Bleh, forgot pic!
Also I have an insane voting power (over 15!). Man, I'm going to be up all night playing with this, there is so much to see!
sorry for the double
Sig by lebastic

Bleh, forgot pic!
Also I have an insane voting power (over 15!). Man, I'm going to be up all night playing with this, there is so much to see!
sorry for the double
Sig by lebastic
This is indeed very awesome, although the typing lag sucks. But I'm sure that will get fixed soon...poor NG team is going to have to iron out lots of bugs, since they re-coded the whole damn site.
Until then, I advise typing in notepad and copy/pasting it into the BBS, heh. :-D
What the hell happened to my rank? I've been demoted to captain! Oh my God I think I'm gonna die, and smileys?! WTF, smileys don't belong here! This redesign has so many errors!
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
At 7/17/07 07:07 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: This is indeed very awesome, although the typing lag sucks. But I'm sure that will get fixed soon...poor NG team is going to have to iron out lots of bugs, since they re-coded the whole damn site.
Until then, I advise typing in notepad and copy/pasting it into the BBS, heh. :-D
This is what I am doing. The lag is pretty awful in the typing.
Also, I notice that the kiddies figured out they can all post news... Can't say that isn't annoying.
A nice 3 day ban for the folks doing that is probably in order.
At 7/17/07 07:49 PM, Andrea364 wrote: What the hell happened to my rank? I've been demoted to captain! Oh my God I think I'm gonna die, and smileys?! WTF, smileys don't belong here! This redesign has so many errors!
I don't know what happened to be honest with you. I lost my rank as well and I'm in the same situation you are. What will happen to this place though? There are no more Elite Guards, now only memories. :(
I feel so pissed right now, I've been stripped of my rightful rank, although I still have the same base vote power, I can't vote on UJ movies because it crashes my IE window, and I have a new level icon which is nice but I liked lvl nine better, the added power is nice though. At least they left my posts alone though. I hate all the redesign bugs, maybe I should quit complaining and wait for them to hurry up and fix this crap... I hope to GOD they do!
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
I found something everyone might wanna have a look at.. :(
Can someone give me the link to the EGB forums? I used to get to them from my sig pic link,
We must decide exactly what the hell we're gonna do about the B/P level changes.
At 7/17/07 08:45 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: Ugh, looks like i will not be B/P for a while. Things are just going to slow to properly do anything. I'll only being doing it to deposit for a while. Just until things speed up.
It's sped up a huge amount in the last few minutes- even the typing is beginning to catch up now :)
At 7/17/07 08:46 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Can someone give me the link to the EGB forums? I used to get to them from my sig pic link,
We must decide exactly what the hell we're gonna do about the B/P level changes. arracks/index.php?act=idx
Sig by lebastic
This new layout is sweet! So much new stuff to see and I have an insane voting power of 14.86. According to the FAQ the new voting power system is based off of level, b/p, reviews, and whistle level. But holy crap 14.86! Sweet!
Only complaint here is the new commander and supreme commander rank. There's also plenty of bugs right now but I'm sure they'll get worked out.
I miss the voting sound too. :'(
Damn! I love the new layout! There are still a few bugs, but it may just be my computer/internet. But this is fucking amazing! I feel a little let down that they moved down the amount of levels to 30, but other than that, it's amazing!
At 7/17/07 09:08 PM, Sentio wrote:At 7/17/07 08:46 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Can someone give me the link to the EGB forums? I used to get to them from my sig pic link, arracks/index.php?act=idx
We must decide exactly what the hell we're gonna do about the B/P level changes.
Thanks. There's now a thread at our forums for discussing just WHAT THE FUCK WE'RE GONNA DO NOW in terms of entry requirements and the like, if we need it.
At 7/17/07 06:27 PM, DarkLotusJuggalo wrote: I don't like the new portal for one reason, I don't have the shaded text to know what I've already seen. If that was different then the portal would be perfect, but its awesome still since the new way to view flash! :)
Yeah, I know what you mean. It makes it quite difficult and annoying. I guess I'm handling it by checking out the last flash in the list before I refresh my Flash Portal page. Otherwise, I'd have no damn clue what I did...
At 7/17/07 08:32 PM, DarkLotusJuggalo wrote: I found something everyone might wanna have a look at.. :(
The thing that annoys me the most out of this whole thing has to be that "Elite Guard" is no longer in the name of the upper ranks. It's sad, really...I hope they plan on making it stay the Elite Guard in one way or another...
