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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 01:46:34

At 7/15/05 12:38 AM, gfoxcook wrote: But thanks very much. 10k is sweet, even when you SHOULD be approaching 20k instead (I think I'd have had around 19500 by now). Speaking of which, congrats to Shrapnel, who had 19999 exp yesterday and thus will be at 20009 today (10,009 above me... if he misses just ONE more deposit, he'll be an awesome 9999 above me, which looks much better somehow #;-}>).

Congrats on the 10,000 exp heh you are not that far behind me, but like you when i signed up i took a good year off from depoiting but cant complain now, but congrats GFOX...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 02:35:30

aww shite.
didnt even realise it was coming up....

Rank: Elite Guard Colonel
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 13,005 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 5,458 quality entries.

screw it, lol. missed the screeny.
i remember it being at 13,003, didnt even realise. then i refreshed to 13005 and i was like 'oh, milestone' lol.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 04:40:14

Just me or is some one depositing for me with out asking? >_<

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 04:51:47

War of the Portal - Part 4
23 - “Pectus Intestinus Universum”
Note: This story is now over 50,000 words.

The group stepped towards the large throne of carved gold as their footsteps echoed in the vast emptiness around them. They looked in awe and fear, waiting for a submission to burst out of the ground and destroy them. They were in the most sacred place of this world and there was nothing to stop them. The chair stood well above all their heads that also contained a crystalline structure gilded into the edges and various other gems of worthy notice glowing with satisfaction. The heart was before them and they were powerless to be stopped from what surroundings appeared to lie dormant around them. Now was their chance.

“The heart doesn’t look that fancy,” muttered RedCircle, “I mean, it’s not bright or anything. Just a red lump of rock.”
“It’s probably designed to look like that.” said Gfoxcook as he raised his arms. Muttering Ancient with his voice, he opened his eyes, his hands seemingly connected to the huge throne, raising it from the ground it froze from. To the group’s delight and horror, the guard moved the throne aside, revealing an inner layer of fresh pink crimson stone that shone like sun blessed water. Gfoxcook growled with strength as he cast the throne aside, causing the whole room to boom in heavy noise. “The heart has just been covered by a thick layer of dust over the years. That’s all.”

“It’s so beautiful!” said a stunned Carmel. He went towards the twelve foot rock opening, ready to place his hand on the pristine stone. Gfoxcook stepped forward and grabbed his hand.
“We don’t know what defence system or traps it might hold,” said the guard. “I am the most capable in using the Power; I will take care of this.”
The guard stepped before the bright stone wall and rolled up the green sleeve on his right arm, muttering deep Ancient words again. The group noticed a connection form between the stone on his neck and the wall of stone, both glowing and seeming to move closer. His right arm coiled backwards a strange power filled it.

“I don’t think you should be doing that,” muttered a voice behind the group, causing them to instantly turn with weapons firmly held in their hands. “I am Piconjo and I have a story to tell you all.”
“Your name doesn’t ring any bells,” muttered XwaynecoltX. “But whoever you are, we will stop you!”
“It doesn’t work like that,” laughed the black humanoid. “You see, a month or so back, my idea of ‘Omega’ was near completion. It was until you – all of you attempted to stop me. It was ironic that one of your ‘so called friends’, Jonthomson managed to reach the actual Geminus Lord – Knox, who bluffed and killed the man so he was to made to believe his task would be harder. I, Piconjo served my Geminus Lord well and when I knew help had come, so I fled the scene and made it back here to warn my King. I am the second strongest submission in this world and I will assure you – Omega will take place. When our King has reigned, I will take the position as the next Geminus Lord and I will be more than glad to watch you all burn and suffer before my hands.”
He stared at the group, who appeared to be yawning and speaking to each other quietly, ignoring the story that the submission had just told them.
“Foolish mortals!” The group slowly turned their eyes back to him, “I will start with your deaths first!”

He raised his right arm to his chest as he collected energy from the Heart. Growling, he pulled it together, raising his palm at the group. A beam of solar light blasted from his hand to be greeted by ramagi’s fire and Yoink’s ice counter beams. Beads of sweat rolled down their faces as Piconjo laughed, raising his left hand with a bolt of electricity. Now that they were busy, he would burn their bodies in currents of energy. Releasing the Power of electricity, he fired it forwards, ready for impact. Instead, it was blocked and Piconjo gasped, staring at another man wielding as much lightning as he did. Piconjo stared at this man and felt his will stronger than the others.
“Name’s Lightning,” grinned the man, “remember it!”
Lightning raised forth his left hand and threw a second bolt, causing Piconjo to roar in rage, having to teleport away from the deadly attacks.

