you made it j00bie admit it...... admit it, admit it, i didn't submit it, lol trwo flagged films under my name, but it shsousldn't have been flagged it wasn't a porn slide show

you made it j00bie admit it...... admit it, admit it, i didn't submit it, lol trwo flagged films under my name, but it shsousldn't have been flagged it wasn't a porn slide show
At 10/8/04 10:52 PM, Salvador-Dali-Clock wrote:
:but it shsousldn't have been flagged it wasn't a porn slide show
i know, because its not like its a free blam point or anything...
At 10/8/04 10:49 PM, j00bie wrote: Wrong, there were 5 authors...
Regardless, your name was the one that popped up on the mouseover. It doesn't matter how many authors are listed, only one name appears when you mouseover a movie; in this case, "j00bie" was displayed. Note that this "mouseover author" doesn't even need to be listed in the authors list; it's just a name that was used to signify the author.
At 10/8/04 10:52 PM, Salvador-Dali-Clock wrote: you made it j00bie admit it
My mere attempts at maintaining an ounce of respect is ruiined, jerk >:D
Anyways, I really dont care... I made it in a mere, what... 5? 6 minutes?
Either way, It's awesome.... flagged, but awesome.
It's current score was still in green (2.01/5.00 or something) when flagged. har har har.
At 10/8/04 10:49 PM, j00bie wrote:At 10/8/04 10:46 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Umm...when I mouse-overed it earlier, it had your name, and your name only.Wrong, there were 5 authors...
There were 4 co-authors, but whomever actually submits it is the name that ends up in the tool-tip mouse-over ... and this time it was yours. I threw a 0 at it, as that was what it deserved.
My review:
October 8, 2004
Entry: Britney Spears Collection Overall Score: 0
Obviously people are simply voting based upon your description, the listed authors, and the file size, rather than bothering to watch this. If you were trying to "make a point," it's been done over and over before.
At 10/8/04 10:57 PM, j00bie wrote: My mere attempts at maintaining an ounce of respect is ruiined, jerk >:D
This may come as a shock to you j00bie but you can't lose something you never had.
Anyways, I really dont care... I made it in a mere, what... 5? 6 minutes?
I'm curious. Why would you waste your time on something like that and then submit it to Newgrounds fully expecting it to be blammed? Was there a reason for doing this?
At 10/8/04 11:06 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I'm curious. Why would you waste your time on something like that and then submit it to Newgrounds fully expecting it to be blammed? Was there a reason for doing this?
I think it was another one of those investigations like Dogma said to see how users vote. Of course, like Dogma also said, they have been done before. Overdone, in fact. Inquierys made, results tallied, answers given.
Really j00bie, all the flash did was give some users Negetive Whistle Points.
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis
Well I just hit 4000 post. Pretty cool shit.
I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.
At 10/8/04 11:16 PM, Dave wrote: Well I just hit 4000 post. Pretty cool shit.
indeed it is. well done.
and j00bie, i saw it too. and ive seen a jenna jameson one also...
i must say that i've found your past antics funny, but this blow was just too far below the belt. sorry dude, you have also lost some respect from me....
EVEN though it didnt A) hurt anyone B) get blammed, etc, etc...
i just hate people like some members of the SS that make all of those collections and crap.
i just hit 16,000 posts before.
At 10/8/04 11:16 PM, Dave wrote: Well I just hit 4000 post. Pretty cool shit.
Congrats, man. Now if only you didn't waste it on such a crappy topic in General. ;)
At 10/8/04 11:25 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: i just hit 16,000 posts before.
Really? Tanner must be sweating now, then, huh? So close. ;D
Nah, congrats on 1,600, although it isn't the traditional number grats.
King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis
At 10/8/04 11:31 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Congrats, man. Now if only you didn't waste it on such a crappy topic in General. ;)
haha, man thats a shame.
Really? Tanner must be sweating now, then, huh? So close. ;D
Nah, congrats on 1,600, although it isn't the traditional number grats.
heheheh. so, he does have the most posts, eh? not nemore!! hahahah.
yeh, when i was writing that, i typed '16,00'... and quickly thought, 'thats not right'.... so i put another 0 in there, hahahah.
also, i got me my quater ten thousand reviews yesterday.... proud, anyone? hahah.
