Coop writes a review for Inception in the Cinema Club, before congratulating:
bifgix: 9,000 Blams
illuminate: 55,555 Saves; 555 Audio Review Responses
reverend: 40,000 Total Points
makeshift: 6,000 Posts; Level 22
Jolly: 10,000 Total Points; Private 1st Class
thenewbies: 3,000 Experience
Thank you to:
At 7/21/10 07:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 7/21/10 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote:And we of course know when enough is enough.At 7/20/10 09:02 AM, Bahamut wrote: Now I'm convinced that it won't be so hard to take over NG. However, I'm not still not buying your pentamod idea.Unless I can evolve more heads and arms overnight, I'm not going to be able to do this. Simple as that.
Do we? Ah yes, enough was one Matrix movie - now we have two sequels and what appears to be some sort of redux / tribute :P
What better a way to show people how The Matrix should have panned out, than by taking away Keanu Reeves and replacing him with Leo DiCaprio - an equally wooden, if not actually worse performance was gained. I may have perceived it as worse, because he is allegedly a better actor
But you seem pretty cool. As for Auz, he's a mad man. A MAD MAN!Yes, you and NEVR are sane. However, I can't be counted out just because I'm only an icon mod. Infact, I'll include Ismael, ThePigeonMaster and Sir-Nuts as well. We know how to remain calm.It's the gold - it goes to our heads :P
He's not man - the Dutch are always like that :P
At 7/21/10 12:15 PM, reverend wrote:At 7/21/10 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, I didn't get a gun pointed at my head, if that's what you're on about :PWell of course not, since you don't have guns and the Second Amendment over there.
And yet, we still have gun crime. Derrick Bird and Raoul Moat within weeks of one another.
I was wondering if you guys are horrible drivers in general who insult each other constantly and drive the wrong way in the parking garage entrance. :P
Well, I probably come under that number - I drive in the "exit" of the car park every morning, as the rules of the road don't apply off the public highway. Plus, I can get closer to the exit by doing this, so I spend as little time (and fuel) as possible to get away from work.
At 7/21/10 02:09 PM, Auz wrote:At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote:*Googles*At 7/19/10 01:10 PM, Auz wrote: After we become pentamods, all we gotta do is make sure we hold 51% of NG's stocks. I'm pretty sure we can convince Stamper to sell his for a packet of cigarettes and some Japanese Streetfigher porn DVDs."Aha! The sandwich pays off for the hungry investor! *munches* Oh no! I'm ruined *bawls*"
I should watch more Futurama =/
Yes, you should.
It's a mix of Russian Roulette and Texas Hold'em. Now that's a game for real men.Russian Texas Hold'em? That's a new one on me.At 7/11/10 05:45 AM, Coop83 wrote:Pssh Blackjack. Russian Texas Hold'Em is what we play in our lounge.
Real men? Zapp would probably be all in here.
Nope, she's cheating on you behind your back man. She's going with us icon mods ;)And you can have tigerkitty. She's been in a state of artificial coma for months now anyway. Carmilla is much more pleasant female company and seeing Bahamut hanging around the minibar all drunk is quite a show ;)Ah, but Carmilla is neutral in this - she's BBS, like me :P
*sigh* fine *picks up phone* Hi Renaenae. I know that you're an Art Mod and everything, but do you fancy coming to an exclusive BBS / Review mod party? Cool.
At 7/21/10 06:17 PM, Soapbubble wrote:At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: As I watched his blood pressure rise, a gap appeared in the traffic and, not wanting to hold up the flow, I drove off.Was he fat? I can imagine a huge bald man slowly turning tomato red.
He was a small person. His large woolly jumper made him look a little bigger, but it only accentuated his middle aged spread.
Congratulations to: -
Coop83 - 3,000 Total Reviews
bifgis - 9,000 Blams
illuminate - 55,555 Saves and 555 Audio Review Responses
reverend - 40,000 Total Stats
Makeshift - 6,000 Posts and Level 22
Jolly - 10,000 Total Stats and Private First Class
thenewbies - 3,000 Experience
gamejunkie - 7 Years, 7 Months and 7 Days on NG
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 31,000 Medal Points
If you haven't heard already, I'm going to the NG London Meet in August!
Listening to:
Megadeth - Youthanasia
At 7/21/10 08:52 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: If I didn't think Tommy Wiseau was a douchebag before, I do now (hope I don't get sued for that :P)
Oh hi Rohan.
At 7/20/10 09:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: Of course I will. I'll take it on the General regulars. As for Gagsy, I don't know anymore.Search your feelings young Bahamut.
Hey, that's a thought. I'll actually meet Gagsy in person at the London Meet. This will be interesting.
Now why would I want to mega flare the Dark Knight? If I ever saw him, I'd give him a pat on the back.It was more as a response to him not forgiving you after you apologised :P
Oh, I'm sure Batman would be cool no matter what, even if seeing a dragon will be strange to him.
At 7/21/10 09:05 AM, Haggard wrote:At 7/21/10 07:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: But I won't feel safe there. You may but I won't.You are a dragon, dammit. Why should a dragon feel unsafe on a campinground?
I need to keep my treasure safe. :P
No because it's not even possible to put people in blenders.You just need a blender that's big enough.
You realise if you put someone in a blender, they'll die, right?
You could try a good band and it still won't work.You know that you just admitted that Manowar isn't a good band? :P
Nope, I meant any good band, Manowar included. If you really want to put a band in a blender, make sure it's one that sucks so they'll cease to exist.
