Welcome to the monthly update 11/1/06.
Notes about the List:
The current month is listed first, with current rank, username and experience. Then you have last months info with rank at the first of last month then the username. Then exp and then we have change in rank since last month and change in experience since last month.
In case of a tie I give the nod to the lower profile id, if a non profile person is tied they go last.
I only concentrate on the people moving up on the list now, the slackers should get no attention. I mostly do things in groups of 100 for moving up except the top 50 since it the only part that NG lists.
No one new again in the top 50.
Moving up into the top 100 was Rabindarath, Painbringer, and BR.
Moving up into the top 200 are Black-Abyss, blobglob, future0shock.
Moving into the top 300 are RedSkunk, SmittyX, Guerilla-Unit, and ouandyoi.
Moving into the top 400 areSuicidal-kid, rjk, Sakurazukamori, Mackie40k, Popeofdope, and Ehwaz003.
Moving into the top 500 are Lurch70, Quothe, amplefied, DirtySyko, Damocless, mastershaked, ParagonX9, Ovrad, and XTREME-SAN.
Moving into the top 600 are xpeed, EternitySpent, MielipuoliMieli, essotek, Y0DA55, Andersson, SubKutz, Anzeo, szupie, HairydragonballZ, Pat-the-Cat, grimoiremyst1, Foamhead, basilisk32, and calx.
Moving into the top 700 are IvanTuroc, Master-Takashi, ChronoStar, RickBrasil, ThreeStar, Voldavian, Helloween, FetusEater, Yemen, davaca, Spicy-McHaggis, and topshot2x.
Moving into the top 800 are LAtiNoraLf, MrBigStick, Farmageddon, SquareHard, rdrbilly, dabboy,Laladudu, HandsomePete, MARCUSM, DaMainman, Stantheonlyone, Vook, Shinobi-Boy, Doki-Tokei, and Xycrumpt.
Moving into the top 900 are Zen444, AvocadoClock, tigerkitty, elirregular, Bigfoot3290, BritishGolgo13, Vegeton, YuzurihaNekoi, FBIpolux, DrJam, PeanutsPat,WhiteDragon9913733, HouseMasta, and Stoned-Gorilla.
Moving into the top 1000 are Crev, lapis ,idt75, Evil1666, OMFG-LOL-11111, F00D, Dream-of-Duke, Dalry, Gnarco, Scrotaculous, FatherVenom, shunshuu, Toth-Amon, Inuyasha, Crak7, LJCoffee, Starberry, SKS, ianad, maddhatter85, randyrandy, neobender6, and scahkruhtees