At 5/27/04 08:08 PM, TheJoe324 wrote:
At 5/27/04 08:00 PM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote:
Same here, that guy is one spam happy fag!
Sucks for him that there are a bunch of mods that frequent this forum.
Yeah, it almost makes me think he wanted to get banned...
What pisses me off is that he was just responding to every topic he saw, not even caring if he knew what was going on or not.
That and he made a topic and got pissed no one wrote in the topic with in the first few seconds it was posted, as if he thought we all post like he does.
Glad to see he is banned though! My guess is he will just give up on posting after he sees his posting habits are not allowed on the Newgrounds BBS, and god forbid if he would actually take some care to look around and read what is going on in the topic before he posts his garbage!