At 10/22/23 07:24 PM, BlastoiseNetworkYT wrote:Not sure if this counts, but someone used someone else's MMD motion and model and used it in their video here:
Agreed. I agree with Nonny-frog:
At 10/22/23 07:51 PM, Anonymous-Frog wrote:I’m also pointing out that there’s now a catch-all rule in the Movie Guidelines specifically addressing ‘shovelware’ made using these types of assets/programs
Ie: they’re mostly allowed if you make something enjoyable, but don’t spam them.
If you use models and make your own stuff, ok. If you combine A and B and you didn't make either, not ok. He took the models and took the actions, so these have gone bye bye.
At 10/22/23 07:39 PM, BickerySebastian wrote:Second of all, DO NOT POST ART SUBMISSIONS IN HERE.
True... but you could say please.
At 10/22/23 07:41 PM, BlastoiseNetworkYT wrote:Why are you so rude?
Well, he is Bickery.
At 10/22/23 07:51 PM, BlastoiseNetworkYT wrote:Because I don't wanna get the terrible whistle because the reporting system is flawed...
Nah, you just suck at flagging things. You know this. We've talked already. Flag right = +. Flag wrong = butthurt.