At 5/26/04 10:59 AM, -Alpe- wrote:
At 5/25/04 09:15 PM, -Lord_Blam- wrote:
I just ranked up to Elite Guard Sergeant!
WTF!? Someone under level 9 has better badge than I !?!.....
*goes to a corner and starts yelling*
I wouldn't go so far as to say that situation was common, but it's certainly occurred before. I'm not trying to take anything away from Lord's achievemest, as it's been about 8 months since anyone pulled it off legitimately, but don't be so surprised ;)
At 5/26/04 01:21 PM, jujmcint wrote:
Finally I have reached and gone past the number 100 ranking in Blames and Saves. Not only that, but I am going to reach level 11 tomorrow. It is hard to believe I have been on newgrounds this long.
Double grats =)
At 5/26/04 03:06 PM, DRD wrote:
I finally made it to Staff Sergeant. The last 50 or so points took me FOREVER to make. But now I did it, WOO-HOO!!!!!
At 5/26/04 04:42 PM, jujmcint wrote:
I just got to "Elite Guard Praporshchik"
At 5/27/04 11:16 PM, Juggula_beast wrote:
i just turned lvl 13 2 days ago
At 5/28/04 02:25 PM, Nijsse wrote:
Hell yeah, I just got my 10000 B/P points! Just in time, now I can go celebrate it with LOTS of beer;)
Nice work =)
At 5/26/04 10:04 PM, Mr_Pop_Alot wrote:
Ok, axe the generic points part, it has to be able to recongize your user name to give you your points. So basically my question is, is there a set amount of points you can get or is there a loophole in the system by being able to vote twice during GG day changes.
You can vote on a UJ twice with the same account, providing it is still under judgment when the vote records clear shortly after midnight. You will only earn, as Joe mentioned, a point (or not) based upon your first vote on the flash, however you can use the second vote to reinforce the likelihood of earning a point off that first vote.
The flash itself currenly (or last I understood) only records that a vote was cast, not who cast it. Part (albeit a tiny part) of the reason for our shifting to 200 votes to pass judgment was to limit the ability of anyone to have a significant impact on a flash's score by double voting like that.
At 5/27/04 09:57 PM, PimpMasterKDOG wrote:
1337 saves...should be just a few days to my next b/p level if the portal stays as active as it has been. kthxhavemybabiesjoe
At 5/28/04 02:44 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
Yeah baby! Just cracked 19,000 blam points a few minutes ago! I've been waiting a long time to break 20,000 and now it's finally within my grasp. Protection points seem hard to get these days. Time for my last walk then I'm outta here.
Gogo Recon!!