At 12/10/06 09:35 PM, JerkClock wrote: Pimp misses every once in a while. It's most likely due to losing interest in NG with time.
Work and forgetfulness i'm sure.
At 12/10/06 09:35 PM, JerkClock wrote: Pimp misses every once in a while. It's most likely due to losing interest in NG with time.
Work and forgetfulness i'm sure.
(Quietly sneaks onto list with nobody looking...)
Less then a week and I should make it onto the list xD
At 12/10/06 08:37 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Haha! Would you stop depositing if you were in his position? Be honest. Santa is listening.
Not stop completely, but now a week's vacation would be possible without coming back and having lost a lot of ground. If I were Pimp and in his position, yes I'd take a week off no problem. Miss one week, he'll still be 4 weeks ahead of bomb. Miss two weeks, he'll still be 3 weeks ahead of bomb. I'd say it's about time for him to celebrate down in the Caribbean away from computers altogether.
By the way BBB, I was curious as to why the "top 2,000 users" link in your sig takes you to page 1 of this topic rather than the list itself. :-P
It's so if people want to talk about it, they'll know where to go. I thought I could put a link right to the page, but I'd probably get more PMs or I'd have to put a link to this thread on there. It's just easier to link to the thread.
I have been #401 on the exp list for 10 straight days now. It's driving me crazy >_<
At 12/12/06 06:18 PM, BigBlueBalls wrote:At 12/10/06 08:37 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Haha! Would you stop depositing if you were in his position? Be honest. Santa is listening.If I were Pimp and in his position, yes I'd take a week off no problem.
He should take a week off as a Christmas present for all the users under him. It would be nice to gain 10 experience points per day without the backslide effect kicking you in the teeth.
At 12/10/06 08:37 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Haha! Would you stop depositing if you were in his position? Be honest. Santa is listening.
Yeah, I'd miss a day or two. I wouldn't do it for th eehck of it, but I wouldnt' feel bad if I missed a day or two. If you're obsessed you'll stop doign it altogether.
Post 500 on this topic, yay
At 12/21/06 10:30 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
He should take a week off as a Christmas present for all the users under him. It would be nice to gain 10 experience points per day without the backslide effect kicking you in the teeth.
You know in the last few years that has not really happened. Plus a lot of wishfulthinking for some of you.
On a side note I asked a question in response to someone else question.
No one really responded to it, Well in reality it address the people in at least in the top 1000 or so. I checked I have a list of the top 1500 people from Jan1st last saved from then.
I havn't quite figured out what to do with all that data. Feedback welcome 10 days to go!
At 12/21/06 11:19 PM, ramagi wrote: I checked I have a list of the top 1500 people from Jan1st last saved from then. I havn't quite figured out what to do with all that data. Feedback welcome 10 days to go!
Not really sure myself ramagi. You could compile a list of the 10 biggest gains and the 10 biggest loses for 2006. It would be interesting to see who the steadfast depositors are.
At 12/21/06 10:30 PM, ReconRebel wrote: He should take a week off as a Christmas present for all the users under him. It would be nice to gain 10 experience points per day without the backslide effect kicking you in the teeth.
Yes at least one week... and if bomb ever stops depositing, then take some more time off. As long as he's a month ahead of the competition, he's got nothing to worry about.
I'm curious to see how many deposits are missed tommorow. I can only assume alot of people will be busy visiting relatives for xmas, and I could sure use an extra boost in the rankings...
hey since you are all such i lvls i was hoping you could help me with something. Whenever i help protect or help blam something i neve get a ablam or proection point. Whenever i vote it says "your combined blam and protection points give you an extra 0% voting power" or something like that and i know i have helped things get blammed ans things get protected before. Cuz one time i casted the vote that put a submission over the edge and it got blammed. But i never got a point for it. WTf?
At 12/24/06 09:09 PM, TheManBehindTheFlash wrote: hey since you are all such i lvls i was hoping you could help me with something. Whenever i help protect or help blam something i neve get a ablam or proection point.
*Looks in your profile*
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 6 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 10 quality entries.
You have.
Whenever i vote it says "your combined blam and protection points give you an extra 0% voting power"
You need at least 100 blam/protect points to get a boost in voting power.
You can view a list of the badges here. It also tells you how many points you need for each level and how much of a boost each rank gives you.
one time i casted the vote that put a submission over the edge and it got blammed. But i never got a point for it. WTf?
If you vote 0 or 1 on an under judgement submission and the submission ends up getting blammed, you will recieve a blam point. If you vote 2, 3, 4 or 5 on an under judgement submission and the movie ends up getting protected, you will recieve a Protection point.
If you voted to blam a submission and it gets protected, you will not recieve the point. Also if you vote to save and the submission gets blammed, you won't recieve the point either.
At 12/24/06 09:19 PM, AfroUnderscoreStud wrote:
If you voted to blam a submission and it gets protected, you will not recieve the point. Also if you vote to save and the submission gets blammed, you won't recieve the point either.
Also, if you cast the final vote, you'll see the blam/protect movie regardless of what your vote was. So it's entirely possible to see one of those movies and not get the point.
