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Top 2,000 Exp Users

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Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-10-01 22:54:02

BonusStage: Read this post.

You got really lucky last night. I was away from a computer all day, and I ended up missing last night's deposit by 3 seconds! (Deposited today though, obviously).
bluntly, you're now pass me unless you screw up the same way in the future, congrats.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-10-02 01:52:30

Man, it seems like I've been chasing Parasoul for years. Only 100 experience points separates us now. Chances are I'll pass TheRealRebel (nice alias) before I pass anyone else.

I finally invented powdered water but now I don't know what to add.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-10-02 20:23:03

At 10/1/06 11:16 AM, ramagi wrote: Moving into the top 800 are Snowy-Beast, MegaGold, LePanther, British-Boy, Piepie, cheesebizkit, Rarebreed, UglyBastard, LordT, chowmein, JohnnyDamon, Archile, and Cosmetor.

Hell yeah, awesome.

#765 MegaGold 7,180 #807 MegaGold 6,880 +42 300
Also this is awesome to see. I haven't missed a day for like 2 months :D.

Top 50 Reviewers

Top 200 Medal Points

Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

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Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-10-02 20:35:40

says i got 290 exp for the month..
i dont think i missed a day but i might of..
i know it depends on when its updated and stuff but yeh..
8.8k exp for the win.

// Sig Makers // WWE Fans // Tumblr //

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-10-02 21:01:35

At 10/2/06 08:35 PM, madknt wrote: says i got 290 exp for the month..
i dont think i missed a day but i might of..
i know it depends on when its updated and stuff but yeh..
8.8k exp for the win.

#471 madknt 8,770 #484 madknt 8,480 +13 290

Hmmm just look at your experience points where it says you had 8,770 on the first of October. You now have 8,790 as of Oct 2nd, which means you deposited twice since the 1st. The only way that could happen is if you deposited on the 1st and on the 2nd, therefore you never missed a day. The ranks go by what your experience points are at Newground's update time, which is about 4:45am when it records your experience points.

This is also the same reason why some people have 310 points, which is the opposite of what you did in that they deposited after 4:45am on the 1st of September and before 4:45am on the 1st of October.

Mine says 290, but I actually did miss a deposit when I went to the Rolling Stones concert. Besides that I was consistent in that I deposited before the 4:45am time on both the 1st of September and October.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-10-02 23:53:57

Awesome. I've managed to keep a steady pace of about 12-15 spots gained a month for quite a while now, but it looks like this month I can only hope to nab another 5-6 spots, barring users that are depositing consistently randomly stopping.

I wish Alphacat and Masculine would miss two deposits each. That'd be swell. On a positive note, I can't wait to hit the big 10k this month, just in time for the new levels to make an appearance. Doesn't look like I'll be slipping into the top 300 until around late February, if I'm lucky.

Thanks for the update, ramagi. See you guys next month.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-10-03 00:08:41

At 10/2/06 11:53 PM, Evark wrote: I can't wait to hit the big 10k this month

i will reach 10k exp in about 120 days hopefully.. so early next year..
then around 18 days later level 17..
however levels hopefully will have been replaced by then so who knows where ill be..
i know i could work it out but it really isnt important at the moment.

as for gaining places, if alot of things go right for i could possibly get very close to cracking the top 450 by the 1st of next month but id take the safe bet and say somewhere closer to #455.

fun. fun. fun.

// Sig Makers // WWE Fans // Tumblr //

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-10-08 00:10:49

At 10/2/06 11:53 PM, Evark wrote: I wish Alphacat and Masculine would miss two deposits each. That'd be swell.

Months of wishing that such would be the case, and I find that two days ago, Alphacat did INDEED, miss two deposits. If Masculine follows suit, I'll be sure to say what it is I want in terms of users immediately ahead of me missing deposits more often.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-10-14 16:01:17

Just broke into the Top 2,000 experience users last night. =D

Thanks for creating this list BBB. *bookmarks*

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-10-15 17:34:38

At 8/24/06 10:19 PM, phileeguy wrote: I was actually hoping to be get to be lvl 16 and break into the top 500 on the same day, ushering in an all lvl 16+ top 500, but alas I don't think that will happen as planned. If everone around that mark continues to deposit on the same trend I think I'll end up at #502 when I hit 16, and I think -Gooch- might get that honor. Still, turning lvl 16, breaking into the top #500 and if I time it right 15k blams all in the same week are excellent milestones for myself.

Close enough, man. Close enough.

Too bad the new level system's gonna come along and screw up our wonderful top 500's nunchaku-and-above beauty. ;_;
We still have to around November to savor it.

Let's hope.

At 9/1/06 08:03 AM, ramagi wrote: Well folks I have already contacted BBB, the monthly list did update for some reason.

I'm in an internet cafe near work, I do not have the time to do anything manual.
Plus that's a lot of work, I may only work half day today, but still don't really have the urge to do it. So this may be the end of the monthly update list.