But in Stickam, it'll be live and we'll all be there together.Yeah, but then I have to keep an eye on the chat all the time and can't do anything else at my computer.
No, you can still quickly check the BBS and the portal while you're there.
That's a good thought. It does save me a lot of disappointment but then again, when was the last time I had any expectations for The Simpsons?Like, 10 years ago?
Yeah, 10 years sounds about right. Season 11 was when they started to go downhill.
At 7/21/10 12:15 PM, reverend wrote:At 7/21/10 07:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: And he went to many meets last year? I mean, there was three London meets in 2009.Did he go to all three of them? I guess he can afford it pulling down a NG Staff salary plus his ad revenue for all the games and movies he has made.
Yep, he went to all three. The amount of money he's spending to go to all these meet ups is a lot more than the amount of money I've spent on concerts this year.
At 7/21/10 02:09 PM, Auz wrote: *Trying really hard to fit this in one post...*
Sorry, again no congrats list guys.
You don't need to make congrats lists, just be like myself and Haggard.
At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: "Aha! The sandwich pays off for the hungry investor! *munches* Oh no! I'm ruined *bawls*"*Googles*
I should watch more Futurama =/
Yes, you should. Infact, whoever isn't a Futurama fan here must be one. Me and Coop will provide free DVDs for you.
At 7/20/10 09:02 AM, Bahamut wrote: Dammit! *facepalm* Alright, NEXT TIME!I think I better make a list of all the things I ought to do next time... :|
Hopefully there's plenty more reasons to go to London again.
Just say there's a dragon going. I'm sure that's something to see in London.Might work, although I don't know anything about her interests in dragons. Maybe if you were vegan, she'd love to see the only vegan dragon on earth.
Sorry, I'm not a vegan. Still, isn't a dragon of any kind worth seeing?
Yet NEVR claimed I do more work than the average Newgrounder. I think the site is full of slackers.I suppose we're all unemployed except for you :p
Too bad I can't spend that money on taking care of you all. If you get thrown out on the streets, that's your fault.
You may as well forget it and prepare to get mindfucked when I change to dark.I guess Bahamut with fab aura = never gonna happen. Sorry guys, I tried... :(
You know what'd be even more of a mindfuck? If I completely change my name. Now THAT is something no-one would ever get over.
Name one.Getting beaten to death by a little girl with a lollipop would be more honorable.
Nah, I'd much rather be killed by a dragon shoving his sword dick up my ass.
She claims to not dislike the Wi/Ht? but can we trust her?Not one bit. She must be setting up an organization to infiltrate our forum and overthrow our established order.
That's it, she's trying to bring down the forum starting with breaking my heart.
Oh yeah, I can't forget those rulings. Now THAT I really hated. Infact, I went as far as making sure those rules were abolished in most regions when I played it.Yeah. I mean the Plus and Same rule were okay as they added a little extra depth to the game (although they could really screw you over sometimes).
The Same rule made sense but I could never get over Plus.
I still find it funny that despite all I've said about Triple Triad, I'll still take it over FFIX's Tetra Master any day of the week.
It did but I ended up listening to something else in the meantime. It may be Nobuo Uematsu's music but you can't listen to some of his tracks for hours on end. Same thing happened when I was grinding in FFX. The music overall isn't great and when I got fed up with it, I just listened to something else.Yeah you can always turn it off and listen to something else I suppose. And it's not Uematsu's fault, the game required a loop and loops always get annoying after the 1000th time.
Exactly, after a while, I need to listen to something else or I may lose my sanity.
I'm pretty sure you could get through the game just fine. I mean, there's those No Junction challenges, right?Oh yes, people do them. But I believe you will have a very hard time at the final boss unless you prepare yourself well with getting the right items and such. And you gotta avoid those Malboro's and Ruby Dragons like the plague.
I would not recommend it to any non-expert player.
Indeed and playing through the game at level 100 most of the time should be manageable as well. This goes back to my point that the level up system in FFVIII is silly.
Of course but I'm sure gfox would demand it...Wait, he's hardly relevant these days.Yeah where is that guy anyway? I knew he showed up a lot last summer, but I haven't seen him since... the wedding.
Ha, he said his marriage wouldn't affect his posting habits one bit. He was so wrong.
That and making news posts about cats. What's with all these cats recently?I haven't noticed any of that yet.
First it was cast/cats and now Tom Fulp's news post about cats.
Are you serious? If so, you are a very lucky person.I've seen people drop his name a few times on the BBS, but for the rest I don't really know him. I never watch MTV, if that makes me not knowing him more logical...
Actually, he became popular on YouTube...
Wait what? Why did it matter in the first place? There were already minors in the icon mod team in the first place. It doesn't matter to me who's there since I'm nude all the time. :PThey are minors? Shit, they told me they were 18. Dragons are allowed to walk around nude, but I can't go exposing myself to minors =/
You really thought some of those kids looked 18? No way they were but that doesn't stop me from walking around naked. I don't think anyone has complained about seeing a dragon cock around here.
Now I'm convinced that it won't be so hard to take over NG. However, I'm not still not buying your pentamod idea.Well how else do you suppose we get a bigger say in NG's business plans?
Well, how do you suppose we even become pentamods? Now that's the good question. You realise the closest we have to a Wi/Ht?'er on the audio mod team is AllReligiousDrunk, right?
