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Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew

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Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-11-23 14:58:46

At 11/23/06 10:33 AM, Nev wrote:
At 11/23/06 08:33 AM, Comrade-Snail wrote: It's unfair there coming everywhere except near me :'(
( Poor you.
Killswitch Track Commentaries for 'As Daylight Dies'.

Watch them all (theres 11, surprisingly), its Adam and Howard just pissing about, very funny.

I lolled so hard man, I really needed that but surely going to upgrade my collection of them now and Nev, I love you <33
Thanks :)

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-11-24 14:38:59

Can I join?
Favorite bands in no order:
As Blood runs black
As I lay dying
More to Pride
Between the buried and me
Murder at dawn
Conducting from the grave
Wings of Plague
The Warriors
Job for a cowboy
Light this city
Bleeding through
Killswitch engage(kinda)
All that remains
Bury Your Dead

thats all I can think of off the top of my head.....

"Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds."

~Henry Rollins

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Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-11-27 03:41:19

Both in :)

God damn I need to get some photos up of the living room gig we played. It was haggard.

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-11-30 09:53:13

Just go by yourself dude, there's no shame in that.

Plus you might make some new, like-minded friends :D

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-11-30 13:36:03

At 11/30/06 10:05 AM, Elerlith wrote: Heh, I would..
But my parents wouldn't.. -,-

Know the problem but when are they coming and where I might join you :) and I can maybe find some of my comrades to join too :)

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-11-30 15:13:58

At 11/30/06 02:49 PM, Elerlith wrote: This is all I know.. And ofcourse, it's in Dutch.. So not much use to most people here;
Killswitch Engage

I live near Eindhoven in the south of Holland so it is of use to me :)
Anyways if it is in the christmasholiday I think I can go... My parents are really strict and overworried about those things :S

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-01 09:38:07

At 12/1/06 02:27 AM, Elerlith wrote:
At 11/30/06 03:13 PM, Comrade-Snail wrote:
At 11/30/06 02:49 PM, Elerlith wrote: This is all I know.. And ofcourse, it's in Dutch.. So not much use to most people here;
Killswitch Engage
I live near Eindhoven in the south of Holland so it is of use to me :)
Anyways if it is in the christmasholiday I think I can go... My parents are really strict and overworried about those things :S
I don't think it's still in the christmas holidays unfortunately.. But good luck to you!
I'm trying to convince someone to join me there, right now.. x]

Yeah your right I thought it was on 17 december but after searching some more and looking a bit more closely it was on 17 Januar... and in the middle of a schoolweek so I am not allowed... Stupid school >:( it's only bootst my lazyness and I don't really learn that much...

In my opinion going to a concert is much better than going to school, When you are going to a concert you get cultural influences wich are good. I even have a different subject for that... anyways I will still try and if I may not go I'm sad but I do hope they come once more on a Friday/Saterday or in a holiday :)

Oh and nev I only love you in the friendly way, I don't want to have sex with you, only a hug ;)

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-01 09:58:28

Gigs > School.

Without a doubt.

Also, hi guys. Here's a picture of me looking miffed.

Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-01 12:59:30

At 12/1/06 09:58 AM, jarrydn wrote: Gigs > School.

Without a doubt.

Also, hi guys. Here's a picture of me looking miffed.

I'd love to see your band play :(

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-01 20:07:00

At 12/1/06 12:36 PM, Elerlith wrote: Gigs are definatly better then school..
( Yes, I HATE school.. x] )

And probably I have a test-week-thingy then aswell..
So that pretty much sucks a lot!

Is that a Virgo guitar, you have there by the way? ^_^

Tests a week? Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-haaaaaaame.

And my axe is an Ibanez Destroyer.

