"What is a joke exactly?"

"What is a joke exactly?"
Listening to:
Die Fantastischen Vier - Böse
Queen - Death on two legs (Live)
Mantus - Ewigkeit
Congrats to:
Bahamut: Ranked #555 in Experience, 30,000 Blams
Kart-Man: Deity Whistle
rockymike: Level 13, Gold Whistle, 300 reviews
Dream-of-Duke: 16,000 Blams
verycoolguy: Level 11
TheD-LucksEdition: Level 11
Solidone: Level 9, Silver Whistle
Fagamut: 2,500 Exp
Bahamut7: 4,000 Exp
DekapitatoR: 2500 Posts
AndersonCouncil: Top 700 in Experience
At 4/8/07 07:26 AM, Casualty wrote: This is a very special list!
Indeed, it was executed with Wi/Ht LUL - List Maker! I had been planning this for a while, but now I finally did it too =P
Feel free to play around with the preview before you post for good...
Wow, this looks great. I'll give it a try next time I make a list :) .
At 4/8/07 02:40 AM, ReconRebel wrote: I guess this means no hugs either 'eh? What a cold world we live in.
Yes... the world definitely needs more hugs.
At 4/8/07 04:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: Oh, I vote. The problem being that I feel jaded about it and because it doesn't seem to matter who I vote for, the same old shit continues to happen.
That's certainly true... but it's still a good idea to choose the lesser evil, I think.
Because he's too young to vote?
Well, it obviously only applies if you CAN vote but CHOOSE not to (and for reasons other than viewing the whole thing as a meaningless charade that you refuse to participate in, too).
At 4/8/07 10:42 AM, ramagi wrote: I know I did, you beter go back and look again, since you congrtz me a little different I thanked you a little different :)
Hmm... OK, yes, you're right. It's really strange, too, though, since I went over your post thrice to make sure I didn't just overlook my name - but I probably should've focused on the regular text, too, not just on the quoted stuff. x.x
no hugs for j00, now >:)
Noooo! *earsplays*
At 4/8/07 12:33 PM, AndersonCouncil wrote: Cracked the top 700 in EXP
yesterday my rank and VP were the same : 912
At 4/8/07 07:26 AM, Casualty wrote: Indeed, it was executed with Wi/Ht LUL - List Maker! I had been planning this for a while, but now I finally did it too =P
My God! You've changed the face of Congratulation lists forever.
Congratulations to:
Dream-of-Duke: 16000 blams
verycoolguy: Level 11
TheD-LucksEdition: Level 11
Solidone: Level 9, Silver Whistle
DekapitatoR: 2500th Posts - lol
cadillac24w: First Post
AndersonCouncil: Top 700 in EXP
Batista333: Level 2
Congrats to:
AndersonCouncil - Top 700 expers.
Bahamut7 - 4,000 exp.
bifgis - Top 400 b/pers.
DekapitatoR - 2,500 posts.
Dream-of-Duke - 16,000 blams.
Fagamut - 2,500 exp.
PenguinLink - EG Major.
verycoolguy - Level 11.
At 4/8/07 04:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: We all know you amanaged to beat the high scores by resetting the console every time you hit game over :P
Lies. Lies and slander.
Okay, it may be a tad true. But it only happened three times throughout my training marathon. But I have gotten better. :c
It wasn't bad, no
But Grindhouse will be better. Mainly because of more action, and it has zombie-killing.
And Kurt Russell. Can't forget him.
Because he's too young to vote?
Well, there's that, and I haven't really cared about politics.
At 4/8/07 07:26 AM, Casualty wrote: Indeed, it was executed with Wi/Ht LUL - List Maker! I had been planning this for a while, but now I finally did it too =P
lol at you and your crazy ideas. :P
Feel free to play around with the preview before you post for good...
Gotta love all those sixes in your "profile."
At 4/8/07 04:21 PM, schneelocke wrote: Well, it obviously only applies if you CAN vote but CHOOSE not to (and for reasons other than viewing the whole thing as a meaningless charade that you refuse to participate in, too).
Does this mean that I am destined to become an idiot? :c
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
Congratulations to (In no particular order);
AndersonCouncil: Top 700 in EXP
Bahamut: Ranked #555 in Experience, 30,000 Blams
Bahamut7: 4,000 Exp
Batista333: Level 2
bifgis: Top 400 B/P points
cadillac24w: First Post - Alt?
DekapitatoR: 2500 Posts
Dream-of-Duke: 16,000 Blams
Fagamut: 2,500 Exp
JUSTIN-BAILEY: Bronze whistle
Kart-Man: Deity Whistle
Lord-Bob: 1500 Posts
MadCow: 10,000 posts! - SO MANY!