Everyone loves me when I'm drunk so it's no surprise. Hell, I can even post updates when drunk.Hmm... Maybe you are just drunk for human standards but not for dragon standards. I bet dragons can drink at least twice as much beer without feeling a damn thing.
Actually, that's right. Along with many awesome things they can do, they also have a higher tolerance for alcohol.
Congrats on that big achievement. Get twice as much as that and you'll overtake me in blams.Thanks.
Yeah... I'm gonna need a few extra years for that if that's okay with you.
Sure thing. Well, that's if we'll be here for that long.
At 7/21/10 02:22 PM, Auz wrote:At 7/21/10 07:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: But you seem pretty cool. As for Auz, he's a mad man. A MAD MAN!Coop just seems cool on the outside. He know he wants to take over NG just as badly as I do.
At least he knows when enough is enough.
At 7/21/10 06:17 PM, Soapbubble wrote:At 7/20/10 09:02 AM, Bahamut wrote: Not a problem, most of the kids will be on their computers anyway at that time. Maybe you can get on at 10PM your time?Shouldn't be a problem at all. I never go to sleep before midnight, whether I've got work or not. Just say the date and I'll be there with my American-Norwegian accent.
Well, it'll be this Saturday.
At 7/22/10 04:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 7/21/10 07:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: And we of course know when enough is enough.Do we? Ah yes, enough was one Matrix movie - now we have two sequels and what appears to be some sort of redux / tribute :P
What better a way to show people how The Matrix should have panned out, than by taking away Keanu Reeves and replacing him with Leo DiCaprio - an equally wooden, if not actually worse performance was gained. I may have perceived it as worse, because he is allegedly a better actor
And what does this have to do with taking over NG again?
But you seem pretty cool. As for Auz, he's a mad man. A MAD MAN!He's not man - the Dutch are always like that :P
No, he's a mad man. There's no other explanation to his recent behaviour.
Rev feels so dirty for creating this; congrats to:
Jolly - Private First Class and 10,000 Total Stats
illuminate - 555 Audio Review Responses
WilhelmTheVampire - Level 28and Brigadier General
thenewbies - 3,000 Exp
Makeshift - Level 22 and 6,000 Posts
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 31k Medal Points
gamejunkie - 14k Saves
Thanks to:
At 7/21/10 02:22 PM, Auz wrote: Lol, one evening we really wanted to eat some chips but oddly enough we searched for hours and couldn't find a single fish and chips anywhere. It's much easier to find chips in Holland, I can tell ya.
Really? I thought the would be everywhere on each corner, especially in London.
And exotic? Like what? Trying vegan food is adventurous enough for me already.
Yeah, vegan food and lifestyle is too exotic for me. I prefer to eat the real deal when it comes to food, not that I can find any vegan food stores where I live anyways.
At 7/22/10 04:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: And yet, we still have gun crime. Derrick Bird and Raoul Moat within weeks of one another.
People are going to find ways to murder each other, no matter how strict gun laws are.
Well, I probably come under that number - I drive in the "exit" of the car park every morning, as the rules of the road don't apply off the public highway. . .
The things done for a parking spot. I'm sure your car insurance company would love to hear that. Ha!
I guess all in all English driver are pretty good, right? I'm not sure how big your town/city is so I can really compare to my region or any of the major cities but I can say that Dallas/Ft Worth is pretty horrible.
At 7/22/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote: If you haven't heard already, I'm going to the NG London Meet in August!
Yep, he went to all three. The amount of money he's spending to go to all these meet ups is a lot more than the amount of money I've spent on concerts this year.
I can imagine unless ... NG has their own corporate jet. ;)
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
Despite medal points being apparently randomly taken away for no known reason, I have earned over 50,000 medal points according to NGLogs. And that's the last milestone I was chasing before vanishing into the aether for a while.
Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!
77,000 B/P
Slowly closing in on Rule, but he's keeping it real. 18th is merely 10 days away at current pace...
At 7/22/10 04:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 7/21/10 07:52 AM, Bahamut wrote:He's not man - the Dutch are always like that :PAt 7/21/10 04:02 AM, Coop83 wrote: It's the gold - it goes to our heads :PBut you seem pretty cool. As for Auz, he's a mad man. A MAD MAN!
It's the living below sea level thing mate.
*sigh* fine *picks up phone* Hi Renaenae. I know that you're an Art Mod and everything, but do you fancy coming to an exclusive BBS / Review mod party? Cool.Ah, but Carmilla is neutral in this - she's BBS, like me :PNope, she's cheating on you behind your back man. She's going with us icon mods ;)
Hi Renaenae, would you mind coming to an awesome icon mod exclusive party? What? You were in dire need of an excuse to blow off that lame review mod party Coop invited you to? You're welcome. I'll see you there!
At 7/22/10 08:14 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 7/21/10 02:09 PM, Auz wrote: *Trying really hard to fit this in one post...*You don't need to make congrats lists, just be like myself and Haggard.
Sorry, again no congrats list guys.
I think I will for the time being.
Yes, you should. Infact, whoever isn't a Futurama fan here must be one. Me and Coop will provide free DVDs for you.At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: "Aha! The sandwich pays off for the hungry investor! *munches* Oh no! I'm ruined *bawls*"*Googles*
I should watch more Futurama =/
Free DVDs? Not gonna say no to that. Bring them over!