At 7/17/07 09:03 PM, TheBlueNeck wrote: Well that means I have to leave the Elite Guard Barracks because I used to be an Elite Guard Private but now I leveled down to a Police Lieutenant. I'm going to miss you guys.
At 7/17/07 09:34 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Thanks. There's now a thread at our forums for discussing just WHAT THE FUCK WE'RE GONNA DO NOW in terms of entry requirements and the like, if we need it.
I'm responding officially to this change. I think everyone will be happy with the idea.
At 7/17/07 11:07 PM, TheBlueNeck wrote:At 7/17/07 10:57 PM, EagleRock wrote: I'm responding officially to this change. I think everyone will be happy with the idea.So does this mean I'm still in the Elite Guard Barracks?
Yes. As long as you stay active. Here's what I posted in the forums:
Basically said, nobody is getting kicked out at this time. If you were in the EGB before the redesign, you can stay in the Barracks. However, you are free to leave the Barracks if you wish to join the NGPD until you reach the new 2,500 B/P requirement.
In terms of new members, the requirements are the same, as you need to be in the Elite Guard to join. Note that this now means that you need 2,500 B/P to join the EGB. This is effective to anyone that wants to join after the redesign.
One last thing: if you are "grandfathered" into the Barracks as being of Elite Guard status pre-redesign, you need to be an active user to keep your membership. If you become inactive and get dropped from the roster, you will need to hit 2,500 B/P to rejoin.
I think this is the most fair to everyone and will hopefully make everyone happy.
Incidentally, Slash, can I get admin access to the forums? KTHXBAI.
At 7/17/07 11:09 PM, EagleRock wrote: Incidentally, Slash, can I get admin access to the forums? KTHXBAI.
Sure...just gimme a few minutes.
At 7/17/07 11:16 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:At 7/17/07 11:09 PM, EagleRock wrote: Incidentally, Slash, can I get admin access to the forums? KTHXBAI.Sure...just gimme a few minutes.
Well it's not a huge rush, lol...
I'm more interested in what people think of the B/P policy change.
And maybe a hello.... :-)
At 7/17/07 11:23 PM, EagleRock wrote: Well it's not a huge rush, lol...
I'm more interested in what people think of the B/P policy change.
And maybe a hello.... :-)
I am a wee bit drunk...thank heavens for Firefox's YOU SPELLED THIS WRONG red-line-ness, heh.
You're admin'ed, and everything sounds cool with the new EGB policy. Yay!
I'm gonna have to whip up a nifty new sig pic when I'm sobered up a bit more...I think I did a pretty good job on my profile page bannner. :-D
At 7/17/07 11:23 PM, EagleRock wrote:
Well it's not a huge rush, lol...
I'm more interested in what people think of the B/P policy change.
And maybe a hello.... :-)
Oh, Hi :D Sorry, you know, new stuff and all that! Good to see you around on such a momentous day for Newgrounds!
My typing is still lagging slightly >:(
I like that the badges have changed their design- much more in keeping with the site as a whole. I find it strange that they added ranks in between the already existing ones though, rather than adding them at the end, especially as our VP has gone up dramatically anyway. It would have been nice to have a few new targets.
I'm a bit thrown by the EXP system now. The FAQ suggests that it will go back to the dreaded expanding levels once Pimp gets to level 60, but Tom's post implies that it is now fixed at 30k, which would be nice with the B/P fixed there as well. That would certainly make levelling up easier! I love all of the new badges though, certainly worth depositing for.
Also there is no mention of how whistle and reviews effect VP, but I many need to start reviewing more!
Still, I'm loving it, so no complaints from me :D
Sig by lebastic
Hey guys !!! Looks like the layout of Newgrounds have changed when I wasnt looking...
So whats going on ?
At 7/17/07 11:48 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: Hey guys !!! Looks like the layout of Newgrounds have changed when I wasnt looking...
So whats going on ?
Enjoying this sweet-ass redesign!
Experience: 5,735 / 5,880
When I depositing my EXP (or rather, when it auto-deposited when I voted, hehe), it said I had like, 5000 more to my next level.
Ah, well. The glitches will be ironed out. I can't wait to see what level 24 is (NO ONE FUCKING TELL ME).
