the list seems to be broken :(
just -'s instead of information on Saturday of last weeks side.
is that bad?
the list seems to be broken :(
just -'s instead of information on Saturday of last weeks side.
is that bad?
It is a shame that the system changed to 10 points per deposit. I will never have 6666 EXP points. :'(
At 11/11/06 08:28 AM, madknt wrote: the list seems to be broken :(
just -'s instead of information on Saturday of last weeks side.
is that bad?
Hmmm I checked the database and it seems that I'm missing that day's information. There's no information for last Saturday, but there is for last Sunday, which you'll see tomorrow. Maybe my server went down the morning of Saturday when it's scheduled to arrange them and place that information in my archive database.
At 11/3/06 07:29 PM, BigBlueBalls wrote: Ok if anyone wants to check this out, this is my first attempt at creating a top 2000 Active Users list.
Looks good. Im 1,280th.
At 11/11/06 08:28 AM, madknt wrote: the list seems to be broken :(
just -'s instead of information on Saturday of last weeks side.
is that bad?
Hmm, looks fine to me..
At 4/21/06 08:39 PM, ReconRebel wrote:At 4/21/06 06:31 PM, Big_SciZot wrote: We need one of these for b/p.* goes digging *
Not sure how you missed D0GMA's B/P ranks 51+ topic after being on the site for over a year but this may be what you're looking for. If you were talking about a b/p list using BigBlueBalls' layout that would be cool. Not sure how BBB would feel about the extra work.
i go there often to see my rank.
But i would like to have a site like the top 2000 exp users list that updates constantly.
Not on a weekly basis. Also I think denvish has 2 more updates before he stops.
So BigBlueBalls, is the idea for a top 2000 b/p point rankings thing going to happen or no?
Top 500 - What exactly is going on here?
All the rankings below this person are showing as 1 lower than the actual NG rank. There are also 2 people at position 499?
Hah yeah Birthofagod is listed as being on level 21, which is obviously incorrect. I was wondering why my ranking had gone down one on the list.
At 11/26/06 08:43 PM, AtomicTerrorist wrote: So BigBlueBalls, is the idea for a top 2000 b/p point rankings thing going to happen or no?
I've said before the problem with that is I can't get that information without mining profiles. My program runs on one single page that it checks every couple minutes, so that's why the list updates the experience points immediately when you deposit, but there is nothing like that for B/P points. ShittyKitty was mentioned before as having a B/P list of the top thousand or so, but he used a profile miner to do it and the admins weren't happy about that.
At 11/28/06 07:37 PM, cryptacet wrote: Top 500 - What exactly is going on here?
All the rankings below this person are showing as 1 lower than the actual NG rank. There are also 2 people at position 499?
I was pretty busy for the last month or so and any problems with my list, went unnoticed. I've fixed it up as I make sure the first of every month it is the most accurate, but I'll try to keep more of an eye out for errors like this.
Welcome to the monthly update 12/1/06.
Notes about the List:
The current month is listed first, with current rank, username and experience. Then you have last months info with rank at the first of last month then the username. Then exp and then we have change in rank since last month and change in experience since last month.
In case of a tie I give the nod to the lower profile id, if a non profile person is tied they go last.
I only concentrate on the people moving up on the list now, the slackers should get no attention. I mostly do things in groups of 100 for moving up except the top 50 since it the only part that NG lists.
No one new again in the top 50.
Moving up into the top 100 was moongod.
Moving up into the top 200 are Cesar-Barba, and gfoxclock.
Moving into the top 300 are BullUrine, ardeahem, Voidist, and Hermannator.
Moving into the top 400 are Alkador, gfox, Cajunspirit, Shpouiten, Kleaver, Spoony-Bard, Lekal, and UberBarista.
Moving into the top 500 are PickledOnionMuffin, DanPanic, Matt, MiddleC, JerkClock, NightfallOrchid, hippoguy, Tommy, pieoncar, and MSM007.
Moving into the top 600 are Angry-Ed, Grammer, Fighterspledge, NazelbikAuthor, Shao-Kahn, MrT-Time, RenegadeGirl, Vincoid, Zerok, Thobbe, xXBullxDozerXx, Hotring887.
Moving into the top 700 are ElDoradoCigarettes, schneelocke, neeko, The-Seb, disingenuous, MessiaH, superdude59, TheCripple, and Snowy-Beast.
Moving into the top 800 are bassplayah6, SPIRIT6666, Vince50, SilentSong, UnknownFear, ArabFreak, Speedster01, AsthmaticHamster, PureLionHeart, Scott007, and MrSuborbian88.
Moving into the top 900 are Ka0s-Mex, RommelTJ, Lost-Chances, TOARAZOR, Bungalistic, FinPro, Bigguy7786, Cheddar79, Slacker777, SofaQ, Crev, AppleLock, killingyouguy, and SonicFrenzySS.