MadMax: One years' full deposits
PenguinLink: Elite Gaurd Major
rockymike: Level 13, Gold Whistle, 300 reviews
Solidone: Level 9, Silver Whistle
TheD-LucksEdition: Level 11
verycoolguy: Level 11
As for me, I managed to get 6,666 Blams.
I wonder if I really push this account I could find something every few pages to huzzah about...
So, how exactly does this place work? Do you join or just post as you like?
At 4/8/07 10:46 PM, X-Naut wrote: Does this mean that I am destined to become an idiot? :c
It's your choice!
At 4/8/07 10:46 PM, MadCow wrote: 10,000 posts!
Congrats! :)
Oh yeah, and congrats to AfroUnderscoreStud for passing me on the B/P list yesterday, too. (*grumble*) I can't say it's not my own fault, of course, though, so... yes, congrats!
At 4/9/07 04:04 AM, DarkLotusJuggalo wrote: So, how exactly does this place work? Do you join or just post as you like?
Just post away.
Coop gives Bank Holiday congratulations to:
TheD-LucksEdition: Level 11
Solidone: Silver Whistle
Fagamut: 2,500 Experience
Bahamut7: 4,000 Experience
DekapitatoR: 2,500 Posts
AndersonCouncil: Top 700 Expereinced
bifgis: Top 400 B/Per
PenguinLink: EG Major
MadCow: 10,000 Posts
JUSTIN-BAILEY: Bronze Whistle
deslona: 6,666 Blams
AfroUnderscoreStud: Ranked #9 for B/P
Thanks to:
At 4/8/07 04:21 PM, schneelocke wrote:At 4/8/07 04:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: Oh, I vote. The problem being that I feel jaded about it and because it doesn't seem to matter who I vote for, the same old shit continues to happen.That's certainly true... but it's still a good idea to choose the lesser evil, I think.
Voting is my right to whinge renewal. I do so at every given opportunity
Because he's too young to vote?Well, it obviously only applies if you CAN vote but CHOOSE not to (and for reasons other than viewing the whole thing as a meaningless charade that you refuse to participate in, too).
I don't refust to participate in it, I just view it as meaningless, because we're screwed either way when we vote. See my right to whinge, above.
At 4/8/07 10:42 AM, ramagi wrote: no hugs for j00, now >:)Noooo! *earsplays*
You can have a hug from me if you like.
At 4/8/07 10:46 PM, X-Naut wrote:At 4/8/07 04:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: We all know you amanaged to beat the high scores by resetting the console every time you hit game over :PLies. Lies and slander.
Where are my high scores then?
Okay, it may be a tad true. But it only happened three times throughout my training marathon. But I have gotten better. :c
We'll soon see. You've got today to play against me.
At 4/8/07 10:46 PM, MadCow wrote: 10,000 posts!
I think I'm triple-listed now :D
Race you to the quadralist? :P
Congrasts TO::
BlueBurningTorch Deity Whistle
IM-KOOL-R-U: Level 19 and maybe happy 19th birthday
Grammer: E.g. Master Sergeant
AlphaCentauri 5,000 posts and etc
BlueHippo 8,000 exp
AltBlueHippo 8,000 saves
Bahamut- 1k exp
TheNumberOfTheDragon 1\4 of 10k exp
Coop83 24 ages old
OsAmARaMa: level 17 ( 16 at the moment but you should have it soon, agian)
Dela 4k saves
deslona 1k posts
Bahamut Ranked 555 in exp (five would be proud) & 30k Blams
Kart-Man Deity Whistle
rockymike: level 13, gold whistle & 300 reviews
Dream-of-Duke 16k Blams
TheD-LucksEdition: Level 11
Fagamut 1\4 of 10k exp
Bahamut7 4,000 exp
AndersonCouncil Top 700 in exp
bifgis TOp 400 for b/p
PengiunLink: E.g. Major
MadCow 10,000 posts
deslona 6,666 blams
At 4/6/07 07:54 PM, ReconRebel wrote:At 4/6/07 07:08 PM, iscrulz wrote: Perhaps it could be a possibilty. Good thing I wasnt online I would of been crying if I missed that many blams.Do you cry often? ^_~
Too often according to todays society.
Blams are scarce.Tell me about it Eyeball. It's not like the old days when blam points came in droves. I've been too indifferent with my voting lately (even with a steady point increase) so I've started to hammer the garbage submissions (like that KittyKrew crap) with zeroes. Might as well put my voting power to good use even though my effect on the overall score is negligible at best.
Yes its said I miss being able to get 3x as much blams than saves. Maybe part of its to blam on the submitters there could be less of them. Well I dont care about getting b/p now just some scraps to stay alive.
At 4/7/07 09:08 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 4/6/07 07:08 PM, iscrulz wrote: Congrats to:I looked at this and thought LOL15,000 responses, but then realised it was 0.15 x 1,000 = 150. 15k responses would be super special, since KWAS only has 2,500 and he's in the lead :P
Coop83 .15k review responses
Just slight confusion is what I was aiming for. Someone could get to 2.5k and pass kwas but I dont know I am not here much.