Hopefully there's plenty more reasons to go to London again.At 7/20/10 09:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:I think I better make a list of all the things I ought to do next time... :|
Yes there are plenty of reasons to go back to London for me and my gf can't wait to go back there.
Might work, although I don't know anything about her interests in dragons. Maybe if you were vegan, she'd love to see the only vegan dragon on earth.Sorry, I'm not a vegan. Still, isn't a dragon of any kind worth seeing?
It sure is a spectacular sight. Since she likes animals so much, I'm sure she'd like to hug you and feed you fake raw meat.
I suppose we're all unemployed except for you :pToo bad I can't spend that money on taking care of you all. If you get thrown out on the streets, that's your fault.
But theeeyy took 'ur jobs!!! >.<
I guess Bahamut with fab aura = never gonna happen. Sorry guys, I tried... :(You know what'd be even more of a mindfuck? If I completely change my name. Now THAT is something no-one would ever get over.
My mind can't even process that thought...
Getting beaten to death by a little girl with a lollipop would be more honorable.Nah, I'd much rather be killed by a dragon shoving his sword dick up my ass.
That would make you look kinda gay I suppose :p
Not one bit. She must be setting up an organization to infiltrate our forum and overthrow our established order.That's it, she's trying to bring down the forum starting with breaking my heart.
Watch out for her man! She knows how to wrap men around her finger first and snap them in two just like that. Don't fall for her charms!
Yeah. I mean the Plus and Same rule were okay as they added a little extra depth to the game (although they could really screw you over sometimes).The Same rule made sense but I could never get over Plus.
I still find it funny that despite all I've said about Triple Triad, I'll still take it over FFIX's Tetra Master any day of the week.
Definitely! I never understood Tetra Master at all. I heard it something to do with weaknesses, but I never saw any logical connections in that game. It seemed completely random to me and I never bothered with that sidequest.
Oh yes, people do them. But I believe you will have a very hard time at the final boss unless you prepare yourself well with getting the right items and such. And you gotta avoid those Malboro's and Ruby Dragons like the plague.Indeed and playing through the game at level 100 most of the time should be manageable as well. This goes back to my point that the level up system in FFVIII is silly.
I would not recommend it to any non-expert player.
Yeah that might be manageable, but I think your stats won't rise much higher than half the max (around 125) by doing that. You'd need a little more with vitality and spirit if you wanna stay safe.
Yeah where is that guy anyway? I knew he showed up a lot last summer, but I haven't seen him since... the wedding.Ha, he said his marriage wouldn't affect his posting habits one bit. He was so wrong.
Indeed. Just one tiny little post about how he's doing would be nice. And pics from the bachelor party.
I haven't noticed any of that yet.First it was cast/cats and now Tom Fulp's news post about cats.
Wait cast/cats rings a bell. Wasn't there a topic in general about that recently? And NEVR posted something like. "I always let my cat do the modding". I didn't know it was turning into such a hype.
I've seen people drop his name a few times on the BBS, but for the rest I don't really know him. I never watch MTV, if that makes me not knowing him more logical...Actually, he became popular on YouTube...
Oh God... Not another one =/
They are minors? Shit, they told me they were 18. Dragons are allowed to walk around nude, but I can't go exposing myself to minors =/You really thought some of those kids looked 18? No way they were but that doesn't stop me from walking around naked. I don't think anyone has complained about seeing a dragon cock around here.
Heh, after having a little booze everybody looks 18 to me. And your cock is just a sword so that's natural censoring.
Well how else do you suppose we get a bigger say in NG's business plans?Well, how do you suppose we even become pentamods? Now that's the good question. You realise the closest we have to a Wi/Ht?'er on the audio mod team is AllReligiousDrunk, right?
Not to worry. We just gotta do some literature and art studies and surely you, me, haggard and Coop could form a band. I mean I'm a pretty good triangle player if I may say so and I heard Coop is a beast on the drums.
Hmm... Maybe you are just drunk for human standards but not for dragon standards. I bet dragons can drink at least twice as much beer without feeling a damn thing.Actually, that's right. Along with many awesome things they can do, they also have a higher tolerance for alcohol.
And then there's the fact that you're British which makes you even more tolerant to alcohol. Heck I bet you can drink a full barrel of beer and still drive backwards through the center of London without hitting anything.
At 7/21/10 02:22 PM, Auz wrote:At least he knows when enough is enough.At 7/21/10 07:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: But you seem pretty cool. As for Auz, he's a mad man. A MAD MAN!Coop just seems cool on the outside. He know he wants to take over NG just as badly as I do.
But why be satisfied with a golden aura if we can have so much more?
At 7/22/10 11:36 AM, reverend wrote:At 7/21/10 02:22 PM, Auz wrote: Lol, one evening we really wanted to eat some chips but oddly enough we searched for hours and couldn't find a single fish and chips anywhere. It's much easier to find chips in Holland, I can tell ya.Really? I thought the would be everywhere on each corner, especially in London.
I would expect that too, and I think there is one in every main street, but those main streets can be pretty long.
And exotic? Like what? Trying vegan food is adventurous enough for me already.Yeah, vegan food and lifestyle is too exotic for me. I prefer to eat the real deal when it comes to food, not that I can find any vegan food stores where I live anyways.
It's probably the one problem I have with becoming a vegan. Some of those meat replacement are actually pretty good and I've had a few which were almost the real deal. I don't mind eating those instead of meat, but overall there's still too little I like.
