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Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

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Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 06:09:55

I thought my request would have been easy to do..
Was 4 pages back..

"Can I have a picture of a JammyDodger on the left side. Maybe like blur it or add some effects to make it noticable. And on the right in some groovy eye-catching text, a big JammyDodger on the top right. And under that, can it say "FUCKING HATES JAMMYDODGERS!". It doesn't have to have 'fucking' in it though. And under all of the writing, can it maybe have a >:( face. And I prefer the writing to be red."


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Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 06:24:56

At 4/13/06 06:09 AM, -JimmyDodger wrote: I thought my request would have been easy to do..
Was 4 pages back..

looks to me like your request has been filled and you are using the sig?
away with you.

// Sig Makers // WWE Fans // Tumblr //

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Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 06:35:54

At 4/13/06 06:24 AM, madknt wrote:
At 4/13/06 06:09 AM, -JimmyDodger wrote: I thought my request would have been easy to do..
Was 4 pages back..
looks to me like your request has been filled and you are using the sig?
away with you.

No. I just made a crappy attempt and this is what I got. I wanted to see what it looked like on the BBS. Quite crap obviously. So I'm asking of the assistance of some proper sig makers.
Thats why I came to the professionals.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 07:01:38

i would like a halp sig using this pic plz

Sinister Sig Makers Reborn

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 11:02:54

plz plz plz can u make me a new sig cos i changed my ng name and it looks like i stole someone else sig

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 13:03:29

i'm holding a contest to make banners for people to use to link to NG

please check this thread for details

i would love if some people here could help out


I hardly ever come here anymore....

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 13:05:57

OK, i have trust in you guys. I trust your artistic vision. All i want is a Gorillaz-themed sig, that has a dark mood and my alias on it. Stay within those guidelines, but make it look what you think looks good.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 13:51:17

i Have grown tired of my current sig and alias. So i would like somebody to make me a sig with the name Shadow'sNightmare in it. And i would like NightMare from Soul Calibur in it and something to do with shadows.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 15:16:02

yo could u make me one that says my name is some strange red font,with a bearwith hypnotised eyes is eating someone,and their top half is sticking out of its mouth.please and thank you

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 15:23:16

Hi, I wuld like to request a sig. Could it be a dark coloured sig, with edges that look torn, with the text -MagnumX- on it, please. I have requested at amature sig makers, but I would like to compare any results and see which is best, so please make me a sig.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 15:44:34

this is an easy request, it just needs SSM's magic touch.
i want a sig with these six pokemon in them (use the pic i give you)
no name, just a sweet background and make sure all the pokemon are easy to see.
a thin border too please.

Sceptile Forretress

sig by carmelhadinosaur

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 17:03:07

Drama queens.

Go outside, get some exercise, get a girlfriend hell just go out side and get loaded drunk if your not into being healthy but just get a god damned life.

"i think ill start a sig club"
"this sig club is so stressful"
"i may have to close down this sig club, i wonder why no ones here"
"im closin it down, boo hoo cry cry drama drama"

"your so gay for being in a sig club, I'm an individual"
"sig clubs are gay"
"hey since the whole kill all Jews thing didn't catch on, how about another sig club :D"

......and so the ass kissing and the drama continues over and over.
See now most people once they have an experience like that, quit that kinda thing but some people get so addicted to being the Fuhrer of a Neo-Nazi hypocritical regime that they keep coming back for more....

Now i have to give some people credit, they're new, they haven't see this little story unfold time and again, i have and so have a lot of you......

You people expect to get an endless mountain of pity...... Look at the clubs, people don't like being ordered around and sent to the gas chamber if they scratch there balls in an unauthorized manner which is why good siggers, and people with common sense, leave.

Like i said, get a girlfriend and you can get some oral from her instead of every single user that you decide to bestow the great honor of elite sigger upon.

Now i shall stand back and let you all attack my horrible grammar and typing skills, i mean what else do you have to do?

