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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-20 08:42:31

Congratulations to: -

michelinman - Level 17
vader316 - 8,000 Blams
Auz - 20,000 Blams
Jolly - 2,000 Saves and Private
ixfd64 - Master Sergeant and Level 47
Odyssic - 19,000 Saves
steph2568 - Police Captain
RuinedMartyr - Sergeant First Class
Hybrid-Of-Souls - 20,000 Medal Points
illuminate - 12,000 Medal Points
Alaska - Level 26
A - 16,000 Experience
letiger - Level 21

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-20 09:00:59

Listening to:

Venom - Black Metal

At 7/19/10 09:41 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 7/18/10 12:34 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yeah, there is that trouble with their hunger.
And sadly barbarians constitute an important part of any dragon's breakfast >.<

Well, we'll make sure we don't hurt each other. We're too good of friends to be doing that.

I did yesterday and wow, what a game that is. It's as good as Team Fortress 2. :P On the serious side, it has a lot of meaning to me. My only complaint is how hard it is to get a mate in that game. I'd have to go through it like 25 times just to find the right choice.
Thought you might like it, you could always take out your mateless frustration on a few innocent towns :P

Of course I will. I'll take it on the General regulars. As for Gagsy, I don't know anymore.

My apologies to Batman for that horrible thought.
I'm sure he'll forgive you, after all, even the Dark Knight himself is not immune to an all-powerful MEGA FLARE!

Now why would I want to mega flare the Dark Knight? If I ever saw him, I'd give him a pat on the back.

At 7/19/10 09:51 AM, michelinman wrote: Lol. I'm a little creeped out that I just stumbled in on Coop and Auz scheming about how to take this site over, so I'm gonna go ahead and uh... Yeah. *alerts authorities*

I can understand Auz but Coop's been planning the revolution for ages now. Auz is going insane.

At 7/19/10 11:51 AM, reverend wrote:
At 7/19/10 08:08 AM, Bahamut wrote: Hopefully one of the Wi/Ht?'ers can welcome you there when you do go. :)
Heh, it might be a few years if someone wants to wait that long.

You're right about that. It's not cheap to get over here from America. Hell, I wonder how Luis can attend all these meets.

At 7/19/10 12:51 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/19/10 08:08 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yes, I can see that but I still don't like camping.
Why? A big tent, a pavilion, a comfortable chair and beer is all you need.
Oh yeah, and meat, sausages and a grill would be nice too. ^^

I'd much rather be in a comfortable place like a hotel or even my sister's flat, despite it being small.

Alright, I just need to get the pictures on the computer.
Lame excuses. Just admit it, it didn't work.

Only because you can't fit people in blenders.

Nope, they shall hate the shitblade. And besides, why debate about the shitblade when we could talk about bigger things and how we can take over NG? You know, like taking over the Stickam chat rooms.
What use is Stickam for me if I don't own a webcam?

Uhh, you can still type messages?

Season 21 has finished in USA so it's waiting (well, not for me) for season 22 to start. However, from the sounds of the episodes confirmed so far, it's going to be terrible.
Well, I just have to wait and see.

You might but I already have no expectations.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-20 09:02:04

At 7/19/10 01:10 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/18/10 12:34 PM, Bahamut wrote: Good to hear you had a great time. I take it you had a look at HMV Oxford Street.
Ah no I haven't heard of the place actually until you mentioned it now and I looked it up. We did go to the Oxford Circus area once, but I had no idea there was a huge media store there. Bummer, but I'll remember it for next time.

Dammit! *facepalm* Alright, NEXT TIME!

Maybe the NG London Meet after the one in August. ;)
Maybe, but I'm sure my gf would want to go too and I doubt she's interested in an NG meet up :p

Just say there's a dragon going. I'm sure that's something to see in London.

At 7/18/10 12:36 PM, Bahamut wrote: So? Most of us are lazy anyway.
Yeah you're right. Despite our statwhore image, we may very well be the laziest slackers on the NG forums.

Yet NEVR claimed I do more work than the average Newgrounder. I think the site is full of slackers.

Who could?
Yeah I mean Bahamut with a fab aura... if there was one thing that would fuck with my mind... :p

You may as well forget it and prepare to get mindfucked when I change to dark.

I'm not liking that grin at all.
*grins even more*

You know, that grin of yours is really suspicious.

I thought it would. Ah well, maybe you can come up with better ways to die.
I could name a few... hundred.

Name one.

Actually, it's unclear right now. I'll keep you up with the updates.
Yeah you do that. Being the #1 enemy of the Wi/Ht?, we need some double agents to keep an eye on her.

She claims to not dislike the Wi/Ht? but can we trust her?

I didn't really mind his thoughts on Triple Triad. It was only a minigame so he can say what he wants. As for me, at least I had fun with it.
Well it's only a small part of the game, that's true. But he did dedicate an entire episode about it. He was right though that the rules changing all the time was really fucked up. I always just restarted the game as soon as crappy rules started to spread. Take All was fine, but the Random rule and the flipped cards are yours rule... fuck those.

Oh yeah, I can't forget those rulings. Now THAT I really hated. Infact, I went as far as making sure those rules were abolished in most regions when I played it.

I had some cases of OCD for the game so it was no issue.
Lol. It was fairly addicting I suppose, although the music could get on your nerves.

It did but I ended up listening to something else in the meantime. It may be Nobuo Uematsu's music but you can't listen to some of his tracks for hours on end. Same thing happened when I was grinding in FFX. The music overall isn't great and when I got fed up with it, I just listened to something else.

