runaway is an underrated linkin park song, though i love everything from htbrid theory and most of the songs from meteora.
runaway is an underrated linkin park song, though i love everything from htbrid theory and most of the songs from meteora.
At 7/23/17 02:35 PM, MPPlantOfficial wrote: Old news that y'all have probably already heard of but might as well post this here:
Chester Bennington is dead.
What do you think are Chester Bennington's greatest songs? What are your favorite moments of his?
Relistening to it now for the first time in years I think my favorites have to be 'Place for My Head', 'Pushing Me Away', 'Breaking the Habit', 'Nobody's Listening'
A lot of the lyrics are so much darker now that we know his fate.
I wrote a little something when I found out about his passing. I thought maybe you would like to read it.
Chester Bennington passed away. A man who's worked so hard on creating music that ended up giving so much hope and resilience to others has decided to take his own life. Linkin Park's work has been considered by many to be teenage angst music, but there is something that albums like Hybrid Theory never lacked and its authenticity. Chester Bennington and Mike Shinoda have always poured their heart in their music. I can't say I'm a big fan of Linkin Park's later work, but I will always have a soft spot for the high quality, high energy, genre defining album that was Hybrid Theory. Its cathartic effect and the sheer emotions that flow from it... They feel this much more real when you see that the man who wrote these words finally gave up on life.
I would have hoped for Chester Bennington to be able to see all the lives he touched, to see all the people he affected positively before he decided to take his life. Maybe this could have stopped him from crossing the line.
Right now my thoughts go to Chester's family and friends. I can't begin to imagine what they must be going through today...
Thanks Mister Bennington for giving us Hybrid Theory and even Meteora. Thanks for how you helped people through your music. May the people remember you for all the good you did and for the hope you gave to so much people. Even if you couldn't stay with us, I hope that your legacy will be one of resilience, perseverance and strength.
Rest in Peace Chester Bennington.
Suicide affects me a lot. The passing of some you loved or appreciated is always tough, but when someone decides to take his/her own life, then it's a completely different story. Very often, sadly, when someone with such an influence and following commits suicide, it sometimes leads other people to do the same.
I hope that Chester's suicide won't make fans of his lose hope and decide to opt out two.
At 7/25/17 01:39 AM, HeavenDuff wrote:At 7/23/17 02:35 PM, MPPlantOfficial wrote:Old news that y'all have probably already heard of but might as well post this here:
Chester Bennington is dead.
I haven't listen or looked up Linkin Park stuff for maybe a decade, and recently in the past month I have been watching Linkin Park videos. So I JUST now today found out that he committed suicide. Lot's of artist do... I just didn't think of him as the type to do it for some reason.