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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 00:45:43

Thanks for voting, Statwhore! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 6,400 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 25. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 23 hours, 13 minutes, and 22 seconds.

The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 01:19:22

10,000 B/P

Well one third of the way there. Still a long way to go though.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 01:36:10

14.50 Voting Power

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 03:20:08

Coop nurses a black eye and thinks about how to describe it in a news post, while congratulating:
Odyssic: Level 38
Soapbubble: 5,000 Experience
reverend: 26th Birthday
SupraAddict: Level 30
milinko959: Level 40
xRiskiiyxBlaze: Level 11
Domo: 6.66 Total Voting Power
simon: Level 36
LatinoRalf: Level 43
Statwhore: Level 25
sixflab: 10,000 B/P
illuminate: 14.50 Total Voting Power

Thank you to:

At 7/28/10 08:50 AM, Gagsy wrote: Coop did you delete my post?!


At 7/28/10 10:38 AM, Auz wrote:
At 7/27/10 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/26/10 12:55 PM, Auz wrote: So we got Coop on the drums, me on an amplified triangle, Bahamut shredding his guitar and doing the grunting and roaring... what should Haggard do? Shall we let him play the synthesizer or should he play the saxophone for that jazz element in our music?
Wait, I thought Coop was doing the vocals. Haggard can do the drums but we still need a bassist. Maybe reverend can take that spot?
But can Coop roar as awesome as a dragon can?

You've clearly never heard my rendition of Flight of Icarus :P

At 7/28/10 11:30 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/28/10 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/27/10 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote: You're going to make triangles metal? That'll be a first. Now I know the true evolution of heavy metal in this decade!
The Foos have a fucking triangle in concert!
Maybe so but we'll have triangles in heavy metal! Even Manowar should start experimenting with them.

The Foos are a bridging act between Rock and Metal, in my opinion. Tracks like Low and All My Life are my evidence and I'm sticking to it.

Wait, I thought Coop was doing the vocals. Haggard can do the drums but we still need a bassist. Maybe reverend can take that spot?
You'll be saying I'm the vocals even more when you see what I have planned for the Karaoke :P
Hopefully you sing well because I doubt many will be able to sing for shit, especially me. I just dread to think what music will be played. I'm not much of a lyricist so I really am screwed.

We'll have a few Jam sessions and we'll hope to see what's what.

Already going to cover it. Only a week on Friday now. Hopefully time flies and I'll be at the meet before I know it.
Yeah, just hope that the meet lasts a long time - otherwise time will fly and you'll be back home...
On the bright side, I'll be very very close to obtaining the scythe so there's something to look forward to after the meet.

Indeed - looking forward to tomorrow is fun, that way something keeps you looking forward, as opposed to being a pessimist and looking back in anger.

That's another one who I really want to meet. I know it's not easy to get over here with a family and all but if it's possible, I'm looking forward to that moment. I'm still hoping there's a chance for Tom to attend the next meet whenever it's planned but again, I understand if he can't make it.
Wade just doesn't seem interested, but most of the staff have been across. Tom, Mike, Bob and Luis came across in January, dragging Poozy and The-Swain as well.
It's a shame about Wade's lack of interest in London. He was able to attend the NYC meet so why not give us Brits a chance? Ah well, maybe I could be lucky on Twitter and something will spark Wade's interest.

Good luck with twitter.

And now, the results of the experiment of what happens when we add Coop's face to one cricket ball moving at speed:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 03:42:12

At 7/28/10 11:52 AM, milinko959 wrote: Level 40, whee!

Sweet icon!

Thanks for voting, LegolaSS! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 16,890 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 40. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 20 hours, 18 minutes, and 26 seconds.

Indeed it is :3

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 05:40:56

List #102

Congrats to:

X8X- Level 32
Coop83- 1,750 flash reviews
Lizzardis- Level 26
Rucklo- Level 33
Soup83- Level 10
vader316- 27,000 B/P; 19,000 saves & level 24
DrHood- 18,000 Exp
mothballs- Corporal
HeavyTank- Captain
Haggard- 29,000 saves
reverend- General
lilhunter03- Level 31
Powerage- Level 37
Egarewop- Level 28
sixflab- Level 15
Rabid-Animals- Master Sergent
PabMo- Level 18 and Total Voting Power 6.66
Ronald-McDonald-LoL- Level 29
Viridis- Corporal
BaronVonBadGuy- 9,000 saves
Odyssic- Level38
Soapbubble- 5,000 exp points
SupraAddict- Level 30
milinko959-Level 40
xRiskiiyxBlaze- Level 11
Domo- 6.66 Voting Power
simon- Level 36
LatinoRalf- Level 43
Statwhore- Level 25
sixflab- 10,000 B/P
illuminate- 14.50 Voting Power
LegolaSS- Level 40

Thanks to:


Listening to:

Hoobastank - Without a fight


My birthday is tomorrow. Yeah, July is the Birthday of most wi/ht'ers and mine is gonna be the last for a while :)


At 7/28/10 12:25 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/24/10 04:30 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: I remember being that I loved (and still love, lol) planes.
Hey, I live under the main "entrance" route for incoming airplanes to our airport. It's really awesome, my dad and I really like airplanes.

I envy you. I do enjoy anything related to planes. Encyclopedias, Documentaries, Books, Magazines, pictures, Being at airports. But l know it may be quite annoying living near an airport because of the noise but meh, planes are awesome. Period ^^

I still dream of joining the air marines, or whatever the name is. ^^

Brazilian Air Force? :P

At 7/29/10 03:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: And now, the results of the experiment of what happens when we add Coop's face to one cricket ball moving at speed:

Holy shit. Having a black (or purple/pink, in this case) eye surely is a pain at first. Back, when I was in high school, a guy was throwing rocks like crazy and accidentally one of them hit directly in my eye. I dunno how my eye survived :/
But I hope you just get well soon, man. Don't forget that putting a good ol' piece of meat in your eye will help you a lot.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 06:04:27

Level 32 + 10k exp.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 06:05:54

At 7/29/10 06:04 AM, Kaytee wrote: Level 32 + 10k exp.

