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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-01 16:50:34

At 1/1/06 04:35 PM, dark_guy wrote: good job men! (i have only 2 post)

What about the girls? :) (And you have 3, BTW. ^_~)

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-01 16:55:51

Gonna be lvl 13 tomorrow...
I should've been lvl 13 today, but I forgot to deposit yesterday.. :P
Ah whatever I'll just be lvl 13 tomorrow :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-01 20:37:21

2,500 exp. Which also means I leveled up recently.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-01 21:30:21

I made 200 posts here on the BBS.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-01 22:22:02

Alright, I just achieved my newgrounds goal of the day, which was to up my total of blams by about 50, so I could reach 7000 blams! Not a huge achievement, but getting to the total in just one day was tough!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-01 23:00:40

Yay, I'm finally level 19!

That's a great way of starting 2006!

At 12/31/05 06:05 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Looks like I'm going to start 2006 with a new level, too bad 19 is one of my least favorite levels, but I'm sure I'll grow fond to it like I did with others :)
It's not one of my fave OR least fave. It was okay. It's worth going through to get to 20, that's for sure.

Of course!, level 20 is the one of the reason I'm willing to bother going through level 19... My other reasons are Voting Power, getting higher on the experience ranks, but mainly, my adictness for this site.

Btw, I having trouble getting used to seeing my name in this aura and level, my mind keeps playing games on me, thinking it's you that it's posting, and whenever you (really) post, it makes you look like Recon, and whenever Recon posts, it makes him look like... well like himself, he hasn't leveled up yet :P

Same thing happened when I leveled up to 18 too. :)

Need help on beating Alkie Kong 2, brutal mode? click here.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-01 23:45:25

At 12/31/05 09:04 PM, schneelocke wrote: Mmm. In a perfect world, actually, there would *only* be good submissions

I guess I was speaking of MY perfect world, where there would still be a need to judge and b/p things. And maybe the ratio would be 9:1 protectable to crap. Man, that would be awesome.

I don't think it's realistically possible. There's always gonna be people who think they're funny submitting obvious crap - people who think that they're original and that noone ever did this before. And unless humanity as a whole changes, I'd say that these people will continue to be in the majority, too. ^_~

True enough, sadly.

As for spurning blams... I don't think there's anything wrong with them, actually. There's lots of submissions that *deserve* to be blammed; just voting 2 to 5 on *everything* is just as bad as voting 0 or 1 on everything.
voting to save *everything* is not a solution - it really just makes the problem worse.

When I speak of spurning blams while voting with gfoxclock, I don't mean I vote 2-5 on everything.

I mean I simply don't vote on some blammable entries so I don't get too many blams that night.

Or I just go into "save mode." Save mode is when you refresh the portal only every hour or so and you slack off and that way most of the time when you open a few movie pages into new tabs, two or so are already graveyard pages and the 2 that are still UJ are most likely both saves. Or a close blam. Either way.

IMO, worshipping *either* blams or saves *or* ratios doesn't make sense. You've got to take what the portal gives you - and you shouldn't make up your mind and say "I want to save this or that amount (or percentage) of submissions now" before you even know what they're going to be like. :)

Well, I... and many others do worship them. So I'm sorry you don't understand our insanity, but... I wish you could take part in it. It's fun being this way, trust me. #;-}>

And again, I don't decide BEFORE I view movies what I'm going to vote on them. I watch them and based on how many blams or saves I feel like getting, I either just watch and don't vote... or I watch and vote what they deserve, and the chips fall where they may.

Again, because I'm not being SO anal that my blamcount has to PERFECTLY equal my save count (I'm pretty much happy right now as long as they stay within 25-50 of each other at max), it's not like I freak out if I go to bed at night with the two numbers off by 1 or something... so it's not so hard to use my method, really.

I may have been making it out to be more insane than it really is. If so, I'm sorry. #;-}>

I'll be in level 24 in 2010 IIRC. That'll be nifty.
Cool. :)

Yep. Cept I should have been level 24 back in 2001, had I deposited every day in 2000 and 2001 and thus woulda been level 29 by now. Oh well. #;-}>

It's hard to say for me which ones my favourite are outside of the hammers. I like the sword (24, I think), and the big rod (29), but neither is really realistic, so I pretty much have my sights set on the first hammer only.

