Oh, snap! I am a top 2000 exp user now. :D:D:D

Oh, snap! I am a top 2000 exp user now. :D:D:D
At 12/31/05 08:05 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Oh, snap! I am a top 2000 exp user now. :D:D:D
damn i cant wait for that day! Congrats!
o yeah dream littlewashoe talks about u all the time supposedly u two are competing in b/p
but anyways i just got a new badge but with winter break ending and me needing to get a life i might not get to the next badge for a while.....
sad face
At 12/31/05 08:05 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Oh, snap! I am a top 2000 exp user now. :D:D:D
Let's make that a screenie.
At 12/31/05 08:53 PM, demoninabottle wrote: damn, this "level up lounge is popular.
What makes you say that?
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
At 12/31/05 06:05 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Oh, some ancient Greek philosophers would beg to differ. When reality fails to meet teh HOLY TRUTH's requirements... which is in the wrong? Reality? Or TEH HOLY TRUTH?
I say reality is in the wrong. But clearly you are of another mind on this one. #;-}>
Indeed. :)
Also, to touch on something I said in that last post: In a perfect world NG would have way more saves than blams, actually. So it doesn't even take a PERFECT world to make the balance on the portal closer to 50:50. It just takes a better pool of artists/submitters.
Mmm. In a perfect world, actually, there would *only* be good submissions - no jokes and stuff, no crap by people who have just used Flash for ten minutes, no (claimed) five-year olds, no j00bie, no Barney Bunch, and all that. But then, in a world like that, the whole judgement process wouldn't be necessary, either, and we'd not even be talking about things like blam and save points. ^_^
And BTW, I never said I came to the portal with the expectation that saves would be easier to get than blams or anything. The only day that's true is days like Clock Day, when saves run like a blood river in a time of slaughter. Mmmm... blood river of saves.
Oh yes... I think I got about 250 last Clockday, although it unfortunately went downhill after they disabled the display of the entries' current scores after voting... :)
But there are a select few, like Toocool, who show us the way: blams can be spurned. And if enough artists changed, or enough voters changed, or preferably BOTH... the portal COULD have more saves than blams every now and then when it's not a special Clock or Lock or Daily Toon or Halloween or Christmas whatever else NG day/holiday to help it have more saves than usual.
I don't think it's realistically possible. There's always gonna be people who think they're funny submitting obvious crap - people who think that they're original and that noone ever did this before. And unless humanity as a whole changes, I'd say that these people will continue to be in the majority, too. ^_~
As for spurning blams... I don't think there's anything wrong with them, actually. There's lots of submissions that *deserve* to be blammed; just voting 2 to 5 on *everything* is just as bad as voting 0 or 1 on everything. It defeats the purpose of the portal - namely, to weed out the bad stuff. It's true that good stuff sometimes gets deleted, too, and that bad stuff creeps in, but voting to save *everything* is not a solution - it really just makes the problem worse.
IMO, worshipping *either* blams or saves *or* ratios doesn't make sense. You've got to take what the portal gives you - and you shouldn't make up your mind and say "I want to save this or that amount (or percentage) of submissions now" before you even know what they're going to be like. :)
But VERY VERY few have near or exactly 0. And that is why it's such a holy grail to raise our b/p while keeping our ratio near 1:1 for myself and others of like mind. It's a goal I once had with gfoxcook, back at 6000 blams and 6000 saves, but my desire for rankups and getting higher in the rankings overruled my number-love side. With my alt, I don't care about getting ahead in rank OR ranking. I'm just raising the numbers together, trying to keep them as close as possible forevah and evah. I think it's a good goal.
I fail to see why a difference of 0 is desirable in any way - it's an artifact, and again, you're worshipping a number that's ultimately meaningless. What you should do is judge the flashes that come in on their own merit and the either blam or save them, as appropriate. If you do that, and if you always vote on their actual quality (or how you see them, at least), then you'll probably still get more blams than saves, but at least you'll be able to look back and say "I gave every flash the rating it deserved, and if I have more blams now than saves, then that's just because some poopheads decided to flood the portal with crap that was duly blammed".
*chuckle* I'll do so in 2010, when I reach level 20 myself. ^_~Ouch...
You'll probably understand now why I'm a bit miffed with the experience system... people who sign up these days have no chance to reach even a moderately high level anymore unless they literally invest half a decade or more.
I'll be in level 24 in 2010 IIRC. That'll be nifty.
Cool. :)
The blackness is part of what makes 20 so great, though. So 27 doesn't make my top 5. Maybe my top 10, but... eh.
