At 4/1/10 07:08 AM, Lizzardis wrote:
Barracks Roster 1st April 2010
Thank you Lizz! Great job, as usual!
So, today is April fools day.. And 1'm annoyed. Haha. This "April fools" Theme is rather annoying. Moreso than the China one that was on last year. For some reason this one is more annoying than anything. But oh well, after this roster 1'm not coming back on here until tomorrow anyway because of that reason.
Aww... don't let the Bacon get under your skin, my friend!
Plus, as you will have seen, 1 have added a new section to the roster. This being a back up file. Since a few days ago 1 "accidentally" deleted the roster for the NGPD... It was only pure luck that 1 got the roster back because 1 made a back up of it and linked it to the roster. So 1 will be doing that from now on. 1 wouldn't want to be put under the pressure of making the EGB roster again... It's too much hard work as it as and 1 couldn't recreate it even if I tried. Haha.
Thank God for backup copies. You have done well, my young Padawan!
But yeah, this month has been a slow one for mee on NG. Merely because my real life has been picking up a lot. Plus, 1've got exams and such coming over the next few months, so therefore 1 will be studying a lot... Hopefully.
Yay! Lizz has a REAL life! - 1'm so jealous sometimes! Good for you!
But anywho, enough of me talking... This roster is late enough already!
Enjoy guys. Happy April Fools :)
Congrats to all who made a mark this month.
Well done! *Salutes * (oh, our Lizz is a Captain now! He's growing up to be such a fine, young man!)
Entering the list:
Ummm... Fresh fish! Welcome!
The List:
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Change / Username
01] 76,629 | 0,000 | 00.0 | -- 0.32 Phantom Sup. Com.
02] 72,232 | 1,661 | 53.6 | + 11.9 Coop83 Sup. Com.
03] 51,460 | 0,243 | 07.8 | -- 2.81 Idiot-Finder Sup. Com.
04] 48,960 | 0,140 | 04.5 | + 0.13 Little-Rena Sup. Com.
05] 47,758 | 1,671 | 53.9 | + 7.10 byteslinger Sup. Com. 1
06] 47,106 | 0,605 | 19.5 | -- 20.6 EagleRock Sup. Com. -1
Hey, what happened to EagleRock? Anyone heard from him lately? And it looks like Coop found some free time this month as well. Congrats!
Top 5 Gainers
ByteSlinger - 1,671
Coop83 - 1,661
DumbassDude - 948
Sushi13 - 945
Ismael92 - 862
Can you find two people in this list that need to get out more? Well done, guys, well done!
Top gainers, repeat appearances: byteslinger (15), Coop83 (14)
I'm in good company! :)
Total Gain for the month = 10,925
That's 352.4 points per day, or 9.3 per day per member.
Not bad at all.
[March Update]
Thank you again, Lizz, for an excellent roster report. I will update the EGB website shortly!