Piconjo stepped forward as he gasped for air, to see that a man whose fist charged with electricity had met his stomach – the incredible Lightning had sped forth with bolts clasped in his hand, winding the shocked Piconjo to the ground. It seemed the group had grown far stronger than anyone had imagined.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 05:27:55

I noticed something nice: I got over 3500 blams now. :)

Rank: Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 3,501 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 1,393 quality entries.
But I am actually not that happy. I mean, my b/p rank has been the same for 5 days now. I just could not get enough points because the portal is not so productive at the time I rout up points. I know that there is something to do with the shitty time difference as I have to spend the summer break back home in China. I usually use my laptop between 4-6 in the afternoon which is 4-6 at night according to Eastern time. Because of the shitty time difference (I hate it as much as the retarded Communist Party), my plan of getting 5000+ points before my birthday (July 22nd) will probably fail. However, there is nothing that I can do if the portal is drawing dead at night. But any way, at least I hit 3500+ blams now, and it is not that bad after all. :)

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 07:42:09

Congrats gfox. Although I don't post that much in this thread, I always like to see great achievements.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 08:09:32

At 7/15/05 12:57 AM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Major individual congrats to that foxy cook in the corner, though!

Why thank you!

At 7/15/05 01:08 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: well done Gee-fawx, 10k certainly is hawt. you're pretty close behind X now i guess....

Thanks. I've been pretty close behind X for like a year, man. #;-}>

I'm exactly 150 behind Crono, as well. Have been for over a year.

At 7/15/05 01:46 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Congrats on the 10,000 exp heh you are not that far behind me, but like you when i signed up i took a good year off from depoiting but cant complain now, but congrats GFOX...

Thanks, man! You better watch out or I'll beat you to 20,000! (GASP, OGM, WOWWWWW!) #;-}>

At 7/15/05 07:42 AM, Replay wrote: Congrats gfox. Although I don't post that much in this thread, I always like to see great achievements.

Thanks much!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 08:10:06

At 7/15/05 12:58 AM, ramagi wrote: Yea I didn't get serious to Early in 02 myslef I think since then I missed like 3 deposits later that year and been good about it since.
Many people say the same thing.

Few have missed as much as I have, though. 9500 exp. That's my special achievement. #;-}>

But you know what? Now that I have a higher exp amount on NG than the amount of exp I've MISSED depositing... (IOW, I think I have around 52-55% of my potential now, instead of like 30 or 40% like I did a year ago), I'm quite happy about that.

It's not the same as having deposited every single day, but it's much better than how I was when I had 1000 exp and should have had 10,500 back in January 2003!

I wish I'd gotten serious in early 2002 like you did, though, instead of at the END of 2002. #;-}>

At 7/15/05 01:08 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: rofl... i stopped going to RG back when i had around 600 exp, but then i thought that i'd keep up depositing so that in 5 years time when its all big and awesome, ill be in the top 50 exp :P hahaha.

I'm talkin' about NG here, not RG, foolio. Getting on the RG top 50 list is like... 100x easier than getting on the NG top 50 list!

i got into top 500 exp!

Congrats! I've got one alt in the top 400 and the other one is nearing the top 900, so you're right between 'em.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 08:28:25

25,000 blams, 6,000 exp on this account and 5,000 exp on my alt.

But today's round number king is GFOX! WTF backwards (and with a completely different meaning, never would have guessed it meant For The Win), W00T, Yay^Yay and congratulations!!!

At 7/7/05 03:36 AM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
At 7/7/05 03:25 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: 24,000 blams and 34,000 points. Yay.
Nicely done Qwxoxyxly...l

You meanie, always making fun of my name, I'll get revenge, one day, just you wait... I mean thank you, Plhwoxyl.

At 7/7/05 09:46 AM, BonusStage wrote: You know ... getting saves is so hard these days :(, but blams just .... like always, they climbed so fast :\

I know, it doesn't even feel like an achievement anymore. But the saves always make up for anything that happens.

At 7/7/05 11:46 AM, -Morph- wrote: Congrats, sign-up day brother.

