Awesome, my football team won in Copa Libertadores' first match of the semi-finals!
Internacional 1 x 0 São Paulo.
Could we have an Inter x Inter in Abu Dhabi? :O
Congrats to:
BaronVonBadGuy - 9,000 Saves
Domo - Police Captain + 6.66 Total VP
Odyssic Level 38
Soapbubble - 5,000 Exp.
Gagsy - 45,000 Saves
reverend - 26 Years Old - Happy birthday!
SupraAddict - Level 30
milinko959 - Level 40
xRiskiiyxBlaze - Level 11
simon - Level 36
LatinoRalf - Level 43
Statwhore - Level 25
sixflab - 10,000 B/P
illuminate - 14.50 Total VP
LegolaSS - Level 40
Kaytee - Level 31 + 10,000 Exp.
Auz - 90,000 Total stats
SuspiciousPenguin - Level 23
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 38,000 B/P
Thanks to:
Question to Coop83, Odyssic, Fro and RohantheBarbarian: What's up with the collective mistake? Level 34, not 24.
At 7/28/10 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/27/10 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote:
You're going to make triangles metal? That'll be a first. Now I know the true evolution of heavy metal in this decade!
The Foos have a fucking triangle in concert!
Oh, that is the climax of their concerts! That and cowbell solos.
At 7/28/10 12:23 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/16/10 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote:
You come here, to the wedding of my daughter and you insult me like this?
Sorry boss.
Oh... I think I preferred the mafia ties, to be honest.
Hmm, I bet you're the one on the far right, then.
At 7/28/10 12:25 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote:
***Daily Muse***
I guess I can say nice story, and nice job dealing with him. :P
You just have to try and see the funny side of things and get away from them before they decide they want to do something stupid.
Yeah... And this reminds me of a certain song...
Fuck Ferrari.
As a way to protest, I'm not buying their cars anymore! >:(
Seriously, they bought a change to the race result for less than it costs for one of their cars. Less than a day's wages for Fernando Alonso. And, to top it all off, Luca DiMontezemilo admitted that they cheated, citing that it always happens.
Pff, Italians... ;P
Teams are within their rights to tell their drivers not to race in the last few laps of a race, as that doesn't change the result, but to blatantly swap the cars around with barely coded messages is ridiculous. Kudos to Rob Smedley for effectively blowing the cover on that one :P
Yeah, and this is not the first time they do it. Remember Barrichello and Schumacher? Final lap, Rubens gives in the victory. i don't remember if anything happened to them after that.
But I hope the GP result gets null for Ferrari. Learn the lesson guys. Also, that would make Vettel the first place, so... =)
And Massa said he will not do that again and doesn't want to be treated like the "second driver". Massa, realise this will NEVER happen again, and you ARE the second driver!
At 7/28/10 08:50 AM, Gagsy wrote:
Omg what the fuck is going on in here? I look back I see a lot of mentioning about myself involving random fractions and dragons.
People love poking you for being a girl and for "OMG I LUV GENERAL" overreactions.
At 7/28/10 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/28/10 12:23 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
Yeah, absent due to lack of motivation to post...
Join the party!
I remember when we complained about having little activity in here. Where's that now?
Yeah, everyone have to kill dragons in movies, books and tales. Really, dragons are awesome creatures. And dare you say not!
Video games and music also make dragons evil creatures. At least we have Spyro and Bahamut who show that dragons can serve for justice.
"Shall we dare the dragon?! Merciless he's poisoning our hearts..
Our heeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaarts!!"
Also, poisonous dragons? =P
Still down. And I believe it shouldn't be that hard to put that video back. They are joking with us. I'm almost going to YouTube to watch it.
I think it's become too severe to be even a joke now. If they are joking, they're giving Tommy Wiseau too much heatrash over nothing.
Yeah, it isn't a joke. Copyright issues, it seems. And Doug is right, it's a review, how can it be copyright infringement? Huuuuuuuuuh?
I'm not sure when the review will be back up on TGWTG so just watch it on YouTube. Funny how Tommy Wiseau has yet to take down the videos of them on YouTube considering that site is a huge target for copyright infringement.
Yeah, I had to go to YT this time. Once he released the "Tommy Wiseau Show", I knew it would take a while to come back. Still not on TGWTG, btw.
Also, Judas-Priest is available.
Tempting but no, I have enough accounts already!
Indeed. And I can barely handle one alt!
Yeah, although my favourite server doesn't have that. Oh well, I had a great time as a Spy, anyway. ^^
Most of my favourite servers don't have class limits (on normal games, that is) but I wouldn't mind faving a few of them. And yes, Spy during the Engineer rush was great.
Indeed. I'm actually doing better as a Spy now, I only need a better computer. =(
Meh, usually when there aren't many people playing, we go for melee fights. We had organised Heavy boxing championships, achievement-whoring, dispensers and such. ^^
Speaking of melee fights, I highly recommend checking out some melee-only maps. I've been in Ringking and it's a lot of fun. Demoman with the axe is the shit in these games!
Nope. Scout + Bat = VICTORY.
Hey, I was actually going to link that thread to you. Finally a thread about dragons!
There's been a few threads about dragons before. Let's not forget FBIpolux's threads about them.
Yeah, he's always requesting more dragons in every story thread. He is correct. ^^
At 7/28/10 12:24 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
I'd like to state that I love how each conversation with you turns out to become something huge. Hence the fact that I still need to catch up on those other posts...
At this rate, gfox's epic posts will mean nothing.
gfox's posts always mean something.
At 7/28/10 11:30 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/28/10 12:25 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: 14 --> Again, this is getting overused.
Maybe it is but it's highly appropriate.
Yeah, that video is great. I still want to post something like "The answer lies within this video!" and put that there. :P
Still, Wi/Ht? Japan Meet Up must happen!
Oh hi Mark.
I did nat, I did naaaaaat. Oh hi Mark.
At 7/22/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote:
If you haven't heard already, I'm going to the NG London Meet in August!
Awesome. Say hi to anyone I know there for me. :P
That makes it Coop and Gagsy.
Yeah. Tell them all hello!
</obscure Foo Fighters reference>