* Level 31


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 06:10:19

Looks like I passed 90,000 Total Stats yesterday. Just 10,000 more and I'll hit the big 100k.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 06:26:30

Oooo I also reached over 1,000 medals

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 08:28:29

Listening to:

Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness

At 7/28/10 12:21 PM, reverend wrote: Rev is blessed to have good friends IRL and here at NG; Congrats to:

This is what you get for being a great addition to the Wi/Ht? community. :)

At 7/28/10 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: You may have a good point there but I'm still sure you have some sexual interest in dragons when you can imagine what the uncensored version looks like as well as drawing my balls. :P
Eh, I figure the anatomy is close to a human's which is what I meant. Do you really think Michelangelo got off when he chiseled out David's nutsack. No of course not, same with me. Truth be told it only took less than a minute to draw your junk. :P

And you actually thought of drawing my junk. I found it to be very flattering. :P As for that guy who drew me having sexual intercourse, he claimed he wasn't drunk or on drugs. Yeah, so he was fully aware of drawing dragon porn.

No need to be shy about it, it's perfectly normal.
And so are furries, right?

The internet is full of them and at this point it's become nothing new to me.

Happy Birthday! You actually want to live until you're 100?
Technically forever, but 100 is a good goal to set. Oh my yes.

Well, good luck on that. I think I already succeeded that in dragon years. ;)

At 7/28/10 02:27 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/28/10 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: Listening to:

Immortal - At the Heart of Winter. Fucking kvlt!
Quite so, Sir!

I'm guessing you know their music very well and so far, I have At the Heart of Winter, Sons of Northern Darkness and All Shall Fall. Do you have any recommendations for more Immortal albums?

I blame spancker. Now that's an old school user who hasn't been around here in ages. However, he's known to show up from out of nowhere but I'm sure it won't happen now. :P
It would be priceless if he did.

Well, I'm sure it won't happen now. He comes when you least expect it, even if you talk about him.

Only one friend of mine is able to drive. The rest, nope. I have no intentions to start driving until I'm in employment, which could be soon enough.
You know, I was thinking the same back then. And now I'm 28 (almost 29) and still don't have a driver's licence. XD

My aunt is 52 and still can't drive.

But at least public transportation is pretty good in my hometown, so I don't really need to be able to drive.

Mine's good but far from perfect. The buses are often late but the trains are very reliable.

You like it... I'm sure you'll hate Risk, though and if not, God help me.
Well, as I don't like Megadeth too much, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like Risk as well. ^^

You don't? :O Surely you can at least enjoy some of their classics.

I heard about the trampoline acts on stage and that's downright silly. Play the damn music before even making any stunts.
Yeah. HammerFall can do stunts without a fucking trampoline.

And be able to play well, right?

There may have been a few but I saw some of it as trying to make the character better. They may have not saw one thing working well so they forgot about it. As for the later seasons, the characters are fine as they are, why screw them up?
Well, the problem with continuity is that usually a whole bunch of authors are writing the episodes, so they are bound to fuck up sooner or later.

That's not an excuse for That 90s Show. That was a huge slap on the face on The Simpsons' continuity. The episode should have never existed in the first place.

The closest that comes to mind is All Singing, All Dancing.
I don't remember that one, but after reading the plot on Wikipedia I have to say, it sounds pretty silly.

It's also a torture to the ears. Either that or That 90s Show is the Worst. Episode. Ever.

You're forgetting something, the gauntlet kicked my ass on the NG Log flash. Oh wait, that was showing what will happen in the future. Too bad it became irrelevant as soon as Casualty handed it over to byteslinger. :P
Can't you just Mega Flare the gauntlet?

Well, I didn't expect a gauntlet to jump right out of the laptop and I don't think it'll happen now.

Btw, how often can you do the Mega Flare by the way? Is it very exhausting?

Once a day, so whenever I deposit my EXP.

Also, if there are ever more level icons, one of them should be Bahamut summoning a Mega Flare. XD

That's not the first time I heard that but it's still a great suggestion.

As well as the chains. Now they're just meh. I guess it's because they're low level icons rather than being high-ish.
I think the worst level icon is the whip.

I think it's the cupid. Sure, the shitblade sucks a lot but you have to stick with the cupid for over 100 days. At least the shitblade is only for a month and a half.

At 7/29/10 03:20 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/28/10 11:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: Maybe so but we'll have triangles in heavy metal! Even Manowar should start experimenting with them.
The Foos are a bridging act between Rock and Metal, in my opinion. Tracks like Low and All My Life are my evidence and I'm sticking to it.

I don't think The Foos are really metal so let's see someone like Iron Maiden or Judas Priest using triangles in their music.

Hopefully you sing well because I doubt many will be able to sing for shit, especially me. I just dread to think what music will be played. I'm not much of a lyricist so I really am screwed.
We'll have a few Jam sessions and we'll hope to see what's what.

Sounds good to me.

On the bright side, I'll be very very close to obtaining the scythe so there's something to look forward to after the meet.
Indeed - looking forward to tomorrow is fun, that way something keeps you looking forward, as opposed to being a pessimist and looking back in anger.

It sure is and after I get the scythe, there'll be Clock Day to look forward to, even though my main account will do jack shit that day.

It's a shame about Wade's lack of interest in London. He was able to attend the NYC meet so why not give us Brits a chance? Ah well, maybe I could be lucky on Twitter and something will spark Wade's interest.
Good luck with twitter.

I think I know what to do.

And now, the results of the experiment of what happens when we add Coop's face to one cricket ball moving at speed:

Ouch! That is nasty. :(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 08:32:42

Level 21!
now i can go Gordon Freeman on them bitches.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 08:50:29

List #5
last list
Congrats to
xRiskiiyxBlaze-level 11
simon-level 36
LatinoRalf-level 43
Statwhore-level 25
sixflab-10,000 B/P
illuminate-14.50 voting pow
Kaytee-level 31 and 10,000 experience
Auz-90,000 stat points
SuspiciousPenguin-level 23
portalwarpedJP-level 21

Thanks to

At 7/29/10 06:10 AM, Auz wrote: something

Hi Auz

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 10:31:02

Level up.
Level 3 looks kinda bad.

Can't wait for level 4

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 12:04:13

At 7/28/10 11:30 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/28/10 10:29 AM, Auz wrote: She does, she represents the general forum users/videogame forum users. The rest didn't fill in the survey =/
In that case, what does Wi/Ht? and C&C think?

