Jeez Now I am Lvl 23.... I am just on a roll this week.
"Spider pig Spider pig. Does whatever a Spider pig does." quote Homer Simpson
Bob Hope learns the truth!!!!! Best analogy ever! Sig by chubzilla100

Jeez Now I am Lvl 23.... I am just on a roll this week.
"Spider pig Spider pig. Does whatever a Spider pig does." quote Homer Simpson
Bob Hope learns the truth!!!!! Best analogy ever! Sig by chubzilla100
At 7/27/10 12:46 PM, vader316 wrote: Jeez Now I am Lvl 23.... I am just on a roll this week.
Err I mean 24. =/ I miss lvl 23 icon. I hate this lvl 24 glove. It looks ugly..
"Spider pig Spider pig. Does whatever a Spider pig does." quote Homer Simpson
Bob Hope learns the truth!!!!! Best analogy ever! Sig by chubzilla100
At 7/27/10 12:47 PM, vader316 wrote:At 7/27/10 12:46 PM, vader316 wrote: Jeez Now I am Lvl 23.... I am just on a roll this week.Err I mean 24. =/ I miss lvl 23 icon. I hate this lvl 24 glove. It looks ugly..
You think yours is ugly...
Level 29 really snuck up on me. Leveled up about 5 minutes ago.
Yeah, absent due to lack of motivation to post...
In the meantime - 12,000 Exp. + 13,000 Blams + Level 34
At 7/15/10 09:06 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:At 7/15/10 06:08 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Hahahaha, that happens. One of my cats loves some attention as well. She keeps "calling" me to scratch her while she eats. It might interrupt me, but I can't do anything, I have to attend her. ^^Reminds me of my rabbit (yeah, I've also got a rabbit and a turtle) who clutches the wires on her cage until I open it and start petting it. That rabbit is the most spoiled creature on the planet but what can I do? It's a rabbit!
Hahahahaha, nice. Rabbits are cute. ^^
But my cat is probably more spoiled. She will only eat if we scratch her. I guess my grandmother gave her that habit. When she lived with us, my cat slept in her bedroom. And she would scratch her for anything. And I guess the cat got used to that.
Anyone here is available. You have options. =PEven you? Would you mind managing my account for about a week? If not, no big deal. Like you said, I've got options.
I would, but since you've already sorted that out...
And it's surprising how many still people don't get how the game works. It looks so simple for me nowadays...I didn't get it when I was younger. One day I just opened it for fun and once I understood what the numbers meant, it became pretty easy. I've still got a lot of improving to do to get my time down though.
Heh, I remember that my dad taught me how it worked when I was younger, although I only began playing on the harder level later. You get better after some tries.
And it's funny how some friends have actually asked me how the game works. I tried to explain, but I think they didn't get it. =P
At 7/16/10 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 7/15/10 06:08 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:YouTube :PAt 7/15/10 04:04 AM, Coop83 wrote:Who taught you that, anyway? Family "inheritance"? That's at least how my dad learned it, from his dad...At 7/14/10 03:19 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:I'm getting there. Just a case of learning to put all of the bits together.
Ah, right. =P
You come here, to the wedding of my daughter and you insult me like this?And so it should be. Are you just on about the tie?Nah, it's more on the beard-tie combo. Looks like a boss.
Sorry boss.
I have some people with less than 100 responses :PI guess so - life has a habit of making me wait :PHeh, great. Just don't start keeping track of me now, I barely have 100 responses, I guess. :P
Really? Well, then I'm doing great! ;P
At 7/16/10 06:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 7/15/10 09:41 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Sir-Nuts: he's a massive dragon, so I doubt it PYou're right about that. Dragons and barbarians are two different things. Infact, in stories, the two are meant to fight each other. However, we are friends and I am a very friendly dragon. People shouldn't believe what they read in stories about dragons being evil.
Yeah, everyone have to kill dragons in movies, books and tales. Really, dragons are awesome creatures. And dare you say not!
At 7/15/10 06:08 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:I've heard some crazy shit about this. Supposedly there's a server error and the two videos went down but then I heard they deliberately took them down as a joke.At 7/15/10 07:03 AM, Odyssic wrote: After watching NC review The Room, I have to say. This is it, the worst movie he has ever reviewed.Meh, it's been taken down from TGWTG, I don't know why...
Still down. And I believe it shouldn't be that hard to put that video back. They are joking with us. I'm almost going to YouTube to watch it.
I would have thought Iron-Maiden would have been taken by now.At 7/15/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote: Wait, you mean no-one took that name? Wow.Well, IronMaiden was taken, so I had to improvise. ;P
So did I. I wanted to create it back in 2009, but I didn't realise you needed another e-mail to create it. I gave up the idea for a while, and remembered it now. =)
Also, Judas-Priest is available.
Yeah, some servers have a class-limit which is actually good at times. It prevents class rushes so you wouldn't have seen the server consisting of nothing but Engineers and the odd Spy.*laughs like a Spy* He was so happy for the Engineer update.Indeed. And hey, I did quite well as a Spy earlier today on 2fort, although there weren't many engies. I guess there was that class-limit thing.
Yeah, although my favourite server doesn't have that. Oh well, I had a great time as a Spy, anyway. ^^
As for me, I feel Soldier does a better job at taking down sentries in 2fort, although any with the Wrangler shield is a bitch to destroy. I feel Valve made the shield too powerful. It seems the only way to destroy a shielded sentry is by getting a Spy to backstab the Engineer. Personally, I'd like to see more balance here.
Indeed. I've been übered as a Heavy and I was right in front of the sentry, yet I couldn't take it down. I have yet to get the new engie weapons, though.
Because if there's only 4 people, you can get through the enemy base and grab the intel with ease. You can't expect that to happen in a game with 24 players.You know, the servers where only 4 people are playing right now.Sure, but why "broken"? =P
Meh, usually when there aren't many people playing, we go for melee fights. We had organised Heavy boxing championships, achievement-whoring, dispensers and such. ^^
and fearsome as well, one of the reasons I HAVE to respect you. ;PFearsome to the General regulars, yes! >:)
Two words:
At 7/16/10 06:12 PM, reverend wrote:At 7/15/10 06:08 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: I think it's a reference to Racoonmario's sig. :PYep it is.
Yay, I got a reverend reference! ;P
At 7/17/10 08:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: Dragons can do a lot of things.
Hey, I was actually going to link that thread to you. Finally a thread about dragons!
At 7/18/10 09:44 AM, Auz wrote: I gotta make another small post after this.
I'd like to state that I love how each conversation with you turns out to become something huge. Hence the fact that I still need to catch up on those other posts...
At 7/14/10 03:19 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:Lol :pAt 7/11/10 06:12 AM, Auz wrote: Sneijder? It was Robben wasn't it? :pI don't care, I just don't want to see that ever again. =P
I'm afraid you might threaten me with watching the final over and over again, so maybe it's best if I don't harass you too much with it.
Heh, that is a good idea to threaten you with. :P
Either way, I'm already out of the World Cup mood. Internacional has a huge game this Wednesday in the Copa Libertadores semi-final, which is like your UEFA. First game is at home so we have to get some advantage for the next game!
Yeah, I guess he was more "practical" back then. He would have an objective, and not just mess around while playing. He's kinda like Beckham - He gets more with his image than with his football. Although Beckham is a nice guy.Indeed. He was still playing for the team and not for himself. Beckham indeed seems to be much nicer. I liked how he was still on the bench for the English team and provided moral support.
Yeah, Beckham is a great player and a great guy. He cares a lot more about his team than Ronaldo does, I believe.
