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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-13 18:25:14

At 7/13/05 05:59 PM, darkdeviL92 wrote: Congrats Tom on the experence! Now if only your poker bankroll could be that high lol!

LMAO thanks <3

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-13 18:58:48

At 7/13/05 05:20 PM, SKS wrote: Police Captain.

Congrats, I wish i will have the golden badge soon.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-13 19:09:11

Congratz to:

jonthomson - 10k posts.
-Rule- - EG Master Sergeant
GUTHRIE - 6,000 exp.
americanchinker - 1k posts.
-absentminded- - EG Sergeant First Class.
The_Ass_Clown - EG Sergeant.
bila - 5th in b/p
YoinK_VineS - 24k blams.
Lidov - Level 10.
-jambone- - Ditto.
The_Casualty - 2k exp.
iscruLz - 5 PPD
Replay - Level 11, EG Corporal.
LookingTwiceKills - 1,700 exp, 1k posts
Big_SciZot - VP 6
Tom_s00 - 4k exp
SKS - Police Captain.

Oy. My longest congratz list ever O_o

Don't expect me to post much this week. Been grounded off the cpu :(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-13 19:22:17

At 7/13/05 03:05 PM, LookingTwiceKills wrote:
At 7/13/05 02:51 PM, Big_SciZot wrote: Hurray! I have reached 6 votes!
im 6.07 right now.

Super congrats to both of you
6.19 I believe?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-13 20:22:15

I managed to miss the screen, but I hit 60,000 b/p a minute or two ago. ramagi: go ahead and take a 3 month break of b/p'ing, you deserve it. =p

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-13 20:55:17

At 7/13/05 07:22 PM, The_Ass_Clown wrote: 6.19 I believe?

Nope actually you're 6.30!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 00:16:22

At 7/12/05 10:41 PM, bila wrote: FINALLY

That's exactly what I say when my order arrives at the drive through window.

I too, have passed the evil fixit-bot in b/p

Congratulations bila. Even though the robot stopped voting he set a pretty high standard for everyone else to try and reach.

5th in B/P points again

Don't mean to burst your happy bubble bud but let's not forget about Denvish. He's still pulling in the b/p points at a regular rate. Our positions at the 4th and 5th spot are temporary at best.

Now if only ReconRebel would find something to do at work besides play on the internet.....

.... besides play on the internet?!? Come on bila, I spend enough time at work rounding up the zombies that have escaped from there stasis tanks!

Aim for the brain!!!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 00:22:36

At 7/13/05 08:22 PM, MPA wrote: I managed to miss the screen, but I hit 60,000 b/p a minute or two ago. ramagi: go ahead and take a 3 month break of b/p'ing, you deserve it. =p

Awww you didn't even stop at it, so you could have 60K on the BP list.
Well you can come with me on my break you deserve it too. =P
Oh yea Congratz.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 00:27:10

At 7/14/05 12:16 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 7/12/05 10:41 PM, bila wrote: FINALLY
That's exactly what I say when my order arrives at the drive through window.

I too, have passed the evil fixit-bot in b/p
Congratulations bila. Even though the robot stopped voting he set a pretty high standard for everyone else to try and reach.

Indead it did

5th in B/P points again
Don't mean to burst your happy bubble bud but let's not forget about Denvish. He's still pulling in the b/p points at a regular rate. Our positions at the 4th and 5th spot are temporary at best.

Everything is temporary, even life itself

Now if only ReconRebel would find something to do at work besides play on the internet.....
.... besides play on the internet?!? Come on bila, I spend enough time at work rounding up the zombies that have escaped from there stasis tanks!

Aim for the brain!!!

ah yes, just another day at the umbrella corp? haven't they fixed that silly "Resident Evil Virus" yet? how lame

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 03:29:50

Congrats to:

-Rule-: EG Master Sergeant. Nice.
-GUTHRIE: 6,000 Exp. Close to level up, too.
-americanchinker: 1,000 Posts. Don't blow your load over it :P
-absentminded-: EG Private First Class. Counting the letters is an entirely new kind of milestone, I guess.
-The_Ass_Clown: EG Sergeant. Nice.
-bila: Passing fixit. Robot fighter bila :O
-YoinK_VineS: 24,000 Blams. Go you indeed.
-Lidov: Lv 10. The requirements are 1,000 points per level now?
-jambone-: Lv 10. Nice.
-The_Casualty: 2,000 Exp. Great.
-jonthomson: 10,000 Posts. Omgwtfmaskedstattopiclol
-Replay: Lv 11, EG Corporal. Nice combo.
-LookingTwiceKills: 1,000 Posts. Nice.
-Big_SciZot: 6.00 VP. The "struck by HT52" pic would come in handy now.
-Tom_s00: 4,000 Exp. Great.
-SKS: Police Captain. Nice.
-MPA: 60,000 B/P. Pass ramagi now plz :)

At 7/13/05 02:21 PM, BonusStage wrote: FOR FUCKS SAKES

Blah blah congrats to him too.