I don't know, we still gotta do the survey here:

So Wi/Ht?'ers, what has more sex appeal, an icon mod or a review mod? Take the fact that Bahamut is an icon mod into consideration. Voting starts... now!

He's got an office job. Those guys only work for 1 hour a day. The remaining 7 is checking emails, playing games (or go to NG), drinking coffee, talking with colleagues about that new secretary and avoiding your boss.
Wow really? That's what office people do? Not once have I touched NG while I've been working voluntarily.

Voluntarily? Dude, they're obviously gonna take advantage of you and let you do their work. That way they can slack the full 8 hours and still have something to show their boss at the end of the day.

I'm sure he'll find it, send them over.
Good. You know, I thought of something else. Seeing you have this kickass laptop (SPECS PLZ), are you interested in Steam?

Specs? You mean all that Windows 7 64 bits, 500 GB Hard Disk, 4 GB RAM gizmo? Sorry I don't know much about it, but I'm generally not that interested in such things. I assume it's all new and very good, but I can look it up for you if you want.

I don't know if I wanna have Steam. I suppose you gotta pay for stuff there, don't you? I got lots of other things to spent money on though.

Let's see ehm...
-My DVD collection
I don't even know what DVDs you have.

Ehm... no Reign of Fire, no Dragonheart, no Eragon, no How To Train Your Dragon... there's a dragon in Spirited Away, but I don't know if you would be interested... =/

-My N64
I never had a N64 so this will be the greatest opportunity for me to catch up on the classics I missed out on. However...

-My tickets to the Manowar concert
Dammit, I've gotta see Manowar live!

So it's gonna be either the N64 or Manowar tickets. What will it be?

That purple pimpsuit you weared in ThePidgeonMasters vid was nice though ;)
That was only possible because I disguised myself as a human-like figure. <_<

Lol. That's more like shapeshifting.

I see an idea coming up for you 100th flash submission ;)
To be honest, I don't know what I want to do with my 100th flash anymore.

Damn. Why don't you just submit something completely lame on Clockday this year? :p That'll stop people from asking you and might piss off a few.

Maybe you have to guard her treasure hoard. That wouldn't so bad, would it? Every dragon loves treasure.
I have lots of treasure as well but I'd love to see what she has.

All the fortunes from the general forum I'm guessing.

Damn, I have forgotten where Dali was... *checks* That mountain village? I don't think I ever found anything explaining Tetra Master there and it wouldn't make much sense to explain it so early on in the game if you ask me.
It was actually in the shop opposite the inn. If you examined that place closer, you'll find some information on Tetra Master.

Really? I never knew, but then again I was never really the type that went to check every inch of every building in FF games.

At 7/28/10 11:31 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/28/10 10:29 AM, Auz wrote: And yeah I really gotta play IV sometime. The DS version looked interesting.
If you've got balls of steel, play the DS remake. The PS1 port (maybe GBA as well) is the pussy version.

How come? Did they make the monsters a lot stronger?

Maybe someday I will pick it up again. It was such a shame because I was pretty far with teaching Celes and Terra all magic spells and I only needed one or two more espers before I had them all. After that I was planning to raid Kefka's castle.
I never really bothered with all the spells. All I needed later on was Ultima and multiple attacks.

I just collected them for the sake of completing the game a bit more, but yes ultima was basically all you needed.

Wait... The Room you say? I remember having to watch that movie in highschool, but I believe it was Harold Pinters'... not sure, but I think we're talking about the same movie. I remember it was INCREDIBLY vague and INCREDIBLY annoying to watch. Some woman was suddenly blind at the end and we were all like... wtf? o.O Does that sound familiar?
Nope, The Room is that film Nostalgia Critic reviewed two weeks ago. It was taken down for copyright infringement, though but that's never happened to him outside of YouTube before.

Wait you mean this? I have never seen it, but judging from the score I don't think I want to.

I honestly think he might have been a better bad guy if they had said he was a woman :p
That might have made him slightly redeem himself.

I actually think that would've made him a lot better, because he now he looks like some typical anime crossdressing type character which is a bit... gay. He also acts like that, so they might as well have made him a woman in the first place =/

Those in a relationship? No need to worry about me, I'll still be here.
We'll see about that. :P

Well... my gf is dragging me away from NG more and more, but don't tell the others :(

Oh yeah copyright issues. It's becoming a real problem on youtube, I encounter tonnes of dead links on their website nowadays. I understand they don't wanna get in trouble, but I believe they're not doing anything to defend their users. As soon as someone complains, BAM, your video is gone.
The copyright claims went so far out of hand that someone was abusing the DMCA claims and getting several channels suspended. I know one user on there whose videos are nothing but himself on camera and showing what's on his laptop. His videos had ZERO copyright footage but guess what? YouTube didn't check his goddamn videos and he was suspended. Luckily, he found a way to get his channel back up but it's still ridiculous.

When I look at the bullshit on YouTube, I do hope the site improves but on the other hand, if they keep digging that hole and eventually make the site entirely shit, at least I won't have anything to go there anymore. However, leaving YouTube isn't easy at all. I tried it once and I only came back a few months later. Not only that, there's far too many awesome Garry's Mod/TF2 videos to watch and I can't turn my back on them.

Yeah like I said, they immediately remove stuff as soon as someone complains. I also don't like what they keep doing with the lay-out. It only gets worse and worse somehow.

But I only use youtube as a music player mostly, so I don't feel that involved with the site anyway. However, the dead links are really annoying me.

At 7/28/10 10:38 AM, Auz wrote:
At 7/27/10 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Yes, it's gonna be a revolutionary step in metal. Soon we'll see all the great metal bands doing the same thing.
Not even riverdancing in Blind Guardian's new album matches triangles!

Nothing ever matched triangles! We just need to reinvent them.

But can Coop roar as awesome as a dragon can? Maybe you can do the backing vocals then? And yes, let's have reverend as the bassist. I'm sure he can stay cool while we are headbanging our heads off.
You want us to be a death metal band?

No, an all new genre type of band. Dragon metal!

Oh shiii :o
Wait this could work to our advantage. If these are our plans, we gotta make sure we can counter their counterplans.
The only thing I know is replying MORE AND MORE! We'll come to the point where the staff won't even want to bother reading my posts at all.

