Well, this has nothing to do with Halo 2, so I guess it's safe!
Well, this has nothing to do with Halo 2, so I guess it's safe!
At 8/29/05 07:14 PM, Prellz wrote: Hey Juggernaut,
Any chance you could rip out that dancing stick figure from my sig you made fr me and enlarge it so I can put it in my profile pic? (I would still like the stick figure in the sig though)
The profile pic will take longer...I have to start fresh with that one. Expect it in a day or so.
Could you guys make me a sig (sadly I'm at a loss for photoshop so I can't make my own)
Could it be thinner than a normal sig, have one normal heigth part (a bit like the Key logo on mine right now) be based around Mindless Self Indulgence, and pleeeease not include the Rocktoons.com representation
Thank you in advance
At 8/28/05 12:15 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: This request was missed a while back...guy IM'd me about it....hope this is what you are after.
Sorry I was banned, but could you make it a bit faster? I still <3 it though, even if you can't.
can some one make me a sig with the squirl with glasses and takes meds on foamy the squirl with my username under him. and a dark backround? please
At 8/29/05 09:01 PM, squirlly_wrath wrote: can some one make me a sig with the squirl with glasses and takes meds on foamy the squirl with my username under him. and a dark backround? please
Just to clear his up, the squirrell he's talking about is Pilz-E
At 8/29/05 09:09 PM, -ADarkerBreed- wrote:At 8/29/05 09:01 PM, squirlly_wrath wrote: can some one make me a sig with the squirl with glasses and takes meds on foamy the squirl with my username under him. and a dark backround? pleaseJust to clear his up, the squirrell he's talking about is Pilz-E
At 8/29/05 09:42 PM, Toxygen wrote: Do you know how to make a sig like Luis's?
Acid-Rain does, and he's a member here, so i guess that's a yes.
At 8/29/05 09:42 PM, Toxygen wrote: Do you know how to make a sig like Luis's?
Ask Acid Rain to draw you noe too.
If possible could someone make me a guinness club sig? That would rock much thanks.
At 8/29/05 09:55 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: If possible could someone make me a guinness club sig? That would rock much thanks.
Make you're own Ms. Can't say hello after I say hello in the late night lounge >: (
At 8/29/05 09:55 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: If possible could someone make me a guinness club sig? That would rock much thanks.
Holy Fuck! Hey SDG!
could someone make me a sig with a killzone base, and a military feel. this would help me out ALOT, much thanks!
At 8/29/05 09:56 PM, SquiD- wrote: Make you're own Ms. Can't say hello after I say hello in the late night lounge >: (
I don't do sigs anymore and sorry I missed your hello squid.
At 8/29/05 10:01 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: HI EVERYONE INCLUDING SQUID AND ADB!!!
8 ) yay. Well, I don't know, maybe later ^_o first I gotta make one for soldier.
At 8/29/05 09:59 PM, ISA_Soldier wrote: could someone make me a sig with a killzone base, and a military feel. this would help me out ALOT, much thanks!
I'll take this.
Check back tomorrow midday, the latest.
Here's something to work off of Noir.
ps, I did say i was taking this but oh well. Since I havent made sigs in days i'm taking all the good requests before they all get taken.
whipped one up quick, i can probably do a better one if you want, tomorrow.
<3 sdg
Ok. I got around to change my name so keep it how it is just in the middle remove Imma_CowOink(My old name) And put Morrgian the vampire lady from dark stalkers in the middle, Thank you for ure time and effort Thanks.
Squid, no worries. We both snagged the request at the same time, anyway. I'll stick to what I had in mind, no need to work off or worry about surpassing yours; I planned to make an entirely different sig.
Although, by no means, am I saying yours isn't great, because it is a quality sig. :)
sup guys, how do i join this team, do u wanna see some of my stuff or somthing?
At 8/29/05 10:20 PM, -noir- wrote: Although, by no means, am I saying yours isn't great, because it is a quality sig. :)
LoL just make the damn sig. No buttering up needed.
And Imma, just request a new one, I dont wanna see that ugly sig of yours ever again, it reminds me of my rusty days.
At 8/29/05 10:13 PM, Mugen- wrote: whipped one up quick, i can probably do a better one if you want, tomorrow.
<3 sdg
Hey that one's fine if you make another I'll just have them flip back and forth like a slide show so people can see all the mighty guinness sigs. Thanks <3
Glad to see you guys came back.
Anyway, I have a request, kinda hard I think, but I know someone can handle it. =)
Anyway, here it is.
I'd like a 500x150 sig, with this picture in it.
And can the main color in it be the same color as this?
Oh, and I'd like the picture to be on the right side. =)
Thanks guys.
At 8/29/05 10:29 PM, -Dawkins- wrote: Glad to see you guys came back.
Holy crap, are you serious? Lol, you're a little late :)
At 8/29/05 10:33 PM, Bunny-Cow wrote: Holy crap, are you serious? Lol, you're a little late :)
Hehe, I know, I just didnt mention it until I needed a sig. XD
At 8/29/05 05:19 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote:At 8/29/05 05:16 PM, smeagol1 wrote: the thing says it's too bigI fixed it for ya...
thanks I support this crew.
At 8/29/05 04:33 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: SSM To do list
:(Lots of text)
Stuff4u2kno:Can someone make me a sig please? Note: Again, more detail would be nice...
Something anime-ish would be nice. FLCL perhaps? With my name in the middle or corner. Which ever looks better...