Moving into the top 1000 are BlueHippo, Enel, Smoking-Chimney, Coccoo, kimjee, Sticky, AdamSandler, Someguy1621, MantisStorm, Smith, Mikaelus, The-L0ne-W0lf, BlackmarketKraig, FrostedMuffins, skillsthemonkey, Rule, and Tanooki-John.
Swell update, ramagi, swell indeed.
I'm closing up on the Top 100, thing that I thought was impossible to do some time ago, well I should be there by the February-March 07 update, I think, heh... Well I should have it before 08, right, right?
Are you considering making another year long update like you did last year? That would be cool.
Thanks for the update. :)
At 12/1/06 08:04 PM, ramagi wrote: Welcome to the monthly update 12/1/06.
Nice update. Nothing much from me for this update except for passing liljim in EXP and being at #666 in EXP a few days ago. :P Hmm, over 100 days left until I get to the top 500, lol.
Moving into the top 1000 are BlueHippo
At 12/1/06 08:04 PM, ramagi wrote: Welcome to the monthly update 12/1/06.
Thanks for the update ramagi!
I'm looking at getting maybe +15 positions in the table this month, so the February update should hopefully bring me into the top 400 (and the 10,000 Experience club)
At 12/2/06 12:32 AM, wismty wrote: Swell update, ramagi, swell indeed.
I'm closing up on the Top 100, thing that I thought was impossible to do some time ago, well I should be there by the February-March 07 update, I think, heh... Well I should have it before 08, right, right?
Balleted mahahahahahaha
Are you considering making another year long update like you did last year? That would be cool.
Oh you mean someone other than me rememebrs that. You know I really hadn't thought about too much as of yet. It makes me wonder if there are others that would be interested in such a thing. Maybe I see some interest in such a thing I may pursue something.
I may be able to reach into my bag of tricks, but rather see interest in such a thing.
Thanks for the update. :)
Hey BonusStage, what happened? You were ahead of me before.
Well, by the end of the year I'll be in the top 400, yay.
I should be quite higher up on the ranks since i havn't looked in a while. Also, im level 13 now.
I seem to have moved up a spot into #79 i was stuck with #80 for abit, glad to know there is still room for new spots.
At 12/1/06 08:04 PM, ramagi wrote:Welcome to the monthly update 12/1/06.
Woah I never realized how close I was to reaching the top 1,000. Like I'm still pretty far away but alot closer then I assumed. Hopefully I'll make it within a year.
Great list as always.
Thanks for the update ramagi, I actually needed this list today to check the activity of one member. =)
Culture is to society as cancer is to the body. We need structure, dicipline and no more relaxation.
No more gentle shit, pain is the fundation of a solid nation.
so wow! If HumanTarget stays inactive for 500 days... I might be able to pass him.
Yeah, what happened with humantarget? He just disappeared...
once you lose #1 i mean there's going to be a huge loss of motivation right
At 12/5/06 12:00 AM, YoinK wrote: so wow! If HumanTarget stays inactive for 500 days... I might be able to pass him.
Yeah with a few more dropping out of the race in the top 100 i might even have a chance of getting to the double digits. (though it would take a while)
At 12/5/06 04:25 AM, IxI wrote: Yeah with a few more dropping out of the race in the top 100 i might even have a chance of getting to the double digits. (though it would take a while)
Consider if you look at the update that there are a fair number of people in the top 50 missing deposits. So there are chances at change. The bad news for a lot of people is they have some good exp amounts. So the change is going to take time.
At 12/10/06 01:48 AM, JerkClock wrote: I just hope pimp someday becomes a slacker.
well. now that Humantarget is no longer tied with Pimp any more... every time Pimp decides to slack.. we'll all progress through the levels faster. The gap between pimp and bomb is a good 36 deposits.
At 12/5/06 12:07 AM, wizardman wrote:Yeah, what happened with humantarget? He just disappeared...
In late september he moved back to Canada. With his significant other. link
I'm guessing that has something to do with it, but who knows..
At 12/10/06 01:56 AM, YoinK wrote: well. now that Humantarget is no longer tied with Pimp any more... every time Pimp decides to slack.. we'll all progress through the levels faster. The gap between pimp and bomb is a good 36 deposits.
Well 37 deposits to actually pass Pimp. Unlike the race with humantarget, they won't ever be tied since bomb's points ends with a 4 and Pimp's ends with a 6.
I think Pimp should revel in his victory and take a week or two week vacation. He'll still be a few weeks of deposits ahead of bomb and we'll all get a chance to jump up a bit towards the next level.
At 12/10/06 05:49 PM, BigBlueBalls wrote: I think Pimp should revel in his victory and take a week or two week vacation.
Haha! Would you stop depositing if you were in his position? Be honest. Santa is listening.
Shouldn't take me long to catch agent66 if he remains inactive (412 points). After that, I don't see a break in the storm for a very long time.
By the way BBB, I was curious as to why the "top 2,000 users" link in your sig takes you to page 1 of this topic rather than the list itself. :-P
Pimp misses every once in a while. It's most likely due to losing interest in NG with time.