That's it, there were monsters that gave you 250 or more EXP within the first place. That's what made it too easy to level up. I'd much rather have FFIV's slow level system than that. At least I knew getting to the highest level wouldn't be a walk in the park.
Yes exactly. Although getting to level 100 didn't mean all that much if you didn't have good spells to attach to your stats.

I'm pretty sure you could get through the game just fine. I mean, there's those No Junction challenges, right?

I just thought of the greatest idea: Where is/How to? Meet up IN JAPAN! :D
Lol :p

Only thing is, we'd all have to pay hundreds of euros/pounds for plane tickets and hotels while we could've held the meet up much closer to our homes.

Of course but I'm sure gfox would demand it...Wait, he's hardly relevant these days.

And there's people who reckon I do more work than some of the staff members. Some of you guys are insane!
Haha yes I bet the staff are just playing street fighter most of the day. What a dreamjob they must have.

That and making news posts about cats. What's with all these cats recently?

Hell yeah! Go right ahead and say you like Justin Bieber. I FUCKING DARE YOU! Not once will it bother me.
Who? :p

Are you serious? If so, you are a very lucky person.

At 7/18/10 09:44 AM, Auz wrote:
Too late, I already showed him the nice things we get. He better be pleased.
Damn :(

No more nude swimming in the pool I guess.

Wait what? Why did it matter in the first place? There were already minors in the icon mod team in the first place. It doesn't matter to me who's there since I'm nude all the time. :P

At 7/19/10 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote: You make it sound like Tom would be silly enough to give someone more power than him, via employment. He's not a megalomaniac!
After we become pentamods, all we gotta do is make sure we hold 51% of NG's stocks. I'm pretty sure we can convince Stamper to sell his for a packet of cigarettes and some Japanese Streetfigher porn DVDs.

Now I'm convinced that it won't be so hard to take over NG. However, I'm not still not buying your pentamod idea.

Fine! I'll get my own super secret mod lounge, with blackjack... and hookers... and SevenSeize... and tigerkitty!
Pssh Blackjack. Russian Texas Hold'Em is what we play in our lounge.

And you can have tigerkitty. She's been in a state of artificial coma for months now anyway. Carmilla is much more pleasant female company and seeing Bahamut hanging around the minibar all drunk is quite a show ;)

Everyone loves me when I'm drunk so it's no surprise. Hell, I can even post updates when drunk.

At 7/19/10 01:18 PM, Auz wrote: Oh and I just passed 20,000 blams.

Congrats on that big achievement. Get twice as much as that and you'll overtake me in blams.

At 7/19/10 05:20 PM, Soapbubble wrote: Awesome! Me being im GMT +1 and six hours ahead of the east coast might be a problem. Just give me a heads up quite a lot before?

Not a problem, most of the kids will be on their computers anyway at that time. Maybe you can get on at 10PM your time?

At 7/20/10 03:03 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: 1.- I'll turn 18 in ten days.

Can't wait.

2.- My grandma has been very grave these days. When I thought she was getting well of his head seizure, she got quite bad again so don't expect to see me very active here until some days before my birthday.

Damn, sorry to hear about this. It's not good at all when this is all happening just before your birthday.

At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/19/10 08:08 AM, Bahamut wrote: Good thing there's sane mods on board.
Yes... that is always good, that we are sane...

Yes, you and NEVR are sane. However, I can't be counted out just because I'm only an icon mod. Infact, I'll include Ismael, ThePigeonMaster and Sir-Nuts as well. We know how to remain calm.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-20 10:34:26

You entered the top 90 in B/P Points. Outstanding!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-20 11:05:30

Fro is starving so he's going to go destroy the fridge before work so he can destroy the bathroom at work while saying Congrats To:

Danavers: Bronze Whistle, Level 19
WeirdAlthe3rd: 14,000 Saves
Egarewop: 8,000 Experience
Emlfuryoflion: Top 1,000 in Experience
Soapbubble: Level 22
Makeshift: 2 Years on NG
BrianEtrius: Level 25
WillhelmTheVampire: 5,000 Blams
FBIpolux: Level 42
illuminate: 1,600 Audio Reviews, 12,000 Medal Points
sixflab: 15,000 Medal Points
Fion: 14,000 Experience, 14,000 B/P
Auz: 13.37 Total VP, 20,000 Blams
michelinman: Level 17
vader316: 8,000 Blams
Jolly: 2,000 Saves, Private
ixfd64: Master Sergeant, Level 47
Odyssic: 19,000 Saves
steph2568: Police Captain
RuinedMartyr: Sergeant 1st Class
Hybrid-Of-Souls: 20,000 Medal Points
Alaska: Level 26
Zoete: Level 11
A: 16,000 Experience
letiger: Level 21
Pokemonpoeguygcn: Top 90 in B/P

Thanks To:



So I caught my work in a lie yesterday and it had to be reported to the corporation as a whole when I showed one of my managers. Every 1,000 dollars that we ring up at the register we are suppose to have at least 1 person apply for a credit card as well. This month I was at 16 credits, but I was still at -3. The next day I rung up exactly 0 dollars because we had a very slow day and I was working the late shift. I check my numbers the next day and for some reason I'm at -4 credits down even though I hadn't rung up a single dollar the day before.

Anyway, hopefully the get that fixed in a manner that pays me more money. :) We actually get 2 extra dollars for every credit and not only have that not counted me for 3, which is still in the process to being debated, they also make me down another negative. By the end of the week I may actually be +5 or so when they fix everything and be getting an extra 50 dollars in my paycheck.