24 is my second fave after 16, so yeah.

But there's other goals for the meantime, too - reaching 10.00 VP, for example, or reaching EGSC with blams alone, and so on. And of course, passing my secret arch-nemesis (no, not you). ^_~

Whew. At least ONE person on the site isn't obsessed with taking me down. #;-}>

*chuckle* Aww... I was just about to suggest gfoxbarney. ;)


At 12/31/05 09:13 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Congratulations gfox, it's about bloody time! That makes you the 7th Wi/Ht? member to snag the hammer. XkwiziTOnE, spancker and leeboy should be next in line if they keep up with the deposits. ^_~

Thanks, man. #7 of the Wi/Ht?ers, eh? I hadn't been keeping track as of late. Nifty.

Not only the 7th, but aren't there like 5 of us right now who have the hammer currently? You, lightning, Myst, Crono, and myself, I believe? Or is it even more?

You and your save ratios. Out of curiosity does Toocool100 still hold the record for most protection points?

But of course. After he hit EGSC with 92 blams and 29908 saves a day or so ago, he kept saving and saving all weekend long and now he is the first person to have 30,000+ saves. The first person to ever have EGSC on saves alone, were his other stat deleted.

Obviously, there are plenty of people, yourself and myself included, who have EGSC on just blams already. But no one had it on just saves, so that's cool in itself, aside from still being the save king ever since he took over from ramagi and myself.

I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. It looks like he's slowed down a bit during the holidays and he still needs well over 6k in b/p points to reach you. That's going to take some serious time to accomplish.

Groovy. I've got a reprieve, then.

At 1/1/06 12:07 AM, IvanTuroc wrote: first deposit for 2006. But really, is this an accomplishment or what? I am elated for some reason.

Congrats, man.

At 1/1/06 12:13 AM, Afro_Stud wrote: I'M GONNA KILL YOU IVANTUROC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

;_; Someone took way too much PCP before trying to snag the first deposit of 2006...

At 1/1/06 12:31 AM, Frostbreath wrote: Yeah, two seperate posts would be just to spammy, eh? Congratulations, i don't know of any alt account that is of higher level. Except for Nemesis (or Gallon), of course. If he counts.

I dunno what you mean about the two separate posts thing, actually. But thanks!

And yes, there are alts that are higher than gfoxclock. But most of them are alts that weren't started by the person they're currently the alt of. Most are accounts of other users that either gave the account away or let other people deposit for it almost all the time, basically, etc. etc. And the latter doesn't really count as an "alt" IMO, so NemesisM66 is not the alt of Kiba, damnit. #;-}>

Due to lack of an entertaining comment, i just have to say, congratulations! Only ten more levels to go :)

10? Pfft. I'll never be level 30. I COULD have been level 29, but I probably won't ever be that, either.

I'll be happy making it to level 24 and then 25 as well, and both of those are realistic. For now, I'm just happy being in the 20s at all.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-01 23:55:31

(catchup continued on teh altness)

At 1/1/06 01:10 AM, Year2005 wrote: I've been on Newgrounds for a full year now. Awesome.

That's great, man. Congrats... but... and don't take this the wrong way... if you're the year 2005... aren't you dead and buried now? ;_;

At 1/1/06 01:46 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Happy New Year everyone!


I was just being silly and changed the t to a h. :D

You meant FISTING, not fishing? Okay, that's lovely. #;-}>

I think he'll be fishing for blams more.


Charrlotte. I think 1 star looks better than the 2 star badge.

Are you referring to EGBrigGen? 1 star general badge = teh best b/p rank badge on NG.

This is my first post of 2006. My New Years Resolution, not to be so lazy. So if I don't make a single review today, that will mean I'm already lazy for 2006!

Laziness is perfectly fine in small-to-moderate quantities. In fact, it is essential. You can't get any rest at all without being lazy at least once a day, really. So don't knock the laziness. Just resolve to not be OVERLY lazy, that's all.