Since I'm not supporting vegetarianism as much for the reasons I would become a vegetarian, I'll stick with being an omnivore for now =/
At 7/22/10 04:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 7/21/10 06:17 PM, Soapbubble wrote:He was a small person. His large woolly jumper made him look a little bigger, but it only accentuated his middle aged spread.
Was he fat? I can imagine a huge bald man slowly turning tomato red.
Sounds like George Costanza.
Wow, NintendoMadness (a fellow LUL List Maker) is UOTD and he's not here to witness it! :(
At 7/22/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 7/21/10 09:05 AM, Haggard wrote:I need to keep my treasure safe. :PAt 7/21/10 07:52 AM, Bahamut wrote: But I won't feel safe there. You may but I won't.You are a dragon, dammit. Why should a dragon feel unsafe on a campinground?
I see. Wouldn't be a good idea to summon a Mega Flare on someone who's standing in front of your treasure, right? I mean, the gold would melt...
You realise if you put someone in a blender, they'll die, right?No because it's not even possible to put people in blenders.You just need a blender that's big enough.
Only if they make bad music. ^^
Nope, I meant any good band, Manowar included. If you really want to put a band in a blender, make sure it's one that sucks so they'll cease to exist.You could try a good band and it still won't work.You know that you just admitted that Manowar isn't a good band? :P
How about Justin Bieber?
No, you can still quickly check the BBS and the portal while you're there.But in Stickam, it'll be live and we'll all be there together.Yeah, but then I have to keep an eye on the chat all the time and can't do anything else at my computer.
Yes, "quickly". But if I do something different that I need to concentrate on, like playing a game? I can't be in a chat room and play a game simultanously.
Yeah, 10 years sounds about right. Season 11 was when they started to go downhill.That's a good thought. It does save me a lot of disappointment but then again, when was the last time I had any expectations for The Simpsons?Like, 10 years ago?
I think the newer seasons are better than some of the older ones. But again I can't come up with exact numbers. I only remember there was a time when I didn't watch the Simpsons because the episodes sucked (maybe 12 years ago?). Now I watch them if I get the chance.
UPS were supposed to pick up my Xbox today, before 11pm. It's not 1 am.
Congrats to:
WilhelmTheVampire: Level 28 and Brigadier General
thenewbies: 3,000 Experience
Makeshift: Level 22
gamejunkie: 7 years, 7 months and 7 days on NG and 14,000 saves
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 31,000 Medal Points
chris-marks: 50,000 Medal Points - Aww, why go when you're on such a run?
Yamor: 10,000 posts, 6,000 B/P, 5,000 Saves and 1,000 Blams - Wow.
Coop83: 77,000 B/P
Sigh, time to post and see if this level is a sword or not.
Please don't be a sword (even though it prob is since like every level is a sword).
Wi/Ht? #28
At 7/23/10 12:03 AM, Xiivi wrote: Sigh, time to post and see if this level is a sword or not.
Please don't be a sword (even though it prob is since like every level is a sword).
Oh okay, it's just a garbage icon instead of a rehash sword. Oh well, an improvement from the last level. Sigh.
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
Level 43
This icon doesn't look too good on the golden aura. Plus it's my least favorite from the 41-45 series, but still a good icon overall.
Having ridden to work, Coop recovers in time to congratulate:
gamejunke: 7 years, 7 Months, 7 Days on NG; 14,000 Saves
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 31,000 Medal Points
chris-marks: 50,000 Medal Points
Yamor: 10,000 Posts; 6,000 B/P; 5,000 Saves; 1,000 Blams
Xiivi: Level 45
reverend: 8,000 Blams
A: Level 39
Auz: Level 43
Thank you to:
At 7/22/10 08:14 AM, Bahamut wrote:Yes, you should. Infact, whoever isn't a Futurama fan here must be one. Me and Coop will provide free DVDs for you.At 7/20/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: "Aha! The sandwich pays off for the hungry investor! *munches* Oh no! I'm ruined *bawls*"*Googles*
I should watch more Futurama =/
What the? I'm not giving away my DVD collection! They can go out and buy them and I'll give them promo codes, but giving them away for free is just criminal!
And what does this have to do with taking over NG again?
Nothing! It has everything to do with knowing when enough is enough.
No, he's a mad man. There's no other explanation to his recent behaviour.But you seem pretty cool. As for Auz, he's a mad man. A MAD MAN!He's not man - the Dutch are always like that :P
I'll keep an eye on that then...
At 7/22/10 11:36 AM, reverend wrote: Rev feels so dirty for creating this; congrats to:
I don't feel much cleaner for having written a review :P
At 7/22/10 04:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: And yet, we still have gun crime. Derrick Bird and Raoul Moat within weeks of one another.People are going to find ways to murder each other, no matter how strict gun laws are.
Yeah, but it takes serial killers and those that run off on killing sprees a lot longer if they don't have access to the guns. Getting up close and personal is in theory a much more brutal way of killing and more psychologically traumatising to the killer. Guns are so detached, because they allow the killer to be some distance from the target when they pull the trigger. Granted, this wasn't what happened with either of my two examples, but you get the picture.
Well, I probably come under that number - I drive in the "exit" of the car park every morning, as the rules of the road don't apply off the public highway. . .The things done for a parking spot. I'm sure your car insurance company would love to hear that. Ha!
