Normally I wouldnt reply to something like this and so soon after a post so close to this in the day, but I just gotta blurt out my thoughts on this...
At 10/8/04 07:35 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
Only level 4 and over 1,000 posts to your credit. I'm not so sure if that's something you should be proud of.
Well, currently at 41 PPD... I gotta admit, that is ridiculously high, but what is with the dramatic increase of anger in your posts as of lately. I havent seen a single post from you in a while that doesnt involve a nasty little comment in it.
I guess in this case talk is cheap, but so are you.
Perfect example of that I was just talking about about.
I hope you don't have any milestones to post for awhile.
I can understand what you mean by this, but i'm still puzzled by the massive increase in anguish and such as well as the major lack of typical Recon_Rebel fun stuff.
If this is still about page 700 (which I highly doubt, could be a combination of things), then... i dont know what to say...
I'm just going to cut the post off here in hopes that I wont say anything that I shouldnt =\.