And Nev, you wouldn't believe the amount of people who want us to come over to the UK. I pretty much get messages about it daily. I've even got a guy who sets up gigs for Raging Speedhorn who wants to help us out with a tour. I guess if we can ever scrape together the cash, we might make it over, maybe :P

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-01 20:15:30

At 12/1/06 08:07 PM, jarrydn wrote: I guess if we can ever scrape together the cash, we might make it over, maybe :P

When it happens (optimism) tell me :D.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-01 20:21:44

At 12/1/06 08:15 PM, Nev wrote:
At 12/1/06 08:07 PM, jarrydn wrote: I guess if we can ever scrape together the cash, we might make it over, maybe :P
When it happens (optimism) tell me :D.

Naturally dude ;). Then we can hang, and you can witness how easily I get drunk.

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-02 14:43:45

At 12/2/06 06:20 AM, Elerlith wrote:
At 12/1/06 08:07 PM, jarrydn wrote:
Tests a week? Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-haaaaaaame.
Definatly lame.. =)

Indeed very lame (I got 6 Testweeks this year) but you do get a lot of spare time :)

And I like your axe.. x]

I like it to, It's much cooler than mine :P

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-03 09:02:41

Testweeks, if only I could be so lucky :P

I've just gotten out of exams, then found out I failed maths (but only just) so now I have to sit a supplementary sometime during Jaunary ;(

I have no idea how failing this unit would affect my uni enrollment, but i can't imagine it would be too good :)

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-03 13:24:35

At 12/3/06 01:10 PM, Elerlith wrote: Since that singer isn't black ( Unless I've got some eye-problem ), I find it quite strange that they go under the same name..
Is it really just 2 different bands? Or what..

Its the same band. Just a different singer. Howard (the "black" one) only joined after the first two albums. His first album as vocalist was The End of Heartache. Before that they had Jesse Leach on vocals. He did the first two albums, My Last Seranade appearing on the second 'Alive or Just Breathing'.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-04 02:30:43

At 12/1/06 09:58 AM, jarrydn wrote: Gigs > School.

Without a doubt.

Also, hi guys. Here's a picture of me looking miffed.

Hah awesome the mighty lounge room gig?

This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.

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Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-04 07:16:23

At 12/4/06 02:30 AM, FOE wrote: Hah awesome the mighty lounge room gig?

The very same ;D

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-04 08:13:45

6 Testweeks?! =O
That's really a lot.. Poor you.. =P
yep I've already had 2 from the 6 but I've as well 6 testweeks next year and the year thereafter :S

I just own a Fender American Stratocaster!
But it's neat though! =]
I have a Ibanez SA 120 I like it, good cheap startersguitar and it's thinner than standard one's just like the S series

At 12/3/06 01:31 PM, Elerlith wrote: I got my parents convinced, and they say I can probably go to the gig anyway! =D
*Happy happy!*

Lucky you, It's never going to happen here.

NO GIGS IN A SCHOOLWEEK!!! stupid parents >:(, Though I can't live without them yet...

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-04 08:14:54

At 12/4/06 08:13 AM, Comrade-Snail wrote: 6 Testweeks?! =O
That's really a lot.. Poor you.. =P

yep I've already had 2 from the 6 but I've as well 6 testweeks next year and the year thereafter :S

Srry for double post but it was suppost to be this way..

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-04 12:13:30

At 12/4/06 10:39 AM, Elerlith wrote:
At 12/4/06 08:14 AM, Comrade-Snail wrote:
yep I've already had 2 from the 6 but I've as well 6 testweeks next year and the year thereafter :S

Srry for double post but it was suppost to be this way..
In what year are you then?

High school 4th year, after this one 2 years to go and then university stuff...