Have you ever heard of a Colombian (I think) player that scored an own goal in a World Cup, and was murdered when he got back home? THAT is a little too much.Never heard of that story, but I think I have heard other stories about players who got tortured or killed for playing poorly.
I've found him - Andrés Escobar. Give that a quick read.
I guess they're really serious about football in South-America, but I know there are lots of football fanatics in Europe too.
Football is the major sport here in South America, for most countries, at least. Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia... We take it with a real passion in here. And the Copa Libertadores is the main club tournament, so my team winning it again would be awesome. :)
But yeah, it's what I've said - It doesn't matter if we lost only 5 matches before if we lose one in the knock-out stage. You can make as many mistakes as you wish during qualifying matches, as long as you don't repeat them in the World Cup.Yep. It's too bad for him, but hey, he'll get over it. I'm sure they'll give him another chance.
Speaking of which, our new coach was announced a few days ago, and announced the team that will face USA in New Jersey. onal_football_team#Players
Do you know anyone from there?
And everyone now claims that they deserved it. What, a team that passes the ball the entire game and scores only one goal almost every match? Come on now...I expected a lot more from them, and it's kinda lame to win a cup while you've lost a match along the way. I wouldn't say that they didn't deserve to win the final as both teams were about equally matched, but over the entire tournament they were very disappointing.
Yeah, everyone had huge expectations over Spain, and they didn't do half of the expected, IMO.
In Holland they were very angry with Howard Webb after the match, and rightfully so in my opinion. I bet it was the worst match in his referee career. He made big mistakes on both ends though, but I had a feeling he was stricter towards Holland than towards Spain.
I was mad at him as well. I don't even know why he was called to be the referee to the final match. His two previous matches weren't very good, they could've even called the Brazilian trio, which did quite well.
And hey, Spain's goal? It came from that foul that hit a Spanish player, but they still had the ball after.
Lol :pAnd yeah that fucking octopus >=|Some people want to buy him. I'd say we should fry him. ^^
Oh well, he's only a prophet. It's not his fault that things turn out the way he says.
Apparently, he's "a symbol of all that is wrong with the western world".
Jeez, let the octopus have some fun! :P
Anyway, I think the media played a big influence on this tournament. You could see that there were some countries were the media was more than ready to burn down the team as soon as they were eliminated, and they were (Brazil, England, Italy). I don't know if it effected the performance of the team, but it does raise the pressure on them.
Dunga was already pretty mad at some journalists who asked some pretentious questions towards him. I'm not sure if that affected the way he coached, but it shows how the media influences it...
At 7/14/10 03:22 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: There's a small debate going on FIFA about whether or not South America should have another spot in the World Cup, since Brazil is already there and such...I can live with SA getting an extra spot. I believe there was some debate somewhere about all the little countries participating and if we shouldn't let Europe get a few extra spots. It's a little silly that Sweden and Czech Republic aren't participating while Honduras, New Zealand and North-Korea are.
True, but how fair would that be? Each continent has their number of spots in the world cup (excluding play-off matches), if we want to see more European countries or any other countries, they would have to change the qualifying system. otherwise, it would be unfair to those countries.
But it would be cool to have some "world groups" like qualifying method. Gather all the teams, split them in random groups... It would be expensive, but way more entertaining. :)
I think they do have a point somewhere. The tournament might be more interesting with less little countries from non-football continents and more underdogs from Europe and SA. Although the diversity is nice too.
I could care less about the diversity, honestly. If those countries go to the cup just for "touring" around, then it isn't worth it. We want to always have a better cup, why not having better teams?
It wouldn't be fair to them, but we would love it. :P
Not to sound like an annoying grammar prick, but... why Londen, and not London? =P Is it the local way you write it in the Netherlands?Oh yeah sorry. Londen is what we write in Holland, but it's pronounced about the same. So I confuse them sometimes.
Ah right. The same way we write and speak "Londres". There's even a city here called "Londrina", as a reference to "Londres". My aunt is from there, actually.
Not gonna tell you ;) We wouldn't want to attract paparazzi.I'm not gonna tell you about the super secret Icon Mod lounge with swimming pools, jacuzzis, minibars, Vietnamese massage chicks and adjustable beach chairs.Hey, where is that? :P
What paparazzi?
At 7/18/10 12:36 PM, Bahamut wrote: I just thought of the greatest idea: Where is/How to? Meet up IN JAPAN! :D 14 --> Again, this is getting overused.
At 7/19/10 09:51 AM, michelinman wrote: Level 17! Now about another 8 months before I've deposited enough to level up again. Lol. I'm a little creeped out that I just stumbled in on Coop and Auz scheming about how to take this site over, so I'm gonna go ahead and uh... Yeah. *alerts authorities*
At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: ***Daily Muse***
I guess I can say nice story, and nice job dealing with him. :P
I've seen my dad getting angry in traffic a few times. My mother even said he held up one of these against a guy's neck for doing something utterly stupid. He's a calmer guy now, but oh my, I'd panic if that happened with me around.
But really, angry people in cars is a common thing. As long as they don't break anything in your car (or in your face), it's fine.
At 7/21/10 08:52 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: If I didn't think Tommy Wiseau was a douchebag before, I do now (hope I don't get sued for that :P)
That. He's a bastard, how can he do that, how can he do that.
Oh hi Mark.
At 7/22/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote: If you haven't heard already, I'm going to the NG London Meet in August!
Awesome. Say hi to anyone I know there for me. :P
At 7/21/10 08:52 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:YOU ARE TEARING ME APART GAGSY!At 7/20/10 09:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: Of course I will. I'll take it on the General regulars. As for Gagsy, I don't know anymore.Search your feelings young Bahamut.
Hey, that's a thought. I'll actually meet Gagsy in person at the London Meet. This will be interesting.
I bet she'll fall in love for you. ;*
At 7/21/10 09:05 AM, Haggard wrote: You just need a blender that's big enough.You realise if you put someone in a blender, they'll die, right?
Will it blend? That is the question!
At 7/23/10 12:04 AM, NeMeSiSM66 wrote:At 7/23/10 12:03 AM, Xiivi wrote: Sigh, time to post and see if this level is a sword or not.Oh okay, it's just a garbage icon instead of a rehash sword. Oh well, an improvement from the last level. Sigh.
Please don't be a sword (even though it prob is since like every level is a sword).
Ouch, some people here will be mad with that statement...
At 7/24/10 04:30 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: I remember being that I loved (and still love, lol) planes.
Hey, I live under the main "entrance" route for incoming airplanes to our airport. It's really awesome, my dad and I really like airplanes. I still dream of joining the air marines, or whatever the name is. ^^
At 7/24/10 02:40 PM, Bahamut wrote: Oh yeah, he made epic posts. I really do miss them but if he still kept it up, I think the LUL would be chaotic. Hell, have him, Sir-Nuts, gfox and iscrulz around and it's one hell of a party.
We'd claim a couple of pages , definitely. ;P
At 7/25/10 05:35 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop wonders if he'll be able to watch the start of the GP...
Fuck Ferrari.
As a way to protest, I'm not buying their cars anymore! >:(
At 7/27/10 04:21 PM, Haggard wrote:At 7/27/10 04:12 PM, Bluddtears wrote: EEEEEEEHHH it's kind of a silly reason to make a tread.Maybe so, but this thread is 2,643 pages long. So maybe it wasn't that silly to make this thread after all? :P
Also, thank you. It has been far too long since somebody replied to the very first post of this thread. ;)
Yeah, clueless noobs are always entertaining. ^^
My saves are now OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not really much of an accomplishment, but worth a post.