At 4/7/07 12:36 PM, DrHood wrote: 1500th post. This is an accomplishment because I'm very slow at racking up bbs posts.
ok for you congrats but its not really an accomplisment. 1,000 2,000 3,000 ... n,000 like that is.
At 4/8/07 07:26 AM, Casualty wrote: This is a very special list!
Indeed, it was executed with Wi/Ht LUL - List Maker! I had been planning this for a while, but now I finally did it too =P
Feel free to play around with the preview before you post for good...
whoa looks cool maybe I will use it next time. slurp
At 4/9/07 12:12 AM, MadMax wrote: Well, it's officially my 365th deposit to NG, which means..
come back in 2 days or maybe 3. why 20 for the profile and 5 or 10 for mailing lists.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
congratulations To:
iateamexican - silver whistle
deslona - 6,666 blams
JUSTIN-BAILEY - bronze whistle
Lord-Bob - 1500 posts
Madmax - a year of deposits (well, nearly)
Madcow - 10,000 posts
PenguinLink - EG Major
bifgis - top 400 for b/p
AndersonCouncil - top 700 in exp
DekapitatoR - 2,500 posts
Bahamut7 - 4000 exp
At 4/8/07 07:55 AM, Fagamut wrote:At 4/7/07 07:09 AM, TheNumberOfTheDragon wrote:Thank you for your deposit, Fagamut! You now have 2,500 experience points. You need 393 more to get to level 11.At 4/6/07 06:14 AM, S-k-y wrote: Thank you for your deposit, S-k-y! You now have 2,500 experience points. You need 391 more to get to level 11.Thank you for your deposit, TheNumberOfTheDragon! You now have 2,500 experience points. You need 392 more to get to level 11.
Thank you for your deposit, EmoDragon! You now have 2,500 experience points. You need 394 more to get to level 11.
At 4/9/07 04:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: Voting is my right to whinge renewal. I do so at every given opportunity
Mmm. :)
I don't refust to participate in it, I just view it as meaningless, because we're screwed either way when we vote. See my right to whinge, above.
As Ed Howdershelt said... "There are four boxes to use in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, ammo. Use in that order."
You can have a hug from me if you like.At 4/8/07 10:42 AM, ramagi wrote:
Awww, thanks. :) *hugs*
What I listened to while making this post:
Iron Maiden - 'Invaders' and 'Children of the Damned'
Congrats to:
DekapitatoR - 2500 posts
AndersonCouncil - Top 700 EXP
bifgis - Top 400 B/P
PenguinLink - Elite Guard Major
MadCow - 10000 posts
MadMax - 1 year of depositing
deslona - 6666 blams
Thanks to:
Imposter X-Naut
Listening to:
Uncle Ho - Small is beautiful
Blind Guardian - Moisson de Peine (French)
Motörhead - Living in the past
Congrats to:
bifgis: Top 400 in B/P
Penguin Link: EG Major
MadCow: 10,000 Posts
MadMax: 1 Year on NG
Lord-Bob: 1,500 Posts
JUSTIN-BAILEY: Bronze Whistle
deslona: 6,666 Blams
iateamexican: Silver Whistle
EmoDragon: 2,500 Experience
Thanks to:
Casualty - for the Wi/Ht LUL - List Maker
IM-KOOL-R-U - level 19, for real this time
Grammer - Elite Guard Master Sergeant
AlphaCentauri - 5000 posts
BlueHippo - 8000 exp
Muffin - 8000 Saves
BahamutHyphen - 1000 exp
TheNumberOfTheDragon - 2500 exp
Coop83 - 24 IRL
OsAmARaMa - level 17 & leveling down to 16
Dela - 4000 saves & Elite Guard Sergeant Major
deslona - 1000 posts & 6666 blams
DrHood - 1500 posts
Bahamut - #555 exp & 30000 Blams
Kart-Man - Deity Whistle
rockymike - level 13, Gold Whistle & 300 flash reviews
Dream-of-Duke - 16000 Blams
verycoolguy - level 11
TheD-LucksEdition - level 11
Fagamut - 2500 exp
Bahamut7 - 4000 exp
DekapitatoR - 2500 posts
AndersonCouncil - top 700 exp
AtomicTerrorist - 912 VP & exp rank
bifgis - top 400 B/P
PenguinLink - Elite Guard Major
MadCow - 10000 posts
MadMax - 1 years worth of exp
Lord-Bob - 1500 posts
AfroUnderscoreStud - #9 B/P
EmoDragon - 2500 exp
we all know he'll just give up on depositing after a while. It is the emo way
Odyssic - 10000 total Stat Points
At 4/8/07 04:56 AM, Odyssic wrote: Easter Sunday, did anyone get a Easter Egg?