Hey Morph, glad to see you. Thank you and we should have some sort of celebration thingie on our sign up date (I'll probably spend 12 hours straight on NG or something).

At 7/15/05 02:35 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 13,005 crappy entries.

That never happens to me. At least I know that the top 500 is in reach. Congrats on both milestonses.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 09:56:36

I finally hit 1000 blam points. Just then. And I want NG to know it.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 11:02:22

RC - i had no idea :(
*curteosy hump*
<subtle tone> you like that....? </tone>

i seriously didnt know aboot teh haytread.

At 7/15/05 08:28 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: 25,000 blams, 6,000 exp on this account and 5,000 exp on my alt.

niiiiice. i only deposit on my alt when i remember haha, i think its around 2,700 exp at the moment... good work.
you're close to 10,000 protects aswell!

At 7/15/05 02:35 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 13,005 crappy entries.
That never happens to me.

lol, you never miss screeny's?
meh, normally i dont, but i've been more busy than usual i guess... i went back to school, painted my room, and overall just kept on truckin' throughout the past 7 days, so didnt really take much notice of being in the 8-900's.... bleh.

At least I know that the top 500 is in reach. Congrats on both milestonses.

thanks, i've been wanting to get into the top 500 for a fucking while now... and finally! haha.
and pre-congrats to you for when you get the cool chain :D

GeeFawx - i know the top 50 exp on RG is 296736 times easier to get into than it is on NG, im just saying i stopped depositing for a while, then started up again... partay pooper. rofl.
you have 52-55% of your potential exp?
where did you go? rofl.
i have... lemme see....
94.89% of my potential... im pretty happy with that XD haha.
i think overall i've missed 33 deposits. or i could be cheap and use the 30 i started with to say i only missed 30 :P lawl.

well, im tired.
its nearing 1AM, and for a growing boy like me that's too late ;P i needeth thy sleepeth :P
laters alllll.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 11:32:59

Blam/Protect: Ranked # 500 out of 787,874 users!

Hmm, good to see it. It motivates me to blam and protect more ^^.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 11:54:34

At 7/15/05 08:28 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Hey Morph, glad to see you.

Do I know you? Sorry my memory ain't what it used to be, and if not you're just a very nice person :-D

Thank you and we should have some sort of celebration thingie on our sign up date (I'll probably spend 12 hours straight on NG or something).

I think I might have school on that date, but yeah we shoudl do something like that...

JaY11's sigs > your sig.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 12:07:58

At 7/14/05 07:02 PM, DonDoli wrote: Bahamut7, I must thank you again for switching your name back =D


At 7/15/05 04:51 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal - Part 4
23 - “Pectus Intestinus Universum”
Note: This story is now over 50,000 words.

Shit, I'm a little behind with this due to the holiday I went to. :| However, nice story.

Congrats to:

Tom_s00 - 4000 posts
DonDoli - 1000 b/p
squadus2 - 1000 posts, 1000 blams, 10PPD. J00 spammer!
M-A-R-C-U-S - top 500 EXP, 13000 blams
Chumbawamba - Level 12
gfoxcook - 10000 EXP
Qwoxyl - 25000 blams, 6000 EXP, 5000 EXP with alt. Your alt should stop depositing. >:(
WorldOutkast - 1000 blams
MrT-Time - top 500 b/p

Thanks to:


Okay, right now, I have 10990 b/p. Basically, by the time you've read this post, I should have Elite Guard First Lieutenant by now, which makes me very happy since I've been stuck with EGSL for around three or four weeks now. :|

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 12:08:02

At 7/12/05 04:00 PM, GUTHRIE wrote: 6,000 EXP!

Nice, about 10 days away from a level up as well.

At 7/12/05 10:41 PM, bila wrote: 5th in B/P points again

Awsomeness + 50. :D

At 7/13/05 03:56 AM, Brewtality wrote: But I wanted cake : (

Cake next time around. Untill then, feel special. :D

At 7/13/05 05:14 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: I haven't seen D0GMA for a long time.

Yeah, he doesn't come around at all really anymore. The lists were what drove him/her, and with that, his list has stopped as well. If you look at the rankup list, you'll see me at Praptorlkasdlkjiopw

At 7/13/05 01:41 PM, iscruLz wrote: I got up to 5.00 ppd and Have reached 10,000 blams. I think exp with be the next 10k stat.

Probably. If you post about 20 times a day, you'll get it with posts before hand.

