*Trying really hard to fit this in one post...*
Sorry, again no congrats list guys.
At 7/19/10 01:59 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 7/19/10 01:55 PM, Auz wrote:
I just meant I wanna stay as active as I can here and not only drop in every now and again because I'm too busy with moderating and stuff.
lol, I wouldn't say it's because I'm too busy with modding; I just don't spend as much time on NG as I did in my prime. Life will one day get the better of us all.
Yeah... sadly :(
At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/19/10 01:10 PM, Auz wrote:
After we become pentamods, all we gotta do is make sure we hold 51% of NG's stocks. I'm pretty sure we can convince Stamper to sell his for a packet of cigarettes and some Japanese Streetfigher porn DVDs.
"Aha! The sandwich pays off for the hungry investor! *munches* Oh no! I'm ruined *bawls*"
I should watch more Futurama =/
At 7/11/10 05:45 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Pssh Blackjack. Russian Texas Hold'Em is what we play in our lounge.
Russian Texas Hold'em? That's a new one on me.
It's a mix of Russian Roulette and Texas Hold'em. Now that's a game for real men.
And you can have tigerkitty. She's been in a state of artificial coma for months now anyway. Carmilla is much more pleasant female company and seeing Bahamut hanging around the minibar all drunk is quite a show ;)
Ah, but Carmilla is neutral in this - she's BBS, like me :P
Nope, she's cheating on you behind your back man. She's going with us icon mods ;)
At 7/20/10 09:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/19/10 01:10 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/18/10 12:34 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Ah no I haven't heard of the place actually until you mentioned it now and I looked it up. We did go to the Oxford Circus area once, but I had no idea there was a huge media store there. Bummer, but I'll remember it for next time.
Dammit! *facepalm* Alright, NEXT TIME!
I think I better make a list of all the things I ought to do next time... :|
Maybe, but I'm sure my gf would want to go too and I doubt she's interested in an NG meet up :p
Just say there's a dragon going. I'm sure that's something to see in London.
Might work, although I don't know anything about her interests in dragons. Maybe if you were vegan, she'd love to see the only vegan dragon on earth.
At 7/18/10 12:36 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Yeah you're right. Despite our statwhore image, we may very well be the laziest slackers on the NG forums.
Yet NEVR claimed I do more work than the average Newgrounder. I think the site is full of slackers.
I suppose we're all unemployed except for you :p
Yeah I mean Bahamut with a fab aura... if there was one thing that would fuck with my mind... :p
You may as well forget it and prepare to get mindfucked when I change to dark.
I guess Bahamut with fab aura = never gonna happen. Sorry guys, I tried... :(
I thought it would. Ah well, maybe you can come up with better ways to die.
I could name a few... hundred.
Name one.
Getting beaten to death by a little girl with a lollipop would be more honorable.
Yeah you do that. Being the #1 enemy of the Wi/Ht?, we need some double agents to keep an eye on her.
She claims to not dislike the Wi/Ht? but can we trust her?
Not one bit. She must be setting up an organization to infiltrate our forum and overthrow our established order.
Well it's only a small part of the game, that's true. But he did dedicate an entire episode about it. He was right though that the rules changing all the time was really fucked up. I always just restarted the game as soon as crappy rules started to spread. Take All was fine, but the Random rule and the flipped cards are yours rule... fuck those.
Oh yeah, I can't forget those rulings. Now THAT I really hated. Infact, I went as far as making sure those rules were abolished in most regions when I played it.
Yeah. I mean the Plus and Same rule were okay as they added a little extra depth to the game (although they could really screw you over sometimes). The Open rule was kinda handy, but I always just tried to keep it as basic as possible because once you had five rules going on you knew you were gonna get fucked every time on the last card.
Lol. It was fairly addicting I suppose, although the music could get on your nerves.
It did but I ended up listening to something else in the meantime. It may be Nobuo Uematsu's music but you can't listen to some of his tracks for hours on end. Same thing happened when I was grinding in FFX. The music overall isn't great and when I got fed up with it, I just listened to something else.
Yeah you can always turn it off and listen to something else I suppose. And it's not Uematsu's fault, the game required a loop and loops always get annoying after the 1000th time.
Yes exactly. Although getting to level 100 didn't mean all that much if you didn't have good spells to attach to your stats.
I'm pretty sure you could get through the game just fine. I mean, there's those No Junction challenges, right?
Oh yes, people do them. But I believe you will have a very hard time at the final boss unless you prepare yourself well with getting the right items and such. And you gotta avoid those Malboro's and Ruby Dragons like the plague.
I would not recommend it to any non-expert player.
Lol :p
Only thing is, we'd all have to pay hundreds of euros/pounds for plane tickets and hotels while we could've held the meet up much closer to our homes.
Of course but I'm sure gfox would demand it...Wait, he's hardly relevant these days.
Yeah where is that guy anyway? I knew he showed up a lot last summer, but I haven't seen him since... the wedding.
Haha yes I bet the staff are just playing street fighter most of the day. What a dreamjob they must have.
That and making news posts about cats. What's with all these cats recently?
I haven't noticed any of that yet.
Hell yeah! Go right ahead and say you like Justin Bieber. I FUCKING DARE YOU! Not once will it bother me.
Who? :p
Are you serious? If so, you are a very lucky person.
I've seen people drop his name a few times on the BBS, but for the rest I don't really know him. I never watch MTV, if that makes me not knowing him more logical...
At 7/18/10 09:44 AM, Auz wrote:
Damn :(
No more nude swimming in the pool I guess.
Wait what? Why did it matter in the first place? There were already minors in the icon mod team in the first place. It doesn't matter to me who's there since I'm nude all the time. :P
They are minors? Shit, they told me they were 18. Dragons are allowed to walk around nude, but I can't go exposing myself to minors =/
After we become pentamods, all we gotta do is make sure we hold 51% of NG's stocks. I'm pretty sure we can convince Stamper to sell his for a packet of cigarettes and some Japanese Streetfigher porn DVDs.
Now I'm convinced that it won't be so hard to take over NG. However, I'm not still not buying your pentamod idea.
Well how else do you suppose we get a bigger say in NG's business plans?
Pssh Blackjack. Russian Texas Hold'Em is what we play in our lounge.
And you can have tigerkitty. She's been in a state of artificial coma for months now anyway. Carmilla is much more pleasant female company and seeing Bahamut hanging around the minibar all drunk is quite a show ;)
Everyone loves me when I'm drunk so it's no surprise. Hell, I can even post updates when drunk.
Hmm... Maybe you are just drunk for human standards but not for dragon standards. I bet dragons can drink at least twice as much beer without feeling a damn thing.
At 7/19/10 01:18 PM, Auz wrote:
Oh and I just passed 20,000 blams.
Congrats on that big achievement. Get twice as much as that and you'll overtake me in blams.
Yeah... I'm gonna need a few extra years for that if that's okay with you.