They won't void my insurance, because the rules of the road don't apply there - you make it sound like I park my monster truck on top of the people parking in my spaces :P
I guess all in all English driver are pretty good, right? I'm not sure how big your town/city is so I can really compare to my region or any of the major cities but I can say that Dallas/Ft Worth is pretty horrible.
Not really. This morning, I had no trouble getting in, since I'm on the bike. However, a few days ago, we had trouble getting home, as the hill had to be closed, due to someone rolling their car over. Swerved into the oncoming lane, clipped the kerb and rolled it, if the skidmarks are anything to go by.
At 7/22/10 03:51 PM, Auz wrote:At 7/22/10 04:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: *sigh* fine *picks up phone* Hi Renaenae. I know that you're an Art Mod and everything, but do you fancy coming to an exclusive BBS / Review mod party? Cool.Hi Renaenae, would you mind coming to an awesome icon mod exclusive party? What? You were in dire need of an excuse to blow off that lame review mod party Coop invited you to? You're welcome. I'll see you there!
Stop godmodeing my godmodeing! >:(
At 7/23/10 12:03 AM, Xiivi wrote: Sigh, time to post and see if this level is a sword or not.
Please don't be a sword (even though it prob is since like every level is a sword).
Relax - you won't get a sword until Level 51 now!
That's 626 deposits away, or 1 year, 261 days away, assuming that you deposit every day, which you're not likely to do :P
21,000 Medal Points
According to NG Logs, I've got closer to 22,500, but I'll take what it say here, errors or not :P
ATTENTION WI/HT?'ERS! Are you ready for the Stickam chat tomorrow night at 4PM EST?
Wednesday night I watched Wayne's World 1 and 2 and last night I saw Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. I'd say the last two days were most excellent.
Listening to:
Megadeth - Endgame
At 7/22/10 11:36 AM, reverend wrote: Rev feels so dirty for creating this; congrats to:
Oh. My. Fucking. God! I'd fave it but dammit, you're still not scouted! Oh well, maybe the scouters will be more interested now, especially now they'll see a dragon with sword for dick.
At 7/22/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yep, he went to all three. The amount of money he's spending to go to all these meet ups is a lot more than the amount of money I've spent on concerts this year.I can imagine unless ... NG has their own corporate jet. ;)
You know, you could be right. It's another explanation as to how he can go to all these places and still have tons of money. Don't forget, he must buy a fair amount of drinks as well.
At 7/22/10 03:51 PM, Auz wrote:At 7/22/10 08:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: You don't need to make congrats lists, just be like myself and Haggard.I think I will for the time being.
Good idea. Heh, funny how you have time to talk to people here but not have the time to make congrats lists. Still, replying is much better than making congrats lists daily.
Yes, you should. Infact, whoever isn't a Futurama fan here must be one. Me and Coop will provide free DVDs for you.Free DVDs? Not gonna say no to that. Bring them over!
Well, I'd have to fly all the way over Netherlands to bring them to you. Do I get anything in return for this?
Hopefully there's plenty more reasons to go to London again.Yes there are plenty of reasons to go back to London for me and my gf can't wait to go back there.
And now there's another reason: Seeing NEVR who you could have saw last week! Dammit fellas!
Sorry, I'm not a vegan. Still, isn't a dragon of any kind worth seeing?It sure is a spectacular sight. Since she likes animals so much, I'm sure she'd like to hug you and feed you fake raw meat.
I don't particularly mind the raw meat. I just want to shake hands with you all. You'll find out how much of a gentle dragon I really am.
Too bad I can't spend that money on taking care of you all. If you get thrown out on the streets, that's your fault.But theeeyy took 'ur jobs!!! >.<
Too bad, get out on the streets you bum. :P
You know what'd be even more of a mindfuck? If I completely change my name. Now THAT is something no-one would ever get over.0.0
My mind can't even process that thought...
I couldn't accept it myself. I mean, if I can't name myself Bahamut, what would my name be? And no, it won't be NeoBahamut or Bahamut7! Try thinking of a completely different name for myself.
Nah, I'd much rather be killed by a dragon shoving his sword dick up my ass.That would make you look kinda gay I suppose :p
Only if I'm enjoying it sexually. ;) We all know only Fagamut can enjoy it that way.
That's it, she's trying to bring down the forum starting with breaking my heart.Watch out for her man! She knows how to wrap men around her finger first and snap them in two just like that. Don't fall for her charms!
I'll see her at the meet so she's got some explaining to do while we're there.
I still find it funny that despite all I've said about Triple Triad, I'll still take it over FFIX's Tetra Master any day of the week.Definitely! I never understood Tetra Master at all. I heard it something to do with weaknesses, but I never saw any logical connections in that game. It seemed completely random to me and I never bothered with that sidequest.
As far as I'm concerned, Tetra Master had no logic at all. The rules were poorly explained and the game hardly made any sense. Good thing you only have to play a few games for the tournament. However, I think that's a few too many. Despite that, FFIX is still a fantastic experience and the stupid card game hardly affects the game.
Indeed and playing through the game at level 100 most of the time should be manageable as well. This goes back to my point that the level up system in FFVIII is silly.Yeah that might be manageable, but I think your stats won't rise much higher than half the max (around 125) by doing that. You'd need a little more with vitality and spirit if you wanna stay safe.
Which I'm sure is manageable. I'm sure it's not as bad as levelling up too fast in Oblivion where even the weakest enemies could kick your ass. I learned that the hard way.