At 7/13/05 02:21 PM, BonusStage wrote: Nah, I plan to be like Denvish, and come even while the wife is in labor, just you know be a dedicated father ;o

BWAHAHAHAHA! I don't remeber hearing that, nor do I belive it, but it is funny.



24 >_>

:O That's even worse!

Is this some kind of racist joke?




He'd get all pissy like when Dave did what he did ;)

I don't think he'd mind. :o


>: (

At 7/13/05 04:53 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: 4000 Experience.

Pretty close to level 13 now, nice. :)

At 7/13/05 08:22 PM, MPA wrote: I managed to miss the screen, but I hit 60,000 b/p

Man, I think you might be Fixit in disguise. O_o

At 7/14/05 03:45 AM, Brewtality wrote: Rank up to Elite Guard Coporal. I still have quite the ways to go. : /

Yeah, but you're getting there. :D

At 7/14/05 07:02 PM, DonDoli wrote: I can see why, that badge is packed to the max with gold crap. Can't wait ;)

I like, GOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDD! :D But yes, it's the best of the golden badges IMO.

10 000 B/P! (500 points in 5 days)

Nice. You sure are getting up there in b/p points. B)

At 7/15/05 12:04 AM, Chumbawamba wrote: But still, level 12 is great. :)

Level 12 > Dog crap > level 11. IMHO. :D

At 7/15/05 12:26 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 10,000 EXP GET...


At 7/15/05 04:51 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal - Part 4
23 - “Pectus Intestinus Universum”
Note: This story is now over 50,000 words.

You seriously deserve a medal for your stories. :)


And cake for everyone else. There is 'caik' as well.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 12:16:12

At 7/15/05 12:08 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: And cake for everyone else. There is 'caik' as well.

Did someone say caik?!?!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 14:19:17

Congratz to:

MPA - 60,000 b/p
Brewtality - Eg Corporal
Bahamut7 - 4,444 posts
Tom_s00 - 4,000 posts.
DonDoli - 10,000 b/p. I can't help but think that Doli means ''dålig'' :)
squadus2 - 1,000 posts, 1,000 blams, 10 PPD
M-A-R-C-U-S - Top 500 exp, 13k blams
Chumbawamba - Level 12
gfoxcook - 10k exp. For the win!
TomFlump - Level 13
Dream_of_Duke - 3.5k blams
Qwoxyl - 24k blams, 6k exp
WorldOutkast - 1,000 blams
MrT-Time - top 500 b/p
Bahamut7 - EG First Lieutenant

Thanks to:


Rank up! I am now an Elite Guard Sergeant! That's the last of the ones you can get per 500. 1k to the next one!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 16:07:28

Post 500.

I was walking to work the other week and I passed an electronic rental shop. The staff at said shop had taped one of their colleaugues to a lamp post and had placed a cardboard box on his head. There were a bunch of girls laughing at him. I took a picture with my phone, however I regret to inform you that I do not have the required cable to transfer the image. But trust me, it was ROFL funny.

Instead you can enjoy this "banana on smiley" action.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 17:42:59

Congrats to:

-Brewtality: EG Corporal. Nice.
-Frostbreath: 1/4th of 10k Exp, because 500s suck ;)
-Bahamut7: 4,444 Posts. Best type of number ever.
-Tom_s00: 4,000 Posts. Nice.
-DonDoli: 10,000 B/P. When you mention it, the pattern does look funny, but I don't know why.
-squadus2: 1,000 Posts, 1,000 Blams, 10.00 PPD. Ones and zeroes everywhere *dies*
-MARCUS: Top 500 Exp, 13,000 Blams. Nice.
-Chumbawamba: Lv 12. Way to go on not getting knocked back :O
-gfoxcook: 10,000 Exp. Awesome, now get your posts over 10k.
-Qwoxyl: 25,000 Blams, 6,000 Exp, 5,000 Alt Exp. Nice triple.
-WorldOutkast: 1,000 Blams. Nice, but your save number seems to be incredibly low.
-MrT-Time: Top 500 B/P. Nice.
-Frostbreath: EG Sergeant. Nice.
-DelboyDylan: Halfway to 1,000 Posts and the hot smiley porn :O
-Zendra: 666 Exp Requirement. Evil.

