Thank you for your deposit, BahamutHyphen! You now have 1,000 experience points. You need 646 more to get to level 10.
Thank you for your deposit, BahamutHyphen! You now have 1,000 experience points. You need 646 more to get to level 10.
At 4/6/07 06:14 AM, S-k-y wrote: Thank you for your deposit, S-k-y! You now have 2,500 experience points. You need 391 more to get to level 11.
Thank you for your deposit, TheNumberOfTheDragon! You now have 2,500 experience points. You need 392 more to get to level 11.
What I listened to while making this post:
Dream Theater - 'A Change of Seasons'
Congrats to:
Auz - 7000 saves
NobGoblin - 1000 posts
Officer - 1000 posts
IM-KOOL-R-U - 19 years old, Level 19
Grammer - Elite Guard Sergeant Major
AlphaCentauri - 5000 posts
BlueHippo - 8000 EXP
Muffin - 8000 saves
Thanks to:
At 4/6/07 12:25 PM, Coop83 wrote: While making this post, I listened to the following:
Iron Maiden: Can I Play with Madness
Iron Maiden: Two Minutes to Midnight
Metallica: For Whom the Bell Tolls
Those are great songs! :D
On his 24th Birthday, Coop congratulates:
Auz: 7,000 Saves
NobGoblin: 1,000 Posts
Officer: 1,000 Posts; Bronze Whistle
BlueBurningTorch: Deity Whistle
IM-KOOL-R-U: Level 19
AlphaCentauri: 5,000 Posts
BlueHippo: 8,000 Experience; 8,000 Saves (Alt)
BahamutHyphen: 1,000 Experience
TheNumberOfTheDragon: 2,500 Experience
At 4/6/07 07:08 PM, iscrulz wrote: Congrats to:
Coop83 .15k review responses
I looked at this and thought LOL15,000 responses, but then realised it was 0.15 x 1,000 = 150. 15k responses would be super special, since KWAS only has 2,500 and he's in the lead :P
At 4/7/07 03:01 AM, schneelocke wrote:At 4/6/07 12:25 PM, Coop83 wrote:No, an idiot is someone who doesn't vote (or, more specifically, who doesn't participate in politics and only cares about his private life).Is an Idiot someone who can't spell, I wonder :P
Whew, for a moment there, I thought I was an idoit :P
At 4/7/07 07:23 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 4/6/07 12:25 PM, Coop83 wrote: While making this post, I listened to the following:Those are great songs! :D
Iron Maiden: Can I Play with Madness
Iron Maiden: Two Minutes to Midnight
Metallica: For Whom the Bell Tolls
That's why I listened to them. Today's mucical selection:
AC/DC: Highway to Hell
AC/DC: Back in Black
AC/DC: You Shook Me All Night Long
At 4/7/07 08:04 AM, Odyssic wrote: Listening to:
Weird Al Yankovic - White & Nerdy
Good tune, but I prefer Weasel Stomping Day.
At 4/6/07 10:08 PM, Shanus wrote:
I see nothing wrong with that :D
I was only messing bout the non spelling thing, it's all good
"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"
Should be leveling up in bp by tomorrow.
Also, 4k.
At 4/7/07 09:08 AM, Coop83 wrote: Whew, for a moment there, I thought I was an idoit :P
Naww... unless you don't vote, you're not. ^^ (And even if you do, you're mostly just one in the original sense, although one might argue that people who don't vote *out of laziness* even though they could at least are idiots in the more modern sense of the word as well.)
Yay! After all this time, my 1000th post on my 1010th day on NG!
Congratulations to:
Azentiger - 3000 saves
Fusezilla - 4000 posts
TheBlackDahliaMurder - 4000 exp
ramagi - 6th NG B-Day
Sabotage - 100 posts :p
Powerage- 5,000 Experience Points
S-k-y- 2,500 Experience Points
DeviI- 3,000 Experience Points
Auz- 7,000 Saves
NobGoblin- 1,000 Posts
Officer- 1,000 Posts, Bronze Whistle
BlueBurningTorch- Deity Whistle
IM-KOOL-R-U- Level 19
Grammer- Elite Guard Master Sergeant
AlphaCentauri: 5,000 Posts
BlueHippo: 8,000 Experience; 8,000 Saves (Alt)
BahamutHyphen: 1,000 Experience
TheNumberOfTheDragon: 2,500 Experience
OsAmARaMa: Level 17
Dela: 4000 Blam/Save points
1500th post. This is an accomplishment because I'm very slow at racking up bbs posts.