It's hard to say for me which ones my favourite are outside of the hammers. I like the sword (24, I think), and the big rod (29), but neither is really realistic, so I pretty much have my sights set on the first hammer only.
But there's other goals for the meantime, too - reaching 10.00 VP, for example, or reaching EGSC with blams alone, and so on. And of course, passing my secret arch-nemesis (no, not you). ^_~
gfoxcook/gfoxclock/gfox = enough gfox-related alts. I have 999999th and 1000000th as well, yanno. But they're forever level 1s. I don't want to deposit for 5 accounts. 3 is enough. And no, I ain't renaming them to glock and lock, either. #;-}>
*chuckle* Aww... I was just about to suggest gfoxbarney. ;)
At 12/30/05 09:36 AM, schneelocke wrote:At 12/30/05 01:54 AM, ReconRebel wrote: What's the title of this book?"Der Drachenbeinthron", by Tad Williams, availabe in English as "The dragonbone chair". :) I definitely recommend, and I definitely recommend the rest of Tad's works, too - he's a great writer.
The review says it's a great fantasy epic so I'll give it a read. Heh, I read Volume 2 of the Dragonlance Chronicles in one night. If you've never read any of Terry Brooks may I suggest 'The Sword of Shannara'
At 12/31/05 02:06 AM, gfoxcook wrote: LEVEL 20 WAHOOOOOOOOoooooo.
Congratulations gfox, it's about bloody time! That makes you the 7th Wi/Ht? member to snag the hammer. XkwiziTOnE, spancker and leeboy should be next in line if they keep up with the deposits. ^_~
At 12/31/05 02:08 AM, gfoxcook wrote: What goes up must come down.
Spinning Wheel by Blood, Sweat & Tears. Where's my freakin' cookie?
At 12/23/05 11:07 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Thanks Bahamut7. Lately I've been getting more protection points than usual.That should make gfox happy.
The man is easily amused. Some people might use a feather to tickle their fancy, but gfox uses the whole damn chicken! o_0
Very very true. Anything to help the pentalist save ratios...
You and your save ratios. Out of curiosity does Toocool100 still hold the record for most protection points?
I just don't want X-Naut to pass me soon, because I was at #7 on the way up for soooo damned long, and I don't like the number that much.
I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. It looks like he's slowed down a bit during the holidays and he still needs well over 6k in b/p points to reach you. That's going to take some serious time to accomplish.
Forty-three points so far and still over six hours to go! Let's hope some of the flash artists stay home tonight. All work and a dead portal makes Jack a dull boy.
I've resolved to get more B/P points next year. By whatever means necessary. >;'\
On to the list.
Congratulations to:
» Afro_Stud - 3,333 saves
I don't normally count .5K milestones and othersite accomplishments here ;P But good jobbb anyway.
» Kronno - #99 experience user
Keep depositing there good sir.
» jonthomson - 15K B/P points
Wonderful. Hopefully I'll get there, sooner or later.
» Wylo - 33,333 blams
» Afro_Stud - Elite Guard First Lieutenant; 11,111 B/P points, 7,777 blams
Cool, that's going to be my first rank up goal for next year. It's better than Praporschik because it's ALL gold. Good job on the number achievements too.
» Bahamut7 - Elite Guard Major General
Awesome, 2-star general. I always thought Brigadier General looked cooler though. ;D
» MPA - Level 17
Too bad I don't enjoy fisting.
» Rhabdophobia - 3K experience
Screenie below.
» gfoxclock - Level 17
Alt power unite indeed.
» gfoxcook - Level 20
BWAHAHAHAHA. You have no idea how much I laughed at that post. Probably about 10 minutes.
I'm not sure if that's a good sign...first time I've ever found humor in stats.
» Placebo - 10K blams
» Dent0n - Elite Guard Second Lieutenant
For the win. Good work, sir.
Thanks to XwaynecoltX for congratulating my alt (_Raven_) on level 11.
At 12/29/05 07:52 AM, Frostbreath wrote: When christmas is over, there's really nothing to do :)
Do i actually have some influence on you? How useful ;)
You could see it that way. ;D
At 12/29/05 08:00 PM, Afro_Stud wrote: LOL
Well, once your far enough ahead of him... Miss some :P
Never >: )
Heh fairdos.
Yeah, and if you're wondering why I chose Raven. I like Teen Titans a lot.
At 12/31/05 01:42 AM, gfoxclock wrote: I never made an announcement. I think I "officially" announced maybe one or two of the rankups on this account so far. WHOOPS!