At 7/17/10 05:45 PM, Domo wrote:
Sorry for the big post I was banned.Hope I don't get in trouble for having it to big.Its actually kinda fun congratulating users on there goals.But what sucked my computer browser accidentally Xed out after I was near completion and had to do it all over again.

Sorry you're not allowed to make list above ten people in this thread. ;)

At 7/17/10 08:24 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
Must've been quite a sight. I can barely walk with an injured leg, let alone run insanely fast. Do you know what the winning state time was? 10.8 is pretty damn fast.

I'm guessing somewhere in the low 10's. I actually never went to states and never had the chance because I wasn't fast enough. I was the type of kid that was fast enough to make it to districts and then place about 50 out of the 100 people there.

Is there anything you can do about it? Do you have a chiropractor at least?

Well a chiropractor would be for bones. :P

Anyway, no it's good now. There's no pain unless it's about to rain or the weather is going to change dramatically. My legs tend to swell up when that happens. There were more mental effects than anything else.

At 7/18/10 12:34 PM, Bahamut wrote: Can you believe that I got drunk during the daytime?

Um, you know you're suppose to start drinking during lunch right?

Well, at this point, I have no faith in British politicians and I still feel there's a better place for me. Meh, how can I talk about politicians when drunk?

Whether you're drunk or not and whether I'm right or wrong doesn't change my opinion that the entire world is just as corrupt as the last place. Philosophy would say that eventually everyone with a power over someone else ends up corrupt or changed in someway eventually.

Do I see Dr. Pepper?!

Check out the flash and you'll see Dr. Pepper getting it's ass kicked by a Coke. :P

At 7/18/10 07:12 PM, Soapbubble wrote: Didn't make a list last night due to... female company.

Aw, I think it's cute when your mother tucks you in at bed. :)

At 7/19/10 09:51 AM, michelinman wrote:
Yeah. *alerts authorities*

They are the authorities. D:

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-20 11:59:05

Congrats to:
vader316 - 8,000 Blams
Auz - 20k Blams
Jolly - 2,000 Saves and Private
Odyssic - 19k Saves
steph2568 - 2,000 B/P
RuindedMartyr - Sergeant First Class
Danavers - Private
Hybrid-Of-Souls - 20k Medal Points
ixfd64 - Level 47 and Master Sergeant
illuminate - 12k Medal Points
Alaska - Level 26
Zoete - Level 11
A - 16k Exp
letiger - Level 21
Pokemonpoeguygcn - Top 90 in B/P


At 7/19/10 01:10 PM, Auz wrote: Local food? Well not really. We went to lots of vegan restaurants in London, but I don't suppose you could say that that is local food.

I did have some butter and toast for breakfast one day, and tea and biscuits but that was about it. For the rest I don't really know much about the Great-British kitchen.

Me neither; I guess fish and chips might be one staple, shepherd's pie might be another, but I was hoping you tried something exotic.

Also I'm happy to be among the first 100 to reach this, even though 20k is generally not such a special number.

Heh, I'm going to reach EGSC before I even get close to 15k Blams let alone 20k. It really has become a lost art, so to say.

At 7/20/10 03:03 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: 2.- My grandma has been very grave these days. When I thought she was getting well of his head seizure, she got quite bad again so don't expect to see me very active here until some days before my birthday.

My regards TPM...

At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: ***Daily Muse***

Tell me this, are drivers there as horrible as the many road rage incidences we have here in the US?

At 7/20/10 09:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: You're right about that. It's not cheap to get over here from America. Hell, I wonder how Luis can attend all these meets.

No kidding. He mention he went to the to the Glasgow Meet, I guess drove to the New Jersey meet, and plans to go to Comic-con all in this month. He must be raking in the frequent flyer miles.

At 7/20/10 11:05 AM, Fro wrote: Every 1,000 dollars that we ring up at the register we are suppose to have at least 1 person apply for a credit card as well.

So that's why they ask that every single time. I might say something next time. ;)

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-20 12:00:35

Thanks, everyone!

By the way, I'm very close to 20,000 medal points; I hope to reach it within the next week or so!

Find me on Facebook!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-20 13:15:29

Total B/P points: 31,000

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-20 17:21:38

36,000 Medal Points!

I'm going to catch up to you soon, Fro.

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-20 18:14:05

At 7/20/10 09:00 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/19/10 12:51 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/19/10 08:08 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yes, I can see that but I still don't like camping.
Why? A big tent, a pavilion, a comfortable chair and beer is all you need.
Oh yeah, and meat, sausages and a grill would be nice too. ^^
I'd much rather be in a comfortable place like a hotel or even my sister's flat, despite it being small.

But it's the campingground where the party is at!

Alright, I just need to get the pictures on the computer.
Lame excuses. Just admit it, it didn't work.
Only because you can't fit people in blenders.

No, because Manowar and good don't mix at all.

Nope, they shall hate the shitblade. And besides, why debate about the shitblade when we could talk about bigger things and how we can take over NG? You know, like taking over the Stickam chat rooms.
What use is Stickam for me if I don't own a webcam?
Uhh, you can still type messages?

But I can do that here as well.

Season 21 has finished in USA so it's waiting (well, not for me) for season 22 to start. However, from the sounds of the episodes confirmed so far, it's going to be terrible.
Well, I just have to wait and see.
You might but I already have no expectations.