At 1/1/06 02:11 AM, hot_and_charming wrote: Just made a bonus achievement for the first day of 2006 --- 666 total points. ;)

That is so hot. And charming.

At 1/1/06 02:38 AM, madknt wrote: coincidence..
id been coming to NG for fair time before that..
was just bored on that night at home alone so i signed up..
but its still a cool sign up date..

Ah, okay. Nifty.

At 1/1/06 03:18 AM, Xiivi wrote: 20,000 blams. No big deal really. Except that it's 20,000 blams!

Congrats, Kibalicious! Nice screenie, too, since yer saves being 8640 is teh cool (8640 also = how much exp gfoxclock has today and how much exp MPA will have tomorrow, also!). 8642 is even better, though. #;-}>

At 1/1/06 11:00 PM, wismty wrote: Yay, I'm finally level 19!

Congrats, man.

At 12/31/05 06:05 PM, gfoxcook wrote: It's not one of my fave OR least fave. It was okay. It's worth going through to get to 20, that's for sure.
Of course!, level 20 is the one of the reason I'm willing to bother going through level 19... My other reasons are Voting Power, getting higher on the experience ranks, but mainly, my adictness for this site.

But of course!

Btw, I having trouble getting used to seeing my name in this aura and level, my mind keeps playing games on me, thinking it's you that it's posting, and whenever you (really) post, it makes you look like Recon, and whenever Recon posts, it makes him look like... well like himself, he hasn't leveled up yet :P

I know exactly what you mean. Ah well. #;-}>

At 12/31/05 09:51 PM, Charrlotte wrote: I've resolved to get more B/P points next year. By whatever means necessary. >;'\

But why? Slow pace = okay.

Though I admit it's easier to stomach a slow pace on an alt when you've been there and done that with your main account, so I've got room to talk. Still!

» Kronno - #99 experience user
Keep depositing there good sir.

That is quite nifty, I forgot to congrat Crono earlier. Congrats, sirrah, and to X and Afterburner... all the Wi/Ht? regs who have recently joined the top 100! gfoxcook's a-comin' soon!

» Wylo - 33,333 blams

Did you see my main account's 22,222/33,333=55,555ness back around 5/15/2005? That was teh nifty. #;-}>

» Bahamut7 - Elite Guard Major General
Awesome, 2-star general. I always thought Brigadier General looked cooler though. ;D

I knew that's what ye were talkin' about! Damn straight. BrigGen's the best badge EVAR.

» MPA - Level 17
Too bad I don't enjoy fisting.


» gfoxclock - Level 17
Alt power unite indeed.

No fisting comment for MY level 17ness? Pfft.

» gfoxcook - Level 20
BWAHAHAHAHA. You have no idea how much I laughed at that post. Probably about 10 minutes.
I'm not sure if that's a good sign...first time I've ever found humor in stats.

Laughed at which post? The one where my mean ol' main account made fun of my poor lil' alt account? ;_;

Glad I... er... we... could provide teh humours!

Yeah, and if you're wondering why I chose Raven. I like Teen Titans a lot.

So does me girlfriend. She even gets me to watch it. I don't tend to like superhero stuff all that often, but it's one of the better animated series for a comic book super hero thingie, so it's usually enjoyable.

At 12/31/05 01:42 AM, gfoxclock wrote: I never made an announcement. I think I "officially" announced maybe one or two of the rankups on this account so far. WHOOPS!
Hmm, oh well. Congrats for all them good rank ups I missed...or something like that. ;D

Why thankee kindly, ma'am.

Awesome then. I was hoping to keep my own voting patterns neutral, or probably even light, but if I want to get my stats up anytime soon I'll end up having a dark pattern anyway. ;P Toocool100 beats me at light voting anyway, he's already EGSC with less than 100 blams.

I am glad you now seem to approve of my alt b/ping habits. Heh. #;-}>

And hey, here's a treat for ya... I've got 999 b/p right now. Right this very moment I'm typing this.

With a few more blams and saves waiting to come across...

(my level 14 alt-alt will get them back at some point in 2007)
Jesus, even your alt-alt has more experience than my main.