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-04 15:21:11

At 12/4/06 02:09 PM, Elerlith wrote:
At 12/4/06 12:13 PM, Comrade-Snail wrote: High school 4th year, after this one 2 years to go and then university stuff...
Same here, same here..
I know what hell you're going through.. T_T

Yeah, the hell is really worse, for certain if your friends are on other schools and I am not someone who fits in society... And my parents won't let me change school -_-" : bugga

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-07 14:19:14

At 12/4/06 04:29 PM, Elerlith wrote:
At 12/4/06 03:21 PM, Comrade-Snail wrote: Yeah, the hell is really worse, for certain if your friends are on other schools and I am not someone who fits in society... And my parents won't let me change school -_-" : bugga
Heh.. Same here..
The Netherlands really sucks to be honest.. >=O

Your right, especially when you grow older and get a good paying job, then you almost pay half of your loan to the government (I lost the word for it...)
Anyway anyone some bands I've been really inactive in bandsearching so, I mostly am upgrading my collection of most bands. But I could really use some new ones (and bands that are some easier to get plz, TY)

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-07 17:39:18

At 12/7/06 02:19 PM, Comrade-Snail wrote:

But I could really use some new ones (and bands that are some easier to get plz, TY)

yeah check out The Human Abstract, Silent Civilian. Those are the bands ive been to listening to lately. Also Sworn Enemy and Throwdown but thats Hardcore metal

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-07 17:42:37

At 12/7/06 05:39 PM, Sixers1fan wrote: Throwdown but thats Hardcore metal

Thats Metalcore...

Metal + Hardcore = Metal(hard)core.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-08 09:14:58

At 12/7/06 05:39 PM, Sixers1fan wrote:
At 12/7/06 02:19 PM, Comrade-Snail wrote: But I could really use some new ones (and bands that are some easier to get plz, TY)
yeah check out The Human Abstract, Silent Civilian. Those are the bands ive been to listening to lately. Also Sworn Enemy and Throwdown but thats Hardcore metal

I will Thanks Sixers
I've also checked out Soundclick (very handy site to find some more unknown bands) and I found:
Altar of Anger (some dutch blackmetal)
Damn Bones (heavy metal sort of)
Ningizzia (some sort of goth, funeral doom, sounds a bit like My Dying Bride)
Nymphea Aurora (blackmetal like)
Grotter (Jarry would love this one, it's Grindcore/Deathgrind)
Void Thru Materialism (alt metal, SoaD like)

Some stuff I found yesterday, and I'm searching more today =P

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-09 07:12:38

Saw All That Remains last night.
Were pretty good :).

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-09 13:10:18

At 12/9/06 07:12 AM, Nev wrote: Saw All That Remains last night.
Were pretty good :).

Im going to see All That Remains with Misery Signals, The Human Abstract and Cellador. In febuary. Its only 16 bucks for a ticket. I really wanna see All that Remains and The Human Abstract

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-11 11:58:03

At 12/9/06 01:10 PM, Sixers1fan wrote:
Its only 16 bucks for a ticket.

That's kinda cheap

I really wanna see All that Remains and The Human Abstract

Then I hope for you that you may go

Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-12 08:44:50

At 12/7/06 05:42 PM, Nev wrote:
At 12/7/06 05:39 PM, Sixers1fan wrote: Throwdown but thats Hardcore metal
Thats Metalcore...

Metal + Hardcore = Metal(hard)core.

Hmm I've always seen bands like:
Sword Enemy
...etc etc as 'Hardcore' just by itself and considered Metalcore bands to be similar to
'As I Lay Dying'.

This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.

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Response to Nu-Metal/Metalcore Crew 2006-12-14 13:42:44

At 12/12/06 08:44 AM, FOE wrote:
At 12/7/06 05:42 PM, Nev wrote:
At 12/7/06 05:39 PM, Sixers1fan wrote: Throwdown but thats Hardcore metal
Thats Metalcore...

Metal + Hardcore = Metal(hard)core.
Hmm I've always seen bands like:
Sword Enemy
...etc etc as 'Hardcore' just by itself and considered Metalcore bands to be similar to
'As I Lay Dying'.

For more than 3 days I'm trying to understand that post but I still don't... some explanetion would be welcome :)