At 8/29/05 11:48 PM, Toxygen wrote: Can you make me a sig like the one you made for _Luis_, Acid Rain?
Trust me, he can't, he said it takes him around 3 hours to make those sigs, you gotta know him for him to put the effort into making you one.
At 8/29/05 11:48 PM, Toxygen wrote: Can you make me a sig like the one you made for _Luis_, Acid Rain?
Trust me, he can't, he said it takes him around 3 hours to make those sigs, you gotta know him for him to put the effort into making you one.
K, so i just finished coding my first site. and i wanna know what you guys think, i did everything on the page. <3 it's the link in my sig
AKA: Kirkus-1 | Zamochit-1 | LSC #135 (RIP)
Member: Sinister Sig Makers | Sinister Sig Makers Reborn | Insignia Sig Makers | Amature Sig Makers | Newgrounds Sig Makers
At 8/27/05 10:12 AM, DrunkenPenguin wrote:At 8/26/05 11:09 AM, mellow-muppet wrote: wow my focking god thank youHope this is better.
BUT can u plz just change the lightning into lightblue-ish? plz id apreciate
but if not id apreciate to :P
yeey thank you its exactly what i wanted
At 8/30/05 03:24 AM, mellow-muppet wrote: yeey thank you its exactly what i wanted
uh, your sig says you made it yourself. you should change that
AKA: Kirkus-1 | Zamochit-1 | LSC #135 (RIP)
Member: Sinister Sig Makers | Sinister Sig Makers Reborn | Insignia Sig Makers | Amature Sig Makers | Newgrounds Sig Makers
At 8/30/05 03:24 AM, mellow-muppet wrote:At 8/27/05 10:12 AM, DrunkenPenguin wrote:yeey thank you its exactly what i wantedAt 8/26/05 11:09 AM, mellow-muppet wrote: wow my focking god thank youHope this is better.
BUT can u plz just change the lightning into lightblue-ish? plz id apreciate
but if not id apreciate to :P
Yeah well... I made it. I don't care whether you credit me or not, but do not have the line in your sig saying that you made it. Please change that.
At 8/30/05 05:09 AM, DrunkenPenguin wrote: Yeah well... I made it. I don't care whether you credit me or not, but do not have the line in your sig saying that you made it. Please change that.
also, if you think the sig is crappy, then download photoshop, and make one yourself. then we'll see how crappy the sig DP made you is.
AKA: Kirkus-1 | Zamochit-1 | LSC #135 (RIP)
Member: Sinister Sig Makers | Sinister Sig Makers Reborn | Insignia Sig Makers | Amature Sig Makers | Newgrounds Sig Makers
no ones replying to me :(, how do i join the team?
At 8/30/05 06:50 AM, BeaverElfEater wrote: no ones replying to me :(, how do i join the team?
you make sigs in the ASM, and if you're good enough, you'll get a tryout.
AKA: Kirkus-1 | Zamochit-1 | LSC #135 (RIP)
Member: Sinister Sig Makers | Sinister Sig Makers Reborn | Insignia Sig Makers | Amature Sig Makers | Newgrounds Sig Makers
No-ones doing mine yet... I'm like the only one left on the list to do.. -.-'
Juggernaut, is this try-out starting yet?
I'd love to join, and make sigs.. I'm very active! for designs from me, post here if you wanna see em!
not to nag or any thing but is any one going to make my sig?
plz do some body!!!
I'd love to, but first I need to get in SSM
At 8/30/05 08:44 AM, Hoaders wrote: Not true, ive been making sigs in the ASM for a long time, and if i say so myself i thin ktheyve been rather good! and still nothing :(
the ssm has to need new members first.
At 8/30/05 09:20 AM, ReflexX wrote: I'd love to, but first I need to get in SSM
cool thanks
and they do..
there r lota reqs. right now >_>
At 8/30/05 09:17 AM, squirlly_wrath wrote: not to nag or any thing but is any one going to make my sig?
plz do some body!!!
There's one in the ASM.
At 8/30/05 09:43 AM, WorldOutkast wrote:At 8/30/05 09:17 AM, squirlly_wrath wrote: not to nag or any thing but is any one going to make my sig?There's one in the ASM.
plz do some body!!!
i found it
Hey everyone, just a quick update on my whereabouts... i've been living at my friend's house for the past few days. His computer is complete shit lol, oh well.
I should be home doing some damage to the to-do list by tomorrow.
Hi sig makers, as you can see my sig is looking pretty decent, but i think the writing looks a bit too immature and cartoony, i was wondering if anyone could change the writing to something with a bit more attitude, a bit edgier.
Doesn't matter if you don't but it would be much appreciated if you do.
Thanks in advance.
Hey people, I know this isn't a sig request but im asking for a favour from anyone. Could anyone make my picture really good, im using it for my band album cover, the person who does this will be mentioned on the album.
My Picture
The link is above, could you also make a graveyard type background if possible. Also, could it be a proper album cover size?
Josh (Blood Legion, Vocals)
Hello fellas!
I request a sig with dark, glowing orange background, one straight, black line through the pic, and my name with black letters in it.
Thank you.
At 8/30/05 12:12 PM, Novocane wrote: I was wondering, if it is not to much trouble. If I could have a "Kill switch" Sig but in make it like Squid's sig please and thank you :)?
I'll do it. Do you mean the game or the band?
At 8/30/05 02:08 PM, Novocane wrote:At 8/30/05 01:40 PM, SquiD- wrote:game homie :)At 8/30/05 12:12 PM, Novocane wrote: I was wondering, if it is not to much trouble. If I could have a "Kill switch" Sig but in make it like Squid's sig please and thank you :)?I'll do it. Do you mean the game or the band?
why do you have the same sig as squiD- (btw, squid, check my request on page 42. thanks!)
Could someone make me a Scrubs style sig? A cool idea would be to have a black background with the Scrubs logo on in white with my name in the same font beside.
Thanks in advance.
At 8/30/05 08:44 AM, Hoaders wrote:At 8/30/05 06:56 AM, Kirkus wrote: you make sigs in the ASM, and if you're good enough, you'll get a tryout.Not true, ive been making sigs in the ASM for a long time, and if i say so myself i thin ktheyve been rather good! and still nothing :(
ditto, you know i make some damn good sigs too hoaders
Is anyone going to do my REQ?
It was on the list of reqs that were posted...
At 8/29/05 08:48 PM, Bunny-Cow wrote:At 8/28/05 12:15 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: This request was missed a while back...guy IM'd me about it....hope this is what you are after.Sorry I was banned, but could you make it a bit faster? I still <3 it though, even if you can't.
Fast enough now?
At 8/30/05 03:45 PM, Hoaders wrote:At 8/30/05 03:28 PM, BeaverElfEater wrote: ditto, you know i make some damn good sigs too hoaderslol, true that! we're freekin awesome (joke)
what u mean "(joke)" your pretty good too
At 8/30/05 04:07 PM, Sarack wrote: Is anyone going to do my REQ?
It was on the list of reqs that were posted...
Perhaps they might do it if they knew who the hell Sarack is since you want a picture of him....