Hmm, oh well. Congrats for all them good rank ups I missed...or something like that. ;D
"relatively" neutral? Hmph. The only thing stopping it from being entirely neutral is the whims of the portal. I try to hit each rankup around 50:50, and I will never let my blams (OR saves) get too far out in front of the other, fear not. The whole point of taking this account upwards in the b/p ranks after retiring gfoxcook is.... to maintain neutrality in the truest, least-NG-unbalanced manner.
Awesome then. I was hoping to keep my own voting patterns neutral, or probably even light, but if I want to get my stats up anytime soon I'll end up having a dark pattern anyway. ;P Toocool100 beats me at light voting anyway, he's already EGSC with less than 100 blams.
(my level 14 alt-alt will get them back at some point in 2007)
Jesus, even your alt-alt has more experience than my main.
Meh, iamnone rubbed his 5 or so alts in my face enough already, so it's nothing new.
Speaking of alts...I'd love it if you could delete the reviews my alt has. I left a link somewhere up there in this post. >_> <_<
» Rhabdophobia's screenie:
Happy New Year, NG! :D I also got 5.55 voting power a moment ago. What a nice start for 2006! :D
first deposit for 2006. But really, is this an accomplishment or what? I am elated for some reason.
Happy New Year Wi/Ht!!! Conjgradulations on all the rank ups and levels up and fantastic accomplishments for 2005. My New Years wish is we outdo ourselves again.
obligatory screeny;
I'M GONNA KILL YOU IVANTUROC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I STAYED UP 12 HOURS LONGER THAN I WANTED TO TRY AND GET THE FIRST DEPOSIT OF '06!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
calms down
Congrats to IvanTuroc on the first user to deposit in 2006.
Also I got first 'Non-American' user to deposit in 2006 :P
Here's the first 10 users to deposit in 2006 (LOL at Xiivi for getting beaten by a user with 40EXP)
01. IvanTuroc 9/11/2004 M 4,800 12:00:01 AM, Jan 1, 2006
02. Afro_Stud 2/6/2002 M 2,580 12:00:02 AM, Jan 1, 2006
03. Bakagamer 12/29/2005 M 40 12:00:03 AM, Jan 1, 2006
04. Xiivi 11/8/2002 F 6,085 12:00:03 AM, Jan 1, 2006
05. Suicidal-kid 8/26/2003 M 6,480 12:00:08 AM, Jan 1, 2006
06. Shoryuken_Dragon 12/22/2005 M 100 12:00:10 AM, Jan 1, 2006
07. Parasoul 7/8/2002 M 12,450 12:00:16 AM, Jan 1, 2006
08. Morextremist 12/17/2000 M 10,310 12:00:19 AM, Jan 1, 2006
09. Illidan101 2/25/2004 M 710 12:00:26 AM, Jan 1, 2006
10. hot_and_charming 11/7/2005 F 590 12:00:29 AM, Jan 1, 2006
At 1/1/06 12:07 AM, IvanTuroc wrote: first deposit for 2006. But really, is this an accomplishment or what? I am elated for some reason.
I bet Afro_Stud isn't. Judging from his deposit time I'd wager he was trying to do the same thing. Nicely done.
Happy New Year Wi/Ht!!! Conjgradulations on all the rank ups and levels up and fantastic accomplishments for 2005. My New Years wish is we outdo ourselves again.
As long as the questions keep coming and the stats keep growing I don't think that'll be much of a problem Ivan.
Happy New Year LUL!!!
At 1/1/06 12:13 AM, Afro_Stud wrote: I'M GONNA KILL YOU IVANTUROC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I STAYED UP 12 HOURS LONGER THAN I WANTED TO TRY AND GET THE FIRST DEPOSIT OF '06!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
calms down
Sorry mate, I remember last New Years the person who got first deposit was way excited. I thought I'd go for it as well if I was around this year. After viewing the last deposits screen, my girlfriend says I 've never gotten that elated during an orgasam. My kid thought I had lost what little sanity I had left. She even went and hid in the bathroom. :p Truely I was happy for some reason.
Congrats Afro_Stud on being the first from the UK to make a deposit. Thats quite an accomplishment as considering what time it is over there.
Again happy New Year LUL!!!!!!! and the Wi/Ht !!!!.
Close to rankup, and 4k posts. And of course, Happy New Year Wi/Ht!
At 12/31/05 01:42 AM, gfoxclock wrote: a little late, though... 12/28/2005... so 72 hours ago, basically...
Yeah, two seperate posts would be just to spammy, eh? Congratulations, i don't know of any alt account that is of higher level. Except for Nemesis (or Gallon), of course. If he counts.
At 12/31/05 02:06 AM, gfoxcook wrote: LEVEL 20 WAHOOOOOOOOoooooo.