That's the spirit. Set your expectations low enough and you can't get disappointed. ;)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-20 20:42:41

Wilhelm is about to go out for an evening run. Congrats to:
Hybrid-of-Souls - 20k Medal Points
ixfd64 - Level 47
illuminate - 12k Medal Points
Alaska - Level 26
Zoete - Level 11
A - 16k Experience
Letiger - Level 21
gamejunkie - 31k B/P
Hacsev - 36k Medal Points

At 7/20/10 11:05 AM, Fro wrote:
At 7/17/10 08:24 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
Must've been quite a sight. I can barely walk with an injured leg, let alone run insanely fast. Do you know what the winning state time was? 10.8 is pretty damn fast.
I'm guessing somewhere in the low 10's. I actually never went to states and never had the chance because I wasn't fast enough. I was the type of kid that was fast enough to make it to districts and then place about 50 out of the 100 people there.

Yeah, that's me as well. I can't complain though. As much as I would like to get faster, I'm glad I get the exercise and it's a lot of fun. Plus some people make running their life and I'd never do that.

Is there anything you can do about it? Do you have a chiropractor at least?
Well a chiropractor would be for bones. :P

0_o I probably knew that.

Anyway, no it's good now. There's no pain unless it's about to rain or the weather is going to change dramatically. My legs tend to swell up when that happens. There were more mental effects than anything else.

Mental effects? Like psychological effects? Sorry I don't know much about injuries, I rarely get hurt. Anyway I didn't know the weather had that kind of effect on the body. It's actually pretty interesting.

Request an audio review. I could use some motivation.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-20 21:32:41

You passed 28000 Saves. Way to go!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-20 23:51:46

8,600 Flash Reviews

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 00:45:53

List #99

Congrats to:

Zoete: Level 11
A: 16,000 Exp
letiger: Level 21
Pokemonpoeguygcn: Top 90 in B/P & 28,000 Saves
gamejunkie: 31,000 B/P
Hacsev: 36,000 Medal Points
illuminate: 8,600 flash reviews.


At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/20/10 03:03 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: 2.- My grandma has been very grave these days. When I thought she was getting well of his head seizure, she got quite bad again so don't expect to see me very active here until some days before my birthday.
I hope you don't mind me asking, but how old is your grandma? It might sound a little callous, but sometimes it's a way of lessening the blow if you know that they have lived a long and fulfilling life.

She's 84 years old. At her age, she doesn't have any health disorders like high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer or Alzheimer. Nobody in our family can't say how at that age she could be that good. However she had an accident like 2 weeks ago by hitting her head and knocked out. Now she has some problems at walking and talking, somebody else has to help her when walking.

At 7/20/10 09:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/20/10 03:03 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: 1.- I'll turn 18 in ten days.
Can't wait.

Me neither. I'm going to get my electoral credential that day :)
In my country, when you turn 18 you must get it so you can vote at any election. But the bad thing about turning 18 is doing the military service. I just hope the guys of military put me as a teacher in their military schools and not running and running like a retard. As I said in a past post, I'm very good at teaching, specially in math :P

2.- My grandma has been very grave these days. When I thought she was getting well of his head seizure, she got quite bad again so don't expect to see me very active here until some days before my birthday.
Damn, sorry to hear about this. It's not good at all when this is all happening just before your birthday.

Right now she's pretty stable. I just hope she doesn't get bad at my birthday :/

At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/19/10 08:08 AM, Bahamut wrote: Good thing there's sane mods on board.
Yes... that is always good, that we are sane...
Yes, you and NEVR are sane. However, I can't be counted out just because I'm only an icon mod. Infact, I'll include Ismael, ThePigeonMaster and Sir-Nuts as well. We know how to remain calm.

I have to say that I love being an icon mod. No matter if I don't have a golden aura, being one made me discover some good jewels buried in the newgrounds server.
I just hope that I could maintain my modship after we are done with the icons. I'm pretty sure icon mods will get back to the icon helper section after that. But I doubt it since I think the ones who will maintain their modships, are the ones that made icons the most :(
I've only made like 290.

At 7/20/10 11:59 AM, reverend wrote: My regards TPM...

Thanks rev, means a lot. Although she has been nice for now, but as I said to the others, she now got some problems at walking and at talking. Me and my family gotta be with her all time possible from now.


And after that long post, I want to say that I became LEVEL 26 :P
I finally got rid of those nunchucks.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 04:02:48

Coop creates the "Edathon" playlist from the title Maiden Tracks he owns, while congratulating:
A: 16,000 Experience
leitger: Level 21
Pokemonpoeguygcn: Top 90 B/Per; 28,000 Saves
ixfd64: 20,000 Medal Points
gamejunkie: 31,000 B/P
Hacsev: 36,000 Medal Points
illuminate: 8,600 Reviews (Flash)

Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Still Life
Reel Big Fish - All I Want Is More

At 7/20/10 07:00 AM, Odyssic wrote:
At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: ***Daily Muse***
You the man.

Best way to deal with it. I'm just glad I didn't come in to work sporting a black eye :P

At 7/20/10 09:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/19/10 03:59 AM, Coop83 wrote: You make it sound like Tom would be silly enough to give someone more power than him, via employment. He's not a megalomaniac!
After we become pentamods, all we gotta do is make sure we hold 51% of NG's stocks. I'm pretty sure we can convince Stamper to sell his for a packet of cigarettes and some Japanese Streetfigher porn DVDs.
Now I'm convinced that it won't be so hard to take over NG. However, I'm not still not buying your pentamod idea.

Unless I can evolve more heads and arms overnight, I'm not going to be able to do this. Simple as that.