At 7/14/05 12:27 AM, bila wrote: ah yes, just another day at the umbrella corp? haven't they fixed that silly "Resident Evil Virus" yet? how lame

*T-virus, fewl :)

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 06:51:37

At 7/14/05 03:29 AM, -Mazza- wrote: -Lidov: Lv 10. The requirements are 1,000 points per level now?

Thanks, I believe that it requiers only 950, but that is just what I think.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 12:03:38

2500 exp!

Or 1/4 of 10k, see it as you wish.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 12:28:31

Congrats to:

iscruLz - 10000 blams, 5PPD
Replay - Level 11, Elite Guard Corporal
LookingTwiceKills - 1000 posts
Big_SciZot - 6.00VP
Tom_s00 - 4000 EXP
SKS - Police Captain
MPA - 60000 b/p
Brewtality - Elite Guard Corporal
Frostbreath - 2500 EXP

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 12:30:34

At 7/14/05 09:13 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 7/13/05 02:37 PM, LookingTwiceKills wrote:
I have 1,000 post's!!!
I am now pretty awesome i reckon, go on me!

1000 is alright, it's not like you've become a huge spammer like those losers with 10k ;o

Yeah you loser you!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 13:45:01


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 14:01:35

At 7/14/05 01:45 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: Oooh.

Congrats bahamut, and to everyone else that has ranked up or achieved something.

Also, thank you for all the congrats. Much appreciated.

JaY11's sigs > your sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 15:18:32

Yay. I just got 4000 blam points!

Congrats to:
The_Ass_Clown- Elite Guard Sergeant. Woot!
bila - 5th in B/P points. You gotta beat the bot!
YoinK_VineS - 24000 blams. Woah, 1000 away from 25K!
Lidov - Level 10. The big gap has been crossed!
-jambone- - Level 10. Damn right you better keep it up :p
The_Casualty - 2000 exp. Close to next level up
iscruLz - 5.000 posts per day and 10000 blams. Big congrats on 10K milestone
Replay - Level up and EGC. Woot for two things!
LookingTwiceKills - 1000 posts, yes, yes you are awesome :)
Big_SciZot - Yay for 6 voting power.
Tom_s00 - 4000 exp, you're extra close to 4000 posts also!
SKS - Police Captain. Gold badge = best
MPA - 60000 B/P, they need to make more b/p ranks for people like you!
Brewtality - Elite Guard Coporal, a way to go indeed, but don't let that stop you.
Frostbreath - 2500 exp, You're 1/4 away from the big 10K
Bahamut7 - 4444 posts, and you didn't miss the screenshot, cool!

Thanks to:

-absentminded- - EG Sergeant First Class


-absentminded- - Elite Guard Sergeant First Class

Bonus stage

...wow ... you took the time to find that out >_>

Time as in 5 minutes, then ok, but I was bored anyway. Really bored. >_<

-absentminded- - EG Sergeant First Class.


-absentminded-: EG Private First Class. Counting the letters is an entirely new kind of milestone, I guess.

Maybe, but atleast it's something!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 15:28:09

Im about a week from my level up. And my B/P is nearing the 200 left. Im in the near top 1000, but, who cares right ;p

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 18:19:08

4000 posts !!!!!!

too lazy to take screen shot.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 19:02:28

The reason I don't post here too often is because I only post here when I have an achievement to brag about :). Yet i post here every 2-3 pages ;D

Congrats to:

