At 7/28/10 11:30 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/28/10 10:29 AM, Auz wrote:
She does, she represents the general forum users/videogame forum users. The rest didn't fill in the survey =/
In that case, what does Wi/Ht? and C&C think?
I don't know, we still gotta do the survey here:
So Wi/Ht?'ers, what has more sex appeal, an icon mod or a review mod? Take the fact that Bahamut is an icon mod into consideration. Voting starts... now!
He's got an office job. Those guys only work for 1 hour a day. The remaining 7 is checking emails, playing games (or go to NG), drinking coffee, talking with colleagues about that new secretary and avoiding your boss.
Wow really? That's what office people do? Not once have I touched NG while I've been working voluntarily.
Voluntarily? Dude, they're obviously gonna take advantage of you and let you do their work. That way they can slack the full 8 hours and still have something to show their boss at the end of the day.
I'm sure he'll find it, send them over.
Good. You know, I thought of something else. Seeing you have this kickass laptop (SPECS PLZ), are you interested in Steam?
Specs? You mean all that Windows 7 64 bits, 500 GB Hard Disk, 4 GB RAM gizmo? Sorry I don't know much about it, but I'm generally not that interested in such things. I assume it's all new and very good, but I can look it up for you if you want.
I don't know if I wanna have Steam. I suppose you gotta pay for stuff there, don't you? I got lots of other things to spent money on though.
Let's see ehm...
-My DVD collection
I don't even know what DVDs you have.
Ehm... no Reign of Fire, no Dragonheart, no Eragon, no How To Train Your Dragon... there's a dragon in Spirited Away, but I don't know if you would be interested... =/
-My N64
I never had a N64 so this will be the greatest opportunity for me to catch up on the classics I missed out on. However...
-My tickets to the Manowar concert
Dammit, I've gotta see Manowar live!
So it's gonna be either the N64 or Manowar tickets. What will it be?
That purple pimpsuit you weared in ThePidgeonMasters vid was nice though ;)
That was only possible because I disguised myself as a human-like figure. <_<
Lol. That's more like shapeshifting.
I see an idea coming up for you 100th flash submission ;)
To be honest, I don't know what I want to do with my 100th flash anymore.
Damn. Why don't you just submit something completely lame on Clockday this year? :p That'll stop people from asking you and might piss off a few.
Maybe you have to guard her treasure hoard. That wouldn't so bad, would it? Every dragon loves treasure.
I have lots of treasure as well but I'd love to see what she has.
All the fortunes from the general forum I'm guessing.
Damn, I have forgotten where Dali was... *checks* That mountain village? I don't think I ever found anything explaining Tetra Master there and it wouldn't make much sense to explain it so early on in the game if you ask me.
It was actually in the shop opposite the inn. If you examined that place closer, you'll find some information on Tetra Master.
Really? I never knew, but then again I was never really the type that went to check every inch of every building in FF games.
At 7/28/10 11:31 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/28/10 10:29 AM, Auz wrote:
And yeah I really gotta play IV sometime. The DS version looked interesting.
If you've got balls of steel, play the DS remake. The PS1 port (maybe GBA as well) is the pussy version.
How come? Did they make the monsters a lot stronger?
Maybe someday I will pick it up again. It was such a shame because I was pretty far with teaching Celes and Terra all magic spells and I only needed one or two more espers before I had them all. After that I was planning to raid Kefka's castle.
I never really bothered with all the spells. All I needed later on was Ultima and multiple attacks.
I just collected them for the sake of completing the game a bit more, but yes ultima was basically all you needed.
Wait... The Room you say? I remember having to watch that movie in highschool, but I believe it was Harold Pinters'... not sure, but I think we're talking about the same movie. I remember it was INCREDIBLY vague and INCREDIBLY annoying to watch. Some woman was suddenly blind at the end and we were all like... wtf? o.O Does that sound familiar?
Nope, The Room is that film Nostalgia Critic reviewed two weeks ago. It was taken down for copyright infringement, though but that's never happened to him outside of YouTube before.
Wait you mean this? I have never seen it, but judging from the score I don't think I want to.
I honestly think he might have been a better bad guy if they had said he was a woman :p
That might have made him slightly redeem himself.
I actually think that would've made him a lot better, because he now he looks like some typical anime crossdressing type character which is a bit... gay. He also acts like that, so they might as well have made him a woman in the first place =/
Those in a relationship? No need to worry about me, I'll still be here.
We'll see about that. :P
Well... my gf is dragging me away from NG more and more, but don't tell the others :(
Oh yeah copyright issues. It's becoming a real problem on youtube, I encounter tonnes of dead links on their website nowadays. I understand they don't wanna get in trouble, but I believe they're not doing anything to defend their users. As soon as someone complains, BAM, your video is gone.
The copyright claims went so far out of hand that someone was abusing the DMCA claims and getting several channels suspended. I know one user on there whose videos are nothing but himself on camera and showing what's on his laptop. His videos had ZERO copyright footage but guess what? YouTube didn't check his goddamn videos and he was suspended. Luckily, he found a way to get his channel back up but it's still ridiculous.
When I look at the bullshit on YouTube, I do hope the site improves but on the other hand, if they keep digging that hole and eventually make the site entirely shit, at least I won't have anything to go there anymore. However, leaving YouTube isn't easy at all. I tried it once and I only came back a few months later. Not only that, there's far too many awesome Garry's Mod/TF2 videos to watch and I can't turn my back on them.
Yeah like I said, they immediately remove stuff as soon as someone complains. I also don't like what they keep doing with the lay-out. It only gets worse and worse somehow.
But I only use youtube as a music player mostly, so I don't feel that involved with the site anyway. However, the dead links are really annoying me.
At 7/28/10 10:38 AM, Auz wrote:
At 7/27/10 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Yes, it's gonna be a revolutionary step in metal. Soon we'll see all the great metal bands doing the same thing.
Not even riverdancing in Blind Guardian's new album matches triangles!
Nothing ever matched triangles! We just need to reinvent them.
But can Coop roar as awesome as a dragon can? Maybe you can do the backing vocals then? And yes, let's have reverend as the bassist. I'm sure he can stay cool while we are headbanging our heads off.
You want us to be a death metal band?
No, an all new genre type of band. Dragon metal!
Oh shiii :o
Wait this could work to our advantage. If these are our plans, we gotta make sure we can counter their counterplans.
The only thing I know is replying MORE AND MORE! We'll come to the point where the staff won't even want to bother reading my posts at all.
That's a good idea. Hiding our plans in plain sight, but pile so many replies on them that they won't even bother looking.