At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/19/10 08:08 AM, Bahamut wrote: Good thing there's sane mods on board.
Yes... that is always good, that we are sane...
Yes, you and NEVR are sane. However, I can't be counted out just because I'm only an icon mod. Infact, I'll include Ismael, ThePigeonMaster and Sir-Nuts as well. We know how to remain calm.

It's the gold - it goes to our heads :P

At 7/20/10 11:59 AM, reverend wrote:
At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: ***Daily Muse***
Tell me this, are drivers there as horrible as the many road rage incidences we have here in the US?

Well, I didn't get a gun pointed at my head, if that's what you're on about :P

At 7/21/10 12:45 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: I hope you don't mind me asking, but how old is your grandma? It might sound a little callous, but sometimes it's a way of lessening the blow if you know that they have lived a long and fulfilling life.
She's 84 years old. At her age, she doesn't have any health disorders like high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer or Alzheimer. Nobody in our family can't say how at that age she could be that good. However she had an accident like 2 weeks ago by hitting her head and knocked out. Now she has some problems at walking and talking, somebody else has to help her when walking.

Yeah, my maternal grandmother is kind of like that - in her mid 80s and really active. She goes on holiday to Cornwall with my parents and other family members and she practically dances on the clifftops.

My paternal grandad was never going to get old, when I was a kid, then my nan got Parkinsons disease and the drugs affected her mind and she passed away in a home nearly 4 years ago. He's been a shell of the man he once was ever since, which kills me a little inside.

It certainly hits you a lot harder when someone you really care about dips in health suddenly. Stay strong and she'll recover.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 07:52:10

Listening to:

Mastodon - Blood Mountain

At 7/20/10 11:05 AM, Fro wrote:
At 7/18/10 12:34 PM, Bahamut wrote: Can you believe that I got drunk during the daytime?
Um, you know you're suppose to start drinking during lunch right?

That's what I did then.

Well, at this point, I have no faith in British politicians and I still feel there's a better place for me. Meh, how can I talk about politicians when drunk?
Whether you're drunk or not and whether I'm right or wrong doesn't change my opinion that the entire world is just as corrupt as the last place. Philosophy would say that eventually everyone with a power over someone else ends up corrupt or changed in someway eventually.

Whatever you say about the world, I'm still convinced that there's too much wrongdoing with the British political parties.

Do I see Dr. Pepper?!
Check out the flash and you'll see Dr. Pepper getting it's ass kicked by a Coke. :P

Forget it.

At 7/20/10 11:59 AM, reverend wrote:
At 7/20/10 09:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: You're right about that. It's not cheap to get over here from America. Hell, I wonder how Luis can attend all these meets.
No kidding. He mention he went to the to the Glasgow Meet, I guess drove to the New Jersey meet, and plans to go to Comic-con all in this month. He must be raking in the frequent flyer miles.

And he went to many meets last year? I mean, there was three London meets in 2009.

At 7/20/10 06:14 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/20/10 09:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'd much rather be in a comfortable place like a hotel or even my sister's flat, despite it being small.
But it's the campingground where the party is at!

But I won't feel safe there. You may but I won't.

Only because you can't fit people in blenders.
No, because Manowar and good don't mix at all.

No because it's not even possible to put people in blenders. You could try a good band and it still won't work.

Uhh, you can still type messages?
But I can do that here as well.

But in Stickam, it'll be live and we'll all be there together.

You might but I already have no expectations.
That's the spirit. Set your expectations low enough and you can't get disappointed. ;)

That's a good thought. It does save me a lot of disappointment but then again, when was the last time I had any expectations for The Simpsons?

At 7/21/10 12:45 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: In my country, when you turn 18 you must get it so you can vote at any election. But the bad thing about turning 18 is doing the military service. I just hope the guys of military put me as a teacher in their military schools and not running and running like a retard.

Ugh, mandatory military service. I really don't like how countries force their citizens into military service. It goes against people's wills and that's not good at all. That's the one thing that makes me happy to live in Britain.

Yes, you and NEVR are sane. However, I can't be counted out just because I'm only an icon mod. Infact, I'll include Ismael, ThePigeonMaster and Sir-Nuts as well. We know how to remain calm.
I have to say that I love being an icon mod. No matter if I don't have a golden aura, being one made me discover some good jewels buried in the newgrounds server.

That and helping out for the redesign are two great reasons why I'm happy to be an icon mod.

I just hope that I could maintain my modship after we are done with the icons. I'm pretty sure icon mods will get back to the icon helper section after that. But I doubt it since I think the ones who will maintain their modships, are the ones that made icons the most :(

I can't say what will happen to the icon mods once our jobs are done but what I hope I don't see is keeping those based on how many icons they made.

I've only made like 290.

I'm getting close to 1,000 but I'm going rather slow right now since what I'm actually doing for the time being is watching all submissions by the NG London meet attendees.

And after that long post, I want to say that I became LEVEL 26 :P
I finally got rid of those nunchucks.

But now you have the shitblade.

At 7/21/10 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/20/10 09:02 AM, Bahamut wrote: Now I'm convinced that it won't be so hard to take over NG. However, I'm not still not buying your pentamod idea.
Unless I can evolve more heads and arms overnight, I'm not going to be able to do this. Simple as that.

And we of course know when enough is enough.