EKRegulus: 26k blams.
Should have stopped at 29999 >:) Congrats, keep it up...or don't :)
sketch0587: level14.
I'VE GOT A PIPE FOR YOU! Oh and congrats.
Popsycle: 1k exp.
Now go for 350k. Or 2k. Good job :)
-bingeblammer-: EG Sergeant Major.
Congrats, that is one of the best looking badges. Now head on to gold =)
M-A-R-C-U-S: level15.
Didn't I already congratulate you for this? Oh well, nice going :)
~X~: 14k blams.
EGSC #28? =P Oh wait, that will be me :/ Not far to EG General though. Nice :)
Dream_of_Duke: 2.222 ppd, 555 posts.
Wow, ppd, first time I congratulate someone for that. Good work with that and the posts too.
Shpouiten: 9 vp.
That is really good, not many get that far :) Now go for 10!
Chumbawamba: 2k saves, ranked in the top 300 b/p list.
Congrats, always nice to enter a new list. Good job :)
The_Ass_Clown: level10, 6 vp, Elite Guard Sergeant
Big congrats, alot at the same time :) Good job
-Mazza-: ranked #40 b/p.
Great! Nice climbing the top 50 :)
carmelhadinosaur: 6.66vp and other crap :P
Congrats on everything, you little devil ;) ...that sounded dirty :D
Mr_Fluffykins: 8 vp, 10k posts.
Big congrats, those are some nice achievements. Although I didn't know you had that many posts. Well, good for you =)
Big_SciZot: Police captain.
Nice, keep it up. Go for silver :)
-Buddhist-: EG Corporal.
Good, keep it up. Those ranks look nice =)
iscruLz: Ranked #100 b/p.
Huge congrats! Great job entering that list. Good going :)
Bahamut7: 3k exp, birthday, 4444 posts.
Happy, er, late birthday! And good going with those achievements. Keep it up!
By the way, I love that you've changed back your name. For some reason that's a really good name, even though it ends with a number. And no one knows why :o
jonthomson: 10k posts.
Each filled with more information than the last, or something :) Congrats.
-Rule-: Elite Guard Master Sergeant.
Great job, soon you'll be golden :)
GUTHRIE: 6k exp.
Nice job, keep on depositing.
americanchinker: 1k posts.
Good, keep it up, spamme-what?
LookingTwiceKills: 1700 exp, 1k posts.
Nice, 300 more exp and it will be worth posting about :P Good job.
-absentminded-: Elite Guard Sergeant First Class.
Good job on getting that long one :) Keep it up.
bila: ranked #5 b/p.
Great job passing that robot! Number 5 is also really good. Nice going.
Yoink: 24k blams.
Great work, keep deleting the crap :)
Lidov: level 10.
Good work sticking out from the rest ;D
-jambone-: level 10.
Um... good work sticking out from the rest ;D
The_Casualty: 2k exp.
Great! Keep it up.
iscruLz: 5 ppd, 10k blams.
Groovy. 10k blams, that's a big milestone. Great job!
Replay: level 11, EG Corporal.
Very nice, good work on both achievements!
Big_SciZot: 6 vp.
Nice going, keep it up.
Tom_s00: 2k exp, 4k posts.
200 days of depositing, more or less. Good job :) And nice going with the posts.
SKS: Police Captain.
Keep it up, go for silver :D
MPA: 60k b/p.
Holy fuck. I'd like someone to pass ramagi, although I'd like that someone to be me >:(
Any deadly adventures planned yet? :)
Brewtality: Elite Guard Corporal.
Good job, you're always in the "Thanks to" list, and not so often in this list. So an extra big congrats to you! Keep on congratulating, and b/p-ing, of course =)
Frostbreath: 2500 exp.
Good job, yet wait another 500 exp and it will be better :P Congrats.
-absentminded-: 4k blams.
Good job! Now go for the bigger milestone, 5k =)

Thanks to:

Bahamut7, I must thank you again for switching your name back =D

At 7/10/05 04:54 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Congrats April, Don, Recon, SCD and the rest!

Hey, at least I didn't say "Congrats to all." :-)

Thanks, but you obviously don't read my whole posts. I don't blame you, but please, don't call me Don, alright sweetie? :D

At 7/11/05 03:37 AM, -Orochimaru- wrote: ~Inuyasha~
At 7/10/05 12:26 PM, DonDoli wrote: Neck to neck with a lady. You stud, you :)
rofl :D

Good job, now go for chin to chin.

It's stuck :(

Thanks, but yet I don't see any difference on it :( Oh well...
I'll tell you one thing, getting this Captain badge has made me feel alot better. It's like a supersize on the e-penis.