That's a good idea. Hiding our plans in plain sight, but pile so many replies on them that they won't even bother looking.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 12:04:54

Rev mulls a username change; congrats to:
xRiskiiyxBlaze - Level 11
Domo - 6.66 Total VP
simon - Level 36
LatinoRalf - Level 43
Statwhore - Level 25
sixflab - 10,000 B/P
illuminate - 14.50 Total VP
LegolaSS - Level 40
Kaytee - Level 31, 10,000 Exp, and Doublelisted!
Auz - 90k Total Stats
SuspiciousPenguin - Level 23
portalwarpedJP - Level 21

Thanks to:
Fro x2
Domo x2


At 7/28/10 03:58 PM, Fro wrote: It really depends on the day. Someday I don't get any and on other days I get about 5. For example, last night I got 5 and I rung up this much here.

Ha! 1337 dollars, that's pretty sweet. :)

At 7/29/10 03:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop nurses a black eye and thinks about how to describe it in a news post

Domestic abuse in modern society needs to stop. :P

At 7/29/10 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote: This is what you get for being a great addition to the Wi/Ht? community. :)

10x better than the Politics and Art Forum Lounges combined. Ha!

And you actually thought of drawing my junk. I found it to be very flattering. :P As for that guy who drew me having sexual intercourse, he claimed he wasn't drunk or on drugs. Yeah, so he was fully aware of drawing dragon porn.

So he said he was and now back tracking, what's up with that?

Well, good luck on that. I think I already succeeded that in dragon years. ;)

So what is the conversion rate from dragon years to human years?

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 12:26:41

At 7/28/10 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/27/10 09:36 AM, Auz wrote: Wait, what?... oh crap!

Is there anything I can do to get my permaban lifted? ='(
Hmm... I'm listening.

I can offer you eh... some pictures and autographs of all the cool people in the icon mod lounge.

Since the Videogame Forum is basically General Forum II, 11/16th at the very least.
Now we're getting silly.

Very silly indeed.

DIRECTOR! On the command "cut", you will cut to the next scene. DIRECTOR!

*tape plays* This is a firghtened city.

Wait for it! *camera pans back*


*tape plays* This is a frightened city...

Wait WE'RE getting silly? This is the silliest derailing of a discussion I've ever seen.

At 7/27/10 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/26/10 12:55 PM, Auz wrote:
You're going to make triangles metal? That'll be a first. Now I know the true evolution of heavy metal in this decade!
The Foos have a fucking triangle in concert!

But we're gonna amplify it in our music. I'm sure it's gonna sound overwhelmingly awesome!

At 7/28/10 12:21 PM, reverend wrote:
At 7/28/10 10:38 AM, Auz wrote: I suppose that might be the only good mix for Baileys. Seriously, have you ever tried pouring coke or beer into a glass of Baileys? I can tell you, the result is quite disgusting =/
I had an Irish Car Bomb shot; talk about nasty. Bleh

Heh, sounds a bit like what we call a submarine here, which is a small bottle of Flugel dropped upside down in a glass of beer and then you must drink it as fast as you can. Or something, I don't know if you know it. But... beer is not something to build mixes with I think. It's almost always just nasty.

At 7/29/10 03:20 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/28/10 10:38 AM, Auz wrote:
At 7/27/10 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote: Wait, I thought Coop was doing the vocals. Haggard can do the drums but we still need a bassist. Maybe reverend can take that spot?
But can Coop roar as awesome as a dragon can?
You've clearly never heard my rendition of Flight of Icarus :P

Nope, but if you're that confident about it.

So Coop takes the leading vocals, Bahamut does the guitar + background roaring, I do the amplified triangle, Haggard's on drums, reverend the bass guitar... it feels like we're still missing something... how about some violin players? I'm sure we can get Sir-Nuts and Fro to play one.

At 7/29/10 08:50 AM, Domo wrote:
At 7/29/10 06:10 AM, Auz wrote: something
Hi Auz


Wait, what did I do to deserve this hi?

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 12:31:39

At 7/29/10 12:04 PM, Auz wrote: So Wi/Ht?'ers, what has more sex appeal, an icon mod or a review mod? Take the fact that Bahamut is an icon mod into consideration. Voting starts... now!

No mods have sex appeal Auz, and you should well know that by now!

By that logic, icon mods should have the most sex appeal because they're the least resemblant of actual mods, due to the lack of yellow aura and access to the mod forums. Concordantly, since you became a forum mod, you lost ANY sex appeal you once possessed and paved the way for Bahamut to take over as one of the most eligible bachelors of the Wi/Ht? forums. ;P

Of course, Haggard leads the way in terms of teh sexiness. His username is definitely ironic.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 13:54:10

Back from holidays, what'd I miss?

Congratulations to: -

HeavyTank - Captain
Haggard - 29,000 Saves
vader316 - 19,000 Saves and Level 24
illuminate - 15,000 Medal Points and 14.50 Total Voting Power
reverend - General
lilhunter03 - Level 31
Powerage - Level 37
Egarewop - Level 28
ThePigeonMaster - 7,000 Experience
sixflab - Level 15 and 10,000 B/P
Rabid-Animals - Master Sergeant
PabMo - Level 18 and 6.66 Total Voting Power
Ronald-McDonald-Lol - Level 29
Viridis - Corporal
Sir-Nuts - 12,000 Experience, 13,000 Blams and Level 24
BaronVonBadGuy - 9,000 Saves
Domo - 2,000 B/P and 6.66 Total Voting Power
Odyssic - Level 38
Soapbubble - 5,000 Experience
Gagsy - 45,000 Saves
SupraAddict - Level 30
milinko959 - Level 40
xRiskiiyxBlaze - Level 11
simon - Level 36
LatinoRalf - Level 43
Statwhore - Level 25
LegolaSS - Level 40
Kaytee - Level 31 and 10,000 Experience
Auz - 90,000 Total Stats
SuspiciousPenguin - Level 23
portalwarpedJP - Level 21

At 7/27/10 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/26/10 08:13 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: Offer on depositing for me still stands :P
Hopefully someone has taken care of your account.

Nobody volunteered but it's cool, just 2 missed deposits, no big deal :P

At 7/25/10 11:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: It's good to express yourself any way you want.
You're my favourite customer!
Nice doggy. Bye!