At 12/26/06 04:48 AM, Sargent wrote: can i join tomorrow :D
Experience: Ranked # 7,800 out of 1,076,023 users!
LOL, you are far away from getting to the top 2000 EXP users. Just wait until you have about 4800 EXP and maybe then you'll be in the top 2000 EXP users. :P
At 12/26/06 07:54 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 12/26/06 04:48 AM, Sargent wrote: can i join tomorrow :DExperience: Ranked # 7,800 out of 1,076,023 users!
LOL, you are far away from getting to the top 2000 EXP users. Just wait until you have about 4800 EXP and maybe then you'll be in the top 2000 EXP users. :P
You forgot to factor in the amount of the rising experience needed to get onto the list..
I am #1501 now. So, tomorrow I should be in the top 1500 :) (but still waaaay to go for the top 1000 :( )
hmm.. I've got a long ways to go to hit the top 20.... :(
At 12/27/06 08:23 AM, PickledOnionMuffin wrote: I'm in the top 500 now. I wish that somehow, everyone above me stops depositing forever, and I become level 30 and eventually rule the world.
A muffin can dream.
Right behind you at 465.
End of the month and it looks like I just made it.
Looks like level 17 is nearing the 10000 mark. Something really needs to be done about the scaling.
Welcome to the monthly update 1/1/07.
Notes about the List:
The current month is listed first, with current rank, username and experience. Then you have last months info with rank at the first of last month then the username. Then exp and then we have change in rank since last month and change in experience since last month.
In case of a tie I give the nod to the lower profile id, if a non profile person is tied they go last.
I only concentrate on the people moving up on the list now, the slackers should get no attention. I mostly do things in groups of 100 for moving up except the top 50 since it the only part that NG lists.
Well to stat the New Year we got someone new in the top 50 Joe!
Moving up into the top 100 was Idiot-Finder.
Moving up into the top 200 are MPA, carmelhadinosaur, irishstallion, Pook, and trunks62.
Moving into the top 300 are musemanR, undermineinbaltimore, Scribbler, Interitus, PigCopKiller, iamnone, and ZIGZAG4EVER.
Moving into the top 400 are deckheadtottie, AnzRage, Popeofdope, UberBarista, wizardman, and Pyro-911.
Moving into the top 500 are R3dF0x, BatDan, AnzCorp, Error, iruparattso, Newgrundling, Kenneth-Knows-All, DanielXXX, ArtistJ, and killerfromhell666.
Moving into the top 600 are DaSadGirl, AngryWonton, mrx454, L-Trippin, ReignOfHell, Dreamseek, November, RupeeClock, EXRazeBurn, red-vii1, ShadowWarriorLuke, and Strauss69.
Moving into the top 700 are Lockstockstar, The-Redangleprince, Rarebreed, MegaGold, LePanther, LAtiNoraLf, HighWing, Bezman, Archile, and dude13.
Moving into the top 800 are LittleMissVixen, Calavera, JoeisCooler, SonicTheBoom, Uncle-Dave, SubaruSumeragi, Draconias, Mike-Drake, FumaMonou, blue-midget-guy, Rhete, ch33ks, AndersonCouncil, and OVlez.
Moving into the top 900 are idt75, bobsyeruncle, Jercurpac, TITROTU, Kirk-Cocaine, SpaceFalcon2001, Kisuke, Dream-of-Duke, Starberry, shunshuu, lapis, DjGodKane, maddhatter85, Evil1666, ShinDenjin, and DrHood.
Moving into the top 1000 are BigScizot, Praxis, Crazywill, RedDesign, DarkSkellig, OptiPrime, DrDeath2k3, Dawg6929, RipRap, hongkongexpress, Qwasnoid, Calrk, Landepaukku, Icwer, and different.
Thanks for the update, ramagi. Too bad that I missed 2 deposits last month due to poor internet connection. But nevertheless, I am moving up. Hopefully, I will have another steady rise by the next update.
At 1/1/07 07:45 PM, ramagi wrote: Welcome to the monthly update 1/1/07.
Moving into the top 300 are musemanR, undermineinbaltimore, Scribbler, Interitus, PigCopKiller, iamnone, and ZIGZAG4EVER.
ah cool I helped ian in the top 300 I wont be in the top 100 for another 2 years.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 1/1/07 07:45 PM, ramagi wrote: Welcome to the monthly update 1/1/07.
Thanks for the update, ramagi.
Next update, I'll be in the top 400 and I'll also have passed the 10,000 Experience plateau. An interesting aside is that there are currently 381 Users with 10,000+ Experience points. How long will it take to get 500 of us?
At 1/1/07 07:45 PM, ramagi wrote: Welcome to the monthly update 1/1/07.
Thanks for the update ramagi. I've gone up 36 ranks which is good. :)
Moving into the top 600 are
I'm close to being there. :D Maybe I'll be there on the next update. If not, then the update after.
At 1/1/07 07:45 PM, ramagi wrote: Well to stat the New Year we got someone new in the top 50 Joe!
That was awesome getting just enough yesterday. I was waiting for Quadraton to come out of nowhere and push me back to 51.
nice update ramagi!
was there a yearly update for the new year? I'm just wondering... if there isn't then that's okay.