Oh snap, when I was looking at alphas in the NG Mag (which I hope gets re-done eventually, as well...the alphas deserve more publicity). I noticed that Adam Phillips is set to release Waterlollies in the next week or so. :-D
I've never been a HUGE fan of him (I find his flashes a little boring, myself), but you gotta admit, that man has graphical skills out the ass. I hope I get to see it under judgement. ^_^
The only bad thing with the new design is... that Elite Guard doesnt have any meaning anymore due to the name changings...
At 7/17/07 11:09 PM, EagleRock wrote:At 7/17/07 11:07 PM, TheBlueNeck wrote:At 7/17/07 10:57 PM, EagleRock wrote: I'm responding officially to this change. I think everyone will be happy with the idea.
Well, so far, I am, but I really don't like all these changes that have happened, I miss old NG. Now we will have a lot of spam problems and several bannings thanks to the 'improved bbs'. There are also a few things I don't like about the voting and deposit system too. You can see my point, right?
So does this mean I'm still in the Elite Guard Barracks?
I was going to ask that, but I see that there is no longer a need to thanks to all the explaining that has been done, this may turn out to be a good thing or not, I hope for the best. I wonder if paltalk is still the same....
Yes. As long as you stay active. Here's what I posted in the forums:
*grabs TheBlueNeck and dances around like some crazy idiot with him* Don't you worry, I'll always be active, and I'll soon have that 2500 you request of me. MUHAHAHA!
Basically said, nobody is getting kicked out at this time. If you were in the EGB before the redesign, you can stay in the Barracks. However, you are free to leave the Barracks if you wish to join the NGPD until you reach the new 2,500 B/P requirement.
This is all good to know, thanks, I love being here so I'm pretty happy with your decision on the matter, but I wish that they would not have added these new ranks.
In terms of new members, the requirements are the same, as you need to be in the Elite Guard to join. Note that this now means that you need 2,500 B/P to join the EGB. This is effective to anyone that wants to join after the redesign.
Another satisfactory desicion, sir, absolutely no slackers, right? Just you remember, I'll be here forever, or atleast as long as I can possibly stay with you guys. I'll be rather busy, but I'll be with you guys.
You always find the words to say to keep me right here waiting... .. ... And if I chose to walk away, would you be right here waiting?
One last thing: if you are "grandfathered" into the Barracks as being of Elite Guard status pre-redesign, you need to be an active user to keep your membership. If you become inactive and get dropped from the roster, you will need to hit 2,500 B/P to rejoin.
Even though this doesn't concern me, understood, sir, I'll be in the portal doing my usual point racking. Damn, this fucking typing lag is annoying!...
I think this is the most fair to everyone and will hopefully make everyone happy.
I'm happy now! :3 Lets party already!
Incidentally, Slash, can I get admin access to the forums? KTHXBAI.
LOL, nice Eagle, very nice, that's not gonna look good on your record... Well, I don't have room to talk, I'm a lowly n00b girl, haha, so you know.... Uh, I'm not known for having a clean slate.
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
At 7/17/07 11:31 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Hello!
I am a wee bit drunk...thank heavens for Firefox's YOU SPELLED THIS WRONG red-line-ness, heh.
LOL. Firefox is t3h l33t.
You're admin'ed, and everything sounds cool with the new EGB policy. Yay!
Sweet. Thanks.
I'm gonna have to whip up a nifty new sig pic when I'm sobered up a bit more...I think I did a pretty good job on my profile page bannner. :-D
I suck at it. I'll probably dig up my old one and ask the sigmakers to make me a new one...
At 7/17/07 11:32 PM, TheBlueNeck wrote: You know on secound thought I'd rather earn my into the Elite Guard Barracks again. I'll just go back and stay at the NGPD.
That's your choice, of course. I'm sure Tails will be glad to have a good officer back in the NGPD!
At 7/17/07 11:35 PM, Sentio wrote: Oh, Hi :D Sorry, you know, new stuff and all that! Good to see you around on such a momentous day for Newgrounds!
Yeah, well, I'm around BECAUSE of the momentous day on Newgrounds... :-) What a way to come a brand
I like that the badges have changed their design- much more in keeping with the site as a whole. I find it strange that they added ranks in between the already existing ones though, rather than adding them at the end, especially as our VP has gone up dramatically anyway. It would have been nice to have a few new targets.
Agreed. Though, I'm still glad I'm still a Supreme Commander. I mean, it'd be a pain in the ass having to work all the way back. I can really sympathize with those that lost Elite Guard status because of the redesign...