Sorry. ;_;

You've got more b/p than this account + the gfox account (11 saves, 3 blams) added together, if it makes you feel better.

Meh, iamnone rubbed his 5 or so alts in my face enough already, so it's nothing new.

I didn't meant to rub anything in your face. ;_;

... erm... ew.



Speaking of alts...I'd love it if you could delete the reviews my alt has. I left a link somewhere up there in this post. >_> <_<

Review mods can't delete reviews. Maybe someday, but not now. You gotsta ask an admin if you really need those 9 reviews gone so badly.


But, I can do this:


1000+ b/p = gfoxclock has teh golden police cap'n badge. Hooray for my altness!

Still more saves currently than blams, too. Now that the holiday season is over, it might be harder for that to remain the case, though. Still... RANKUP + ~500/500ness is mine.

Next stop for gfoxclock? 1000/1000!

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 00:09:20

5555 blams isnt too special, 1st deposit is a nice thing to have.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 00:16:31

Finally my voting power is 7, I had been waiting for this one for awhile.

Now I am out of the sixes O=).

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 00:54:01

i have become a Elite Guard Private in Blams/Pr0tects

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 01:24:46

At 1/1/06 11:55 PM, gfoxclock wrote: R-R-R-RANKUP.

1000+ b/p = gfoxclock has teh golden police cap'n badge. Hooray for my altness!

In addition to the Police Captain rankup on this account, I forgot to mention:

200 posts (yeah, I know... woo hoo, right? But this alt has been around posting at a slooooooow rate for some time, so it's nifty #;-}>) for this account and 8700 (along with 11700... nice 700-matchingness!) for gfoxcook.

Also, something I noticed just tonight. It really goes to show that in the NG stat karmic world, you give and you take and you get yer ups and downs and you just go with it. Check it out:

12/14 - gfoxcook falls from #3 to #4 in b/p rank
12/18 - four days later, gfoxcook rises from #105 to #104 in exp rank

12/26 - gfoxcook falls from #4 to #5 in b/p rank
12/28 - two days later, gfoxcook rises from #104 to #103 in exp rank

Such impressive balance. 3->4->5 all while going 105->104->103...

(And for months I've been #15 in VP, I should point out. How's that for steady balance?)

But anyway... though it was nice to be #2 in b/p... it is going to be ever so sweet to be in the top 100 exp users. The most elite club on NG. Well, okay, the top 50 exp group gets their names up in light on the main top 50 list of all NGdom. But it's a close second cluster. And it's a long time comin'. #;-}>

1-digit b/p rank + 2-digit exp rank = a club I've wanted to be in for some time, let's just put it that way. Joining ramagi and... well, maybe one or two others. But not a lot!

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 01:32:04

At 1/2/06 01:24 AM, gfoxclock wrote: 200 posts (yeah, I know... woo hoo, right? But this alt has been around posting at a slooooooow rate for some time, so it's nifty #;-}>) for this account and 8700 (along with 11700... nice 700-matchingness!) for gfoxcook.


8700 posts along with 11700 EXP. Might have been nice to mention the exp part there though many will know what I mean, I'm sure. Still looks stupid. Oy vey. :::rolling of teh eyes::: #;-}>

Anyway, January 2nd has arrived here in Central Time Zoneness, and I have Monday off, but I'm probably done with posting on NG for the week. I have neglected RG for weeks, so I might post a bit there (and on ADGBC as is usually the case) tomorrow. If yer not on either of those sites I will see ya next weekend...

So... have a good first week of 2006, everybody. And I'll see ya on the weekend, when I shall bring good cheer to all the children. That, and a fresh pentalist update. (wink)

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 01:58:24

congratulations to b3nnic3, my partner in crime, for making 7,777 posts.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 01:58:56

a measley 777 posts, but that light aura is superior to that icky dark aura, that came with the 666.

777 posts all the way!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 02:26:17

At 1/2/06 01:58 AM, TehBlueHippo wrote: a measley 777 posts, but that light aura is superior to that icky dark aura, that came with the 666.

777 posts all the way!

haha normally 777 posts doesnt interest me, put those pics are a nice touch.