At 10/8/04 09:59 PM, BonusStage wrote:At 10/8/04 09:44 PM, terqui wrote: direwolf, you use parenthensis too much:you love turkey too much ;D:
Thanks Bonus, yet again you stick up for me. I am so proud to have a friend like you! :)
heh silly dire, while bonus is away, go to general and play :D
You still my friend? (please answer that)Heh don't want to be yoink right?
What do you mean by that?
At 10/8/04 11:29 PM, BonusStage wrote:At 10/8/04 11:16 PM, Dave wrote: Well I just hit 4000 post. Pretty cool shit.made a spam thread out of it too ;P
Heh ... won't be seeing him posting for a few days ^^
At 10/8/04 11:53 PM, BonusStage wrote:
1st, go to general plainly, especailly when this forum isn't all too active, it is fun there ;D
2nd, i don't want to go over Vince's history at the time, if someone else wants to explain it though go RIGHT ahead, because in fact i know what he said, but never found out who he said it to :\
All I wanted to know is if you were my friend that's all. And yes I know that the are just trying to be "playfull". I try to say something funny when I am bored. (all though not very many people understand my humor. I really pissed off Quickfox with my humor.)
Congrats to DRD for 6 base VP, Goatpower for the rusty pipe, Lacie for 1,000 posts (wait, one thousand already?!!) and Dave for 4,000 posts... NOT!
At 10/8/04 07:36 AM, BonusStage wrote:At 10/8/04 07:28 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Well I'm not going to hit you now, I'm going to use my boxing glove when you wake up so I can punch the crap out of you until the wire comes off.Want any help?
With your lesser boxing glove? :P
At 10/8/04 03:20 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: MrX: It wasnt there the last time i looked, buts its cool you used it cheers bud. But i never gave you permission to alter it in any way, so you will be recieving a letter from my lawyer in 10 to 12 days :)
Damn, I was just going to give you 2 whole dollars for that picture, but now I'll have to give it your lawyer, who will probably take 90% of it. So that's only 20 Australian cents for you.
Im also just waiting to see if anyone else from the LUL wants a pic drawn, im not gonna go out my way when people wont appreciate it.
True, I should of thought of that before drawing a bunch of people who probably didn't even look at the page I posted mine on. And since gfox has giving up on catching up on this lounge, he'll never see the picture. Which I'm possibly the fourth person to draw him one(there's BBMuffin's, the gfoxcook robot defeater and I forget the other one). Congrats on the rank up.
At 10/8/04 11:55 PM, D0GMA wrote: Heh ... won't be seeing him posting for a few days ^^
omfgz0r?! you're banning/banned him? hahah.
man, i better go check that thread out.
At 10/9/04 12:42 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:At 10/8/04 11:55 PM, D0GMA wrote: Heh ... won't be seeing him posting for a few days ^^omfgz0r?! you're banning/banned him? hahah.
man, i better go check that thread out.
Umm....M-A-R-C-U-S, D0GMA's not a BBS mod. She just said that because the BBS mods ban anybody who posts spam topics. It's generally a safe assumption that the creator of a spam topic will disappear for a week.
BonusStage.... I use to always go into a channel in IRC and say something absolutely random. So this is what hapened..
YoinK: "Saturday-, so are we still friends?"
Saturday-: "Are you seriously asking that question?"
supposively many users thought that small convo was very funny. I always ask people "so are we still friends?" cuz i've lost so many friends :( Oh and Saturday- is a mod on the bbs/chat and use to go by the name of versusraven, her cam is on page 1 of the cams on newgrounds but she hasn't updated in a long time. I don't even know if she even goes to newgrounds any more.
At 10/9/04 12:48 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Umm....M-A-R-C-U-S, D0GMA's not a BBS mod. She just said that because the BBS mods ban anybody who posts spam topics. It's generally a safe assumption that the creator of a spam topic will disappear for a week.
