
I'm about to finally be level 18 after two days of going back and forth between 17 and 18.
At 4/9/07 12:12 AM, MadMax wrote: Well, it's officially my 365th deposit to NG, which means..
lol congrats
im gonna be at my 1000th day soon :D
Far away, across the field, the tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees, to hear the softly spoken magic spells.......
NGMartial Arts Club Are you Man...
MUSIC | or a little, dying cosmic whore...
Speak with your actions, come from your core.
Your Achievements Today:
You passed 24000 B/P! Congrats!
I guess thats a lot :o
Over 3400 b/p points, 2100 exp points, and over 900 posts!
Thats all you gotta do right?
At 4/10/07 12:08 AM, DarkLotusJuggalo wrote: Over 3400 b/p points, 2100 exp points, and over 900 posts!
Thats all you gotta do right?
Yeah but try and wait until you make some real achievements.
Instead of 3400 b/p wait till 4000, 5000, 6000, etc. or when you get into the higher ranks 9500, 11000 etc.
With exp wait until you make it to a new level or 3000, 4000, 5000 exp points etc.
With posts numbers like 666, 1000, 1337 (man I hate that number though) 2000, 10000 etc.
Those are achievements you can submit to this thread.
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
At 4/10/07 12:31 AM, Sterockicy wrote:At 4/10/07 12:08 AM, DarkLotusJuggalo wrote: Over 3400 b/p points, 2100 exp points, and over 900 posts!Yeah but try and wait until you make some real achievements.
Thats all you gotta do right?
Instead of 3400 b/p wait till 4000, 5000, 6000, etc. or when you get into the higher ranks 9500, 11000 etc.
With exp wait until you make it to a new level or 3000, 4000, 5000 exp points etc.
With posts numbers like 666, 1000, 1337 (man I hate that number though) 2000, 10000 etc.
Those are achievements you can submit to this thread.
Thanks for clearing that up for me! I was uncertain about what would be considered an achievement so I took a crack at it and at least now I know whats considered an achievement here. Thanks for your help!
At 4/10/07 01:08 AM, DarkLotusJuggalo wrote:
Thanks for clearing that up for me! I was uncertain about what would be considered an achievement so I took a crack at it and at least now I know whats considered an achievement here. Thanks for your help!
I'm glad I could help! I understand how confusing it can be before you know for certain.
In a completely different story:
Has anyone been using that new LUL list creater on NGLOG? Its a pretty awesome feature so thanks a lot Casualty! Has anyone else even seen this?
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
At 4/10/07 01:20 AM, Sterockicy wrote: I'm glad I could help! I understand how confusing it can be before you know for certain.
It was but now I understand thanks to you! :)
Has anyone been using that new LUL list creater on NGLOG? Its a pretty awesome feature so thanks a lot Casualty! Has anyone else even seen this?
I haven't even heard of that! Could you provide a link so us others could see what its about hands on?
At 4/10/07 01:29 AM, DarkLotusJuggalo wrote:
I haven't even heard of that! Could you provide a link so us others could see what its about hands on?
Its pretty straight forward and I am sure you will be able to figure it out. If not, I will gladly help you with that too!
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
My new job as a TV presenter for C4!
What? It's an acheivement. ;)
At 4/10/07 01:54 AM, Officer wrote: My new job as a TV presenter for C4!
Awesome, We dont get that channel is Australia but it looks cool by the site. Whats your name? I want to know which one you are!
What? It's an acheivement. ;)
Its bigger than any NG achievement!
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
hey does it make me look cool if i only log into the NG log every now and then?
Your Achievements Today:
YOU PASSED 8000 Experience Points. Good job!
You passed 47000 B/P! Congrats!
You passed 21000 Saves. Way to go!
You passed 59000 Total Points. Bodacious!
so i have like, fat stats? :P
i'm sorry i don't think it's an achievement any more for me to post in here for every 1,000 b/p points. please don't take these level ups seriously, but you can congratulate me if you want, but that's not why i posted here. it's just because every time i log into the log i have like 5 things there and i'm like "WOO OH BOY :P"...
... although 60,000 total points does seem to be coming up, although i've never posted total points as an achievement thus far in my NG career... unless you count this time... which i suppose you could... but i... oh nevermind ;)
Flipping level 12.
Goddamn I'm so sexy.
I don't think I posted that I leveled up as well; I'm now an elite guard sergeant major :D
What I listened to while making this post:
Black Sabbath - 'Who Are You?' and 'Looking for Today'
Congrats to:
Odyssic - 10000 total points
Auz - Elite Guard Colonel
Masculine - Level 18
superstatguy - Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
Lagerkapo - 5000 total points
MadCow - 24000 B/P
Dream-of-Duke - 31000 B/P
JoeMation - 4444 posts
Officer - TV presenter for C4. OK.
BlueHippo - 47000 B/P, 21000 saves
Dela - Level 12, Elite Guard Sergeant Major
Thanks to:
At 4/9/07 09:14 AM, Shanus wrote:we all know he'll just give up on depositing after a while. It is the emo way
At 4/9/07 08:37 PM, AtomicTerrorist wrote: im gonna be at my 1000th day soon :D
I'll get that a month after you.
