their time, it's time to give the Democrats a chance to fuck up. All these promises that are being promised aren't gonna happen anyway, no matter which party wins.. candidates speak out of their asses to try get into office.. =p
Sup, bitches :)
And now to break my own request, here's some nice (yet fairly old now) Palin related humour...
Sarah Palin: The Musical
Daily Show: Hosting Duties
Metallica<Megadeth. Case close. Also the fact that i met and played on stage with Metallica makes them x10981 better. And their music just owns.
Dep i got your pm, ill be on steam a little later
i SOOOO ment to say Metallica>Megadeth. METALLICA IS GREATER THAN MEGADETH.
At 10/24/08 03:11 PM, Blackfang wrote: Metallica<Megadeth. Case close.
Music Math N00b.
At 10/24/08 03:11 PM, Blackfang wrote: played on stage with Metallica
D: What?! Did you just do one of my dreams? You lucky bastard.
Where and how did you do this?
Megadeth & Metallica
In my opinion, both great bands, but Metallica are my favourites out of the two.
I also remember, when I was nine, looking through the music shop, and some Spanish bloke (who didn't work in the shop), trying to promote a Megadeth album. I listened to the album, and liked it, but I didn't have any money on me, so I couldn't buy it, they'd be great live!
Iron Maiden | Black Sabbath > (Metallica+Megadeth)
Went there.
Sup, bitches :)
At 10/24/08 04:18 PM, liaaaam wrote: Iron Maiden | Black Sabbath > (Metallica+Megadeth)
I think we can all agree with that.
Iron Maiden are just pure great, and Black Sabbath are too.
At 10/24/08 04:18 PM, liaaaam wrote: Iron Maiden | Black Sabbath > (Metallica+Megadeth)
Went there.
Programming and Heavy Metal, opposite forces attract :P. I've got to say Iron maiden wins, as i've met Bruce Dickinson, but not Ozzy :).
Death by Sticky Tape
Scientists have found that when sticky tape is unrolled, it releases a fair amount of xrays. Luckily only in a vacuum, but this is still pretty strange, the mysteries of Mechanoluminescent science :S. They managed to generate enough to xray one of their fingers, awesome :D.
Oh god I'm trying to code again...
Mouse over to move the tiles...
At 10/24/08 05:38 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Oh god I'm trying to code again...
Mouse over to move the tiles...
Whats the problem? It looks great.
At 10/24/08 05:38 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Oh god I'm trying to code again...
Mouse over to move the tiles...
That's great. If I could program anything like that, it would be great.
At 10/24/08 05:45 PM, Depredation wrote: Whats the problem? It looks great.
Well if you go back about a year and ten months, you'll see the AS2 verison of this. Or at least the traces of it.
Need to iron out the actual decent tileset stuff, as well as pits (which are just the opposite of the extruded walls. And then commit seppuku over putting bitmaps on the walls...
At 10/24/08 06:01 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Need to iron out the actual decent tileset stuff, as well as pits (which are just the opposite of the extruded walls. And then commit seppuku over putting bitmaps on the walls...
But the orangey colour is pwn, you should leave it XD
Nice work thus far, good luck with the bitmapping, that's the hard part as I'm sure you know ;) Just remember to use a sharp blade :D
Sup, bitches :)
At 10/24/08 06:01 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Need to iron out the actual decent tileset stuff, as well as pits (which are just the opposite of the extruded walls. And then commit seppuku over putting bitmaps on the walls...
But the orangey colour is pwn, you should leave it XD
Nice work thus far, good luck with the bitmapping, that's the hard part as I'm sure you know ;) Just remember to use a sharp blade :D
Sup, bitches :)
At 10/24/08 06:01 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Need to iron out the actual decent tileset stuff, as well as pits (which are just the opposite of the extruded walls. And then commit seppuku over putting bitmaps on the walls...
Surely it would be easier to use sandy or papervision for that, otherwise you have to buy the blade, then you end up getting the carpet gets dirty, what a kerfuffel :O.
A few weeks ago, I took an English assessment, and just today I was informed that I had got the highest grades in my whole year. I wasn't expecting this, because most people in my class had written about half a page more than me. If it was anything other than horror writing, then I would probably have ended up around (or just over) the middle of my class.
Also, in an IT test, I recently took, I ended up with the only 100% in my tech group.
The point of this post, is to ask; 'Does how much you enjoy a subject affect your test results a lot?'. I mean, especially in English, before I enjoyed it as much as I currently do, my test results were a lot lower, and although I still ended up in the top group, I felt that my work wasn't satisfactory.
On the contrary, a few months ago, when I was at primary school, I was top of the class at maths, at that time I enjoyed maths a lot more than I currently do. Now I enjoy it far less, my test results seem to be suffering slightly, and the same goes for science.
Have anyone else had any similar experiences?
At 10/24/08 03:45 PM, Alpharius120 wrote: D: What?! Did you just do one of my dreams? You lucky bastard.
Wachovia Center, Philly, October 20, 2004
and how did you do this?
We had meet and greet tickets, we met them, i'm in a band, i braught my guitars, and played a song for them (master of puppets), they saw our bands "metallica medley", called us up the next day after the concert asking us to come back for another day and hang out with them and practice with them and play the intro to seek and destroy, etc. i was 11.
New Audio Portal Songs
Check in my userpage, theyre called "Ghost Hunt", and "Acoustica". Vote 5! I got bored and there was an open space so now my userpage is sexy.
At 10/24/08 08:40 PM, Blackfang wrote: New Audio Portal Songs
Check in my userpage, theyre called "Ghost Hunt", and "Acoustica". Vote 5! I got bored and there was an open space so now my userpage is sexy.
Nice feel, very upbeat. :) seems like it gets a little offbeat around 35-40
There's always been an actor on my animation stage that I can't get to co-operate, the camera.
Whenever I cut to a different angle It always feels forced and jerky, and by trying to maintain one perspective per shot I feel limited in a huge way. I try to use anchors in order to make everything feel coherent but it just doesn't always work, even just rotating it so their's a shared character it just seems wrong.
I went and watched some dialogue based toons like that of the simpsons and I have the same issue with their angles but they seem to mask them much better.
This first clip from Ren and Stimpy does a really nice job by shifting and continuing one characters dialogue even while he's off camera, but at this point there's a sense of familiaritty I know the characters voice its distinct, alot of us don't have that kind of luxury having to use the voice actors we can make do with who we have readilly available, and for me thats myself. mY
So anyone read any good articles or have any fundamental principles on making the camera do what they want to do? I kinda understand the principle of them being dynamic and slightly off kilter, balanced composition , often times showing a corner when possible. But boy do camera jumps just kill me.
At 10/24/08 05:38 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Oh god I'm trying to code again...
Mouse over to move the tiles...
Looking good. I tried something similar a while back but never finished it. One more on the pile of half finished games.
When I textured the walls I found it much easier to start with trapezoidal textures, so you can just use flash's built in transforms instead of trying to map each pixel or anything like that.