While there are other BTB "remakes" that passed judgment, this one seems somewhat dubious, especially the original Scratch pages.
While there are other BTB "remakes" that passed judgment, this one seems somewhat dubious, especially the original Scratch pages.
At 10/5/21 03:58 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:Formation webdesign banner ad (newgrounds.com)
At 10/5/21 02:34 PM, DeepCrimson wrote:Following Commander Exedor's advice this time around :3
Adult warning.
#817320: Obviously stolen.
Reposting those two with full details on the latter as they have both passed judgment.
#817327: Advertisement. From the Movie Guidelines:
Your submission must not simply be an advertisement.
Adult warning - thumb's probably safe enough for the BBS but please let me know if it needs to be removed.
#817320: Stolen from R-MK (Guilmon's Pleasure Time 2).
Reposting a submission removed by the NG team with another account is a very bad idea.
#817433: Looks familiar. Any changes to this project?
#817493: Audio sample.
#817487: Gameplay footage.
#817494: See above and Scratch URL is dead (404 from API).
Octillery Social Credit Test DX | Octillery VS Collection
You ever take a rat...cut it open, stick your pee pee in, let it live? You remind me of that rat.
Now this is "ambitious", a stolen submission inside another submission:
At 10/7/21 05:33 AM, HerbieG wrote:Now this is "ambitious", a stolen submission inside another submission:
I was about to report this one, yeah, this is a blatant admission to not having read the movie submission guidelines... Submissionception and fake medalception too. Thanks Herbie!
#817516: Not the user's own submission. Windows 95 promotional video. Another suicide by cop.
#817522: Gameplay footage.
This one's a bit borderline but I'd say it's fine. There's a proof of concept within, so it isn't just a how-to/making-of.
Just vote on it like you normally do.
Ludum Dare game jam Judgment Hell starting to clear up a bit. It can be quite stressful to create a full game in less than 72 hours (hence why many game authors didn't have time to implement advanced, time-consuming features).
At 10/7/21 08:01 AM, drizzile wrote:At 10/7/21 07:16 AM, DeepCrimson wrote:https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/817523
This one's a bit borderline but I'd say it's fine. There's a proof of concept within, so it isn't just a how-to/making-of.
Just vote on it like you normally do.
yea sfm animations are allowed iirc, they're often just low-rated tho
gameplay footage
That one looks like a mini-trailer from the original dev (or dev team).
Could a NG moderator please confirm the validity of the submission? Thanks!
drizzile wrote:
well it's just 8 seconds of gameplay, even if it's the uploader's game, i think the mods would delete that
Turns out you were right but wanted to give the dev a chance (and not take risks).
Thanks for reporting and thanks to NG moderation for the judgment call :3
#817526: Stolen from CharldeonMemed's YT channel.
Whoa, that was fast!
#817533: No animation.
#817531: Multiple resubmission.
At 10/7/21 12:33 PM, drizzile wrote:At 10/7/21 10:36 AM, DeepCrimson wrote:https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/817533
#817533: No animation.
actually, it's a stolen meme that dates back to 2020
I'll admit I'm a bit behind on memes, been living under a rock for the past decade or so. Thanks.
Adult warning.
#817561, #817562: Stolen. Another suicide by cop attempt?
That was fast. Thanks NG moderation team. :3
Identical uploads from two different people. Which one do I shoot?
At 10/7/21 11:41 PM, Pokemonpoeguygcn wrote:https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/817605
Identical uploads from two different people. Which one do I shoot?
pew pew pew.
I think one account is for SFW and one account is NSFW. Still cant submit duplicates, tho. I pew pew'd it.
At 10/8/21 12:52 AM, Exedor wrote:At 10/7/21 11:41 PM, Pokemonpoeguygcn wrote:https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/817605pew pew pew.
Identical uploads from two different people. Which one do I shoot?
I think one account is for SFW and one account is NSFW. Still cant submit duplicates, tho. I pew pew'd it.
So the answer was "both" :3
#817599: Gameplay footage.
#817625: Empty project in submission with fake medal.
is_published is true and description is self-explanatory so not an accident.
@Exedor Commander Exedor, any way to cancel a report? Charlie Emerson got me, heh. Thanks!
Edited the report on #817629 to false positive to make sure the NG moderation team doesn't waste their time on it. Please let me know if there's anything off, or if there's a better way to do it (other than obviously not jumping the gun, so I'll take the disciplinary action on the previous one!)
Went ahead and reported some of the crafty review replies we talked about in DMs using the review tree root with full details on the actual violation, Commander Exedor. *salutes*
#817494: Gameplay footage and Scratch URL is dead (404 from API).
#817640: Resubmission of #817494, still dead.
Duplicate of penguin.
(Resubmissions were reported individually to avoid blams.)
Gameplay footage... How many of them get in the Portal every day?
At 10/8/21 02:55 PM, drizzile wrote:At 10/8/21 02:51 PM, DeepCrimson wrote:Gameplay footage... How many of them get in the Portal every day?
a huge influx of children who only know how youtube works that would show up after fnf blew up.
why can't people just read
Octillery Social Credit Test DX | Octillery VS Collection
You ever take a rat...cut it open, stick your pee pee in, let it live? You remind me of that rat.
Should be obvious. Nice 500k px canvas.
At 10/8/21 08:54 PM, drizzile wrote:At 10/8/21 08:16 PM, DeepCrimson wrote:https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/817717
Should be obvious. Nice 500k px canvas.
jesus fucking christ
Oof, the wrapper is even bigger, lol.