Ha, he said his marriage wouldn't affect his posting habits one bit. He was so wrong.Indeed. Just one tiny little post about how he's doing would be nice. And pics from the bachelor party.
We may as well forget it. I'm sure we can all agree that he's moved on from Newgrounds. This is what happens when a Newgrounder gets married. S/he shall leave their fellow NGers behind.
First it was cast/cats and now Tom Fulp's news post about cats.Wait cast/cats rings a bell. Wasn't there a topic in general about that recently? And NEVR posted something like. "I always let my cat do the modding". I didn't know it was turning into such a hype.
To be honest, I'm not a big fan of cats and no way in hell would I like to have any nearby, especially when I've got the budgie Sky to take care of.
Actually, he became popular on YouTube...Oh God... Not another one =/
Yeah, this is our future. The only good YouTube "celebrity" I know is James Rolfe but he's becoming overshadowed by the whores over there.
You really thought some of those kids looked 18? No way they were but that doesn't stop me from walking around naked. I don't think anyone has complained about seeing a dragon cock around here.Heh, after having a little booze everybody looks 18 to me. And your cock is just a sword so that's natural censoring.
That's odd, I can see it clear as day out there. I see no sword on my crotch. However, reverend's picture might explain a few things. Maybe only I can see it while the others see a sword.
Well, how do you suppose we even become pentamods? Now that's the good question. You realise the closest we have to a Wi/Ht?'er on the audio mod team is AllReligiousDrunk, right?Not to worry. We just gotta do some literature and art studies and surely you, me, haggard and Coop could form a band. I mean I'm a pretty good triangle player if I may say so and I heard Coop is a beast on the drums.
Hey, that's a great idea! I'm sure a dragon shredding on a guitar is something worth hearing. Now we're getting somewhere. However, that just leaves us with the art portal. The only Wi/Ht? art mod is BlueHippo but he's been MIA for ages now.
Actually, that's right. Along with many awesome things they can do, they also have a higher tolerance for alcohol.And then there's the fact that you're British which makes you even more tolerant to alcohol. Heck I bet you can drink a full barrel of beer and still drive backwards through the center of London without hitting anything.
Why do I need to drive? I can just fly over there. Now drinking AND flying all the way is a challenge.
At least he knows when enough is enough.But why be satisfied with a golden aura if we can have so much more?
Because he's happy with what he has?
At 7/22/10 06:34 PM, Haggard wrote: Wow, NintendoMadness (a fellow LUL List Maker) is UOTD and he's not here to witness it! :(
I too miss this guy. He's what got me to have thoughts on the Wi/Ht? Regulars List and bringing it back from the dead. Without him, I'm not sure what the fate of the list would have been like.
At 7/22/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote: I need to keep my treasure safe. :PI see. Wouldn't be a good idea to summon a Mega Flare on someone who's standing in front of your treasure, right? I mean, the gold would melt...
Now we have an agreement on festivals. My gold is definitely precious and I cannot put it in danger.
You realise if you put someone in a blender, they'll die, right?Only if they make bad music. ^^
It doesn't matter if they make good or bad music, they're still going to die.
Nope, I meant any good band, Manowar included. If you really want to put a band in a blender, make sure it's one that sucks so they'll cease to exist.How about Justin Bieber?
Now that's one we can all agree on. SEND HIM TO THE BLENDER! Wait, that's two agreements in one day. That can't be right.
No, you can still quickly check the BBS and the portal while you're there.Yes, "quickly". But if I do something different that I need to concentrate on, like playing a game? I can't be in a chat room and play a game simultanously.
I've done that many times. I've played games along with chatting on Stickam. You need to work on multitasking. It's not that hard to do.
Yeah, 10 years sounds about right. Season 11 was when they started to go downhill.I think the newer seasons are better than some of the older ones. But again I can't come up with exact numbers. I only remember there was a time when I didn't watch the Simpsons because the episodes sucked (maybe 12 years ago?). Now I watch them if I get the chance.
To me, nothing can beat the classics. Hell, I even find the first season to be enjoyable. I'd say the first 8 seasons are The Simpsons at their finest. Seasons 9 and 10 were good but not as good as the previous seasons. Let's not forget the travesty season 9 offered with All Singing, All Dancing and trying to completely fuck up with Skinner's continuity. Sadly, it didn't end there with messing up the character's continuities.
At 7/23/10 05:25 AM, Auz wrote: Level 43
This icon doesn't look too good on the golden aura. Plus it's my least favorite from the 41-45 series, but still a good icon overall.
You may not like it that much but I still think the mace looks good. I thinks it mixes well with gold aura. gfox even thought the same thing.
Incase you're wondering, I don't level up just yet. I've still got another 17 days to go. We're no longer level up buddies. :( Ah well, Haggard will soon become a level up buddy of mine.
At 7/23/10 05:49 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 7/22/10 08:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yes, you should. Infact, whoever isn't a Futurama fan here must be one. Me and Coop will provide free DVDs for you.What the? I'm not giving away my DVD collection! They can go out and buy them and I'll give them promo codes, but giving them away for free is just criminal!
Coop, you don't have to give away YOUR collection! What you can do is buy DVDs for them! We can be generous, can't we?
And what does this have to do with taking over NG again?Nothing! It has everything to do with knowing when enough is enough.
Well, maybe The Matrix sequels weren't necessary but we're talking about Newgrounds here and our limits.
