At 12/1/20 04:16 PM, byteslinger wrote:* * * O F F I C I A L ___ B A R R A C KS ___ C O M M U N I C A T I O N * * *
It is with great honor that I announce that Corporal @Solitonmedic is now the newest member of the Elite Guard. After a period of discussion and review, it was clear that he would be a welcome addition to the ranks.
I'm about 10 days late, but it's always great to see a new face around here. The EGB is a great longstanding tradition on site, and though it has changed considerably over the past decade, it still remains in my mind one of the most important and prestigious places on Newgrounds. Welcome aboard @Solitonmedic!
For the sake of social distancing, our "regular" welcoming party (which generally involves a variety of questionable food and beverages, farm animals, jello and a cordless screwdriver) will be replaced by all of us slowly driving by his house and honking our horns endlessly while waving and blasting our favorite rock songs at midnight. I'm sure he'll appreciate that - his neighbors, well, maybe not so much. But, hey, it's 2020 - it's what we do now.
How about we mail order all of the above to his house, make a barricade, and see how long he survives, in addition to the above? All in favor say I. Someone help me find the goat. ;)
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