Coop hopes that the sun sticks around for a few more days this week, while congratulating:
Rabid-Animals: Master Sergeant
PabMo: Level 18; 6.66 Total Voting Power
vader316: Level 24
Ronald-McDonald-Lol: Level 29
Viridis: Corporal
Sir-Nuts: 12,000 Experience; 13,000 Blams; Level 24
BaronVonBadGuy: 9,000 Saves
At 7/27/10 09:36 AM, Auz wrote:At 7/27/10 03:39 AM, Coop83 wrote:Wait, what?... oh crap!At 7/26/10 12:41 PM, Auz wrote:Meh, they're other people's flash :PAt 7/25/10 05:35 AM, Coop83 wrote: We'll just see about that *permabans**turns Coops icons into blurry .jpeg images*
Is there anything I can do to get my permaban lifted? ='(
Hmm... I'm listening.
Since the Videogame Forum is basically General Forum II, 11/16th at the very least.Gagsy leads the General forum, therefore she speaks for 3/4th of the BBS users.I'm sure that isn't true. More like 2/3
Now we're getting silly.
Very silly indeed.
DIRECTOR! On the command "cut", you will cut to the next scene. DIRECTOR!
*tape plays* This is a firghtened city.
Wait for it! *camera pans back*
*tape plays* This is a frightened city...
At 7/27/10 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 7/26/10 12:55 PM, Auz wrote:You're going to make triangles metal? That'll be a first. Now I know the true evolution of heavy metal in this decade!At 7/25/10 11:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: My advice is to play it like crazy.Yes, and maybe I should put an amplifier on it. Surely that's gonna sound awesome.
The Foos have a fucking triangle in concert!
So we got Coop on the drums, me on an amplified triangle, Bahamut shredding his guitar and doing the grunting and roaring... what should Haggard do? Shall we let him play the synthesizer or should he play the saxophone for that jazz element in our music?Wait, I thought Coop was doing the vocals. Haggard can do the drums but we still need a bassist. Maybe reverend can take that spot?
You'll be saying I'm the vocals even more when you see what I have planned for the Karaoke :P
Already going to cover it. Only a week on Friday now. Hopefully time flies and I'll be at the meet before I know it.I'll be seeing Luis soon enough so maybe me and Coop and make some arrangements with him while we're in London. ;)You should do that.
Yeah, just hope that the meet lasts a long time - otherwise time will fly and you'll be back home...
At 7/27/10 03:39 AM, Coop83 wrote:That's another one who I really want to meet. I know it's not easy to get over here with a family and all but if it's possible, I'm looking forward to that moment. I'm still hoping there's a chance for Tom to attend the next meet whenever it's planned but again, I understand if he can't make it.At 7/26/10 08:15 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm sure you know him better than I do so hopefully you have a plan. As for me, maybe it's best if I just greet him.Fair enough - my major plan is still to try and convince Wade to come across for a London meet.
Wade just doesn't seem interested, but most of the staff have been across. Tom, Mike, Bob and Luis came across in January, dragging Poozy and The-Swain as well.
Stranger things have happened.
At 7/28/10 12:23 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:At 7/16/10 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote:Sorry boss.At 7/15/10 06:08 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:You come here, to the wedding of my daughter and you insult me like this?At 7/15/10 04:04 AM, Coop83 wrote:Nah, it's more on the beard-tie combo. Looks like a boss.At 7/14/10 03:19 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:And so it should be. Are you just on about the tie?
Oh... I think I preferred the mafia ties, to be honest.
Really? Well, then I'm doing great! ;PI have some people with less than 100 responses :PI guess so - life has a habit of making me wait :PHeh, great. Just don't start keeping track of me now, I barely have 100 responses, I guess. :P
Excellent *Burns hands*
At 7/28/10 12:25 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: ***Daily Muse***I guess I can say nice story, and nice job dealing with him. :P
You just have to try and see the funny side of things and get away from them before they decide they want to do something stupid.
At 7/25/10 05:35 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop wonders if he'll be able to watch the start of the GP...Fuck Ferrari.
As a way to protest, I'm not buying their cars anymore! >:(
Seriously, they bought a change to the race result for less than it costs for one of their cars. Less than a day's wages for Fernando Alonso. And, to top it all off, Luca DiMontezemilo admitted that they cheated, citing that it always happens. Teams are within their rights to tell their drivers not to race in the last few laps of a race, as that doesn't change the result, but to blatantly swap the cars around with barely coded messages is ridiculous. Kudos to Rob Smedley for effectively blowing the cover on that one :P
You passed 5000 Experience Points. Good job!
Coop did you delete my post?!
Let me rephrase then;
Omg what the fuck is going on in here? I look back I see a lot of mentioning about myself involving random fractions and dragons.
To keep this somewhat on topic, congratulations everyone on your level ups and rank ups and blah blah ups. And like I have 45,000 saves now. That's a milestone right?
I'm 26 Years Old today. Twenty six real life levels down another seventy four to go.
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
More replies coming up later
At 7/27/10 10:32 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 7/26/10 12:41 PM, Auz wrote: Gagsy leads the General forum, therefore she speaks for 3/4th of the BBS users.So 3/4 of the BBS users like my appearance. That's always good to know.
At least 3/4 of the BBS users. Possibly more.
Only Gagsy? I thought she represented most of the BBS users. Also, of course she'll vote me for sexiest icon mod or whatever.At 7/25/10 11:13 AM, Bahamut wrote:Since only Gagsy filled in the survey, I guess it's mostly because of you.
She does, she represents the general forum users/videogame forum users. The rest didn't fill in the survey =/
Well lately I've been with my girlfriend a lot since it's summerholiday and all and I can't really go isolate myself from her and be on Newgrounds for long times nonstop, can I?Coop seems to make his daily LUL posts just fine and he's got a job and a girlfriend. Although, he does appear to be more organised than most of us.
He's got an office job. Those guys only work for 1 hour a day. The remaining 7 is checking emails, playing games (or go to NG), drinking coffee, talking with colleagues about that new secretary and avoiding your boss.
It'll be the one marked with a big, red X. Shouldn't be too hard to find for you, considering Holland isn't that big.You know what, I changed my mind. I'll just ship the DVDs to you instead. Hopefully the postmen know what I mean when I put down "The house with the big red X" on the parcel.
I'm sure he'll find it, send them over.
But third degree burn marks is only gonna make it more hardcore.Fine, I'll give you a burn mark but if I kill you, dibs on your, your... Say, what can I call dibs on?
Let's see ehm...
You can choose between:
-My girlfriend
-My DVD collection
-My N64
-My tickets to the Manowar concert
Maybe if you crossdressed as well, but... since you're wearing no clothes =/Crossdressing dragons isn't possible which I think is a good thing. We decide who we are without even wearing anything. The most you'll see me wearing is shades and maybe a crown.
That purple pimpsuit you weared in ThePidgeonMasters vid was nice though ;)
Would've been a great mindfuck but alas.The only way you'd see me calling myself Tiamat is a parallel universe form of me with the opposite gender. In that universe, Newgrounds users would commonly say "There are no men on the internet." Now THAT'S a mindfuck.
I see an idea coming up for you 100th flash submission ;)
Keeping you as a pet dragon? Bahamut is no humans pet!I'm certainly not. I dread to think what she wanted to do with me exactly but I suppose I've got to prepare for the worst (or maybe the best) and fight for Wi/Ht.
Maybe you have to guard her treasure hoard. That wouldn't so bad, would it? Every dragon loves treasure.