I got one, and Aero one. Most people probably don't know what that is, but it's damn good :P
Did you get any???
At 4/8/07 07:26 AM, Casualty wrote: Indeed, it was executed with Wi/Ht LUL - List Maker! I had been planning this for a while, but now I finally did it too =P
Looks scary, I shall investigate before I use. Nice work though <3
At 4/9/07 04:04 AM, DarkLotusJuggalo wrote: So, how exactly does this place work? Do you join or just post as you like?
If you achieve something, post that you have.
You can chat with other people etc.
Make a congrats list if your a crazy fool :D
But just enjoy 1820+ pages of Stat Whoring
Music listened to:
Black Sabbath - War Pigs, Paranoid, Iron Man & Electric Funeral
Jimi Hendrix - If 6 was 9
Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love, No Quarter
Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog
I watch an unholy amount of films
At 4/9/07 09:14 AM, Shanus wrote:At 4/8/07 04:56 AM, Odyssic wrote: Easter Sunday, did anyone get a Easter Egg?I got one, and Aero one. Most people probably don't know what that is, but it's damn good :P
Did you get any???
I got a cream egg easter egg. It was good.
even better thouhg, i was in work and the owner of the hotel i work in was in for lunch wiht his family and he gave me an awesome tip of £20 which is nearly four hours wages on top of what i earned for just goin into work that day, awesome.
At 4/9/07 09:25 AM, Solidone wrote: I got a cream egg easter egg. It was good.
Dammit,I wanted one of those.
even better thouhg, i was in work and the owner of the hotel i work in was in for lunch wiht his family and he gave me an awesome tip of £20 which is nearly four hours wages on top of what i earned for just goin into work that day, awesome.
I worked for 2 hours today, and I'll probably get 25Euro. And then I'll buy some cheap easter eggs tomorrow
At 4/9/07 09:27 AM, Odyssic wrote:
I could have had a aero one but I had flake egg.
Hmmm, yeah that's probably better than what I got.
In the random tesco I walked into, I saw an Easter Egg Slab.
It's like a table sized, flat, easter egg. I may purchase it tonight, with the money I earned today
Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog
I watch an unholy amount of films
While making this post, I listened to:
Judas Priest - Living After Midnight
Judas Priest - Steeler
Congrats to:
Bahamut7: 4,000 Experience
AndersonCouncil: Top 700 Experience
bifgis: Top 400 B/P
PenguinLink: EG Major
MadCow: 10,000 Posts
MadMax: 1 Year on NG
deslona: 6,666 Blams
iateamexican: Silver Whistle
Odyssic: 10,000 Total Stats
At 4/8/07 07:45 AM, Odyssic wrote: Thats awesome, and its easy to use. When I first looked at I thought, "Oh no, this looks hard" Once again Casualty you have done a awesome job.
Thanks a lot dude! I'm glad you appreciate it!
At 4/8/07 05:22 PM, Cereal wrote: My God! You've changed the face of Congratulation lists forever.
I wouldn't say that, but thanks =P
At 4/9/07 06:35 AM, iscrulz wrote: whoa looks cool maybe I will use it next time. slurp
Make sure you do! =)
At 4/9/07 09:14 AM, Shanus wrote: Looks scary, I shall investigate before I use. Nice work though <3
Thank you =)
PenguinLink's Congratulations List #53
Congratulations to the following users:
rockymike- Level 13, Gold Whistle, 300 Flash Reviews
Dream-of-Duke- 16,000 Blams
verycoolguy- Level 11
TheD-LucksEdition- Level 11
Solidone- Level 9, Silver Whistle
Fagamut- 2,500 Experience Points
Bahamut7- 4,000 Experience Points
DekapitatoR- 2,500th Posts
AndersonCouncil- Top 700 in Experience Points
bifgis- Top 400 in B/P
MadCow- 10,000 Posts
MadMax- First NG Birthday
Lord-Bob- 1,500 Posts
JUSTIN-BAILEY- Bronze Whistle
deslona- 6,666 Blams
iateamexican- Silver Whistle
EmoDragon- 2,500 Experience Points
Thanks To:
At 4/8/07 07:26 AM, Casualty wrote:Indeed, it was executed with Wi/Ht LUL - List Maker! I had been planning this for a while, but now I finally did it too =P
You never cease to amaze me, Casualty. :) Once again, you have come up with another great invention that will help many List makers. :D
At 4/8/07 10:46 PM, X-Naut wrote:And Kurt Russell. Can't forget him.
Don't forget Chuck Norris, either. He plays a secret appearance near the end of the movie and he gives a few of his famous roundhouse kicks, knocking Zombies' heads all over the place. Quite an impressive sight if you ask me. :)
Very close to the cool looking badges now :)