At 7/18/07 02:16 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
At 7/18/07 02:04 AM, Sentio wrote:
Go and hover your mouse over an angry face icon in the general forum ( one next to a topic, not in a thread)
That scared the crap out of me! I had my volume up a little too high...
LOL, I knew that would catch somebody! It scared the hell out of me as well the first time I did it!
ooooo, no typing lag anymore! YAY!
At 7/18/07 02:19 AM, Andrea364 wrote:
Why must I never be quoted by more than half of you people?
Quoted for great justice!
At 7/18/07 03:22 AM, RSQViper wrote:
I noticed we can upload a 46X46 in our profiles. It says it'll show up next to our posts? I would imagine that means on the frontpage, eh? ANyway, I tried and it is insisting my GIF is seethru which it is not, so that's annoying.
I've been having the same problem. I was trying to downsize my old profile pic, but it didn't want to let me. I'll need to have a play with the features in there at some point, possibly gaining the help of a taleneted NG artist as I am beyond hopeless- I'll wait for things to settle down first though!
At 7/18/07 03:26 AM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote:
Yeah well the redesign is good cause got all these new little shiny toys to play with. But it came with alot of glitches and bugs. That mainly gets annoying because they effect your stats currently. But hope all that gets worked out and i can make my climb to Supreme Commander active again. Well best of luck to everybody.
That is all fixed I think. There are a few new levels in the B/P ranks, and the amounts you need are different, so some people will have changed rank. You haven't lost any points though, so just get back to it and you'll be back to where you were in no time!
At 7/18/07 08:44 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Looks like we'll have to start calling ourselves just "The Barracks", now that they've done away with the whole Elite Guard part of the badge system.
That is possibly the only thing I am not happy about with this redesign. Supreme Commander just doesn't have the same ring to it without Elite Guard in front of it!
The only other problem I can see is that the stat-listers (myself included) are going to struggle for a little while to get their lists working properly, as all of the links in their forum posts were dead last night :'( Hopefully only a glitch, that will be fixed soon.
That is going to be a real pain for a while, but hopefully everyone involved will get used to it soon.
At 7/18/07 09:07 AM, EagleRock wrote:
Incidentally, I asked up the sigmakers for a new sig, and I got two! The one by madknt is in my profile already, but I also have one by fahrenheit (below). Help me choose? They're both awesome and I'm not sure which I should use:
Bah, favouritism! I've requested twice and got no sig so far >:(. That is a sweet sig though, hopefully once the rush dies down I'll get a nice one as well.
At 7/18/07 11:02 AM, Phantom wrote:
I'll be honest with all of you, the redesign is nice but as most of you might have noticed, there is a problem with the flash portal, and that is that UJ submissions never seem to appear as seen, the link doesn't change color and it's harder to vote, or is it just me?
They're fixing it :)
At 7/18/07 11:06 AM, DaRk wrote:
Hey guys, DaRk here. I haven't been to the EGB in a while and I know I went inactive, but I had some personal problems i was taking care of. I was wondering if I would be allowed back into the EGB. If so, maybe some info on how things run around here as of now.
Welcome back! I see you meet our new requirements of 2500 points, so I see no problem with you rejoining the Barracks, and evidently your posting was good enough before. I'm gald that whatever personal problems you had seem to be behind you :)