Not even in Treno where you have to play the card tournament? =/Actually, there may have been a tutorial there but I never cared enough to find it. Funny how I can recall reading some basic rules on Tetra Master in Dali but not Treno.
Damn, I have forgotten where Dali was... *checks* That mountain village? I don't think I ever found anything explaining Tetra Master there and it wouldn't make much sense to explain it so early on in the game if you ask me.
Yes it is my favorite, but I have to admit that the only ones I've played start to finish from the main series are I, VII, VIII and IX.I've finished all except II and I really hate that game. However, I would like to play through all the FF games sometime from first to most recent excluding MMORPGs, so I'll have to torture myself to FFII. That also means trying to beat FFIV DS and that game is hard as hell.
I heard II's level up system was terrible. And yeah I really gotta play IV sometime. The DS version looked interesting.
I almost finished VI too, but my savefile was corrupted just before I wanted to go to Kefka's castle and I just thought fuck it. It's too bad because now I feel like I have never really gotten the full experience of that game.FUUUUUUUUCK! I really hate it when that happens. Oh well, hopefully you'll play FFVI again. It took me three tries to beat the game and it was well worth it.
Maybe someday I will pick it up again. It was such a shame because I was pretty far with teaching Celes and Terra all magic spells and I only needed one or two more espers before I had them all. After that I was planning to raid Kefka's castle.
Anyway I wasn't as impressed by 7 as you were. Whatever Cloud and Sephiroth had never really appealed to me and it made the story kinda vague sometimes.I always saw it as the ideal good guy vs bad guy and I could easily understand why Cloud wants to take down Sephiroth.
Yes I understood why Sephiroth would be the antagonist, but throughout the story he did a few things that didn't make an awful lot of sense if you ask me. I believe there might be something with Sephiroth trying to corrupt, manipulate and confuse Cloud but... I can't remember it was ever explained that clearly in the game.
After playing through the game twice I still do not really understand what the hell was up with those... 'fake' Sephiroths at the beginning of the game and what the purpose of those hooded people was.Better trying to understand that than the whole of Tommy Wiseau's The Room. I still don't know what was the point of that film. The only points it gets is for being amusingly bad.
Wait... The Room you say? I remember having to watch that movie in highschool, but I believe it was Harold Pinters'... not sure, but I think we're talking about the same movie. I remember it was INCREDIBLY vague and INCREDIBLY annoying to watch. Some woman was suddenly blind at the end and we were all like... wtf? o.O Does that sound familiar?
And you made Kuja bleed which is like: OMG :oI never really liked Kuja anyway.
I honestly think he might have been a better bad guy if they had said he was a woman :p
Well I just bought myself a brand new laptop, but 150 hours?That's something I want to bring up here instead of the Icon Mod thread where you mentioned about your new laptop. First of all, what are the specs of your laptop? Second, I can't believe your old computer was 10 years old. I thought it was bad enough when I was with the 4 year old (at the time) desktop which I used less when I got my laptop in 2008. That old computer was becoming horrendously slow and I wasn't sure how much longer I was able to tolerate it. That's why when I saw this laptop in the shops, I had to get it as soon as possible and it was one hell of a purchase.
I think my laptop would be good enough to play such games on them. And I'm pretty sure my old PC is 10 years old or at least close. Usually it is running smoothly (though not that fast), but every now and again it crashes and I gotta reinstall windows and everything. But now I'm getting errors that my video card is screwed so... I just had to buy something new.
Shit! We gotta stop that wedding!I don't think he's planned it just yet so we still have time. The ones we need to worry the most are those in a relationship. As for me, I'm still a lonely dragon so I have hope.
Those in a relationship? No need to worry about me, I'll still be here.
I see. I thought he got popular on some other side first and then went to youtube to showcase his work (like Spoony).Many people I know originally became popular on YouTube. However, with copyright bullshit and the way YouTube mistreat most of their users, they all had to go elsewhere. Good thing has a thing called common sense, unlike YouTube for the most part.
Oh yeah copyright issues. It's becoming a real problem on youtube, I encounter tonnes of dead links on their website nowadays. I understand they don't wanna get in trouble, but I believe they're not doing anything to defend their users. As soon as someone complains, BAM, your video is gone.
Part 2, Sir-Nuts' replies coming up later.
At 7/27/10 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 7/26/10 12:55 PM, Auz wrote: Yes, and maybe I should put an amplifier on it. Surely that's gonna sound awesome.You're going to make triangles metal? That'll be a first. Now I know the true evolution of heavy metal in this decade!
Yes, it's gonna be a revolutionary step in metal. Soon we'll see all the great metal bands doing the same thing.
So we got Coop on the drums, me on an amplified triangle, Bahamut shredding his guitar and doing the grunting and roaring... what should Haggard do? Shall we let him play the synthesizer or should he play the saxophone for that jazz element in our music?Wait, I thought Coop was doing the vocals. Haggard can do the drums but we still need a bassist. Maybe reverend can take that spot?
But can Coop roar as awesome as a dragon can? Maybe you can do the backing vocals then? And yes, let's have reverend as the bassist. I'm sure he can stay cool while we are headbanging our heads off.
Maybe we can turn you into... Meta-Bahamut? Autopilot and GPS will be pretty handy in order to find my house and drop some DVD packages. Not to mention I could install some rockets so that you won't have to fly yourself anymore.I don't want to be a robot. I'd like to keep my body intact and not have all this mecha support. Although, me and reverend recently talked about how icon mods work like robots...
I could automate that too you know. I just gotta install a few robot arms. It would make your life so much easier.
Uhm... delete submissions that are better than his own? I don't know, it's about the idea of being in control over every part of the site.FUCK, I just realised something. Remember when I told you that I'm supposedly a legend at the NG office and thought maybe the staff have fun reading my posts? They could be reading our plans, so they'll be preparing themselves.
Oh shiii :o
Wait this could work to our advantage. If these are our plans, we gotta make sure we can counter their counterplans.
At 7/27/10 11:28 AM, reverend wrote:At 7/26/10 12:55 PM, Auz wrote: I wouldn't even make a white russian with it, but I can imagine it might be good on rice and such.I dunno, add enough vodka and Baileys and you might not care what kind of milk is in there. Ha!
I suppose that might be the only good mix for Baileys. Seriously, have you ever tried pouring coke or beer into a glass of Baileys? I can tell you, the result is quite disgusting =/
Listening to:
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter. Fucking kvlt!
At 7/27/10 11:28 AM, reverend wrote:At 7/27/10 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: Dude, you drew my fucking balls! That picture I showed you is tame (the censored version) in comparison.There is a difference between tasteful nudity and obscenity.
The Birth of Venus is tasteful nudity, while if she was getting double-teamed in a back of a van, ... well that's obscenity. And yeah, I can insinuate what goes where even with the black out areas. :P
You may have a good point there but I'm still sure you have some sexual interest in dragons when you can imagine what the uncensored version looks like as well as drawing my balls. :P
No need to be shy about it, it's perfectly normal.
At 7/27/10 12:18 PM, Haggard wrote:At 7/27/10 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: You're right. I've known many Wi/Ht?'ers who left us behind and wish they were still here but we can't have everything. However, if we lose the revolution, I blame gfox. He was one of our main troops.Also, it's a lot easier to blame inactive people.
I blame spancker. Now that's an old school user who hasn't been around here in ages. However, he's known to show up from out of nowhere but I'm sure it won't happen now. :P
First of all, I don't have a car. Second, my parents' car aren't fully compatible with MP3 Players. We have to use a cassette that runs a CD or MP3 Player, lol. That's their car, though so iPod it is.I don't have a car neither. I don't even have a driver's licence. That's what you have friends for. :P
Only one friend of mine is able to drive. The rest, nope. I have no intentions to start driving until I'm in employment, which could be soon enough.