I'm a bit thrown by the EXP system now. The FAQ suggests that it will go back to the dreaded expanding levels once Pimp gets to level 60, but Tom's post implies that it is now fixed at 30k, which would be nice with the B/P fixed there as well. That would certainly make levelling up easier! I love all of the new badges though, certainly worth depositing for.
Confusing at best. However, I'll make sure to keep with it for now. Hopefully it'll still pay off over time.
Still, I'm loving it, so no complaints from me :D
Change is good. Even if there are things that you don't like about it, it's better than it was.
At 7/18/07 12:16 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Ah, well. The glitches will be ironed out. I can't wait to see what level 24 is (NO ONE FUCKING TELL ME).
Seems my vote power has drastically dropped from 14.80-something to a more reasonable 10.4, so I assume they modified something. I'm actually kind of glad, because having it be that easy to have that high of a vote power could be a bit troublesome.
At 7/18/07 12:49 AM, Akatsuki321 wrote: Also i hate the new ranks and badges, they look fucking stupid in my opinion.
In a way I do concur, but they don't look that bad, yet I do favor the old badges over these.
Also There is a bit of lag on Newgrounds so far, but then again, at one time there was over 700 users all on at once. This, by far, totally smashed the current record, and this is probably a big contributor to why there is lag on here.
My tax dollars go to pay for a war that I and most of America dont even want. Yet I can't even afford Health insurance for my family. Hmmm..... Sig Pic by madknt
At 7/18/07 12:47 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Seems my vote power has drastically dropped from 14.80-something to a more reasonable 10.4, so I assume they modified something. I'm actually kind of glad, because having it be that easy to have that high of a vote power could be a bit troublesome.
Yeah, mine dropped from 15.53 to a more sensible 10.84- apparently there was a script error, but Ross fixed it.
Still getting conflicting news on whether levels are permanently fixed now, or whether they will go back to sliding when Pimp reaches level 60. Ross said something that encourages me and levels could well be permanently fixed now, though 30k isn't the highest as I first thought (based that on the last secret, but that is floating just before Pimp as usual), its more like 38600.
At 7/18/07 12:49 AM, Akatsuki321 wrote: I had 1,540 EXP a bit ago, at midnight i deposited and i still have only 1,540 EXP, God damn glitches this better be fixed soon since I'm very close to level 13. Also i hate the new ranks and badges, they look fucking stupid in my opinion.
I see you with 1550, so it did it, just taking its time to update.
At 7/18/07 01:17 AM, SilentSoldier wrote:
In a way I do concur, but they don't look that bad, yet I do favor the old badges over these.
Also There is a bit of lag on Newgrounds so far, but then again, at one time there was over 700 users all on at once. This, by far, totally smashed the current record, and this is probably a big contributor to why there is lag on here.
And that is just on the forums- by far the most traffic is on the front page and portal. I'd guess at there being thousands on at once earlier. It is much faster now though, with the exception of this typing lag.
A few other things I found- the weekly winners list can now be viewed down to 100 places, and the other lists have been extended as well. Now there is a top 50 saves list (or will be when it is put up) I will actually be on a rankings list for the very first time! Sad that there is no B/P list though.
Sig by lebastic
At 7/18/07 01:24 AM, Sentio wrote:At 7/18/07 12:47 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Seems my vote power has drastically dropped from 14.80-something to a more reasonable 10.4, so I assume they modified something. I'm actually kind of glad, because having it be that easy to have that high of a vote power could be a bit troublesome.Yeah, mine dropped from 15.53 to a more sensible 10.84- apparently there was a script error, but Ross fixed it.
O rly?
Mine seems to have increase a bit, I was at 6.75 I think and now I'm at 7. something.
At 7/18/07 01:20 AM, Akatsuki321 wrote:
Also the fact the redesign wasn't even properly finished(hence some of the glitches i heard about) Anyway NG is going a little bit faster for me so i should get to B/P. Also has anyone seen some sort of chart that shows all the new ranks and what they look like? Sounds dumb but im asking anyway.
Also I just got tipped off about this... not sure if it qualifies as a secret, but whatever...
Go and hover your mouse over an angry face icon in the general forum ( one next to a topic, not in a thread)
Trust me, it's worth it!
Thanks TheBlueNeck in the Mafia for that one!
Sig by lebastic
At 7/18/07 02:04 AM, Sentio wrote: Go and hover your mouse over an angry face icon in the general forum ( one next to a topic, not in a thread)
That scared the crap out of me! I had my volume up a little too high...