Afro_harryjarry congrats on 7.00vp .... and yes you won the b/p race. barely I might add. It would be nice to see you post a bit more often, anyway congrats x2

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 02:46:40

i never deposit. ill be level 9 forever

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 02:55:56

At 1/2/06 01:58 AM, TehBlueHippo wrote: 777 posts all the way!

hahah. Awesome pics.

Experience: Ranked # 999 out of 888,373 users!

A friend in need is a friend indeed, but a friend with weed is better.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 03:09:12

At 1/2/06 02:55 AM, -CyberPunk- wrote: Experience: Ranked # 999 out of 888,373 users!

now, it saysExperience: Ranked # 999 out of 888,899 users!

888,899 users eh? that's pretty neat, congrats to newgrounds for that :p


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 03:13:38

At 1/2/06 02:26 AM, Major_punk wrote: Afro_harryjarry congrats on 7.00vp .... and yes you won the b/p race. barely I might add.

Thanks! Ha I had to start back up again. Didnt do a whole lot for the last two days though. But I am back O=).

It would be nice to see you post a bit more often, anyway congrats x2

Yeah I havent been posting as much. I usually just lurk around the forums now O=/. But I guess I should start posting more often, need to get that 1,000 mark.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 03:18:31

Congrats for meh because I've reached 7000 exp. points.

And almost 1000 saves


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 03:46:09

'The Sword of Shannara'

I read sword of shannara, it is a very good book with very descriptive words,and an overall good story. I'd definately reccomend it.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 04:10:10

Finally, I've got the crowbar. Good news for this beginning of 2006.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 04:38:10

W00t level 13 for me now :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 04:52:25

Finally im level 11.

I feel so proud.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 07:50:20

At 1/1/06 10:22 PM, -absentminded- wrote: Alright, I just achieved my newgrounds goal of the day, which was to up my total of blams by about 50, so I could reach 7000 blams!

Getting to round numbers looks cool but it only makes you want to grab more points. Good work -absentminded-. Roughly 1,100 b/p points away from transmuting that silver bar into gold.

At 1/1/06 11:00 PM, wismty wrote: Yay, I'm finally level 19!

Congrats wismty. Not sure how you feel about the flail but I never liked it myself.

and whenever Recon posts, it makes him look like... well like himself

Someone could interpret that post in a... well a bad way.

he hasn't leveled up yet :P

Only 304 points to go at the time of this post. Level 20 is going by fast. >_<

Same thing happened when I leveled up to 18 too. :)

deja vu?

At 1/1/06 11:45 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 12/31/05 09:13 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Congratulations gfox, it's about bloody time! That makes you the 7th Wi/Ht? member to snag the hammer.
Not only the 7th, but aren't there like 5 of us right now who have the hammer currently? You, lightning, Myst, Crono, and myself, I believe? Or is it even more?

Seven as we speak and possibly ten in the not too distant future if the other three keep depositing. The current hammer wielders are you, _lightning_, Afterburner, Kronno, Myst, XwaynecoltX and myself.

Out of curiosity does Toocool100 still hold the record for most protection points?
But of course. The first person to ever have EGSC on saves alone, were his other stat deleted.

Is that an option? Would admin delete his blams if he requested it? Didn't ramagi have her b/p points temporarily altered at one time?

Obviously, there are plenty of people, yourself and myself included, who have EGSC on just blams already.

Yeah but let's face it. Blam points are a dime a dozen for the most part. The only time saves will ever outweigh blams is when there's a "whatever" Day.

But no one had it on just saves, so that's cool in itself, aside from still being the save king ever since he took over from ramagi and myself.

... and I doubt anyone will take the crown from Toocool if he stays active. I hope he does.

It looks like he's slowed down a bit during the holidays and he still needs well over 6k in b/p points to reach you.
Groovy. I've got a reprieve, then.

Unless he picks up the pace again. What's your average point gain per day with the gfoxclock account?

At 1/2/06 03:46 AM, PainfulExtermination wrote: I read sword of shannara, it is a very good book with very descriptive words,and an overall good story. I'd definately reccomend it.