I think that's enough Room bashing for now. After all, I still have to watch yesterday's review :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 15:56:51

At 7/29/10 03:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop nurses a black eye and thinks about how to describe it in a news post, while congratulating:

Ouch, that looks bad.

At 7/29/10 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/28/10 02:27 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/28/10 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote: Listening to:

Immortal - At the Heart of Winter. Fucking kvlt!
Quite so, Sir!
I'm guessing you know their music very well and so far, I have At the Heart of Winter, Sons of Northern Darkness and All Shall Fall. Do you have any recommendations for more Immortal albums?

Heh, not too well. I just find those guys funny and like watching their shows. ^^
But Battles in the North (contains the song Blashyrkh (mighty ravendark) which is kind of a trademark song for Immortal) and Blizzard Beast are pretty good.

I blame spancker. Now that's an old school user who hasn't been around here in ages. However, he's known to show up from out of nowhere but I'm sure it won't happen now. :P
It would be priceless if he did.
Well, I'm sure it won't happen now. He comes when you least expect it, even if you talk about him.

NODODY expects the spanish inquisition!

Only one friend of mine is able to drive. The rest, nope. I have no intentions to start driving until I'm in employment, which could be soon enough.
You know, I was thinking the same back then. And now I'm 28 (almost 29) and still don't have a driver's licence. XD
My aunt is 52 and still can't drive.

An uncle of mine got his driver's licence when he was 62.

But at least public transportation is pretty good in my hometown, so I don't really need to be able to drive.
Mine's good but far from perfect. The buses are often late but the trains are very reliable.

Heh yeah. I guess busses are always late, no matter where you are. But at least public transportation is possible 24 hours of the day. I can remember times when the last train would leave at 11 pm and the last bus shortly after that. And taking the "night bus" is horrible. Lots of drunk people and you have to drive one hour or longer because the bus stops at every possible (and impossible) opportunity there is.

You like it... I'm sure you'll hate Risk, though and if not, God help me.
Well, as I don't like Megadeth too much, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like Risk as well. ^^
You don't? :O Surely you can at least enjoy some of their classics.

Maybe, but I never was interested too much in the band, so I don't know any songs from them (apart from Hangar 18, which uses the same intro as Metallicas Call of Kthulu).

I heard about the trampoline acts on stage and that's downright silly. Play the damn music before even making any stunts.
Yeah. HammerFall can do stunts without a fucking trampoline.
And be able to play well, right?

Yes, Oscar is a fucking genius!

Well, the problem with continuity is that usually a whole bunch of authors are writing the episodes, so they are bound to fuck up sooner or later.
That's not an excuse for That 90s Show. That was a huge slap on the face on The Simpsons' continuity. The episode should have never existed in the first place.

Yes it was. It was still funny, though.

As well as the chains. Now they're just meh. I guess it's because they're low level icons rather than being high-ish.
I think the worst level icon is the whip.
I think it's the cupid. Sure, the shitblade sucks a lot but you have to stick with the cupid for over 100 days. At least the shitblade is only for a month and a half.

But the cupid is so high in the rankings, most users won't ever get this far.

At 7/29/10 12:04 PM, Auz wrote: I don't know, we still gotta do the survey here:

So Wi/Ht?'ers, what has more sex appeal, an icon mod or a review mod? Take the fact that Bahamut is an icon mod into consideration. Voting starts... now!

Well, as I am not aroused by dragons I say that review mods are more sexy.

At 7/29/10 12:31 PM, NEVR wrote: Of course, Haggard leads the way in terms of teh sexiness.


His username is definitely ironic.

Well, that's the way I look. I think it's very self describing.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 18:20:08

You passed 38000 B/P! Congrats!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 19:55:38

Long list today, missed the two last days. I'll get one done tomorow, then I wont get anything till... Monday.

Congrats to:
DrHood: 18,000 Experience
mothballs: Corporal
HeavyTank: 14,000 B/P
Haggard: 29,000 Saves
vader316: 19,000 Saves and Level 24
illuminate: 15,000 Medal Points and 14,50 Total Voting Power
reverend: General
Powerage: Level 37
Egarewop: Level 28
ThePigeonMaster: 7,000 Experience
sixflab: Level 15 and 10,000 B/P
Rabid-Animals: Master Sergeant
PabMo: Level 1 and total Voting Power of 6,66
Ronald-McDonald-LoL: Level 29
Ciridis: Corporal
Sir-Nuts: 12,000 Experience Points, 13,000 Blams and Level 34
BaronVonBadGuy: 9,000 Saves
Domo: Police Captain, 6,66 Total Voting Power and 1,000 Medals
Odyssic: Level 38
Gagsy: 45,000 Saves
reverend: 26 Years IRL
SupraAddict: Level 30
milinko950: Level 40
xRiskiiyxBlaze: Level 11
simon: Level 36
LatinoRalf: Level 43
Statwhore: Level 25
LegolaSS: Level 40
Kaytee: Level 31 and 10,000 Experience Points
Auz: 90,000 Total Stats
SuspiciousPenguin: Level 23
portalwarpedJP: Level 21
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 38,000 B/P

Thanks to:


Meet the Mayor.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-29 23:41:09

Oh man. Congrats to:
thenewbies - 3k Experience
Makeshift - Level 22
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 31k Medal Points and 38k B/P
gamejunkie - 14k Saves
chris-marks - 50k Medal Points
Yamor/Cootie - 10k Posts, 6k B/P, 5k Saves and 1k Blams
Coop83 - 77k B/P and 21k Medal Points
Xiivi- Level 45 which isn't a sword nor a garbage icon, NeMeSiSM66
reverend - 8k Blams, General and 26 Years Old
A - Level 39
Auz- Level 43 and 90k Total Stats
Wegra - Level 34
Hacsev - 32k B/P
illuminate - 13k, 14k and 15k Medal Points and 14.50 Total Voting Power
Domo - 23k Medal Points, Police Captain, 6.66 Total Voting Power and 1k Medals
ThePigeonMaster - 100 Congrats Lists and 7k Experience
rahfa - Level 28
MegaGold - 10k Medal Points
X8X - Level 32
Lizzardis - Level 26
Rucklo - Level 33
Soup83 - 1k Experience
vader316 - 27k B/P, 19k Saves and Level 24
DrHood - 18k Experience which isn't quite over 9000x2 :/
mothballs - Corporal
HeavyTank - Captain
Haggard - 29k Saves
lilhunter03 - Level 31
Powerage - Level 37
Egarewop - Level 28
sixflab - Level 15 and 10k B/P
Rabid-Animals - Master Sergeant
Pabmo - Level 18 and 6.66 Total Voting Power
Ronald-McDonald-LoL - Level 29
Viridis - Corporal
Sir-Nuts - Level 34, 12k Experience and 13k Blams
BaronVonBadGuy - 9k Saves
Odyssic - Level 38
Soapbubble - 5k Experience
Gagsy - 45k Saves
SupraAddict - Level 30
milinko959 - Level 40
xRiskiiyxBlaze - Level 11
simon - Level 36
LatinoRalf - Level 43
Statwhore - Level 25
LegolaSS - Level 40
Kaytee - Level 31 and 10k Experience
SuspiciousPenguin - Level 23
portalwarpedJP - Level 21