Megadeth's St. Anger. It's so bad it's horrible with the exception of Prince of Darkness. That's the only song I can tolerate on Megadeth's Risk. On the bright side, that's at least one good song rather than nothing since I cannot enjoy a single song on St. Anger.You know my thoughts on St. Anger. :P
You like it... I'm sure you'll hate Risk, though and if not, God help me.
Also, they had a fucking trampoline on stage. But I didn't watch long enough to see what they did with it...
I heard about the trampoline acts on stage and that's downright silly. Play the damn music before even making any stunts.
No, I'm pretty sure mine's better than yours. :P I know the newer episodes suck for bad writing, horrible "humour" and continuity errors.As if the earlier seasons didn't have continuity errors...
There may have been a few but I saw some of it as trying to make the character better. They may have not saw one thing working well so they forgot about it. As for the later seasons, the characters are fine as they are, why screw them up?
I can hardly think of any bad episodes from the old days. Sure, season 1 was primitive but that was just the beginning of the 20 minute episodes for the show. I still find them to be enjoyable.I quickly forgot about the bad episodes, so I don't remember any now. But there where some really shitty ones.
The closest that comes to mind is All Singing, All Dancing.
Says the shitblade lover. :PIt's a good level icon, that's why I like it. The gauntlet is just meh.
You're forgetting something, the gauntlet kicked my ass on the NG Log flash. Oh wait, that was showing what will happen in the future. Too bad it became irrelevant as soon as Casualty handed it over to byteslinger. :P
That's all we need to say. They are the awesome nunchucks from the old levels but not as awesome as they used to be.Yeah, also the old baseball bat was a lot better than the new one.
As well as the chains. Now they're just meh. I guess it's because they're low level icons rather than being high-ish.
At 7/28/10 12:23 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Yeah, absent due to lack of motivation to post...
Join the party!
At 7/16/10 06:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: You're right about that. Dragons and barbarians are two different things. Infact, in stories, the two are meant to fight each other. However, we are friends and I am a very friendly dragon. People shouldn't believe what they read in stories about dragons being evil.Yeah, everyone have to kill dragons in movies, books and tales. Really, dragons are awesome creatures. And dare you say not!
Video games and music also make dragons evil creatures. At least we have Spyro and Bahamut who show that dragons can serve for justice.
I've heard some crazy shit about this. Supposedly there's a server error and the two videos went down but then I heard they deliberately took them down as a joke.Still down. And I believe it shouldn't be that hard to put that video back. They are joking with us. I'm almost going to YouTube to watch it.
I think it's become too severe to be even a joke now. If they are joking, they're giving Tommy Wiseau too much heatrash over nothing. I'm not sure when the review will be back up on TGWTG so just watch it on YouTube. Funny how Tommy Wiseau has yet to take down the videos of them on YouTube considering that site is a huge target for copyright infringement.
Also, Judas-Priest is available.
Tempting but no, I have enough accounts already!
Yeah, some servers have a class-limit which is actually good at times. It prevents class rushes so you wouldn't have seen the server consisting of nothing but Engineers and the odd Spy.Yeah, although my favourite server doesn't have that. Oh well, I had a great time as a Spy, anyway. ^^
Most of my favourite servers don't have class limits (on normal games, that is) but I wouldn't mind faving a few of them. And yes, Spy during the Engineer rush was great.
As for me, I feel Soldier does a better job at taking down sentries in 2fort, although any with the Wrangler shield is a bitch to destroy. I feel Valve made the shield too powerful. It seems the only way to destroy a shielded sentry is by getting a Spy to backstab the Engineer. Personally, I'd like to see more balance here.Indeed. I've been übered as a Heavy and I was right in front of the sentry, yet I couldn't take it down. I have yet to get the new engie weapons, though.
That's nothing new to me. I've been Heavy many times and trying to destroy sentries while ubered isn't always the solution. If it's close range, it's not bad but from a tad of a distance, not a good idea.
Because if there's only 4 people, you can get through the enemy base and grab the intel with ease. You can't expect that to happen in a game with 24 players.Meh, usually when there aren't many people playing, we go for melee fights. We had organised Heavy boxing championships, achievement-whoring, dispensers and such. ^^
Speaking of melee fights, I highly recommend checking out some melee-only maps. I've been in Ringking and it's a lot of fun. Demoman with the axe is the shit in these games!
Fearsome to the General regulars, yes! >:)Two words:
They'll cry in fear from it but I'm sure even a spark of fire will scare them off.
At 7/17/10 08:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: Dragons can do a lot of things.Hey, I was actually going to link that thread to you. Finally a thread about dragons!
There's been a few threads about dragons before. Let's not forget FBIpolux's threads about them.
At 7/28/10 12:24 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:At 7/18/10 09:44 AM, Auz wrote: I gotta make another small post after this.I'd like to state that I love how each conversation with you turns out to become something huge. Hence the fact that I still need to catch up on those other posts...
At this rate, gfox's epic posts will mean nothing.
At 7/28/10 12:25 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:At 7/18/10 12:36 PM, Bahamut wrote: I just thought of the greatest idea: Where is/How to? Meet up IN JAPAN! :D 14 --> Again, this is getting overused.
Maybe it is but it's highly appropriate. Still, Wi/Ht? Japan Meet Up must happen!
At 7/21/10 08:52 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: If I didn't think Tommy Wiseau was a douchebag before, I do now (hope I don't get sued for that :P)That. He's a bastard, how can he do that, how can he do that.
Oh hi Mark.
At 7/22/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote: If you haven't heard already, I'm going to the NG London Meet in August!Awesome. Say hi to anyone I know there for me. :P
That makes it Coop and Gagsy.
YOU ARE TEARING ME APART GAGSY!I bet she'll fall in love for you. ;*
Hey, that's a thought. I'll actually meet Gagsy in person at the London Meet. This will be interesting.
Who knows what will happen.
At 7/24/10 02:40 PM, Bahamut wrote: Oh yeah, he made epic posts. I really do miss them but if he still kept it up, I think the LUL would be chaotic. Hell, have him, Sir-Nuts, gfox and iscrulz around and it's one hell of a party.We'd claim a couple of pages , definitely. ;P
Hell yes!
At 7/28/10 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 7/27/10 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote: You're going to make triangles metal? That'll be a first. Now I know the true evolution of heavy metal in this decade!The Foos have a fucking triangle in concert!
Maybe so but we'll have triangles in heavy metal! Even Manowar should start experimenting with them.
Wait, I thought Coop was doing the vocals. Haggard can do the drums but we still need a bassist. Maybe reverend can take that spot?You'll be saying I'm the vocals even more when you see what I have planned for the Karaoke :P
Hopefully you sing well because I doubt many will be able to sing for shit, especially me. I just dread to think what music will be played. I'm not much of a lyricist so I really am screwed.
Already going to cover it. Only a week on Friday now. Hopefully time flies and I'll be at the meet before I know it.Yeah, just hope that the meet lasts a long time - otherwise time will fly and you'll be back home...
On the bright side, I'll be very very close to obtaining the scythe so there's something to look forward to after the meet.
That's another one who I really want to meet. I know it's not easy to get over here with a family and all but if it's possible, I'm looking forward to that moment. I'm still hoping there's a chance for Tom to attend the next meet whenever it's planned but again, I understand if he can't make it.Wade just doesn't seem interested, but most of the staff have been across. Tom, Mike, Bob and Luis came across in January, dragging Poozy and The-Swain as well.