It's a well written fantasy novel, a little reminiscent of Lord of the Rings. I love the way Brooks describes the image of the Reaper (one of the demons), especially when it was crashing through the forest chasing Flick. No offense but your account has the hallmarks of an alternate. Yes, no, maybe so?

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 08:10:30

Congrats to:

Xiivi - 20000 blams. HEY, I'M USING NOTEPAD RIGHT NOW!
Lidov - 3000 EXP
Dent0n - 9.00VP
-TJ- - 1000 posts
Yoow - Level 13
squadus2 - Level 11, 2500 EXP
JohnCena751 - 200 posts
-absentminded- - 7000 blams
wismty - Level 19. Now you look like gfox before he got his hammer.
Major_punk - 5555 blams, first to deposit
Afro_harryjarry - 7.00VP
Ride_The_Lightning - Elite Guard Private
gfoxclock - Police Captain
b3nnic3 - 7777 posts
TehBlueHippo - 777 posts
-CyberPunk- - Top 1000 EXP
Domnikathor - 7000 EXP
MrT-Time - Level 14. It's a pipe. :P
-Moco- - Level 11
-ZeroHour- - 6000 EXP

View Your Reviews (700)
(With Responses Only (333))

Yay for 333 responses.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 08:12:39

At 1/1/06 08:41 PM, wesdood wrote: there are no girls on NG
you should know that by now


At 1/1/06 11:45 PM, gfoxcook wrote: When I speak of spurning blams while voting with gfoxclock, I don't mean I vote 2-5 on everything.

I didn't mean to imply you did. :)

Well, I... and many others do worship them. So I'm sorry you don't understand our insanity, but... I wish you could take part in it. It's fun being this way, trust me. #;-}>

Heh... sorry, no. :) If anything at all, I worship total points - but not completely, either, because I still vote 0 on crap that I know will be mass-voted in, too.

I may have been making it out to be more insane than it really is. If so, I'm sorry. #;-}>

'sok. :)

Yep. Cept I should have been level 24 back in 2001, had I deposited every day in 2000 and 2001 and thus woulda been level 29 by now. Oh well. #;-}>

Whoa. x.x Yeah, I could be much higher if I had signed up for an account right away when I came to NG for the first time - I remember that the first flash I viewed here was The Welder (a friend gave me the link), but I didn't really check the site lots or sign up until four years later. Meh. x.x

24 is my second fave after 16, so yeah.

I don't like 16 all that much at all. :)

But there's other goals for the meantime, too - reaching 10.00 VP, for example, or reaching EGSC with blams alone, and so on. And of course, passing my secret arch-nemesis (no, not you). ^_~
Whew. At least ONE person on the site isn't obsessed with taking me down. #;-}>

*chuckle* No, I'm obsessed with taking MPA down. ;) No, just kidding. I don't think that's realistically possible.


Just kidding. ^^

At 1/2/06 04:43 AM, StarF68 wrote: No one noticed my post, and now my 6800 section is over. :(

That's because "6800 posts" is not a noteworthy accomplishment. 7000, sure. 6666, yes. But 6800? No.

Bahamut7 - 700 reviews
-TJ- - 1000 posts
Yoow - Level 13 (welcome to the bat cave... I mean club)
squadus2 - 2500 XP
wesdood - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class
JohnCena751 - 200 posts
-absentminded- - 7000 blams
wismty - Level 19
gfoxclock - Police Captain
Major_punk - 5555 blams, first deposit
Afro_harryjarry - 7.00 VP
Ride_The_Lightning - Elite Guard Private
b3nnic3 - 7777 posts
TehBlueHippo - 777 posts
-CyberPunk- - top 1000 XP users
Domnikathor - 7000 XP
MrT-Time - Level 14
-Moco- - Level 11
-ZeroHour- - 6000 XP

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 09:42:21

At 1/2/06 08:10 AM, Bahamut7 wrote:
MrT-Time - Level 14. It's a pipe. :P


My life is ruined from now on :'(.

Thanks and congratulations for your 333 responses.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2006-01-02 10:39:26

i've hit supreme commander w00t

Serving Justice to flash since 1999