Catch-ups will have to wait until tomorrow. I'm still exhausted from the trip and the thought of formulating any replies at the moment makes me cringe.

To dearest Haggard, I still haven't forgotten that I said I'd tell you all about my trip to Germany last year, and I'm a man of my word. One day soon I'll tell you everything I remember, that is, if you're still interested.

At 7/29/10 07:55 PM, Soapbubble wrote: Long list today, missed the two last days.

Yep yep.

Request an audio review. I could use some motivation.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 00:08:26

Awesome, my football team won in Copa Libertadores' first match of the semi-finals!

Internacional 1 x 0 São Paulo.

Could we have an Inter x Inter in Abu Dhabi? :O

Congrats to:
BaronVonBadGuy - 9,000 Saves
Domo - Police Captain + 6.66 Total VP
Odyssic Level 38
Soapbubble - 5,000 Exp.
Gagsy - 45,000 Saves
reverend - 26 Years Old - Happy birthday!
SupraAddict - Level 30
milinko959 - Level 40
xRiskiiyxBlaze - Level 11
simon - Level 36
LatinoRalf - Level 43
Statwhore - Level 25
sixflab - 10,000 B/P
illuminate - 14.50 Total VP
LegolaSS - Level 40
Kaytee - Level 31 + 10,000 Exp.
Auz - 90,000 Total stats
SuspiciousPenguin - Level 23
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 38,000 B/P

Thanks to:

Question to Coop83, Odyssic, Fro and RohantheBarbarian: What's up with the collective mistake? Level 34, not 24.

At 7/28/10 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/27/10 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote: You're going to make triangles metal? That'll be a first. Now I know the true evolution of heavy metal in this decade!
The Foos have a fucking triangle in concert!

Oh, that is the climax of their concerts! That and cowbell solos.

At 7/28/10 12:23 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/16/10 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote: You come here, to the wedding of my daughter and you insult me like this?
Sorry boss.
Oh... I think I preferred the mafia ties, to be honest.

Hmm, I bet you're the one on the far right, then.

At 7/28/10 12:25 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: ***Daily Muse***
I guess I can say nice story, and nice job dealing with him. :P
You just have to try and see the funny side of things and get away from them before they decide they want to do something stupid.

Yeah... And this reminds me of a certain song...

Fuck Ferrari.

As a way to protest, I'm not buying their cars anymore! >:(

Seriously, they bought a change to the race result for less than it costs for one of their cars. Less than a day's wages for Fernando Alonso. And, to top it all off, Luca DiMontezemilo admitted that they cheated, citing that it always happens.

Pff, Italians... ;P

Teams are within their rights to tell their drivers not to race in the last few laps of a race, as that doesn't change the result, but to blatantly swap the cars around with barely coded messages is ridiculous. Kudos to Rob Smedley for effectively blowing the cover on that one :P

Yeah, and this is not the first time they do it. Remember Barrichello and Schumacher? Final lap, Rubens gives in the victory. i don't remember if anything happened to them after that.

But I hope the GP result gets null for Ferrari. Learn the lesson guys. Also, that would make Vettel the first place, so... =)

And Massa said he will not do that again and doesn't want to be treated like the "second driver". Massa, realise this will NEVER happen again, and you ARE the second driver!

At 7/28/10 08:50 AM, Gagsy wrote: Omg what the fuck is going on in here? I look back I see a lot of mentioning about myself involving random fractions and dragons.

People love poking you for being a girl and for "OMG I LUV GENERAL" overreactions.

At 7/28/10 11:29 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/28/10 12:23 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Yeah, absent due to lack of motivation to post...
Join the party!

I remember when we complained about having little activity in here. Where's that now?

Yeah, everyone have to kill dragons in movies, books and tales. Really, dragons are awesome creatures. And dare you say not!
Video games and music also make dragons evil creatures. At least we have Spyro and Bahamut who show that dragons can serve for justice.

"Shall we dare the dragon?! Merciless he's poisoning our hearts..

Our heeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaarts!!"

Also, poisonous dragons? =P

Still down. And I believe it shouldn't be that hard to put that video back. They are joking with us. I'm almost going to YouTube to watch it.
I think it's become too severe to be even a joke now. If they are joking, they're giving Tommy Wiseau too much heatrash over nothing.

Yeah, it isn't a joke. Copyright issues, it seems. And Doug is right, it's a review, how can it be copyright infringement? Huuuuuuuuuh?

I'm not sure when the review will be back up on TGWTG so just watch it on YouTube. Funny how Tommy Wiseau has yet to take down the videos of them on YouTube considering that site is a huge target for copyright infringement.

Yeah, I had to go to YT this time. Once he released the "Tommy Wiseau Show", I knew it would take a while to come back. Still not on TGWTG, btw.

Also, Judas-Priest is available.
Tempting but no, I have enough accounts already!

Indeed. And I can barely handle one alt!

Yeah, although my favourite server doesn't have that. Oh well, I had a great time as a Spy, anyway. ^^
Most of my favourite servers don't have class limits (on normal games, that is) but I wouldn't mind faving a few of them. And yes, Spy during the Engineer rush was great.

Indeed. I'm actually doing better as a Spy now, I only need a better computer. =(

Meh, usually when there aren't many people playing, we go for melee fights. We had organised Heavy boxing championships, achievement-whoring, dispensers and such. ^^
Speaking of melee fights, I highly recommend checking out some melee-only maps. I've been in Ringking and it's a lot of fun. Demoman with the axe is the shit in these games!

