Coop gets ready to step into the breech, while congratulating:
Tony-Darkgrave: 6,000 Saves
Knuckstrike: 20,000 Total Stats
Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Moonchild
At 9/17/12 04:52 AM, gamejunkie wrote:
At 9/17/12 04:04 AM, Coop wrote:
At 9/17/12 12:42 AM, KillerSkull wrote: this sword made of wood or bronze?
I'm going to go with bronze. Not sure if swords would have chinese or japanese emblems carved into them, if they were made of wood...
Actually I think you'll find it's supposed to be A Stone Sword. From the Chinese Stone Warriors. Here's a picture.
Do you mean the Teracotta Army? In which case, it would be clay...
At 9/17/12 06:43 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 9/17/12 04:04 AM, Coop wrote:
Coop uploads a new profile pic - Coopy Two-Face - While congratulating:
I did have to shave the other half a few minutes later, but it looked funny enough. Not bad for 1 week's growth, either.
At 9/17/12 04:04 AM, Coop wrote:
They really do belong, if they want to make lists. They are more than welcome.
But when people come here, trying to join in to a conversation is probably hard because we all just talk really. They could feel like it would be like butting in a real life conversation.
Well, that's how we act, isn't it?
At 9/17/12 08:49 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/17/12 04:04 AM, Coop wrote:
Coop uploads a new profile pic - Coopy Two-Face - While congratulating:
Remember when you had longer hair? Yeah, I sure remember that. It was at the last London meet.
Yes, I remember. I also remember when the hair was cut off and the look on the girl's face in the hairdresser's. She had to ask me 2-3 times if I was sure and I kept telling her that it was alright.
At 9/16/12 10:22 AM, Bahamut wrote:
That never excuses them for binning all applications they get as well as not taking the time to give feedback to EVERYONE they interviewed.
I've been on the other side of the fence - pre-2007
Surely it wasn't as bad then as it is now. Since 2008, it just gets worse and worse. I'm still predicting that this country will fall.
Well, that's lovely and bleak.
I wonder if you're brave enough to type down "dragon dicks" on Google images.
Not at work :P
Then do it at home.
No time.
And what if she ends up getting the same thing on her own accord?
I doubt it - she's been looking for this DVD for years and I only found it on the internet, by pure chance.
If it was me, I probably would have found what I wanted that someone else got for me months ahead of time already. That's why for me it's best to get ideas in early November. And I do mean early November just so you're not waiting weeks after Christmas has passed.
Well, I've done a few more and these people won't be buying the presents in the intervening time. If they do, I'll have it for myself.
At 9/17/12 02:01 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/17/12 04:04 AM, Coop wrote:
Coop uploads a new profile pic - Coopy Two-Face - While congratulating:
Reminds me of this:
Sounds fun. I'll watch it properly later.
At 9/16/12 11:10 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/16/12 06:27 AM, Coop wrote:
At 9/16/12 05:08 AM, Haggard wrote:
Back again. I sprained my ankle on wednesday. I was lucky things didn't turn out worse. It only hurt really bad when I sprained it, but apart from the ankle still being swollen, nothing else happened. No torn ligament, no bones broken. I still nearly had to vomit because of the pain, when I lay on the pavement...
Holy crap, that sounds bad. Maybe I've become desensitised to pain, because of getting hit so much with a cricket ball... I'd probably have called you a poof for vomiting at the pain.
I sprained my ankle very often, but it never hurt that badly. The strangest thing is, that it had been more swollen than it is now on a few occasions.
I felt faint once the pain set in and I had to lay down. Took me a few minutes to recover. Because of all the dizziness I started to feel sick and actually thought about vomiting. But luckily, I recovered soon.
Weird. I've never felt like that before. *touch wood*
I could never cope with injuries on my own body too well. I can't see my own blood, for example. But I have no problems seeing other peoples blood.
Various wounds in cricket have ended up with me leaking blood from newly created perforations. Wondering where the next one will be is the fun of it... I think.
Yeah, lots of good posters don't show up anymore. gfox, NintendoMadness, NEVR, schneelocke... those where the days.
The list goes on, I'm sure.
It does. This lounge needs some fresh faces.
What about Coopy Two-Face? That's two of them!