Due to lack of an entertaining comment, i just have to say, congratulations! Only ten more levels to go :)
At 12/31/05 09:51 PM, Charrlotte wrote: Homework.
Yeh. I've done some, but it's gathering dust at the moment. Do you know of any way to motivate yourself to actually do some studying on the holiday?
You could see it that way. ;D
Aye. Could ;(
At 1/1/06 12:07 AM, IvanTuroc wrote: first deposit for 2006. But really, is this an accomplishment or what? I am elated for some reason.
Now i'll have to wait another 365 days :(
Congrats on achieving the thing that many users strived to get. Including me. Overshot it by two whole minutes :D
At 1/1/06 12:16 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Happy New Year LUL!!!
*Sets off fireworks*
It feels an awful long time ago 2006 struck my neighborhood.
I've been on Newgrounds for a full year now. Awesome.
Happy New Year everyone!
At 12/31/05 02:55 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Fishing? O_o
I was just being silly and changed the t to a h. :D
MPA has been exactly 10 exp behind my alt for over a year now, BTW. If he's fishing for anything, he's fishing like a shark fishes for severed limbs in bloodied water. #;-}>
I think he'll be fishing for blams more.
And look here, my first congrats list for the year.
Congrats to:
Auz - 3000 EXP
Ghost_Phantom - Elite Guard Second Lieutenant
SlashFirestorm - Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
Placebo - 10000 blams. Triplelisted!
Dent0n - Elite Guard Second Lieutenant
Snowy_Beast - Happy birthday!
Dream_of_Duke - Top 2000 EXP
wesdood - 3000 blams
hot_and_charming - 5.55VP
IvanTuroc - First to deposit in 2006! :O
Thanks to:
Charrlotte. I think 1 star looks better than the 2 star badge.
This is my first post of 2006. My New Years Resolution, not to be so lazy. So if I don't make a single review today, that will mean I'm already lazy for 2006!
Just made a bonus achievement for the first day of 2006 --- 666 total points. ;)
At 12/31/05 03:12 AM, madknt wrote: tomorrow is my newgrounds birthday..Congrats on 4 years of NGness. 1/1/2002... did you wait until New Year's Day to sign up on purpose, or was it just a coincidence?
id been coming to NG for fair time before that..
was just bored on that night at home alone so i signed up..
but its still a cool sign up date..
20,000 blams. No big deal really. Except that it's 20,000 blams!
Wi/Ht? #28
Happy new year LUL, and for the new year, i have a surprise for you...For me actually.
At 12/31/05 08:05 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Oh, snap! I am a top 2000 exp user now. :D:D:D
Oh snap hello all. I finally got 2 8k stats not long to the 10k Well it looks like You be able able to vote this month. I guess. Happy oh six lul and friends.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 12/31/05 03:45 PM, Dent0n wrote: I'm gonna need a new Signature though...
As a gesture to the man who is in the same B/P# I was in yesterday I made him this. Quite simple but just what you wanted. If you want the snow removed go to some one else because that is something I can’t do... Enjoy your new updated signature. By the way because you are an Elite Guard you can join the Elite Guard Barracks to talk about those things... Just mentioning because it's hardly a famous club yet... but we do have two Elite Guards Generals...
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 12/31/05 09:13 PM, ReconRebel wrote: The review says it's a great fantasy epic so I'll give it a read. Heh, I read Volume 2 of the Dragonlance Chronicles in one night. If you've never read any of Terry Brooks may I suggest 'The Sword of Shannara'
It is great, yes. :) As for Terry Brooks, I read a couple of Shannara books a long time ago (must've been ten years, at least), but I don't recall which.
I also recommend Raymond Feist, BTW. Not to mention Terry Pratchett (of course). ^^
Dream_of_Duke - top 2000 XP users
wesdood - 3000 blams
hot_and_charming - 5.55 VP, 666 points
IvanTuroc - first deposit of the year
Frostbreath - 4000 posts
Year2005 - 1st NG birthday
madknt - 4th NG birthday
Xiivi - 20000 blams
Mattathias - 3000 XP
I don't know how much of a congratulations metirial it is, but I AM IN THIS MONTH'S PANEL!!!!!!! AT LAST!
First achievement of the new year for me: 34000 points. :)
Dent0n - 9.00 VP
Mattathias - being a judge for the best flashes of December 2005
wesdood - top 500 B/P users
View Your Reviews (700)
(With Responses Only (331))
Yes! I am finally out of the fucking 600's reviews. Now let's see if I can get myself to 777 reviews quite soon.