Birthday cake for regulars and these following people. Congratulations!
iateamexican: Silver Whistle
EmoDragon: 2,500 Experience
Odyssic: 10,000 Total Points
Auz: EG Colonel
Midian: Silver Whistle
Masculine: Level 18
superstatguy: 4,000 B/P
lagerkapo: 5,000 Total Points
MadCow: 24,000 B/P
Dream-of-Duke: 31,000 B/P
JoeMation: 4,444 Posts
BlueHippo: 8,000 Experience; 47,000 B/P; 27,000 Saves; 59,000 Total Points
Dela: Level 12; EG Sergeant Major
Thanks to:
At 4/9/07 06:35 AM, iscrulz wrote:At 4/7/07 09:08 AM, Coop83 wrote: I looked at this and thought LOL15,000 responses, but then realised it was 0.15 x 1,000 = 150. 15k responses would be super special, since KWAS only has 2,500 and he's in the lead :PJust slight confusion is what I was aiming for. Someone could get to 2.5k and pass kwas but I dont know I am not here much.
Well, that would be nice, but it's going to take me a while to accomplish that at about 10 reviews per week.
At 4/9/07 07:20 AM, schneelocke wrote:At 4/9/07 04:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: I don't refust to participate in it, I just view it as meaningless, because we're screwed either way when we vote. See my right to whinge, above.As Ed Howdershelt said... "There are four boxes to use in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, ammo. Use in that order."
Yeah, but you don't get to use my favourite type of box - a gearbox.
Awww, thanks. :) *hugs*You can have a hug from me if you like.At 4/8/07 10:42 AM, ramagi wrote:
At 4/9/07 09:25 AM, Solidone wrote: I got a cream egg easter egg. It was good.
I got a Maltesers egg, but managed to scrounge some of my girlfriend's Lindor, which made me happy and fat.
At 4/10/07 02:20 AM, BlueHippo wrote: YOU PASSED 8000 Experience Points. Good job!
You passed 47000 B/P! Congrats!
You passed 21000 Saves. Way to go!
You passed 59000 Total Points. Bodacious!
so i have like, fat stats? :P
Yes... Yes, I think you do have PHAT stats.
At 4/10/07 07:45 AM, Bahamut wrote: What I listened to while making this post:
Black Sabbath - 'Who Are You?' and 'Looking for Today'
No music for Coop today - he's not in control of the radio today :(
At 4/10/07 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Birthday cake for regulars and these following people. Congratulations!
Yay, cake. ^^ I'm not sure I count as a regular, but even if I'm not.. I'll still eat some. :)
Yeah, but you don't get to use my favourite type of box - a gearbox.
I'm sure that can be fit in there somewhere as well.
While making this list, I listened to:
Children of Bodom - Downfall
Lamb of God - Hourglass
Strapping Young Lad - You Suck
Congrats to:
Auz: EG Colonel
Midian: Wilver Whistle
Masculine: Level 18
superstatguy: 4,000 B/P
MadCow: 24,000 Total Stats
Dream-of-Duke: 31,000 B/P
JoeMation: 4,444 Posts
BlueHippo: 8,000 Experience
Dela: Level 12
Dela: EG Sergeant Major
Whitcomb: Level 11
Congrats to:
Whitcomb: Level 11
Dela: Level 12 and Eg serg major
BlueHippo: 47000 B/P
JoeMation: 4444 Posts
Dream-of-Duke: 31000 B/P
Madcow: 24000 B/P
Lagerkapo: 5000 total points
superstatguy: 4000 B/P
Masculine: Level 18
Midian: silver Whistle
Auz: EG Colonel
Auz - Elite Guard Colonel
Masculine - level 18
superstatguy - 4000 B/P
Lagerkapo - 5000 total points
MadCow - 24000 total points
Dream-of-Duke - 31000 B/P
JoeMation - 4444 posts
BlueHippo - 8000 exp, 47000 B/P, 21000 saves & 59000 total points
Dela - level 12 & elite guard sergeant major
Whitcomb - level 11
At 4/10/07 08:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Birthday cake for regulars and these following people. Congratulations!
I guess I'm classed as a regular, these days
So I get 2 peices
Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog
I watch an unholy amount of films
Holy crap! I'm level 17! :O It's a long time since I was last here. It's certainly changed.
Listening to:
In Extremo - Como Podem
Dragonhammer - Blood in the sky
Deine Lakaien - Try
Congrats to:
Auz: EG Colonel
Midian: Silver Whistle
Masculine: Level 18
superstatguy: 4,000 B/P
MadCow: 24,000 B/P
Dream-of-Duke: 31,000 B/P
JoeMation: 4,444 Posts
Dela: Level 12, EG Sergeant Major
Whitcomb: Level 11
Rooty-the-Pie: Level 17
At 4/10/07 01:20 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Has anyone been using that new LUL list creater on NGLOG? Its a pretty awesome feature so thanks a lot Casualty! Has anyone else even seen this?
I made my last two (this one and the one before this) lists with it ;) . It's awesome and helps a lot!
awesome, took off a day of flagging to complete a flash, but then continued yesterday, and even made a list of rages thread, and now this morning i am GOLDEN! \o/
one more whistle level... almost there :3
gimme a facial and make me a cupcake, braj.
At 4/10/07 09:36 AM, Whitcomb wrote: I leveled up! FUCK YEAH!
congrats on making it to level 11 you are now on one of my favorite levels now. I was on that level last year around this time good luck getting to the next level ^_^.
I be down with Mozart mother fucker! I've been banging out jives since I was a dickworm
Oh shit king kong what are you going