Nope. Scout + Bat = VICTORY.

Hey, I was actually going to link that thread to you. Finally a thread about dragons!
There's been a few threads about dragons before. Let's not forget FBIpolux's threads about them.

Yeah, he's always requesting more dragons in every story thread. He is correct. ^^

At 7/28/10 12:24 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: I'd like to state that I love how each conversation with you turns out to become something huge. Hence the fact that I still need to catch up on those other posts...
At this rate, gfox's epic posts will mean nothing.

gfox's posts always mean something.

At 7/28/10 11:30 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/28/10 12:25 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdf5n-zI 14 --> Again, this is getting overused.
Maybe it is but it's highly appropriate.

Yeah, that video is great. I still want to post something like "The answer lies within this video!" and put that there. :P

Still, Wi/Ht? Japan Meet Up must happen!


Oh hi Mark.

I did nat, I did naaaaaat. Oh hi Mark.


At 7/22/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote: If you haven't heard already, I'm going to the NG London Meet in August!
Awesome. Say hi to anyone I know there for me. :P
That makes it Coop and Gagsy.

Yeah. Tell them all hello!

</obscure Foo Fighters reference>

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 00:10:00

At 7/28/10 11:32 AM, Auz wrote:
At 7/28/10 12:24 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: I'd like to state that I love how each conversation with you turns out to become something huge. Hence the fact that I still need to catch up on those other posts...
Lol, well I'm having a pretty huge conversation with Bahamut now as well. It starts to become a little chaotic :p

Heh, yeah. I hope we're not messing with your schedule. ;P

Either way, I'm already out of the World Cup mood. Internacional has a huge game this Wednesday in the Copa Libertadores semi-final, which is like your UEFA. First game is at home so we have to get some advantage for the next game!
Wait the Copa Libertadores semi-final is in July? I bet that must be tiring for some players if they've been to the world cup.

Yes, they were Tuesday/Wednesday, and the second matches will be next week. But hey, not many players from those clubs were in their national teams. Hey, Brazil only had three players from local teams, the rest plays in Europe.

But yeah I'm also out of the World Cup mood. After the final people here got rid of their orange flags and such and nobody's talking about it anymore. I guess one full month of football is quite enough.

Same here. While Brazil was in, everyone had flags in their windows, cars... Our flag is in a corner in here now. ^^

I've found him - Andrés Escobar. Give that a quick read.
So he got shot for an own goal? Shame the killer got 43 years of prison but was free after 11 because of good behavior.

That's a problem I've said before - the criminal laws in South America as a whole are too lenient.

Football is the major sport here in South America, for most countries, at least. Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia... We take it with a real passion in here. And the Copa Libertadores is the main club tournament, so my team winning it again would be awesome. :)
Do you guys have anything like hooligans there (as in almost like a lifestyle)?

Well... not really Hooligans, but there are some "organised crowds" who are quite extreme, from the point of fighting with rival crowds, having connections with gangs, protesting a little too much when the team is in a bad moment...

There's one of these crowds that actually broke the team's coach's arm. That's over the top.

And which was your favorite team again?

Sport Club Internacional. You might have heard us from winning over Barcelona in 2006's FIFA World Club's Cup. Epic match. =)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazil_nati onal_football_team#Players

Do you know anyone from there?
Woah, lots of new players I see. I know a few of them from the major European clubs, but with most of them I have no idea who they are. Interesting to see him come up with such a young and unexperienced team.

Yeah, that was the intention, renewing the team with different, less-experienced players. There were a lot of surprises even for us. But it's going to be a great team, nevertheless.

And hey, Spain's goal? It came from that foul that hit a Spanish player, but they still had the ball after.
Spains goal seemed like a clean goal to me. There was lots of talk about offside, but apparently it wasn't offside.

No, he wasn't offside. But the goal came from a free kick Casillas had, which was supposed to be a corner kick to Holland.

Jeez, let the octopus have some fun! :P
Oh man... way to overact. As if he was looking for something to criticize the western world for.

Of course. It isn't like the octopus is a god... we just think he's cool and everything. :P

Dunga was already pretty mad at some journalists who asked some pretentious questions towards him. I'm not sure if that affected the way he coached, but it shows how the media influences it...
It probably did. And I can imagine pretentious questions are incredibly annoying for a coach.

Exactly. And Dunga was known for being an energetic, "brave" player. He played with a lot of will, and so did whichever team he was on (including Internacional - he saved us from going to the 2nd division once!). And he took this with him when coaching.

But it would be cool to have some "world groups" like qualifying method. Gather all the teams, split them in random groups... It would be expensive, but way more entertaining. :)
Yeah, like Honduras might have to battle against China, Norway, Egypt and Australia or something like that? That would be very interesting indeed and might even be more fair than the current system. At least then you'll know that the strongest teams are participating and not a bunch of weaker teams because they happened to be on a continent with only two or three countries.

Yeah, although not every team would want this... Not only for their reduced chances of qualifying, but... travelling around the world would be expensive for "smaller" countries, it wouldn't be worth for them.

Ah right. The same way we write and speak "Londres". There's even a city here called "Londrina", as a reference to "Londres". My aunt is from there, actually.
Made by English fortune seekers I guess?

Apparently. I think there was an old company in Brazil called "British Railways", which planned... building railways in Brazil. :P They could've settled in there at the time.

At 7/28/10 12:21 PM, reverend wrote:
At 7/28/10 12:23 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Yay, I got a reverend reference! ;P
And it wasn't an easy one to get too. You must be a hardcore lurker as well. :)

Exactly, I lurk a LOT more than I post. Although this was easy, since he's a member of the TF2 crew, which I visit often. :)

Also, it's a pretty great sig.

At 7/29/10 03:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: The Foos are a bridging act between Rock and Metal, in my opinion. Tracks like Low and All My Life are my evidence and I'm sticking to it.

True, and add The Pretender to that "borderline-metal" list. It's one of my favourite FFs' song.