God dammit people, stop doing stuff >:(

Oh, and I went up another rank in B/P, I'm number 39 now. Weird how I'm always stuck on one rank for a while, and then I go up two or three at once.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 18:01:44

Wow, thanks guys. I just got 1,111 posts.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 19:17:30

First just noticed this, and it has been this way for a week or so. That is a pretty interesting VP amount, no?

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

XBL Gamertag: Dr Lipschitz /// Steam ID: Zippomatt /// League: Zippomatt


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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 19:52:45

1337 Blams, not really special, but it only happens once.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 20:53:25

well done boneus, 9000 saves is pretty darn cool.

and congrats on bahamut7 and mazza and others alike for making such big congrats lists all the time XD lol.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-15 21:10:07

At 7/15/05 04:40 AM, _lightning_ wrote: Just me or is some one depositing for me with out asking? >_<

Dude, I thought you were long gone but it is help ful never the less and I get a warm fuzzy feeling.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-16 00:47:10

At 7/15/05 10:35 PM, Kolohe wrote: it wouldn't let me post it. Does anyone know how to do this?

I sent you an email. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-16 01:09:28

I got 1000 exp, yipee for me?

Congrats to:
CountDooku : A week from level up and close to rank 1000 in b/p. Keep on blamin'!
Tom_s00 : 4000 posts. I knew you were close to this so congrats on 4K posts.
DonDoli : 10000 b/p points. Yay for the big 10K, that's always the best one.
squadus2 : 1000 posts and blams plus 10 ppd. You like 1's and 0's right :)
M-A-R-C-U-S : Top 500 in exp. Losta deposits there.
Chumbawamba : Level 12. That's got to be my favorite level for some reason.
gfoxcook : 10000 exp. Woah, now let's see the number in posts right?
M-A-R-C-U-S : 13000 blams. You missed the screen but it's the stat that counts.
TomFlump : Level 13. Yay for cool alt accounts!
Qwoxyl : 25,000 blams, 6,000 exp on main accountand 5,000 exp on alt. That's quite a few things there.
WorldOutkast : 1000 blams, the whole world knows now.
MrT-Time : Rank 500 in b/p points. Woot! Keep that crap out.
Bahamut7 : Elite Guard First Lieutenant by pushing through that last annoying rank.
Frostbreath : Elite Guard Sergeant, getting 1000 points is tough but you'll do it!
DelboyDylan : 500 posts. Yay, and 500 more until the cool 1000.
Zendra : 666 till level up. I sense an evil disturbance in the force.
-Mazza- : Rank up in b/p. Sweet. Cool. Nice. Groovy. Whatever...
squadus2 : 1111 posts. I see you have 'one' number.
_matt_ : 7.77 voting power. Your lucky vote will save many a flash!
BonusStage : 9000 saves. Holy crap, 9000 people owe you a "thankyou."
DelboyDylan : 1337 blams. You are truly an elite blammer :)
Kolohe : Halfway till EGSC. Getting closer everyday.
jumperboi : Level 11. The power of the vote nears ever closer...

Thanks to:
and other cool people...man I'm lazy.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-16 01:13:53

did someone say, stat whore???


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-16 01:52:16

10,000 quality Entries (Today)
10,220 EXP
10,242 Posts
11,288 Reviews
14,063 Crappy Entries

Heh thanks marcus...

Ya 5x 10,000+ in all stats its nice to have...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-16 05:08:14

Congrats to:

Frostbreath - Elite Guard Sergeant
DelboyDylan - 500 posts, 1337 blams
Zendra - 666 more EXP needed to get to level 15
squadus2 - 1111 posts
_matt_ - 7.77VP
BonusStage - 9000 saves
Kolohe - 15000 b/p
jumperboi - Level 11
XwaynecoltX - 10000 saves, 10000 for everything. My god.

Thanks to:

-Mazza-. Forgot to mention about myself getting EG First Lieutenant. >:(
M-A-R-C-U-S. ROFL, did you see my massive congrats list last week?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-16 05:25:55

I am not complaining. It is not easy to get 3500+ blams. But when I posted that I got 3500+ blams, only 1 person came out to congratulated me. I even couldn't find my name on Bahamut7 and -Mazza-'s long lists. I am not bragging about anything, I just want people to give me some claps. Yes, I am not far away from 5000+ b/p points, but it may take me another two weeks because the portal is almost dead at night. So please, guys! If you see me hitting 3500 blams, give me some claps. Thank you.

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