Yes, you and NEVR are sane. However, I can't be counted out just because I'm only an icon mod. Infact, I'll include Ismael, ThePigeonMaster and Sir-Nuts as well. We know how to remain calm.
It's the gold - it goes to our heads :P

But you seem pretty cool. As for Auz, he's a mad man. A MAD MAN!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 08:52:14

If I didn't think Tommy Wiseau was a douchebag before, I do now (hope I don't get sued for that :P)

Congratulations to: -

Pokemonpoeguygcn - Top 90 in B/P and 28,000 Saves
ixfd64 - 20,000 Medal Points
gamejunkie - 31,000 B/P
Hacsev - 36,000 Medal Points
illuminate - 8,600 Flash Reviews

At 7/20/10 09:00 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/19/10 09:41 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 7/18/10 12:34 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yeah, there is that trouble with their hunger.
And sadly barbarians constitute an important part of any dragon's breakfast >.<
Well, we'll make sure we don't hurt each other. We're too good of friends to be doing that.


I did yesterday and wow, what a game that is. It's as good as Team Fortress 2. :P On the serious side, it has a lot of meaning to me. My only complaint is how hard it is to get a mate in that game. I'd have to go through it like 25 times just to find the right choice.
Thought you might like it, you could always take out your mateless frustration on a few innocent towns :P
Of course I will. I'll take it on the General regulars. As for Gagsy, I don't know anymore.

Search your feelings young Bahamut.

My apologies to Batman for that horrible thought.
I'm sure he'll forgive you, after all, even the Dark Knight himself is not immune to an all-powerful MEGA FLARE!
Now why would I want to mega flare the Dark Knight? If I ever saw him, I'd give him a pat on the back.

It was more as a response to him not forgiving you after you apologised :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 09:05:00

At 7/21/10 07:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/20/10 06:14 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/20/10 09:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'd much rather be in a comfortable place like a hotel or even my sister's flat, despite it being small.
But it's the campingground where the party is at!
But I won't feel safe there. You may but I won't.

You are a dragon, dammit. Why should a dragon feel unsafe on a campinground?
Seriously though, of course you have to be careful with your valuables and if it gets too big like at the Wacken Open Air, where seemingly the amount of douchebags and idiots gets bigger each year I don't feel too comfortable as well. It's not nice to suddendly wake up and feel the heat of a fire that is burning near your tent on your face.
But there are a lot of smaller festivals where usually the people only want to have a good time.

Only because you can't fit people in blenders.
No, because Manowar and good don't mix at all.
No because it's not even possible to put people in blenders.

You just need a blender that's big enough.

You could try a good band and it still won't work.

You know that you just admitted that Manowar isn't a good band? :P

Uhh, you can still type messages?
But I can do that here as well.
But in Stickam, it'll be live and we'll all be there together.

Yeah, but then I have to keep an eye on the chat all the time and can't do anything else at my computer.

You might but I already have no expectations.
That's the spirit. Set your expectations low enough and you can't get disappointed. ;)
That's a good thought. It does save me a lot of disappointment but then again, when was the last time I had any expectations for The Simpsons?

Like, 10 years ago?

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 09:40:05

1742 Flash Reviews
1045 Audio Reviews
213 Art Reviews.

3,000 Total Reviews

I think I'll write some more to celebrate :D

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 11:16:44

9K Blams. So close to 10k I'm almost beginning to smell it :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 12:07:43

55,555 Saves

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 12:15:03

40,000 Total Stats

Congrats to:
gamejunkie - 31k B/P
Hacsev - 36k Medal Points
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 28k Saves
illuminate - 8,600 Flash Reviews and 55,555 Saves
ThePigeonMaster - Level 26
Coop83 - 3,000 Total Reviews
bifgis - 9,000 Blams


At 7/21/10 12:45 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Thanks rev, means a lot. Although she has been nice for now, but as I said to the others, she now got some problems at walking and at talking. Me and my family gotta be with her all time possible from now.

Just keep hoping for the best.

I personally don't have family member that old in my family at the moment. Come to think of it, I don't think there has been anybody past the 80's barrier as of yet.

At 7/21/10 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, I didn't get a gun pointed at my head, if that's what you're on about :P

Well of course not, since you don't have guns and the Second Amendment over there. I was wondering if you guys are horrible drivers in general who insult each other constantly and drive the wrong way in the parking garage entrance. :P

At 7/21/10 07:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: And he went to many meets last year? I mean, there was three London meets in 2009.

Did he go to all three of them? I guess he can afford it pulling down a NG Staff salary plus his ad revenue for all the games and movies he has made.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 13:37:56

6,000 posts. You'll see me in here again tomorrow with a new level icon.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 14:09:40

*Trying really hard to fit this in one post...*

Sorry, again no congrats list guys.

At 7/19/10 01:59 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 7/19/10 01:55 PM, Auz wrote: I just meant I wanna stay as active as I can here and not only drop in every now and again because I'm too busy with moderating and stuff.
lol, I wouldn't say it's because I'm too busy with modding; I just don't spend as much time on NG as I did in my prime. Life will one day get the better of us all.

Yeah... sadly :(

At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/19/10 01:10 PM, Auz wrote: After we become pentamods, all we gotta do is make sure we hold 51% of NG's stocks. I'm pretty sure we can convince Stamper to sell his for a packet of cigarettes and some Japanese Streetfigher porn DVDs.
"Aha! The sandwich pays off for the hungry investor! *munches* Oh no! I'm ruined *bawls*"


I should watch more Futurama =/

At 7/11/10 05:45 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Pssh Blackjack. Russian Texas Hold'Em is what we play in our lounge.
Russian Texas Hold'em? That's a new one on me.