At 7/29/10 05:40 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 7/28/10 12:25 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Hey, I live under the main "entrance" route for incoming airplanes to our airport. It's really awesome, my dad and I really like airplanes.
I envy you. I do enjoy anything related to planes. Encyclopedias, Documentaries, Books, Magazines, pictures, Being at airports. But l know it may be quite annoying living near an airport because of the noise but meh, planes are awesome. Period ^^

Ever watched Flying Heavy Metal? Greatest combination between music and planes, better than Learn To Fly, by Foo Fighters. ^^

Yeah, and aeroplanes wake us up sometimes, but we aren't that close to the airport, so it isn't a nuisance. And hey, we get to see some great aircrafts from below, even some "rare" ones! =)

I still dream of joining the air marines, or whatever the name is. ^^
Brazilian Air Force? :P

Ah, right. :P

Força Aérea Brasileira = FAB. Really, that's the name.

At 7/29/10 11:41 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
At 7/29/10 07:55 PM, Soapbubble wrote: Long list today, missed the two last days.
Yep yep.

Oh dear...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 01:05:04

I got town watch

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 03:23:23

Coop helps his cricket team advance to the cup final, with a convincing win. Congratulations to:
LegolaSS: Level 40
Kaytee: Level 31; 10,000 Experience; Doublelisted
Auz: 90,000 Total Points
Domo: 1,000 Medals
SuspiciousPenguin: Level 23
partalwarpedJP: Level 21

Thank you to:

At 7/29/10 05:40 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 7/29/10 03:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: And now, the results of the experiment of what happens when we add Coop's face to one cricket ball moving at speed:
Holy shit. Having a black (or purple/pink, in this case) eye surely is a pain at first. Back, when I was in high school, a guy was throwing rocks like crazy and accidentally one of them hit directly in my eye. I dunno how my eye survived :/
But I hope you just get well soon, man. Don't forget that putting a good ol' piece of meat in your eye will help you a lot.

I've not used anything so far - not really a painful situation, but it looks good :P

At 7/29/10 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/29/10 03:20 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/28/10 11:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: Maybe so but we'll have triangles in heavy metal! Even Manowar should start experimenting with them.
The Foos are a bridging act between Rock and Metal, in my opinion. Tracks like Low and All My Life are my evidence and I'm sticking to it.
I don't think The Foos are really metal so let's see someone like Iron Maiden or Judas Priest using triangles in their music.

I didn't say they were metal - they bridge the gap, but they aren't metal.

Hopefully you sing well because I doubt many will be able to sing for shit, especially me. I just dread to think what music will be played. I'm not much of a lyricist so I really am screwed.
We'll have a few Jam sessions and we'll hope to see what's what.
Sounds good to me.

What did you think of my singing on sitckam last night?

And now, the results of the experiment of what happens when we add Coop's face to one cricket ball moving at speed:
Ouch! That is nasty. :(

It looks worse than it is.

At 7/29/10 10:31 AM, TheKinKreet wrote: Level up.
Level 3 looks kinda bad.
Can't wait for level 4

Please only post level-ups from Level 10 onwards

At 7/29/10 12:04 PM, reverend wrote:
At 7/29/10 03:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: Coop nurses a black eye and thinks about how to describe it in a news post
Domestic abuse in modern society needs to stop. :P

You should have heard my girlfriend laugh when she heard this one. It's got me a little suspicious now...

At 7/29/10 12:26 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/28/10 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/27/10 09:36 AM, Auz wrote: Wait, what?... oh crap!

Is there anything I can do to get my permaban lifted? ='(
Hmm... I'm listening.
I can offer you eh... some pictures and autographs of all the cool people in the icon mod lounge.

You're going to need to sell it harder than that...

Since the Videogame Forum is basically General Forum II, 11/16th at the very least.
Now we're getting silly.

Very silly indeed.

DIRECTOR! On the command "cut", you will cut to the next scene. DIRECTOR!

*tape plays* This is a firghtened city.

Wait for it! *camera pans back*


*tape plays* This is a frightened city...
Wait WE'RE getting silly? This is the silliest derailing of a discussion I've ever seen.

Monty Python - the silliest thing ever on TV.

At 7/29/10 03:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: You've clearly never heard my rendition of Flight of Icarus :P
Nope, but if you're that confident about it.

So Coop takes the leading vocals, Bahamut does the guitar + background roaring, I do the amplified triangle, Haggard's on drums, reverend the bass guitar... it feels like we're still missing something... how about some violin players? I'm sure we can get Sir-Nuts and Fro to play one.

Keyboards / Piano?

At 7/29/10 12:31 PM, NEVR wrote: No mods have sex appeal Auz, and you should well know that by now!

I guess your old profile pic was taken well before you were modded then :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 03:32:45

List #103

Today is Pigeon's birthday and now I'm congratulating:

Kaytee: Level 31 & 10,000 Exp
Auz: 90,000 Total Points
Domo: 1,000 Medals
SuspiciousPenguin: Level 23
partalwarpedJP: Level 21

Listening to:

Earth, Wind and Fire - September (Elite Beat Agents Ver)


At 7/30/10 12:10 AM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/29/10 05:40 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
Ever watched Flying Heavy Metal? Greatest combination between music and planes, better than Learn To Fly, by Foo Fighters. ^^

Gonna check them :P

Yeah, and aeroplanes wake us up sometimes, but we aren't that close to the airport, so it isn't a nuisance. And hey, we get to see some great aircrafts from below, even some "rare" ones! =)

I still dream of joining the air marines, or whatever the name is. ^^
Brazilian Air Force? :P
Ah, right. :P

Wow dude. One of my dreams in my life is flying a plane and you want to join to the air force :P
As for the airport, well I'm already a 18 years old guy so know I can officially get out of the country without the permission of an adult :P
I'm gonna visit you and watch the awesome spectacle you've got near of your house.

Força Aérea Brasileira = FAB. Really, that's the name.

Hahahahahahahaha. Coincidence? ;)

At 7/30/10 03:23 AM, Coop83 wrote: I've not used anything so far - not really a painful situation, but it looks good :P

Well, that's pretty good to hear. And yeah, it looks pretty badass :P

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 03:36:00

Sorry for the double post but I'm just telling you that somebody of you guys will make me a birthday thread. So if you're not "that person", please don't make me a thread and wait for the big one :P

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-30 07:24:06

List #6
last list
Congrats to
Pokemonpoeguygcn-38,000 B/P
klik28-Town watch
slow day
Thanks to

At 7/29/10 11:41 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote: something

Welcome back

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