At 8/30/05 04:37 PM, BeaverElfEater wrote:At 8/30/05 03:45 PM, Hoaders wrote:what u mean "(joke)" your pretty good tooAt 8/30/05 03:28 PM, BeaverElfEater wrote: ditto, you know i make some damn good sigs too hoaderslol, true that! we're freekin awesome (joke)
Ok kiddies, back to your own club. Hoaders, replying to requests here is not a good way to get noticed. And we have noticed a number of possible candidates, but at the moment, our members are on the ball. If we need additional members, I will call in the ASM for a tryout. Keep in mind that we want team players...not someone who is dying to get noticed any way they can.
At 8/30/05 03:07 PM, -ArcticHigh- wrote: why do you have the same sig as squiD- (btw, squid, check my request on page 42. thanks!)
My sig dosent really have my name so it's free for others too use, although I dont condone it. And in regards to your request, i'm not a whiz at 3-d lettering, nor do I know how to make it. I don't think I can help you there. Maybe someone else can pick that one up for me.
is dying to get noticed any way they can.
well whatever, i dont do ASM so thats why i was wondering if i could join this, but whatever
SSM To do list
Can i have a sig with my clock person dancing on it and it says nightcrawlerclock with a dark blue backround with waves and kinda shadows
I was wondering if anyone could touch up my sig, with a different brain, while keeping the rest of it, basically the same, if not making the colors that are already used more intense, if anyone can do that I would be grateful, I have seen most of the sigs being made here, and they're really good, so if someone could do my sig, then I would be grateful.
can i have a signature made?
preferably quite minimal.
I want it to be recognisable but not stand out.
Put "memartyo" on it.Possibly a light blue background.
And a pacman symbol if possible.Like swiftedrain's smiley yellow thing but pacman.
If you don't mind, could you make me a sig thats like the Hi-Techish style border type thing.
With a nice hi-tech font with Sarack in the middle.
I don't know what to do with background, but could you do a cool one that fits in?
Not sure but, I thought of maybe a anime picture of some sort, thats good in the background, try it, see what it looks like.
Something anime-ish would be nice. FLCL perhaps? With my name in the middle or corner. Which ever looks better...
i would like to request a sig though i won't be wearing it straight away if that is ok? if you do decide to take my request i would like
bg: a slick style non conformant with grunge OR abstract. failing that do what you want.
colours: a green/cyan kinda scheme.
Image: manga/anime style. open to whatever the sigger chooses.
text: Rhys or Arch Angel Rhys. depending on space and style.
quite specific i know but it's a challenge for you i hope. please take your time to ensure top quality. thank you. Note: one was made, but Rhys hasn't picked it up...so I'll leave this for a bit.
Could you guys make me a sig (sadly I'm at a loss for photoshop so I can't make my own)
Could it be thinner than a normal sig, have one normal heigth part (a bit like the Key logo on mine right now) be based around Mindless Self Indulgence, and pleeeease not include the Rocktoons.com representation
Ok. I got around to change my name so keep it how it is just in the middle remove Imma_CowOink(My old name) And put Morrgian the vampire lady from dark stalkers in the middle, Thank you for ure time and effort Thanks.
Hi sig makers, as you can see my sig is looking pretty decent, but i think the writing looks a bit too immature and cartoony, i was wondering if anyone could change the writing to something with a bit more attitude, a bit edgier.
I request a sig with dark, glowing orange background, one straight, black line through the pic, and my name with black letters in it.
Could someone make me a Scrubs style sig? A cool idea would be to have a black background with the Scrubs logo on in white with my name in the same font beside.
Thanks in advance.
A couple of requests were dropped since they were filled elsewhere.
Shit! Sorry FS, didn't see your post until I posted mine...You can still do it if you wish.