It's a mix of Russian Roulette and Texas Hold'em. Now that's a game for real men.

And you can have tigerkitty. She's been in a state of artificial coma for months now anyway. Carmilla is much more pleasant female company and seeing Bahamut hanging around the minibar all drunk is quite a show ;)
Ah, but Carmilla is neutral in this - she's BBS, like me :P

Nope, she's cheating on you behind your back man. She's going with us icon mods ;)

At 7/20/10 09:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/19/10 01:10 PM, Auz wrote:
At 7/18/10 12:34 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Ah no I haven't heard of the place actually until you mentioned it now and I looked it up. We did go to the Oxford Circus area once, but I had no idea there was a huge media store there. Bummer, but I'll remember it for next time.
Dammit! *facepalm* Alright, NEXT TIME!

I think I better make a list of all the things I ought to do next time... :|

Maybe, but I'm sure my gf would want to go too and I doubt she's interested in an NG meet up :p
Just say there's a dragon going. I'm sure that's something to see in London.

Might work, although I don't know anything about her interests in dragons. Maybe if you were vegan, she'd love to see the only vegan dragon on earth.

At 7/18/10 12:36 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Yeah you're right. Despite our statwhore image, we may very well be the laziest slackers on the NG forums.
Yet NEVR claimed I do more work than the average Newgrounder. I think the site is full of slackers.

I suppose we're all unemployed except for you :p

Yeah I mean Bahamut with a fab aura... if there was one thing that would fuck with my mind... :p
You may as well forget it and prepare to get mindfucked when I change to dark.

I guess Bahamut with fab aura = never gonna happen. Sorry guys, I tried... :(

I thought it would. Ah well, maybe you can come up with better ways to die.
I could name a few... hundred.
Name one.

Getting beaten to death by a little girl with a lollipop would be more honorable.

Yeah you do that. Being the #1 enemy of the Wi/Ht?, we need some double agents to keep an eye on her.
She claims to not dislike the Wi/Ht? but can we trust her?

Not one bit. She must be setting up an organization to infiltrate our forum and overthrow our established order.

Well it's only a small part of the game, that's true. But he did dedicate an entire episode about it. He was right though that the rules changing all the time was really fucked up. I always just restarted the game as soon as crappy rules started to spread. Take All was fine, but the Random rule and the flipped cards are yours rule... fuck those.
Oh yeah, I can't forget those rulings. Now THAT I really hated. Infact, I went as far as making sure those rules were abolished in most regions when I played it.

Yeah. I mean the Plus and Same rule were okay as they added a little extra depth to the game (although they could really screw you over sometimes). The Open rule was kinda handy, but I always just tried to keep it as basic as possible because once you had five rules going on you knew you were gonna get fucked every time on the last card.

Lol. It was fairly addicting I suppose, although the music could get on your nerves.
It did but I ended up listening to something else in the meantime. It may be Nobuo Uematsu's music but you can't listen to some of his tracks for hours on end. Same thing happened when I was grinding in FFX. The music overall isn't great and when I got fed up with it, I just listened to something else.

Yeah you can always turn it off and listen to something else I suppose. And it's not Uematsu's fault, the game required a loop and loops always get annoying after the 1000th time.

Yes exactly. Although getting to level 100 didn't mean all that much if you didn't have good spells to attach to your stats.
I'm pretty sure you could get through the game just fine. I mean, there's those No Junction challenges, right?

Oh yes, people do them. But I believe you will have a very hard time at the final boss unless you prepare yourself well with getting the right items and such. And you gotta avoid those Malboro's and Ruby Dragons like the plague.

I would not recommend it to any non-expert player.

Lol :p

Only thing is, we'd all have to pay hundreds of euros/pounds for plane tickets and hotels while we could've held the meet up much closer to our homes.
Of course but I'm sure gfox would demand it...Wait, he's hardly relevant these days.

Yeah where is that guy anyway? I knew he showed up a lot last summer, but I haven't seen him since... the wedding.

Haha yes I bet the staff are just playing street fighter most of the day. What a dreamjob they must have.
That and making news posts about cats. What's with all these cats recently?

I haven't noticed any of that yet.

Hell yeah! Go right ahead and say you like Justin Bieber. I FUCKING DARE YOU! Not once will it bother me.
Who? :p
Are you serious? If so, you are a very lucky person.

I've seen people drop his name a few times on the BBS, but for the rest I don't really know him. I never watch MTV, if that makes me not knowing him more logical...

At 7/18/10 09:44 AM, Auz wrote:
Damn :(

No more nude swimming in the pool I guess.
Wait what? Why did it matter in the first place? There were already minors in the icon mod team in the first place. It doesn't matter to me who's there since I'm nude all the time. :P

They are minors? Shit, they told me they were 18. Dragons are allowed to walk around nude, but I can't go exposing myself to minors =/

After we become pentamods, all we gotta do is make sure we hold 51% of NG's stocks. I'm pretty sure we can convince Stamper to sell his for a packet of cigarettes and some Japanese Streetfigher porn DVDs.
Now I'm convinced that it won't be so hard to take over NG. However, I'm not still not buying your pentamod idea.

Well how else do you suppose we get a bigger say in NG's business plans?

Pssh Blackjack. Russian Texas Hold'Em is what we play in our lounge.

And you can have tigerkitty. She's been in a state of artificial coma for months now anyway. Carmilla is much more pleasant female company and seeing Bahamut hanging around the minibar all drunk is quite a show ;)
Everyone loves me when I'm drunk so it's no surprise. Hell, I can even post updates when drunk.