Listening to:
Ramones - Sheena is a punk rocker
Carnivore - Inner Conflict
Radiohead / On A Friday - Tell Me Bitch
Great song :D . I wish Radiohead would make this kind of music today ^^ .
Congrats to:
Auz: 7,000 saves
NobGoblin: 1,000 Posts
Officer: 1,000 Posts, Bronze Whistle
BlueBurningTorch: Deity Whistle
IM-KOOL-R-U: Level 19
Grammer: EG Master Sergeant
AlphaCentauri: 5,000 Posts
BlueHippo: 8,000 Exp, 8,000 Saves on alt
BahamutHyphen: 1,000 Exp
TheNumberOfTheDragon: 2,500
OsAmARaMa: Level 17
Dela: 4,000 Saves
deslona: 1,000 Posts
2 acheivements I made today:
1. Experience: Ranked # 555 out of 1,131,794 users!
2. 30000 blams!
postcount +=1;
Newgrounds Photoshop Headquarters || Don't use MS Paint! Use Aviary!
PenguinLink's Congratulations List #52
Congratulations to the following users:
AlphaCentauri- 5,000 Posts
BlueHippo- 8,000 Experience Points
Muffin- 8,000 Saves
BahamutHyphen- 1,000 Experience Points
TheNumberOfTheDragon- 2,500 Experience Points
Coop83- 24th Birthday
OsAmARaMa- Level 17
Dela- 4,000 Saves
deslona- 1,000 Posts
DrHood- 1,500 Posts
Bahamut- Ranked #555 in Experience, 30,000 Saves
Listened to:
Barney the Dinosaur: The Theme Song
Sorry guys. It had to be done. Lame joke, yes, I know. Don't worry, I shall go cry myself to sleep in a corner now.
In the last two days I have:
Hit Level 13
Got a Gold Whistle
Hit 300 reviews
hooray for me!
Congrats to:
AlphaCentauri - 5,000 posts.
Auz - 7,000 saves.
Azentiger - 3,000 saves.
Bahamut - #555 in exp, and 30,000 blams.
You want to know something? You still haven't passed me. :D
BahamutHyphen - 1,000 exp.
BlueBurningTorch - Deity whistle.
BlueHippo - 8,000 exp.
The chain looks a lot different on you.
Dela - 4,000 saves.
deslona - 1,000 posts.
Devil - 3,000 exp.
DrHood - 1,500 posts.
Fusezilla - 4,000 posts.
Grammer - EG Master Sergeant.
IM-KOOL-R-U - Level 19.
Kart-Man - Deity whistle.
Muffin - 8,000 saves.
NobGoblin - 1,000 posts.
Officer - Bronze whistle.
OsAmARaMa - Level 17.
Powerage - 5,000 exp.
ramagi - Sixth NG berfday.
rockymike - Level 13, gold whistle, and 300 reviews.
S-k-y - 2,500 exp.
Sabotage - 100 posts.
TheBlackDahliaMurder - 4,000 exp.
TheNumberOfTheDragon - 2,500 exp.
At 4/6/07 12:25 PM, Coop83 wrote: Oh it will be, but we've got a few hours to kill before my birthday, so lets play tetris!
Don't expect me to be a pushover this time. During your absense, I had the chance to practice by myself, and beat the high scores a dozen times. I said it once, and I'll say it again:
You're going down.
It was decent, the acting was a little weak in places, the nipples were huge (blind carpenter's thumbs) and the blood level was set to buckets. Xerxes was a prick, the abs were highly fictitious and there was a guest appearance from Faramir.
So it was decent, especially for a movie filled with 300 half-naked guys going against the odds, by battling a million soldiers?
At 4/7/07 03:01 AM, schneelocke wrote: No, an idiot is someone who doesn't vote (or, more specifically, who doesn't participate in politics and only cares about his private life).
This explanation makes me sad. :(
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
At 4/6/07 12:15 AM, ReconRebel wrote:At 4/6/07 12:08 AM, ramagi wrote: I hope everyone is well.Two water heaters in the mechanical penthouse ruptured simultaneously less than an hour ago. Caused a major deluge on the third floor. So much for a quiet long weekend.