Wow, you guys do some awesome work. I was wondering if I could possibly get a Trailer Park Boys sig? I would like it to have Bubbles, Ricky, and Julian or just Bubbles in it possibly him dressed up as the green bastard. Sorry I didnt supply any pics but if its too hard could I just get a Foo Fighters one? Thanks in advance :D
At 8/30/05 05:19 PM, FinalSketch wrote: Nah its good, 1 less for me to do, LOL... But i like that sig,... I'm falling in love with the color you gave him, firey red is one of the coolest colors that i like.
I like using red too...it shows up so well on the black background here. I made that background a while ago and used it in a wallpaper I made and posted on DA...
New page...guess I'll bring this up....
SSM To do list
Can i have a sig with my clock person dancing on it and it says nightcrawlerclock with a dark blue backround with waves and kinda shadows
I was wondering if anyone could touch up my sig, with a different brain, while keeping the rest of it, basically the same, if not making the colors that are already used more intense, if anyone can do that I would be grateful, I have seen most of the sigs being made here, and they're really good, so if someone could do my sig, then I would be grateful.
can i have a signature made?
preferably quite minimal.
I want it to be recognisable but not stand out.
Put "memartyo" on it.Possibly a light blue background.
And a pacman symbol if possible.Like swiftedrain's smiley yellow thing but pacman.
If you don't mind, could you make me a sig thats like the Hi-Techish style border type thing.
With a nice hi-tech font with Sarack in the middle.
I don't know what to do with background, but could you do a cool one that fits in?
Not sure but, I thought of maybe a anime picture of some sort, thats good in the background, try it, see what it looks like.
Something anime-ish would be nice. FLCL perhaps? With my name in the middle or corner. Which ever looks better...
i would like to request a sig though i won't be wearing it straight away if that is ok? if you do decide to take my request i would like
bg: a slick style non conformant with grunge OR abstract. failing that do what you want.
colours: a green/cyan kinda scheme.
Image: manga/anime style. open to whatever the sigger chooses.
text: Rhys or Arch Angel Rhys. depending on space and style.
quite specific i know but it's a challenge for you i hope. please take your time to ensure top quality. thank you. Note: one was made, but Rhys hasn't picked it up...so I'll leave this for a bit.
Could you guys make me a sig (sadly I'm at a loss for photoshop so I can't make my own)
Could it be thinner than a normal sig, have one normal heigth part (a bit like the Key logo on mine right now) be based around Mindless Self Indulgence, and pleeeease not include the Rocktoons.com representation
Ok. I got around to change my name so keep it how it is just in the middle remove Imma_CowOink(My old name) And put Morrgian the vampire lady from dark stalkers in the middle, Thank you for ure time and effort Thanks.
Hi sig makers, as you can see my sig is looking pretty decent, but i think the writing looks a bit too immature and cartoony, i was wondering if anyone could change the writing to something with a bit more attitude, a bit edgier.
Could someone make me a Scrubs style sig? A cool idea would be to have a black background with the Scrubs logo on in white with my name in the same font beside.
Thanks in advance.
A couple of requests were dropped since they were filled elsewhere.
At 8/30/05 04:43 PM, SquiD- wrote: Novocane.
ok, squid, can you resize my sig to look like yours and that one you just made him? and then in the places where it says "take aim" and "take fire", in the same lettering, write "flash help" and "email me"
thanks so much! (add that black border too)
At 8/30/05 05:46 PM, -ArcticHigh- wrote: ok, squid, can you resize my sig to look like yours and that one you just made him?
Nope, changing the size of the sig will uglify it. And i'm not making you another one, you've had enough sigs.
At 8/30/05 05:53 PM, SquiD- wrote:At 8/30/05 05:46 PM, -ArcticHigh- wrote: ok, squid, can you resize my sig to look like yours and that one you just made him?Nope, changing the size of the sig will uglify it. And i'm not making you another one, you've had enough sigs.