It's a shame about Wade's lack of interest in London. He was able to attend the NYC meet so why not give us Brits a chance? Ah well, maybe I could be lucky on Twitter and something will spark Wade's interest.
At 7/28/10 08:50 AM, Gagsy wrote: Omg what the fuck is going on in here? I look back I see a lot of mentioning about myself involving random fractions and dragons.
This is why you need to lurk more. I was explaining to Auz about you planning to kidnap me at the meet and I was talking to others saying "I'll meet Gagsy there, what the hell is going to happen with us?"
At 7/28/10 08:55 AM, reverend wrote: I'm 26 Years Old today. Twenty six real life levels down another seventy four to go.
Happy Birthday! You actually want to live until you're 100?
At 7/28/10 10:29 AM, Auz wrote:At 7/27/10 10:32 AM, Bahamut wrote: So 3/4 of the BBS users like my appearance. That's always good to know.At least 3/4 of the BBS users. Possibly more.
I must be loved by so many.
Only Gagsy? I thought she represented most of the BBS users. Also, of course she'll vote me for sexiest icon mod or whatever.She does, she represents the general forum users/videogame forum users. The rest didn't fill in the survey =/
In that case, what does Wi/Ht? and C&C think?
Coop seems to make his daily LUL posts just fine and he's got a job and a girlfriend. Although, he does appear to be more organised than most of us.He's got an office job. Those guys only work for 1 hour a day. The remaining 7 is checking emails, playing games (or go to NG), drinking coffee, talking with colleagues about that new secretary and avoiding your boss.
Wow really? That's what office people do? Not once have I touched NG while I've been working voluntarily.
You know what, I changed my mind. I'll just ship the DVDs to you instead. Hopefully the postmen know what I mean when I put down "The house with the big red X" on the parcel.I'm sure he'll find it, send them over.
Good. You know, I thought of something else. Seeing you have this kickass laptop (SPECS PLZ), are you interested in Steam?
Let's see ehm...
You can choose between:
-My girlfriend
I believe she's a human, so I'll pass.
-My DVD collection
I don't even know what DVDs you have.
-My N64
I never had a N64 so this will be the greatest opportunity for me to catch up on the classics I missed out on. However...
-My tickets to the Manowar concert
Dammit, I've gotta see Manowar live!
Crossdressing dragons isn't possible which I think is a good thing. We decide who we are without even wearing anything. The most you'll see me wearing is shades and maybe a crown.That purple pimpsuit you weared in ThePidgeonMasters vid was nice though ;)
That was only possible because I disguised myself as a human-like figure. <_<
The only way you'd see me calling myself Tiamat is a parallel universe form of me with the opposite gender. In that universe, Newgrounds users would commonly say "There are no men on the internet." Now THAT'S a mindfuck.I see an idea coming up for you 100th flash submission ;)
To be honest, I don't know what I want to do with my 100th flash anymore.
I'm certainly not. I dread to think what she wanted to do with me exactly but I suppose I've got to prepare for the worst (or maybe the best) and fight for Wi/Ht.Maybe you have to guard her treasure hoard. That wouldn't so bad, would it? Every dragon loves treasure.
I have lots of treasure as well but I'd love to see what she has.
Actually, there may have been a tutorial there but I never cared enough to find it. Funny how I can recall reading some basic rules on Tetra Master in Dali but not Treno.Damn, I have forgotten where Dali was... *checks* That mountain village? I don't think I ever found anything explaining Tetra Master there and it wouldn't make much sense to explain it so early on in the game if you ask me.
It was actually in the shop opposite the inn. If you examined that place closer, you'll find some information on Tetra Master.
At 7/28/10 10:29 AM, Auz wrote:At 7/27/10 10:32 AM, Bahamut wrote: I've finished all except II and I really hate that game. However, I would like to play through all the FF games sometime from first to most recent excluding MMORPGs, so I'll have to torture myself to FFII. That also means trying to beat FFIV DS and that game is hard as hell.I heard II's level up system was terrible.
Yes, it is very bad! If it didn't suck so much, I would have had a better chance of getting through the game.
And yeah I really gotta play IV sometime. The DS version looked interesting.
If you've got balls of steel, play the DS remake. The PS1 port (maybe GBA as well) is the pussy version.
FUUUUUUUUCK! I really hate it when that happens. Oh well, hopefully you'll play FFVI again. It took me three tries to beat the game and it was well worth it.Maybe someday I will pick it up again. It was such a shame because I was pretty far with teaching Celes and Terra all magic spells and I only needed one or two more espers before I had them all. After that I was planning to raid Kefka's castle.
I never really bothered with all the spells. All I needed later on was Ultima and multiple attacks.
Better trying to understand that than the whole of Tommy Wiseau's The Room. I still don't know what was the point of that film. The only points it gets is for being amusingly bad.Wait... The Room you say? I remember having to watch that movie in highschool, but I believe it was Harold Pinters'... not sure, but I think we're talking about the same movie. I remember it was INCREDIBLY vague and INCREDIBLY annoying to watch. Some woman was suddenly blind at the end and we were all like... wtf? o.O Does that sound familiar?
Nope, The Room is that film Nostalgia Critic reviewed two weeks ago. It was taken down for copyright infringement, though but that's never happened to him outside of YouTube before.
I never really liked Kuja anyway.I honestly think he might have been a better bad guy if they had said he was a woman :p
That might have made him slightly redeem himself.
I think my laptop would be good enough to play such games on them. And I'm pretty sure my old PC is 10 years old or at least close. Usually it is running smoothly (though not that fast), but every now and again it crashes and I gotta reinstall windows and everything. But now I'm getting errors that my video card is screwed so... I just had to buy something new.
Makes me wonder how much longer the old computer will last. The only person who uses it now is my dad and he doesn't care how slow it is. However, I still want the damn monitor replaced. It's so ugly.
I don't think he's planned it just yet so we still have time. The ones we need to worry the most are those in a relationship. As for me, I'm still a lonely dragon so I have hope.Those in a relationship? No need to worry about me, I'll still be here.
We'll see about that. :P
Many people I know originally became popular on YouTube. However, with copyright bullshit and the way YouTube mistreat most of their users, they all had to go elsewhere. Good thing has a thing called common sense, unlike YouTube for the most part.Oh yeah copyright issues. It's becoming a real problem on youtube, I encounter tonnes of dead links on their website nowadays. I understand they don't wanna get in trouble, but I believe they're not doing anything to defend their users. As soon as someone complains, BAM, your video is gone.
The copyright claims went so far out of hand that someone was abusing the DMCA claims and getting several channels suspended. I know one user on there whose videos are nothing but himself on camera and showing what's on his laptop. His videos had ZERO copyright footage but guess what? YouTube didn't check his goddamn videos and he was suspended. Luckily, he found a way to get his channel back up but it's still ridiculous.
When I look at the bullshit on YouTube, I do hope the site improves but on the other hand, if they keep digging that hole and eventually make the site entirely shit, at least I won't have anything to go there anymore. However, leaving YouTube isn't easy at all. I tried it once and I only came back a few months later. Not only that, there's far too many awesome Garry's Mod/TF2 videos to watch and I can't turn my back on them.
At 7/28/10 10:38 AM, Auz wrote:At 7/27/10 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote: You're going to make triangles metal? That'll be a first. Now I know the true evolution of heavy metal in this decade!Yes, it's gonna be a revolutionary step in metal. Soon we'll see all the great metal bands doing the same thing.