Hmm... Maybe you are just drunk for human standards but not for dragon standards. I bet dragons can drink at least twice as much beer without feeling a damn thing.

At 7/19/10 01:18 PM, Auz wrote: Oh and I just passed 20,000 blams.
Congrats on that big achievement. Get twice as much as that and you'll overtake me in blams.


Yeah... I'm gonna need a few extra years for that if that's okay with you.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 14:22:29

Looks like I'll be needing a second post...

At 7/20/10 11:05 AM, Fro wrote:
At 7/19/10 09:51 AM, michelinman wrote:
Yeah. *alerts authorities*
They are the authorities. D:

I bet you're wondering now why michelinman hasn't showed up the past few days >:)

At 7/20/10 11:59 AM, reverend wrote:
At 7/19/10 01:10 PM, Auz wrote: Local food? Well not really. We went to lots of vegan restaurants in London, but I don't suppose you could say that that is local food.

I did have some butter and toast for breakfast one day, and tea and biscuits but that was about it. For the rest I don't really know much about the Great-British kitchen.
Me neither; I guess fish and chips might be one staple, shepherd's pie might be another, but I was hoping you tried something exotic.

Lol, one evening we really wanted to eat some chips but oddly enough we searched for hours and couldn't find a single fish and chips anywhere. It's much easier to find chips in Holland, I can tell ya.

Also, my gf mentioned shepherds pie to me a few times as typically British indeed, so we had some a couple of days ago. I gotta say, it was pretty good but I always eat my vegetables and potatoes mashed so it wasn't much new for me (except for the (vegan) meat I guess).

And exotic? Like what? Trying vegan food is adventurous enough for me already.

Also I'm happy to be among the first 100 to reach this, even though 20k is generally not such a special number.
Heh, I'm going to reach EGSC before I even get close to 15k Blams let alone 20k. It really has become a lost art, so to say.

True. Every 10,000th blam is a rarity nowadays.

At 7/21/10 07:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/21/10 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Yes, you and NEVR are sane. However, I can't be counted out just because I'm only an icon mod. Infact, I'll include Ismael, ThePigeonMaster and Sir-Nuts as well. We know how to remain calm.
It's the gold - it goes to our heads :P
But you seem pretty cool. As for Auz, he's a mad man. A MAD MAN!

Coop just seems cool on the outside. He know he wants to take over NG just as badly as I do.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 14:24:12

You passed 10000 Total Points. Bodacious!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 15:09:30

At 7/21/10 02:24 PM, Jolly wrote: You passed 10000 Total Points. Bodacious!

Pvt. First Class

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 17:30:53

555 Audio Review Responses

Nice to go with my 55,555 Saves today too. =P

Huzzah for the number 5 today. ^_^

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 18:17:12

Congrats to:
RuinedMartyr:Sgt. First Class
Hybrid-Of-Souls:20,000 Medal Points
ixfd64:Level 47
illuminate:12,000 Medal Points, 8,600 Flash Reviews, 55,555 Saves and 555 Audio Review Responses
Alaska:Level 26
Zoete:Level 11
A:16,000 Experience
letiger: Level 21, and almost-sorta 6,666 medal points
Pokemonpoeguygcn: Top 90 in B/P Points and 28,000 Saves
gamejunkie: 31,000 B/P
Hacsev: 36,000 Medal Points
ThePigeonMaster: Level 26
Coop83: 3,000 Reviews Combined
bifgis: 9,000 Blams
reverend: 40,000 Total Stats
makeshift: 6,000 Posts
Jolly: 10,000 Total Stats

Thanks to:

Ack, work sucks. I giggled to myself when to Middle-Eastern men bought a lot of bulbs, a lot of powerful washing accesories, as well as a ton of batteries. Anyone else would freak out about that.

Aaaanyway, I'mma hit the sack now. Brother's going away tomorrow, so I've got the entire house to myself till Sunday. Maybe Saturday. Guess I'll throw a party. Might as well when I have the opportunity.

At 7/20/10 03:03 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: 2.- My grandma has been very grave these days. When I thought she was getting well of his head seizure, she got quite bad again so don't expect to see me very active here until some days before my birthday.

Sorry to hear it, man. Hope it works out for her and you.

At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: As I watched his blood pressure rise, a gap appeared in the traffic and, not wanting to hold up the flow, I drove off.

Was he fat? I can imagine a huge bald man slowly turning tomato red.

At 7/20/10 09:02 AM, Bahamut wrote: Not a problem, most of the kids will be on their computers anyway at that time. Maybe you can get on at 10PM your time?

Shouldn't be a problem at all. I never go to sleep before midnight, whether I've got work or not. Just say the date and I'll be there with my American-Norwegian accent.

At 7/20/10 11:05 AM, Fro wrote:

:Aw, I think it's cute when your mother tucks you in at bed. :)

Nice and tight, just the way I like it. ;)

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-07-21 21:39:16

Level 28 and Brigadier General! Same day, how fun.

Wilhelm is packing because he is leaving for Puerto Rico tomorrow morning. Bye everyone! Congrats to:
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 28k Saves
illuminate - 8,600 Flash Reviews, 55,555 Saves and 555 Audio Review Responses
Coop83 - 3k Total Reviews
bifgis - 9k Blams
reverend - 40k Total Stats
Makeshift - 6k Posts
Jolly - 10k Total Stats and Private First Class

I'll be back by next Wednesday.

Request an audio review. I could use some motivation.

BBS Signature