At 8/30/05 05:57 PM, -ArcticHigh- wrote:(
Well, i'm sorry I didn't wanna be your sig making bitch today. I don't know how long i've spent on the two sigs I've already made you but i'm sick of going back and changing the whole thing because you got a bad rating in the sig rating crew or cause you saw something you liked on someone elses sig. /rant
Anyways, I might go over the list and pick up a request or too for later. I'll just wait to see what everyone else wants since I took a lot of good ones yesterday.
i wasnt trying to be fucking mean. jeese. you dont have to act like a bitch about it.
At 8/30/05 06:05 PM, SquiD- wrote: you got a bad rating in the sig rating crew
that's probably the dumbest reason to change a sig.
anyway, i'll take fullyclothedmike and sarack's requests if nobody hasn't yet.
At 8/14/05 11:31 AM, -Juggernaut- wrote: IF YOU WOULD LIKE A SIG
Once your sig is posted, it’s not unusual for a few minor adjustments to be requested. Please take a good look at your sig, and make sure that the adjustments you ask for are reasonable, and that you address all of them. The best way to get on our bad side is to ask us to retool your sig over, and over.
From page one...
At 8/30/05 06:11 PM, incisor wrote: anyway, i'll take fullyclothedmike and sarack's requests if nobody hasn't yet.
Not to my knowledge...so go for it.
At 8/30/05 06:07 PM, -ArcticHigh- wrote: i wasnt trying to be fucking mean. jeese. you dont have to act like a bitch about it.
After a long bitch fest with this guy on IM, he is completely done here. NO more sigs ever for this idiot.
Jesus Christ people! It's a fucking sig! On and internet forum! It's not the end of the world. If you don't like it, get a fucking image program and make your own.
At 8/30/05 05:18 PM, __Skitzo__ wrote: Wow, you guys do some awesome work. I was wondering if I could possibly get a Trailer Park Boys sig? I would like it to have Bubbles, Ricky, and Julian or just Bubbles in it possibly him dressed up as the green bastard.
I'm so making the TPB one
I don't know...does it make my ass look big?
At 8/30/05 06:32 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote:
Jesus Christ people! It's a fucking sig! On and internet forum! It's not the end of the world. If you don't like it, get a fucking image program and make your own.
Its true. People can become over obsessive about their signature pictures. It's purely cosmetic. Some requesters do become impulsive and feel their picture must define themselves.
We try hard to bring your visions to life, but it usually can't be the mental image you thought up.
At 8/30/05 07:02 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: I don't know...does it make my ass look big?
No, it makes it look tight, LOLZ pun.
I would like a sig
Don't know how this works but
I would like Something Like "Pie Pwns Cake Because it doesn't melt" sort of thing. if you can I would like the backround colors to be a shades of blue...
thanks in advance for whoever could amke one for me...
At 8/29/05 10:21 PM, SquiD- wrote:At 8/29/05 10:20 PM, -noir- wrote: Although, by no means, am I saying yours isn't great, because it is a quality sig. :)LoL just make the damn sig. No buttering up needed.
And Imma, just request a new one, I dont wanna see that ugly sig of yours ever again, it reminds me of my rusty days.
Damn Squid don't go beating ure self up. Ok new request Lil B.B. Hood Felica(Cat Lady) and Morggian(Vampire Lady) in The sig and have my name some where on it thanks.
At 8/30/05 07:02 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: I don't know...does it make my ass look big?
I'll see what uncalled sigs i can do tonight... if any, that is.
At 8/30/05 04:38 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: Perhaps they might do it if they knew who the hell Sarack is since you want a picture of him....
Sorry if this ends up being a double post, but apparently, you've misread his request.
He wants his name (Sarack) on it, with an anime character. Not a picture of "sarack"
I tried it last night, but it didn't looks so good... i'll try it again 2nite.
At 8/30/05 04:36 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote:At 8/29/05 08:48 PM, Bunny-Cow wrote:Fast enough now?At 8/28/05 12:15 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: This request was missed a while back...guy IM'd me about it....hope this is what you are after.Sorry I was banned, but could you make it a bit faster? I still <3 it though, even if you can't.
Yes, perfect *MUHAH* kthxbye :)