Not even riverdancing in Blind Guardian's new album matches triangles!
Wait, I thought Coop was doing the vocals. Haggard can do the drums but we still need a bassist. Maybe reverend can take that spot?But can Coop roar as awesome as a dragon can? Maybe you can do the backing vocals then? And yes, let's have reverend as the bassist. I'm sure he can stay cool while we are headbanging our heads off.
You want us to be a death metal band?
I don't want to be a robot. I'd like to keep my body intact and not have all this mecha support. Although, me and reverend recently talked about how icon mods work like robots...I could automate that too you know. I just gotta install a few robot arms. It would make your life so much easier.
Well, I've always wanted additional arms...
FUCK, I just realised something. Remember when I told you that I'm supposedly a legend at the NG office and thought maybe the staff have fun reading my posts? They could be reading our plans, so they'll be preparing themselves.Oh shiii :o
Wait this could work to our advantage. If these are our plans, we gotta make sure we can counter their counterplans.
The only thing I know is replying MORE AND MORE! We'll come to the point where the staff won't even want to bother reading my posts at all.
At 7/28/10 12:24 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:At 7/18/10 09:44 AM, Auz wrote: I gotta make another small post after this.I'd like to state that I love how each conversation with you turns out to become something huge. Hence the fact that I still need to catch up on those other posts...
Lol, well I'm having a pretty huge conversation with Bahamut now as well. It starts to become a little chaotic :p
Heh, that is a good idea to threaten you with. :PAt 7/14/10 03:19 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:Lol :pAt 7/11/10 06:12 AM, Auz wrote:
I'm afraid you might threaten me with watching the final over and over again, so maybe it's best if I don't harass you too much with it.
Either way, I'm already out of the World Cup mood. Internacional has a huge game this Wednesday in the Copa Libertadores semi-final, which is like your UEFA. First game is at home so we have to get some advantage for the next game!
Wait the Copa Libertadores semi-final is in July? I bet that must be tiring for some players if they've been to the world cup.
But yeah I'm also out of the World Cup mood. After the final people here got rid of their orange flags and such and nobody's talking about it anymore. I guess one full month of football is quite enough.
Never heard of that story, but I think I have heard other stories about players who got tortured or killed for playing poorly.I've found him - Andrés Escobar. Give that a quick read.
So he got shot for an own goal? Shame the killer got 43 years of prison but was free after 11 because of good behavior.
I guess they're really serious about football in South-America, but I know there are lots of football fanatics in Europe too.Football is the major sport here in South America, for most countries, at least. Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia... We take it with a real passion in here. And the Copa Libertadores is the main club tournament, so my team winning it again would be awesome. :)
Do you guys have anything like hooligans there (as in almost like a lifestyle)? And which was your favorite team again?
Yep. It's too bad for him, but hey, he'll get over it. I'm sure they'll give him another chance.Speaking of which, our new coach was announced a few days ago, and announced the team that will face USA in New Jersey. onal_football_team#Players
Do you know anyone from there?
Woah, lots of new players I see. I know a few of them from the major European clubs, but with most of them I have no idea who they are. Interesting to see him come up with such a young and unexperienced team.
I expected a lot more from them, and it's kinda lame to win a cup while you've lost a match along the way. I wouldn't say that they didn't deserve to win the final as both teams were about equally matched, but over the entire tournament they were very disappointing.Yeah, everyone had huge expectations over Spain, and they didn't do half of the expected, IMO.
Nope, but it was still good enough to win the cup apparently.
In Holland they were very angry with Howard Webb after the match, and rightfully so in my opinion. I bet it was the worst match in his referee career. He made big mistakes on both ends though, but I had a feeling he was stricter towards Holland than towards Spain.I was mad at him as well. I don't even know why he was called to be the referee to the final match. His two previous matches weren't very good, they could've even called the Brazilian trio, which did quite well.
He also whistled Spain - Switzerland and I believe Spain was very mad at him after that match. Could be that he was trying to make up for it in the final, but to prevent that the FIFA should've never give him the lead.
And hey, Spain's goal? It came from that foul that hit a Spanish player, but they still had the ball after.
Spains goal seemed like a clean goal to me. There was lots of talk about offside, but apparently it wasn't offside.
Lol :pApparently, he's "a symbol of all that is wrong with the western world".
Oh well, he's only a prophet. It's not his fault that things turn out the way he says. s/europe/germany/7912418/Mahmoud-Ahmadin ejad-attacks-Octopus-Paul.html
Jeez, let the octopus have some fun! :P
Oh man... way to overact. As if he was looking for something to criticize the western world for.
Anyway, I think the media played a big influence on this tournament. You could see that there were some countries were the media was more than ready to burn down the team as soon as they were eliminated, and they were (Brazil, England, Italy). I don't know if it effected the performance of the team, but it does raise the pressure on them.Dunga was already pretty mad at some journalists who asked some pretentious questions towards him. I'm not sure if that affected the way he coached, but it shows how the media influences it...
It probably did. And I can imagine pretentious questions are incredibly annoying for a coach.
True, but how fair would that be? Each continent has their number of spots in the world cup (excluding play-off matches), if we want to see more European countries or any other countries, they would have to change the qualifying system. otherwise, it would be unfair to those countries.At 7/14/10 03:22 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:I can live with SA getting an extra spot. I believe there was some debate somewhere about all the little countries participating and if we shouldn't let Europe get a few extra spots. It's a little silly that Sweden and Czech Republic aren't participating while Honduras, New Zealand and North-Korea are.
But it would be cool to have some "world groups" like qualifying method. Gather all the teams, split them in random groups... It would be expensive, but way more entertaining. :)
Yeah, like Honduras might have to battle against China, Norway, Egypt and Australia or something like that? That would be very interesting indeed and might even be more fair than the current system. At least then you'll know that the strongest teams are participating and not a bunch of weaker teams because they happened to be on a continent with only two or three countries.
I think they do have a point somewhere. The tournament might be more interesting with less little countries from non-football continents and more underdogs from Europe and SA. Although the diversity is nice too.I could care less about the diversity, honestly. If those countries go to the cup just for "touring" around, then it isn't worth it. We want to always have a better cup, why not having better teams?
It wouldn't be fair to them, but we would love it. :P
Yeah... I can imagine countries like Honduras are mostly just there to have a holiday. They know they don't stand much of a chance, so why not make the most of it while they're there?
Oh yeah sorry. Londen is what we write in Holland, but it's pronounced about the same. So I confuse them sometimes.Ah right. The same way we write and speak "Londres". There's even a city here called "Londrina", as a reference to "Londres". My aunt is from there, actually.
Made by English fortune seekers I guess?
Not gonna tell you ;) We wouldn't want to attract paparazzi.What paparazzi?
Oh wait, you're an icon mod now too aren't you? Come in!
Level 30
Thanks for voting, SupraAddict! Your experience has been automatically deposited!
With that vote, you now have 9,340 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 30. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 12 hours, 24 minutes, and 23 seconds.
French tanks have six gears, 5 reverse, and one forward in case they are ever attacked from behind
Rev is blessed to have good friends IRL and here at NG; Congrats to:
PabMo - Level 18 and 6.66 Total VP
vader316 - Level 24
Ronald-McDonald-LoL - Level 29
Viridis - Corporal
Sir-Nuts - 12k Exp, 13k Blams and Level 34
BaronVonBadGuy - 9,000 Saves
Domo - 2,000 B/P
Odyssic - Level 38
Soapbubble - 5,000 Exp
Gagsy - 45k Saves
SupraAddict - Level 30
milinko959 - Level 40
And thanks for the B-day thread Bahamut!