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 18:08:10

Can some one make me a sig with a pill bottle on the ground with pills coming out with my name in black and the back ground color white. And can I get a PSP sig size is 480*272 sig with a kingdom hearts type theme thanks. No one has made it for me and I have been waiting for about a week.

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 19:30:12

Could someone please make mine already? T_T

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 19:36:38

Fuck it...I'm done. Lock this thread please. Someone else can deal with this soap opera, I don't have the time anymore.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 19:41:42


BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 20:05:53

At 4/13/06 07:36 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: Fuck it...I'm done. Lock this thread please. Someone else can deal with this soap opera, I don't have the time anymore.

No fucking kidding. Mods, please lock this ASAP.

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 20:07:11

At 4/13/06 07:36 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: Fuck it...I'm done. Lock this thread please. Someone else can deal with this soap opera, I don't have the time anymore.

I cannot beleive that this is going to happen here. I am very sad to see this place go where it is heading. This thread has been a NG staple, providing quite a great deal to users. I know it has been difficult lately with everything that is going on, but this cannot be the last option at your disposal. I do greatly hope that you will reconsider what you are about to do.

Since I have started making sigs, I have always followed this thread. I do my regular rounds on the BBS and stop in here everytime to see what is going on. This club has provided me with a great deal of help along my time. I am not a member here, but have always been insipred by the works that you all produced. There are a handful of great people here with a talent that most do not posses.

I have always worked and strived to maybe be one day, part of the SSMR. I have stayed active in the ASM, and am even co-leader of the BSM. I love making sigs. There are users out there that are very grateful for the work that goes into the finished product. I know that the service you all provide is no easy task, especially with the way some people can get. All the same I really do not want to see anything happen here.

I know that right now I may not be at the level needed to be accepted into the SSMR, but if thread were to close there would never be a chance. There are a lot of artists here on NG that i think are in my same position. They have always wanted to be part of the SSMR. They are the ones that stay active, learn new things, and try their hardest to further their skills. This is the holy ground for sig makers and requester alike. It is very difficult to see it coming anywhere near the direction it is going.

I understand your reasons for bringing this club to the point it is at. As I said, I have followed this thread and what goes on here. It is plain to see that members are inactive and the requests only rise. What you said a few pages back about people gaining SSMR status and not coming around afterwards I know has to be hard. You think you are going to get help and then it all just falls away again. I also undertand that the requesters can be extremly taxing at times. No one has any patience, or they just ask for rubbish sigs. That is hard on sig makers and the thread alike.

I can imagine what you are thinking..."Who is this guy and why is he talking to me?" I just am sad to see this happen. If you think I am just disrupting things here I apologize. I did not come here to be an annoyance or a bother in any way. I am just concerned for this thread and some of it's members. I do hope you will take the time to hear me out though. I appreciate you talking the time to read what I had to say. I wish the best of luck to you and a slect few people here. I do hope to see you around NG, and very hopefuly here in the SSMR pending what happens. Thank you.


|NGSM|NGM|EGB|NGPD|DA|Sig by - CagedSilhouette

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Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 21:09:34

At 4/13/06 07:36 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: Fuck it...I'm done. Lock this thread please. Someone else can deal with this soap opera, I don't have the time anymore.

Not before my request is filled. <:)

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 21:49:22

nvm my request, i installed fireworks into my cousin's computer and made it myself.

sig by carmelhadinosaur

BBS Signature

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-13 23:33:59

At 4/13/06 08:07 PM, Turkeybean wrote: I have always worked and strived to maybe be one day, part of the SSMR.

Forget it Turk.
Read Makio's post.
It the truth and we all know it.
It happens every time.
Next thing you know, another crew will rise, and history has a way of repeating itself.
Just, don't bother...

Response to Sinister Sig Makers Reborn 2006-04-14 06:09:57

This thread is now 'locked', any posts under mine will result in a BAN of 1 - 3 days.

This lock has been requested by the thread owner and my banning is a temporary measure pending a proper lock by an admin.


The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

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