Well that does suck, esp for easter.
time flies when you are having funYou old hag. Congrats on the 6 year anniversary ramagi. :-)
don't pull that rocking chair out for me yet.
At 4/6/07 12:25 AM, PenguinLink wrote: Congratulations to the followings users:
ramagi- 6 Years in Newgrounds
Major congratulations on your Sixth Newgrounds Birthday, miss ramagi. How will you celebrate it? :)At 4/6/07 12:08 AM, ramagi wrote:time flies when you are having fun
I went out to eat :)
At 4/6/07 01:03 AM, IM-KOOL-R-U wrote: congrats ramagi
i wish i signed up much earlier than i did but i didn't
ha i'm like 1 point away from leveling up
then i'll be back to my age and level being the same haha
thanks there are always some regrets, but it always a learning expeience and moving on rather than dwelling on the past.
At 4/6/07 01:35 AM, LittleWashu wrote:
Congrats ramagi that is quite an milestone there.
At 4/6/07 06:25 AM, Bahamut wrote: ramagi - 6 year old NG account. Over twice as old as my account.
thanks, trying to make me feel old are we?
At 4/6/07 06:50 AM, Haggard wrote: ramagi: 6th NG Birthday
At 4/6/07 08:41 AM, Odyssic wrote: ramagi: 6 years on NG
At 4/6/07 11:48 AM, Casualty wrote: ramagi: 6 NG Years - Congrats!
At 4/6/07 12:19 PM, Solidone wrote: ramagi - 6 yrs on NG
At 4/6/07 12:25 PM, Coop83 wrote: ramagi: 6th NG Berfday
At 4/6/07 07:08 PM, iscrulz wrote: ramagi 6 year old account
At 4/6/07 10:08 PM, Shanus wrote: ramagi - 6th NG B-Day
At 4/7/07 12:12 PM, deslona wrote: Yay! After all this time, my 1000th post on my 1010th day on NG!
ramagi - 6th NG B-Day
At 4/7/07 07:34 PM, X-Naut wrote:
ramagi - Sixth NG berfday.
Congratz to
Powerage 5k exp
Auz for 7Ksaves
im-KOOL-R-U level up
OsAmARaMa level up
Bahamut 30k blams, 555 exp rank
Congrats to
Kidiri - Elite Guard Private
TheRadicalOne - Level 12
Vengeance - Elite Guard Private First Class
Snowy-Beast - 9000 EXP
jonthomson - 15000 EXP
Frostbreath - 12000 Blams
Trunks - Level 12
Idiot-Finder - Diety Whistle, Elite Guard Sergeant Major
Azentiger - 3000 Saves
Fusezilla - 4000 Posts
TheBlackDahliaMurder - 4000 EXP
ramagi - 6 Years on NG
Powerage - 5000 EXP
Sabotage - 100 Posts
S-k-y - 2500 EXP
Devil - 3000 EXP
Auz - 7000 Saves
NobGoblin - 1000 Posts
Officer - Bronze Whistle
BlueBurningTorch - Deity Whistle
Grammer - Elite Guard Master Sergeant
AlphaCentauri - 5000 Posts
BlueHippo - 8000 EXP, 8000 Saves
BahamutHyphen - 1000 EXP
TheNumberOfTheDragon - 2500 EXP
OsAmARaMa - Level 17
Dela - 4000 Saves
DrHood - 1500 Posts
Bahamut - 555 in EXP, 30000 Blams
Kart-Man - Deity Whistle
rockymike - Level 13, Gold Whistle, 300 Reviews
At 4/7/07 01:30 PM, Bahamut wrote: 2. 30000 blams!
Sweet, congrats! ^^
At 4/7/07 07:34 PM, X-Naut wrote: This explanation makes me sad. :(
At 4/7/07 10:34 PM, ramagi wrote:
You forgot me - I congratulated you, too! :P
At 4/8/07 02:31 AM, schneelocke wrote:At 4/7/07 10:34 PM, ramagi wrote:You forgot me - I congratulated you, too! :P
I guess this means no hugs either 'eh? What a cold world we live in.