At 7/28/10 12:23 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Yay, I got a reverend reference! ;P
And it wasn't an easy one to get too. You must be a hardcore lurker as well. :)
At 7/28/10 08:50 AM, Gagsy wrote: Omg what the fuck is going on in here? I look back I see a lot of mentioning about myself involving random fractions and dragons.
Oh Hai there. :)
At 7/28/10 10:38 AM, Auz wrote: I suppose that might be the only good mix for Baileys. Seriously, have you ever tried pouring coke or beer into a glass of Baileys? I can tell you, the result is quite disgusting =/
I had an Irish Car Bomb shot; talk about nasty. Bleh
At 7/28/10 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: You may have a good point there but I'm still sure you have some sexual interest in dragons when you can imagine what the uncensored version looks like as well as drawing my balls. :P
Eh, I figure the anatomy is close to a human's which is what I meant. Do you really think Michelangelo got off when he chiseled out David's nutsack. No of course not, same with me. Truth be told it only took less than a minute to draw your junk. :P
No need to be shy about it, it's perfectly normal.
And so are furries, right?
Happy Birthday! You actually want to live until you're 100?
Technically forever, but 100 is a good goal to set. Oh my yes.
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
Listening to:
Sanguis et Cinis - Ein Drama als Komödie (Death in Paris-mix)
Janis Joplin - Trouble In Mind
Janis Joplin - Hesitation Blues
Janis Joplin - Women Is Losers (Live)
At 7/28/10 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: Listening to:
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter. Fucking kvlt!
Quite so, Sir!
At 7/27/10 12:18 PM, Haggard wrote:I blame spancker. Now that's an old school user who hasn't been around here in ages. However, he's known to show up from out of nowhere but I'm sure it won't happen now. :PAt 7/27/10 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: You're right. I've known many Wi/Ht?'ers who left us behind and wish they were still here but we can't have everything. However, if we lose the revolution, I blame gfox. He was one of our main troops.Also, it's a lot easier to blame inactive people.
It would be priceless if he did.
Only one friend of mine is able to drive. The rest, nope. I have no intentions to start driving until I'm in employment, which could be soon enough.First of all, I don't have a car. Second, my parents' car aren't fully compatible with MP3 Players. We have to use a cassette that runs a CD or MP3 Player, lol. That's their car, though so iPod it is.I don't have a car neither. I don't even have a driver's licence. That's what you have friends for. :P
You know, I was thinking the same back then. And now I'm 28 (almost 29) and still don't have a driver's licence. XD
But at least public transportation is pretty good in my hometown, so I don't really need to be able to drive.
You know my thoughts on St. Anger. :PYou like it... I'm sure you'll hate Risk, though and if not, God help me.
Well, as I don't like Megadeth too much, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like Risk as well. ^^
Also, they had a fucking trampoline on stage. But I didn't watch long enough to see what they did with it...I heard about the trampoline acts on stage and that's downright silly. Play the damn music before even making any stunts.
Yeah. HammerFall can do stunts without a fucking trampoline.
As if the earlier seasons didn't have continuity errors...There may have been a few but I saw some of it as trying to make the character better. They may have not saw one thing working well so they forgot about it. As for the later seasons, the characters are fine as they are, why screw them up?
Well, the problem with continuity is that usually a whole bunch of authors are writing the episodes, so they are bound to fuck up sooner or later.
The closest that comes to mind is All Singing, All Dancing.I can hardly think of any bad episodes from the old days. Sure, season 1 was primitive but that was just the beginning of the 20 minute episodes for the show. I still find them to be enjoyable.I quickly forgot about the bad episodes, so I don't remember any now. But there where some really shitty ones.
I don't remember that one, but after reading the plot on Wikipedia I have to say, it sounds pretty silly.
You're forgetting something, the gauntlet kicked my ass on the NG Log flash. Oh wait, that was showing what will happen in the future. Too bad it became irrelevant as soon as Casualty handed it over to byteslinger. :PSays the shitblade lover. :PIt's a good level icon, that's why I like it. The gauntlet is just meh.
Can't you just Mega Flare the gauntlet?
Btw, how often can you do the Mega Flare by the way? Is it very exhausting?
Also, if there are ever more level icons, one of them should be Bahamut summoning a Mega Flare. XD
As well as the chains. Now they're just meh. I guess it's because they're low level icons rather than being high-ish.That's all we need to say. They are the awesome nunchucks from the old levels but not as awesome as they used to be.Yeah, also the old baseball bat was a lot better than the new one.
I think the worst level icon is the whip.
Fro is wondering if he'll ever get his story done in time for the competition while saying Congrats To:
Rucklo: Level 33
Soup83: 1,000 Experience
vader316: 27,000 B/P, 19,000 Saves, Level 24
DrHood: 18,000 Experience
mothballs: Corporal
HeavyTank: 14,000 B/P, Captain
Haggard: 29,000 Saves
illuminate: 15,000 Medal Points
reverend: General, 26 Years Old
lilhunter03: Level 31
Powerage: Level 37
Egarewop: Level 28
ThePigeonMaster: 7,000 Experience
sixflab: Level 15
Rabid-Animals: Master Sergeant
PabMo: Level 18, Total VP of 6.66
Ronal-McDonald-LoL: Level 29
Viridis: Corporal
Sir-Nuts: 12,000 Experience, 13,000 Blams, Level 24
BaronVonBadGuy: 9,000 Saves
Domo: Police Captain
Odyssic: Level 38
Soapbubble: 5,000 Experience
Gagsy: Stop Complaining, 45,000 Saves
SupraAddict: Level 30, You're welcome
milinko959: Level 40
I've helped with a couple of games since the last time I've posted here.
This game is very short and not very well done, but we were bored and wanted to do something quick. You play as Judas and you throw bread at Jesus.
This game is a generic overhead space shooter where your goal is to collect enough space metal to keep your ship's engine running.
I also am part of this collab. We could use any help such as artists (No dragon penises though), stories, voices, programmers, etc...
At 7/25/10 01:01 PM, reverend wrote:
At 7/25/10 11:24 AM, Fro wrote: Plus whether someone is approved or not we get 2 dollars for them trying. Thirty or so people a month can add up.So what would you say your success rate is? 10-20%?
It really depends on the day. Someday I don't get any and on other days I get about 5. For example, last night I got 5 and I rung up this much here.
i dont know if it counts but i have 200 post's
List #4
last list
Congrats to
rahfa-level 28
illuminate-15,000 medal points
MegaGold-10 medal points
X8X-level 32
Coop83-1,750 flash reviews
Lizzardis-level 26
Rucklo-level 33
Soup83-level 10
vader316-27,000 B/P,19,000 savesm,level 24
DrHood-18,000 exp points
Haggard-29,000 saves
reverend-General and Happy 28th birthday
lilhunter03-level 31
Powerage-level 37
Egarewop-level 28
ThePigeonMaster-7,000 exp points
sixflab-level 15
Rabid-Animals-Master Sergent
PabMo-level 18 and Total Voting Pow 6.66
Ronald-McDonald-LoL-level 29
BaronVonBadGuy-9,000 saves
Soapbubble-5,000 exp points
SupraAddict-level 30
milinko959-level 40
Thanks to
Thanks for voting, Domo! Your experience points have already been deposited for today - thanks for doing the overtime!
Your experience gave you a voting power of 5.74 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 16% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 6.66 votes!
The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!
To make a long story short my total voting pow is 6.66.I hear thats satins number