So does this mean you know for sure that D0GMA is a female?
At 10/9/04 12:54 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: So does this mean you know for sure that D0GMA is a female?
I'm pretty firmly convinced. I don't know it to be a fact, but I have seen more evidence of D0GMA being female than male.
At 10/8/04 05:39 PM, BonusStage wrote: COME ON TELL ME WHY ):<
Seriously! for not calling someone to copy what they learned in school for few hours after my mom asked me! lame! its now 7 in the morning so none yet awakes, but i hope im allowed today :P
At 10/9/04 12:48 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Umm....M-A-R-C-U-S, D0GMA's not a BBS mod. She just said that because the BBS mods ban anybody who posts spam topics. It's generally a safe assumption that the creator of a spam topic will disappear for a week.
WHAT THE HELL? Dogma is a girl? ok...... Everyone is becoming a woman right now? Internet trends are so dumb.
To yoink: Lately, I saw Saturday on the deposit list so I assume that she still comes to ng. You could just ramagi's or sk's list, it will tell you if she comes here every day or not.
I noticed that oblivion was very close from level28. That will be a huge level-up. It might take him 2-3 weeks before he's sure to keep the level28 icon when ht52 deposits. He might catch blueasterik, I noticed that this guy misses 2 to 5 deposits per month.
Saturday 106 +2 8450 18 70 53
Gained 70 pts since the last update on sk's list. I would call that active because each update is separated by 8 days (80pts) from the previous one. The only conclusion which I can think of right now is that she stopped to browse the forum regularly.
At 10/9/04 01:08 AM, EKRegulus wrote: Saturday 106 +2 8450 18 70 53
Gained 70 pts since the last update on sk's list. I would call that active because each update is separated by 8 days (80pts) from the previous one. The only conclusion which I can think of right now is that she stopped to browse the forum regularly.
Maybe Saturday- got offended, or maybe she just doesn't have enough time to view the forums regularly right now. I don't know why i've been on so much... i got exams next week. :O
At 10/9/04 12:48 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Umm....M-A-R-C-U-S, D0GMA's not a BBS mod. She just said that because the BBS mods ban anybody who posts spam topics. It's generally a safe assumption that the creator of a spam topic will disappear for a week.
keep in mind im not a very large BBS user... i have no idea who are/arent mods, review mods, etc, etc.
but, i do know the basics XD hahah.
and yeh, Dave, that was a really... REALLY crappy 400th post. i thought it would have been something more.... ohh i dunno... more uber? hahaha.
has anyone noticed the new review layout?
At 10/9/04 01:08 AM, EKRegulus wrote: The only conclusion which I can think of right now is that she stopped to browse the forum regularly.
Ron deposits for her now.
I know it's something of a trend to blam movies that have major glitches in them like no sound, no preloader etc. What's the deal with movies that have excessive strobing lights that could cause epileptic seizures? I know there's a site rule you can't have them in your sig pic but what about submissions? Are they exempt?
At 10/9/04 01:16 AM, PeterGabriel wrote:At 10/9/04 01:08 AM, EKRegulus wrote: The only conclusion which I can think of right now is that she stopped to browse the forum regularly.Ron deposits for her now.
Ron = Bigbadron? Are you talking about him?
So my conclusion means nothing now. Thx joe..... :(
At 10/9/04 01:03 AM, EKRegulus wrote: WHAT THE HELL? Dogma is a girl? ok...... Everyone is becoming a woman right now? Internet trends are so dumb.
You know not of what you speak.
At 10/9/04 01:13 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: has anyone noticed the new review layout?
I just did after reading that. NG checks off another box on the "layout to do list."
Alright I'm off to watch Buffalo Soldiers.
At 10/9/04 01:29 AM, MPA wrote: You know not of what you speak.
mmhmm, too true.
I just did after reading that. NG checks off another box on the "layout to do list."
man, im so lazy. after 3 hours of being at home i havent written a single review. the bbs just wont let me go!! haha.
Alright I'm off to watch Buffalo Soldiers.
you have fun with that :D