But apparently it wasn't! Thanks for continuing the tradition, ramagi. Should you end it without notice, that's fine, too. But we shall always remember. :::nods:::

At 9/2/06 08:09 PM, Wylo wrote:
At 9/2/06 07:46 PM, Latios_ wrote: Since that's SUCH a great level
Good thing they are implementing new levels soon. *Waits for a year, before that happens.*

The worst fate in all of NG exp land that I can think of... the worst fate of ALL...

would be to have level 23 for 1+ year coming up to next month...

to be on the verge of getting to the holy level 24.... and more importantly, perhaps, out of the HELL of level 23...

and then boom, the new 60 level structure goes into effect when you're less than a week away from the level up.


And it's going to happen to someone(s). I feel for them. So deeply. ;_;

At 10/1/06 11:16 AM, ramagi wrote: Well the top 50 was inactive, and doesn't look like we will see a change the rest of the year.

If only the top 50 was ACTUALLY inactive. Us folks in the 51-100 range would sure relish the chance to come in and replace 1-50 in the top 50, sure. #;-}>

Thanks again for the updates, ramagi.

And... :::laughs at all the fun Q-tip talk towards the bottom of page 14::: Good time, good times...

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-10-15 17:43:40

The top 500 is so close yet so far.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-10-15 17:50:39

iev been here a while, but have been stuck near 900. guess i have to get my but into gear and do better

»» HouseMasta «« PM


BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-01 10:55:45

Welcome to the monthly update 11/1/06.

Notes about the List:

The current month is listed first, with current rank, username and experience. Then you have last months info with rank at the first of last month then the username. Then exp and then we have change in rank since last month and change in experience since last month.
In case of a tie I give the nod to the lower profile id, if a non profile person is tied they go last.

I only concentrate on the people moving up on the list now, the slackers should get no attention. I mostly do things in groups of 100 for moving up except the top 50 since it the only part that NG lists.

No one new again in the top 50.

Moving up into the top 100 was Rabindarath, Painbringer, and BR.

Moving up into the top 200 are Black-Abyss, blobglob, future0shock.

Moving into the top 300 are RedSkunk, SmittyX, Guerilla-Unit, and ouandyoi.

Moving into the top 400 areSuicidal-kid, rjk, Sakurazukamori, Mackie40k, Popeofdope, and Ehwaz003.

Moving into the top 500 are Lurch70, Quothe, amplefied, DirtySyko, Damocless, mastershaked, ParagonX9, Ovrad, and XTREME-SAN.

Moving into the top 600 are xpeed, EternitySpent, MielipuoliMieli, essotek, Y0DA55, Andersson, SubKutz, Anzeo, szupie, HairydragonballZ, Pat-the-Cat, grimoiremyst1, Foamhead, basilisk32, and calx.

Moving into the top 700 are IvanTuroc, Master-Takashi, ChronoStar, RickBrasil, ThreeStar, Voldavian, Helloween, FetusEater, Yemen, davaca, Spicy-McHaggis, and topshot2x.

Moving into the top 800 are LAtiNoraLf, MrBigStick, Farmageddon, SquareHard, rdrbilly, dabboy,Laladudu, HandsomePete, MARCUSM, DaMainman, Stantheonlyone, Vook, Shinobi-Boy, Doki-Tokei, and Xycrumpt.

Moving into the top 900 are Zen444, AvocadoClock, tigerkitty, elirregular, Bigfoot3290, BritishGolgo13, Vegeton, YuzurihaNekoi, FBIpolux, DrJam, PeanutsPat,WhiteDragon9913733, HouseMasta, and Stoned-Gorilla.

Moving into the top 1000 are Crev, lapis ,idt75, Evil1666, OMFG-LOL-11111, F00D, Dream-of-Duke, Dalry, Gnarco, Scrotaculous, FatherVenom, shunshuu, Toth-Amon, Inuyasha, Crak7, LJCoffee, Starberry, SKS, ianad, maddhatter85, randyrandy, neobender6, and scahkruhtees

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-01 14:12:17

At 11/1/06 10:55 AM, ramagi wrote: Welcome to the monthly update 11/1/06.

great updates of the monthly exp, I see maybe a +3 change for December 1st. Or if Denny stopped b/ping, posting and depositing 4.

Moving up into the top 100 was Rabindarath, Painbringer, and BR.

it will take me too long to get here. Some day I can dream now.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-01 17:10:50

Wow I haven't been paying a lot of attention to the list to notice that Humantarget has completely dropped out of the race for the #1 spot. I know that he lost 4 days a while back, but this month he only got 190 points putting him back about 16 days.

Pimp should take a vacation and give us all a break. He'd come back a week later and still be far ahead.

Top 2,000 Exp Users

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-01 23:04:24

i think in the future...u noe how it says level 30 is like the highest or sumthin...well we will all be equal.....EVENTUALLY

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-01 23:48:25

At 11/1/06 11:04 PM, h0rnyxt0adx127 wrote: i think in the future...u noe how it says level 30 is like the highest or sumthin...well we will all be equal.....EVENTUALLY

No chance. There can only be one that holds level 30.

BTW, only 343 places in front of me before I get in that top one thousand.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-02 03:38:11

At 11/1/06 11:48 PM, Jose wrote: No chance. There can only be one that holds level 30.