No, he's a mad man. There's no other explanation to his recent behaviour.I'll keep an eye on that then...
Thank you. Who knows what else he has in mind and I dread to think what else he'll demand around here.
At 7/22/10 11:36 AM, reverend wrote: Rev feels so dirty for creating this; congrats to:I don't feel much cleaner for having written a review :P
I have to give it a 10!
Congratulations to: -
gamejunkie - 14,000 Saves
chris-marks - 50,000 Medal Points
Yamor - 10,000 Posts, 6,000 B/P, 5,000 Saves and 1,000 Blams
Coop83 - 77,000 B/P and 21,000 Medal Points
Xiivi - Level 45
reverend - 8,000 Blams
A - Level 39
Auz - Level 43
At 7/22/10 08:13 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 7/21/10 08:52 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: If I didn't think Tommy Wiseau was a douchebag before, I do now (hope I don't get sued for that :P)Oh hi Rohan.
Funny story!
YOU ARE TEARING ME APART GAGSY!At 7/20/10 09:00 AM, Bahamut wrote: Of course I will. I'll take it on the General regulars. As for Gagsy, I don't know anymore.Search your feelings young Bahamut.
Poor you. Come on, grab your finest tux and a football, I've got an idea.
Oh, I'm sure Batman would be cool no matter what, even if seeing a dragon will be strange to him.Now why would I want to mega flare the Dark Knight? If I ever saw him, I'd give him a pat on the back.It was more as a response to him not forgiving you after you apologised :P
"I'm Batman!"
"I'm Bahamut!"
"...ok then, bye."
At 7/22/10 08:43 AM, Odyssic wrote:At 7/21/10 08:52 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: If I didn't think Tommy Wiseau was a douchebag before, I do now (hope I don't get sued for that :P)Your tearing me apart, Rohan!
Get a tuxedo and join Bahamut and I :P
TGIF; Congrats to:
chris-marks - 50k Medal Points
Yamor - 10,000 Posts, 6,000 B/P, 5,000 Saves, and 1,000 Blams
Xiivi - Level 45
A - Level 39
Auz - Level 43
Coop83 - 21k Medal Points and 77k B/P
Thanks to:
At 7/22/10 03:59 PM, Auz wrote: It's probably the one problem I have with becoming a vegan. Some of those meat replacement are actually pretty good and I've had a few which were almost the real deal. I don't mind eating those instead of meat, but overall there's still too little I like.
Since I'm not supporting vegetarianism as much for the reasons I would become a vegetarian, I'll stick with being an omnivore for now =/
I have tried soy burgers some time ago and it was pretty good all in all but when I tried soy milk, eh, there is no replacing that. If you can make something out of soy that tastes like a filet mignon or at least a pork chop, then I might be tempted.
At 7/23/10 05:49 AM, Coop83 wrote: I don't feel much cleaner for having written a review :P
I had to debate whether to add testicles to that piece. You know how long that's going to haunt me. :P
Yeah, but it takes serial killers and those that run off on killing sprees a lot longer if they don't have access to the guns. Getting up close and personal is in theory a much more brutal way of killing and more psychologically traumatising to the killer. Guns are so detached, because they allow the killer to be some distance from the target when they pull the trigger. Granted, this wasn't what happened with either of my two examples, but you get the picture.
The one thing about guns laws though is that if someone is going to already commit a crime, they are not going to obey gun laws. They'll just get one even easier illegally. Sure they will delay them for awhile but if someone is intent to killing someone they'll do it; gun, poison, blunt weapon, what have you. I'm pretty sure they have to be psychologically traumatized from the start to consider murdering someone.
Not really. This morning, I had no trouble getting in, since I'm on the bike. However, a few days ago, we had trouble getting home, as the hill had to be closed, due to someone rolling their car over. Swerved into the oncoming lane, clipped the kerb and rolled it, if the skidmarks are anything to go by.
Pity they didn't have a monster truck like you do. :P
At 7/23/10 07:59 AM, Bahamut wrote: ATTENTION WI/HT?'ERS! Are you ready for the Stickam chat tomorrow night at 4PM EST?
Sure I can pop in for a little bit, though not forever since I'll have to make dinner around 6PM EST.
Oh. My. Fucking. God! I'd fave it but dammit, you're still not scouted! Oh well, maybe the scouters will be more interested now, especially now they'll see a dragon with sword for dick.
I have to have four pieces, before I can be scouted and then wait for a quality scouter since I don't want to be scouted and descouted over and over. I have no idea what to make for my fourth piece and it might take a little while anyways. It's kind of strange when someone can review an unscouted person's work but not fav it.
Anyways, what's another few weeks waiting compared to the eight months I took to get around to making it. :)
You know, you could be right. It's another explanation as to how he can go to all these places and still have tons of money. Don't forget, he must buy a fair amount of drinks as well.
Not to mention hotel fare too. He must have some illegal connections to have all that cash. I say mafia or cartel ties.
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
At 7/23/10 05:25 AM, Auz wrote: Level 43
This icon doesn't look too good on the golden aura. Plus it's my least favorite from the 41-45 series, but still a good icon overall.
A big congrats for acquiring your next level my good man. Personally level 43 is one of my favorite icons (if not my favorite icon.)
I'd say the best icons are 38, 39, 42, 43 and 45. Though I agree, lvl 43 doesn't fit too well with the golden mod aura.