I can see why, that badge is packed to the max with gold crap. Can't wait ;)

At 7/11/05 05:51 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Congratulations to:
DonDoli: 7000 blams (Sonic speed. If you keep the speed up, you will be the next yaya12.)

Pfft, like I'm going to settle for #10 in the rankings.
Thanks alot!

At 7/11/05 06:52 AM, Frostbreath wrote: Thanks to:
DonDoli - Look, the D's are both capitals, as you wished!

Indeed they are, thank you.

At 7/11/05 12:28 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats to:
-DonDoli: 7,000 Blams. Omgwtfmissedscreenie



Anyway, I'm not getting as much B/P as I have before, simply because I'm actually doing stuff during the days :S (Liseberg idag Frostbreath, Kanonen äger :P)
Well, it's not such a big decrease, from an average of 150 B/P/day to an average of 100 B/P/day.
And yesterday night (about 24 hours ago, I didn't feel like posting then :S), I got my biggest B/P milestone yet:
10 000 B/P! (500 points in 5 days)
It made a kinda funny pattern too:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 19:03:15

1000 Posts and1000 Blams. And I got my avg. posts to 10.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-14 21:46:35

At 7/14/05 07:02 PM, DonDoli wrote: The reason I don't post here too often is because I only post here when I have an achievement to brag about :). Yet i post here every 2-3 pages ;D

quality over quantity huh?!?!!?!?

FINALLY!!! i got into the top 500 for exp! its about fucking time....
and im hovering around 71-70 for b/p... kool!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 00:04:29

"Thank you for your deposit, Chumbawamba! You now have 3,240 experience points. You need 943 more to get to level 13."

Ha ha ha! Finally level 12! I'm going to miss being level 11, though. Now I won't have any more skin in my avatars. :(

But still, level 12 is great. :)

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 00:26:13

10,000 EXP GET...


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 00:31:50

At 7/15/05 12:26 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 10,000 EXP GET...


Congratz on that, at the rate you are going, it is going to be a long time untill you get to 10K posts.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 00:32:04

At 7/15/05 12:26 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 10,000 EXP GET...

Big time congrats gfox! It took you long enough (although it's not like you could speed up the process).


I'm not familar with this acronym. A definition would be appreciated.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 00:38:00

At 7/15/05 12:31 AM, ramagi wrote: Congratz on that, at the rate you are going, it is going to be a long time untill you get to 10K posts.

Thanks. And yeah, I'm well aware of that. In fact, I just talked for several paragraphs about that exact topic over in the pentalist topic!

At 7/15/05 12:32 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 7/15/05 12:26 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 10,000 EXP GET...
Big time congrats gfox! It took you long enough (although it's not like you could speed up the process).

I could have. By depositing more than once a week at most back in 2000, 2001, and 2002. #;-}>

But thanks very much. 10k is sweet, even when you SHOULD be approaching 20k instead (I think I'd have had around 19500 by now). Speaking of which, congrats to Shrapnel, who had 19999 exp yesterday and thus will be at 20009 today (10,009 above me... if he misses just ONE more deposit, he'll be an awesome 9999 above me, which looks much better somehow #;-}>).

I'm not familar with this acronym. A definition would be appreciated.

For the win!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 00:57:20

Congrats to all, since I'm very busy.

Major individual congrats to that foxy cook in the corner, though!

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 00:58:30

At 7/15/05 12:38 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
I could have. By depositing more than once a week at most back in 2000, 2001, and 2002. #;-}>

Yea I didn't get serious to Early in 02 myslef I think since then I missed like 3 deposits later that year and been good about it since.
Many people say the same thing.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 01:08:55

At 7/15/05 12:58 AM, ramagi wrote:
At 7/15/05 12:38 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I could have. By depositing more than once a week at most back in 2000, 2001, and 2002. #;-}>

rofl... i stopped going to RG back when i had around 600 exp, but then i thought that i'd keep up depositing so that in 5 years time when its all big and awesome, ill be in the top 50 exp :P hahaha.

Yea I didn't get serious to Early in 02 myslef I think since then I missed like 3 deposits later that year and been good about it since.
Many people say the same thing.

eh, i've missed like... 33 deposits i think. i went on a holiday when i was level 9 - didnt know what the BBS was - had noone to deposit for me :( hahah.

well done Gee-fawx, 10k certainly is hawt. you're pretty close behind X now i guess....

i got into top 500 exp!