Music that I listened to while making this post:
No music, just the F1 Malayian Grand Prix - ITV1
Post Birthday Celebrations, Coop congratulates:
OsAmARaMa: Level 17
Dela: 4,000 Saves
deslona: 1,000 Posts
Bahamut: 30,000 Blams; #555 Experienced
Kart-Man: Deity Whistle
rockymike:Level 13; Gold Whistle; 300 reviews (flash)
Dream-of-Duke: 16,000 Blams
verycoolguy: Level 11
Thanks to:
At 4/7/07 12:06 PM, schneelocke wrote: Naww... unless you don't vote, you're not. ^^
Oh, I vote. The problem being that I feel jaded about it and because it doesn't seem to matter who I vote for, the same old shit continues to happen.
At 4/7/07 07:34 PM, X-Naut wrote:At 4/6/07 12:25 PM, Coop83 wrote: Oh it will be, but we've got a few hours to kill before my birthday, so lets play tetris!Don't expect me to be a pushover this time. During your absense, I had the chance to practice by myself, and beat the high scores a dozen times. I said it once, and I'll say it again:
You're going down.
We all know you amanaged to beat the high scores by resetting the console every time you hit game over :P
So it was decent, especially for a movie filled with 300 half-naked guys going against the odds, by battling a million soldiers?
It wasn't bad, no
At 4/8/07 02:31 AM, schneelocke wrote:At 4/7/07 07:34 PM, X-Naut wrote: This explanation makes me sad. :(Why?
Because he's too young to vote?
This is a very special list!
Indeed, it was executed with Wi/Ht LUL - List Maker! I had been planning this for a while, but now I finally did it too =P
Feel free to play around with the preview before you post for good...
Congrats to:
Auz: 7,000 Saves
NobGoblin: 1,000 Posts
Officer: Bronze Whistle
BlueBurningTorch: Deity Whistle
IM-KOOL-R-U: Level 20
IM-KOOL-R-U: 19 Years IRL
Grammer: EG Master Sergeant
AlphaCentauri: 5,000 Posts
BlueHippo: 8,000 Experience
Bahamut-: 1,000 Experience
OsAmARaMa: Level 17
Dela: 4,000 Saves
deslona: 1,000 Posts
Bahamut: Ranked #555 Experience
Bahamut: 30,000 Blams
Kart-Man: Deity Whistle
rockymike: Level 13
rockymike: Gold Whistle
rockymike: 300 Reviews
Dream-of-Duke: 16,000 Blams
verycoolguy: Level 11
TheD-LucksEdition: Level 11
At 4/7/07 07:09 AM, TheNumberOfTheDragon wrote:At 4/6/07 06:14 AM, S-k-y wrote: Thank you for your deposit, S-k-y! You now have 2,500 experience points. You need 391 more to get to level 11.Thank you for your deposit, TheNumberOfTheDragon! You now have 2,500 experience points. You need 392 more to get to level 11.
Thank you for your deposit, Fagamut! You now have 2,500 experience points. You need 393 more to get to level 11.
Thank you for your deposit, Bahamut7! You now have 4,000 experience points. You need 140 more to get to level 12.
Cool, getting close to level 12.
What I listened to while making this post:
Black Sabbath - 'Evil Woman', 'Sleeping Village' and 'The Warning'
Congrats to:
Coop83 - Happy birthday!
OsAmARaMa - Level 17
Dela - 4000 saves
deslona - 1000 posts
Kart-Man - Deity whistle
rockymike - Level 13, 300 flash reviews, Gold whistle
Dream-of-Duke - 16000 blams
verycoolguy - Level 11
TheD-LucksEdition - Level 11
Thanks to:
Imposter X-Naut
At 4/7/07 09:08 AM, Coop83 wrote: Today's mucical selection:
AC/DC: Highway to Hell
AC/DC: Back in Black
AC/DC: You Shook Me All Night Long
More great music!
At 4/8/07 07:26 AM, Casualty wrote: Indeed, it was executed with Wi/Ht LUL - List Maker! I had been planning this for a while, but now I finally did it too =P
Haha, that's cool, but I'll stick to using Wordpad.
At 4/8/07 02:31 AM, schneelocke wrote:
At 4/7/07 10:34 PM, ramagi wrote:You forgot me - I congratulated you, too! :P
At 4/7/07 10:34 PM, ramagi wrote:
I know I did, you beter go back and look again, since you congrtz me a little different I thanked you a little different :)
no hugs for j00, now >:)
At 4/7/07 10:51 PM, head2toewinner wrote: ramagi - 6 Years on NG
Also Happy Easter to anyone who celebrates it.