When the new levels come level 30 will be something people can actualy get which will be neat...

As for me i am stuck in the #81 spot :(



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-02 04:53:31

At 11/1/06 10:55 AM, ramagi wrote: Welcome to the monthly update 11/1/06.
Moving up into the top 100 was Rabindarath, Painbringer, and BR.

Thanks again for your list Ramagi, I'm glad to have reached this small goal. :-)

NG Review Moderator // Report Today!

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-02 05:22:56

i missed a deposit and still gained 26 spots.. i guess i cant be unhappy about that..
not like i worry about NG while on a weekend away in the wine region of Australia..
was well worth it.

// Sig Makers // WWE Fans // Tumblr //

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-02 08:26:34

At 11/1/06 11:48 PM, Jose wrote:
At 11/1/06 11:04 PM, h0rnyxt0adx127 wrote: i think in the future...u noe how it says level 30 is like the highest or sumthin...well we will all be equal.....EVENTUALLY
No chance. There can only be one that holds level 30.

Not quite... There was one day that Pimp and HT52 were both Level 30 having exactly the same amount of Experience

Thanks for the update, ramagi. Only another 2 updates until I crack the top 400 :)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-02 08:57:10

At 11/1/06 10:55 AM, ramagi wrote: Welcome to the monthly update 11/1/06.

Nice update ramagi.

Moving into the top 700 are Helloween.

Good, slowly getting closer and closer to the top 500. But for now, I should concentrate on getting to the top 600 which I think will take me about 3 months to get there. There are some active depositers right in front of me, so they will be difficult to pass. Maybe some will slip and let me pass. :P

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-02 15:02:27

Ranked # 1,784 out of 1,046,991 users!

Moved up about 200 positions since i last checked. Nothing big. I'll leave now...

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-03 15:29:22

I can't see the top 2,000 exp users list website.... maybe the site went temporarily down?

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-03 16:09:03

At 11/3/06 03:42 PM, AllReligiousDrunk wrote:
At 11/3/06 03:29 PM, YoinK wrote: I can't see the top 2,000 exp users list website.... maybe the site went temporarily down?
Yeah, it's not working, it's probably down temporarily, I think it'll be back soon.

I hope so atleast, heh.

ok good, it's finally back. Hopefully someone in the top 21 will fall in the next few months.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-03 16:28:12

At 11/3/06 03:29 PM, YoinK wrote: I can't see the top 2,000 exp users list website.... maybe the site went temporarily down?

I actually was having some problems with the server and ended up having to restart it.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-03 18:14:24

At 11/3/06 04:30 PM, AllReligiousDrunk wrote: Ah, you are close to top 20, hope you get in there mate, just don't put off altr, haha, bob can stay there aswell, heh.

yea thanks. I've gained ground on the both of them. I use to be over 400 exp points away from both bob and altr. Now just about 300 away from altr and 110 away from bob which really isn't so bad. BlueAsterisk seems to be falling but it will take about 100 days to pass that user if he decides to stay a non-depositer.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-03 19:29:57

Ok if anyone wants to check this out, this is my first attempt at creating a top 2000 Active
Users list.


Problem is, there's no way to confirm if it is accurate. That's why I added 5 people to the end of the list as possibly part of the list. My method was to check out if there had been ANY activity and put them in order of their rank at the end of the month. If you see anyone near the bottom that you know, try to see if you can get them to tell you if they're on the list. Other than maybe being off by a few people, I think it should be pretty accurate.

Top 2,000 Exp Users

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-03 21:03:16

At 11/3/06 07:34 PM, mightyalrd wrote: Have you created any top 2000 b/p list yet? I'm not sure whether you've created one or not, but I remember discussing one once, so yeah? If not, I'd like too see one ;).

No my limit is with experience based lists. It would be much harder to track a top 2000 B/P list without having to dig through the millions of profiles, which the admins got angry about a while back. So I'm sticking to lists that can be more easily tracked without.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-11-03 21:59:12

At 11/3/06 09:09 PM, mightyalrd wrote:
Would it still as hard even if you exclude the amount of b/p points one have? Because then basically it'd just be the b/p rank stat, and that would work like the EXP stat?

Yes because of how my program gets the experience points would be different than how it gets the B/P points. With the experience points, I have a page called the Last 50 Deposits that I go by, but I don't have anything like that for the B/P points so to keep it updated, I'd have to go through millions of profiles.

One thing I thought of was to use the profiles I already have in the database collected from the Last 50 Deposits page. That might find most of them. Problem is how would I possibly get the B/P points from vagrants? I could leave them out, but it would be a pain in the ass trying to figure out if certain areas are empty or if I just need to go through millions of more profiles to find them.

In any case, it wouldn't be a complete list and it wouldn't be updated much more than once a month. I'm not taking any chances of heavily taxing the server as Wade already told us that he doesn't want anymore lists. I just found a way to collect experience points successfully without mining millions of profiles. So far, I haven't come up with any other ideas on how to create B/P lists or any other list for that matter that doesn't involve experience points.